Pol am so white

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kinda mutty

do you really need Dab Forums approval about the color of your skin?

Yes fag

your ugly

Quite impressive brow ridges you got there.

Hes clearly american

>white people arent that
>posts a model
>then jerks off austrian kike fantasies

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Look like a med/balkan person. But why you care about 20's yo losers opinion

>no other images found
Did you just really post your face on Dab Forums kek

Lol Bastard. You're not cool anymore. Your popular Chad guy insecurity has led you to Dab Forums and National Socialism. I was a total fucking bottom of the totem poll loser in school but I have more Aryan blood than you. LOL AHAHAHAHAHA. I am your Master now. Haha. Take that mongrel Chad! Yes, your insecurities get the better of you every time, Chad mutt. You mutts are insecure and OBSESSED! You simply try to hide it most of the time.

Attached: Bunny + Chad Alistair.jpg (686x386, 53.7K)

Why not

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nice try kike

typical slavnigger criminal face

Yeh why not

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He's got the face of a fucking angel

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This is no time for joking.

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>le tucano

You're a Med, don't seek approval of these retards, Meds are the superior race without question. When "whites" want to flex their history on shitskins they lump Med civilizations with their own, we're that good.

You look English.

Attached: 1452127749851.jpg (480x480, 26.09K)

how the fuck did you access my webcam