Violence actually works

on all levels

Attached: terror.png (436x253, 156.93K)

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is true, the media also stopped mocking Mahammad after feeling intimated by suicide bombers. NPCs are blind to this truth.

All successful regimes have used violence.
Not all violent regimes have been successes.

No shit, the heart of politics is violence. Armies confer power to a state, by which it extends its own influence. The same principle applies to terrorists/insurgents - just on a smaller scale.

Attached: C0FAF481-C7AF-447E-86F3-CF8F446F4B20.gif (312x430, 1.37M)

Violence is the supreme authority from which all other forms of authority are derived.

hey Dab Forums, redpill me on cringe psyop glowie tier "anti-christ" memes ( ).

Violence is the supreme authority on which all other authority is derived from

There is no political solution
Start organizing now

Of course. It's the supreme authority. Words are now, and have always been cheap. Actions make things happen.

Violence + institutional power or backing by your community works.
Not even white people support white nationalism/national socialism. You don't have the support of the people you claim to support.
Your violence won't work, you will just be seen like isis terrorists, rats that will be weeded out.

Jewish supremacy hinges on the goys not getting violent

This is why “terrorism” is punished so severely. It actually works.

Migh and violence rule in chaos, and earth is the perfect distillment of chaos.
You can achieve anything you want with properly placed violence, the question is: can you deal with the spiritual toll it leaves on you?

>Jewish supremacy hinges on the goys not getting violent

Correct. Jewish lawfare stops working if the goyim rejects the laws, and worse, invent their own.

>You can achieve anything you want with properly placed violence, the question is: can you deal with the spiritual toll it leaves on you?

I sense the smell of a coward and the presence of a christian, both at once.

This which is why many of us are against Christianity. It indoctirnates the masses to be weak forgiving and basically a shell of a man.

Christian =/= Protestantism lol

You’d be very surprised to hear what the average white family thinks in the Midwest...

Spotted the Jew.

This is a compelling argument are there any rebuttals? Canucks and Shitstrailians achieved independence peacefully after sacrificing their blood for the queen but that still involves violence.

Violence is necessary to prevent worse violence.

Standing and watching violence and doing nothing is identical to allowing it to occur.

The only way to stop the violent is to be more violent.

Violence and threats of violence is the ultimate authority where all authority is derives from. People biologically reject weakness. That’s why the left is winning.

Cuckservatives are busy arguing about muh principles and “what if the cards were reversed “ while the left is busy going through all leaked gab data to dox conservatives

>I sense the smell of a coward and the presence of a christian, both at once.
Nah, you're just too low IQ to understand and even envision the implications and imagery of absolute violence.

America was founded using a fake war to make people think they had freedom to attract people to a satanic tax farm to exploit the natural resources.
All other terror acts in that list a probably more of the same, state funded terrorism to give the illusion that terror works.
In reality, terror only justifies state action.

>Yeah dude these boomer ramblings will totally be carried on by this fledgling group of whites whose children run off to urban center and left wing regions at an increasing rate every year

Also good job ignoring the part where that user said
>institutional power

Christian =/= Papist.

Attached: Catholic.png (1162x1022, 96.94K)

Not really how it works. Most revolutions are enacted by a handful of people, usually single digit percentage of populations. Imagine if 10% of america turned into terrorists. The nation would crumble in months if not weeks. It would be absolutely horrifying. Just think about the kind of damage a single gunman can do and multiply that by 30 million, or even 15 million, or 1 million. The vast majority of people just want to be left alone and in order to be left alone they'd fold like toilet paper to whoever causes the most trouble. Which is exactly what we're seeing with BLM rioters

Violence works, but outvoting an enemy and making laws concerning him is a violence too, far more powerful than oopsie doopsie I killed few people and made my ideological option look bad.

Commies during Cold War tried terrorism and they've lost.
Goat-fuckers try it right now and they're losing.
Chinx prefer be wiser and they're the biggest threat to the western civilization since Mongoloid Empire.

>hey kid wanna blow up a federal building
>this agent...I mean guy will sell you explosives

This is a fairly obvious honeypot thread

Yes ofcourse it works but when your enemy controls all flow of information it doesn't