Dab Forums is currently the most active Dab Forums board according to 4stats.io

>Dab Forums is currently the most active Dab Forums board according to 4stats.io

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it's over

its ogre

pajeets working overtime shilling their scamcoins


fuck me just a few more months pls bobo

all thanks to our new god

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pajeets and their shitcoins

sell signal

It’s shit here now, it was better when it was just jeet scams. Now it’s pol v.2

I believe it. the last time I came here was in 2017. The last 3 fucking days I stay up all day and night refreshing this shit hole and cant fucking sleep or get any work done at all


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Don't you mean the reverse is true?

Can we go back to being an almost dead board with clearly less than 500 users?

>/bant/ above /g/
sell signal

Has been for months. Happens every bullrun. Why would anyone come to this godforsaken site if they we're driven by one of the 7 deadly sins. Greed (biz), lust (any of the porn boards), wrath (pol), envy (fit).


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I'd make an argument envy is more Dab Forums than /fit/. Hell, I'd even put Dab Forums in the envy category considering how many retards are out here crying over other people folios.

What the hell is wrong with this man

This is inaccurate because of bot activity.

Just hang around in /xmr/
It's the only same place left. Moonboys get thrown out of the thread on first hunch. We're here for the 10 year game.

because this is the most lucrative/useful board to tune your NLP bots

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I lie to my clients and i cant lie


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I just checked and Dab Forums is still number 1 with 26 posts per minute more than Dab Forums.

we're only at top with most threads per hour, but most of that is bots shilling scam coins that get deleted.