Attached: A063BB98-9707-4BCF-9D30-E4A54935095F.png (408x246, 25.28K)

Attached: 1614588323177.jpg (600x600, 37.23K)

Is that you Teeka?

this is the price of freedom

stop being poor

Truebit fixes this


Attached: 1597076775701.png (1024x749, 164.79K)

I don’t understand how people say Ethereum functions. It’s literally worse than cardano for DeFi and DeFi doesn’t even have smart contracts, so that’s saying it’s worse than nothing.

Just wait for ETH 2.0 in Dec-Jan

ETH 2.0 is a myth.

Thanks but Im making better yields and ROI in Avax lmfao

Ethereum mooning becaue of manipulation, useless network, dogeshitcoin copycats faking mooning and rugpulling fag newfags left and right.

Holy fucking shit when do we go parabolic and end this fucking madness.
I just wanna buy cardano cheap so I can fucking make it already. Obviously cardano will win. You can tell by the incoming cope posts.

Imagine trading less than 1 (one) whole ETH
Just deny yourself oxygen

Even at 1 eth that's a 25% fee.

This. This is the top right? I just wanted to tether up 1 eth to take a little profit but the max gas is $400.

REN will win

>This is the top right?
I don't think so. I think it's going to get worse. Unironically $1,000 gas fees incoming.

ETH 2.0 has been on the horizon for years now

you bought all the graphic cards right for those juicy gains right?
after june, the great reselling of overclocked junk begins

the upside is this means ETH will be worth five figures apiece at that point

>> Crypto will save us from bad bad banksters charging ridiculous fees
Top kek
ETH is the true meme coin