can this piece of shit fucking shit coin pull a SHIB or even a HOKK at this point?
>muh DOGE dev >muh doxx team
what good is all of that when literal fucking shitcoins like HOKK and SHIB are 30-40x and this cocksucking faggot coin can't even reach 50mil mcap? Imagine holding dogira when BINANCE lists SHIB I am financially fucking DOGIRA'd
It's up 35% in the last 24 hours, do you have fucking schizophrenia?
Austin Long
>Imagine holding dogira when BINANCE lists SHIB Go buy SHIB and be the whales' exit liquidity. When a shitcoin lists to binance and already is top30 you know the top is in.
Jackson Davis
shut the fuck up you cocksucking faggot this is a shitcoin and can't compete obviously against HOKK and SHIB
>muh NFT and GAMING use case
have fun trying to beat ENJIN
Brody Brooks
Obvious fudder, fuck off
Liam Sanders
how do you pronounce dogira? with a hard g?
Henry Adams
I remember Dogira trannies fucking up HOKK threads with FUD. Serves you right, assholes.
John Gomez
Caleb Harris
Yeah. Dogira telegram is full of tranny loving gay fags they co-ordinated to shit up hokk threads but HOKK literally anally raped those kids. dogira trannies have more than on reason to buy $ROPE now serves them absolutely right
My suggestion would be to swing Dogira. Sure, you might get priced out, but most often than not you can just take some profits and buy in again once it drops, as pumps don't hold very well (just look at how the recent ones have pulled back).
Alexander Green
ngmi, Dogira is the only coin that will do shib like gain and will also actually sustain that. Your artificially pumped shibs and hokks will drop 50%+ soon and crab there forever while Dogira goes to parter with AAA games and keep rising
Brandon White
Cope and seethe
Oliver Bell
Imagine buying a multibillion meme dogshitcoin when an exDOGE dev is making the real deal at 20M mcap
Eli Reyes
Please go buy Shib so you have be the whale’s exit liquidity
Anthony Flores
You fuckers are missing out on the real gold. Why the fuck do you buy this PND ?.
Yeah but tbf something is clearly being done wrong if you cannot use those selling points and end up performing way worse than shit projects with no utility.
Eli Bailey
>The year is 2025 >You're humbly tending your hokkfarm and watching your stake grow with each transaction with the farm profits included >Hmm you think to yourself, pink or yellow? >you stare at the 7 instagram escorts before you, spread out and color coded for each day of the week >you decide to pick both pink and purple >stare at the hokkfarm running in the background through your HOKK wallet with ARF tracking > the time it took you to choose a slut was the time you've earned enough to pay each one of those sluts their monthly wage 10x over >based you utter to yourself >before you jump on your hourly copulation session you stare out the window and notice the billboard >dear me another token launched through HOKK.X launchpad? >well i guess my net worth increased again >you look closer and see a small figure wagie tending to the billboard >you recognize his visage, he's noticeably upset >it dawns suddenly, you see his dogira shirt >you put two and two together and deduce that this is the dogira shill that fudded each and every HOKK thread >you laugh uncontrollably and grab your nearest full bottle of moët champagne and toss it in his general direction >you make sure he notices you and start fucking again
How are you boys doing? I hope all is well, ooop i gotta go again guys my ex girlfriends are all calling at the same time. I wish you well gentlemen