Why aren't women sports a thing in video games?

Why aren't women sports a thing in video games?
All the big sports games are heavily male-oriented. I have never seen a single video game with female teams.

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cause its not a thing irl either

Dont know about dead or alive?
Also, women's sports might as well be the Special Olympics because of how incompetent they are.

I didn't know Zelda was a thing IRL you sexist fucking piece of shit

i want a volleyball game that's nothing but cute girls with skimpy bikinis and big tits with full physics playing against each other in the hot summer sun on a beach. they get more and more sweaty as the game progresses which gives their bikinis a higher chance to slip off.

lmao fuck off tranny

The point isn't competence
The point is tight bodies in tight clothes sweating and their bouncing flesh in full display

2k21 has the WNBA

>women's sports
>play against literal man and get your skull fractured
>he wins and you get no scholarship
lmao kek

it would be a major flop unless they allowed for mods, skimpy clothes and or nudity
and if they allowed that the retards would REEEEEEEEE! uncontrollably lole

Admittedly it was ps2/360 era so you weren't born yet, but they do exist.

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Some kind of roller derby game would be neat. Not sure how theyd go about it, but that shit looks fun as fuck irl

Just remember, the biggest supporters of trannoids are women

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The best sport for something like that would be volleyball for obvious reasons like your gif and volleyball games are nonexistant.
I guess tennis would also be good but women in tennis are all awful looking just like women in swimming.
Unless of course you mean non realistic sport games so you can easily go anime and shit but these are ridiculously rare outside of wrestling and Mario games nowadays.

wrassling and MMA games usually have plenty of women these days.
What we really need is a good track and field game, just need to make it fun somehow

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like this piece of shit that's going to be DOA?

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I don't see how without going full sim or making it wacky

Just like in my hentai games except they don't kiss.

If its used solely for fapbait, I have no problem with it.

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Female pole vault is the best. Whenever I feel unhappy I watch these videos on youtube.

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>Teen boys gangbanging older chicks

this is a good hentai setup if I ever saw one

you guys are stupid

>OP posts women's sports
>thread immediately devolves into literal tranny posting
Fucking hell.

yeah, there are a few but honestly it's just a collection of simple minigames that get old quickly. Maybe you can go full simulationist you can have some appeal, but exactly how you would do that I don't know

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Fifa have female nts now

Because it would be sexist to make a game simply for the male gaze unless you make them all so unbearingly ugly that no one cares.

I think Fifa has women teams since a few years.

photos of real women is transphobic

Dead or alive volleyball

this'd be nice, nicer still if there were more to it than just the sport kinda like FF10 did with blitzball but in reverse were the main of the game is sports and there's a few areas in each arena you can explore and interact with (and maybe some other sexy fun too :))


I miss it so much, but it's probably for the best that it's a dead series.

Fuck that. Make it anyway and let the bitches whine and scream. It's free advertising lmao and they cannot do a thing to stop it from existing!

Because it's not lucrative enough. It's that simple. I mean, when was the last time you saw a male volleyball video game at all?

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Fuck off retard. Go back to your faggot circlejerk if you don't want to see or read the truth about what you want.
Funny thing is if roles were reversed you'd call it oppression if we denied you [x], why doesn't that work the other way around...?

Not him, but ffs if it was made right I could see it being very VERY lucrative!

Dab Forums isn’t about video games.

Imagine not being a pole vault connoisseur.

Attached: 2021-02-19 13_05_57-Women's Pole Vault - Diamond League - Weltklasse Zurich 2018 - YouTube - Opera.jpg (2224x1440, 326.67K)

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pudgy thighs...

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Girls shour really love girls!

it could be, but it'd have to be done right. I would love a good volleyball video game that also has good graphics and mechanics

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Female lizard sports.

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>tfw in america it's forbidden for men to enjoy female attractiveness
the ultimate gay culture

We have to reduce the population, the media is just doing their part.

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>Family's always proud of how supportive I am of my cousin's sports meets
>mfw I only go to ogle her and the rest of the girls

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>ogle the rest of the girls

>ogle her

Sweet baby jesus.

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It's weird that nobody has just made madden or nba2k but with DoA-tier titty nonsense going on.

what age??? I did the same withy cunny cousin when she did ballet

would you like a female only sports game?

can you play the volleyball sections or is it automated?

Hey she started it by bullying me with some real borderline shit when we were younger.

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Is that not by the Trackmania guys though? Could be good.

God, I want to fuck Gwen's in the ass so badly!!!

She's in Highschool, but her sister is in cheer and man even I feel uncomfortable with how skimpy the outfits are for middle-schoolers, i still go tho

just because a game has sports minigames it does not make one such.

Sports kino coming through.

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Fighting games have women.

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Why do women wear this shit? Are they just retarded? Were they tricked by their trainers?

The delusion is incredible. America will fall soon.

>why do people at a physical peak like to show off their bodies?

trannies will literally never understand

No one really wants to admit it, but the vast majority of what little viewership women's sports has is simply because it's a fine opportunity to see fit women jiggle around in bikinis or get in cat fights.

Is that why male pole vaulters wear speedos?

What would make you think that?

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many people watch this because of the optics and not the sport.

Oh I understand that, but are the women in on it or are they just being used?

>tranny doesn't understand

every time

You sure they’re not just acting to care?
Considering it isn’t Kosher to speak out against transgender athletes. because you’ll be labeled as a “transphobe”. Despite concrete scientific evidence that men who transition to women have an unfair physical advantage compared to women.


Now I'll buy your game

this thread is creepy......

>ywn be an olympian who has tons of sex at Olympic Village

Yeah Women welcome a towering, hulking Tranny onto their team because it means they're probably going to win if their opponents don't also have a tranny secret weapon.

The opposition is too afraid of having their lives ruined by the Tranny Tyants in response if they object. People are afraid to oppose Trannies because they bring terror.

user, despite what they might tell you, most of #metoo women were on it, too.

t. never been to europe

Good lord.

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Players want to live vicariously through their favorite team

imagine being a female athlete and knowing all "female" records will be held by men in the upcoming five to ten years

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>tight bodies in tight clothes sweating and their bouncing flesh in full display
Like this?

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It's sad, what's even the point in trying anymore?

Watch them implode, user.
Before you know it, they’re start shit with each other due to rising tensions over political correctness and fairness within sports.

God, I love women's sports!

Yes user, only reason why would women ever want to advertise their body is if they were tricked by men.

Why don't male pole vaulters wear the same kind of outfit then :^]


why the fuck do you think man picked up the chisel and hammer in the first place, subhuman

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got one of rachel or helena?

Unfortunately, no.

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I love Phase 4

>phase 4

Americans really hate women. How sad.

jiggle physics is the only reason guys watch women sports.
Prove me wrong.

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I have the masterpiece just for you. For real it's perfect.

Fite me, nerd.

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That's part of it I won't deny

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If you're still around, could you post more webms like this?


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this really, plus women don't actually play any competitive or core video games, competition is a male dominant trait

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Idk, can I?

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oh and to add on to this and to respond to the main reason to make a female dominated sports game targeted towards men is to sell with booba but booba is currently not allowed

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I wish I could stop feeling lonely. I've long given up on the idea of ever finding any kind of romantic relationship, but I just want the desire for it to go away. I wish I could lobotomize the area of the brain responsible for the desire for romantic companionship.

for me its more like the cherry on top.

because almost every retard that plays videogames is a female hater

Is that REALLY how you use that machine?

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Women sports is an oxymoron

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Do girls even watch woman sports? Legit question, is there any data on viewership?

But you could easily have booba if you have somewhat equal representation. Fighting games have been getting away with scantily clad women and men for years and still do to some degree

One of the ways, that's a legit exercise.

That perfect combination of a flat chest and juicy ass. The best

uuuh not really actually, you cannot have attractive women, even mortal kombat got ruined and the only remotely sexualized women coming out in video games are from video games made in japan

Thank you kind user. May I have some more webms?

women are weaker than men, I dont see why incels make a big deal out of it

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Are trannies actually based?
>weak yourself taking fem hormones
>still dominate women in every sport
Anything who mocks women is a 10 in my book.

Because incels are that small percentage of men that are weaker than women so for them it is a big deal.

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I managed to achieve it after really bad relationship. Now I don't want or care about companionship

how did you know is phase 4 and not kasumi?

They censored Street Fighter V too...

me refilling

She's wearing black

I know this is cherrypicked but who the fuck celebrates their 9th goal

They get paid.







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wtf! i love women's pole vault now

honestly she looks like she has had awkward butt implants.

America's whole concept of "Freedom" was flawed from the beginning, look what it created, every single stupid shit is because of "muh freedom"

>Be part of extreme alt sport
>Pretty rough and tumble, best analogy is MMA, but leans more towards wrestling
>Women are encouraged to participate, and at a competitive level they have a womens league and an open league
>some of them are cool, but a lot of them are just neon hair bitches with a chip on their shoulder, possibly against men but I don't know them enough to say
>The size difference between these women and the dudes is staggering, I legit feel bad sparring with them because the weight classes are just so different
>One of the higher ups brought up the idea of weight classes being an actual thing
>"wahhhh that would only do more harm than good!"
>"wahhhh why do people treat the women only events as a side show!"

The lack of awareness is staggering.


Go to YouTube and type in Italian pole vault women. It's better than porn

And you are posting a gif about a sport that gets shitty or mediocre games.
A lot of sports dont get good games. Even football/soccer modern games are mediocre compared to a PES5 and 6, and you are asking for woman sport games?

Even extreme sports are dead with that Tony HD being an exception. Or games like Street series or those Red Card type are dead too

When I used to watch MMA (mainly UFC) I could maybe count on one hand the amount of engaging female fights. They're either pounding each other with the force of a sponge or being destroyed by one another ala Rousey/Nunez. No middle ground.

Too bad those are all I have of the wet-defeated-doa6 webms.

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God bless cameraman

Which game developers have jiggle and bounce down in their game engine(s)? They could rake in some money making women's sports games

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just had a quick look, think i may watch some more

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Thank you nonetheless. Your DOA6 webms are greatly appreciated

What was always bizarre to me, is that those women have spent many many hours practicing. However, I often times see them throwing punches as if their fists were hammers. Like what the shit, I have no formal training in striking, but I know how to throw a simple punch. It's baffling.

>perfect combination
>flat chest


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They are dumb

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Leave. Dab Forums is an ass board.

Oh man...
She-bros... it's over...

Thanks user

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Watching women's football/soccer is hilarious. There was a big push to make it valid in the UK over the past few years and it just tanks each time.
Everytime I watch it I just feel like I'm watching an amateur child team.

Ever held your phone the wrong way when taking it from your pocket? Then you are dumb.

trips i get

>not trying to have them both on one female

It's like you're actively trying to be as retarded and low test as possible.



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>We will never get a lewd big budget Cheerleader Manager

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>day card reveal

Imagine what these girls' boyfriends look like. They must be apex chad Gladiolus-tier.

whats that?

I would dig something like Princess Trainer but with cheerleaders.
Also with art by a different artist, since Akabur cant draw for shit

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>cheerleader manager
How would that work as a video game?

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fucking post the full one

Like idolmaster mobages but with console tier wet dancing jumping 3D jiggle physics graphics. Management by training the girls and letting them go on shows at different scale. Fuck realism, have girls of all types of proportions trying to achieve the Cheerleader Dream™

Outfits choices. Makeup choices. Team assemblies.

Hot mom of cheerleaders VN side stories.

And an "auto" mode where you can put the controller down when the girls practise.

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No, I put my phone in my pocket one way, so I can reach in and put my finger to the fingerprint reader on the back.
Also, you're comparing a 1 handed blind action to a two handed full viison action

thats because theyre american


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16 years old btw

Jesus Christ.

Sports in general is poorly represented in video games. Especially the sports where female athletes and teams are as important and famous and males. Name one good volleyball video game. Or handball. Or figure skating. I honestly cannot remember a decent sports game that is not from your standard list of football, ice hockey, niggerball, handegg, and baseball in the last like 15 years.

That's old enough

Perfect age

MMA games are pretty good, if you're actually into MMA

So, marriable age?

Weili vs Joanna was legitimately a good fight that went the distance. Though knockouts are rare in straw weight

what's the legal age requirement to look at them while they're competing in track and field events though?

i see pusy

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>male volleyball video game

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You don’t play as Zelda dumb shit also
>fun adventure with action and puzzles
>another fucking sports game

Oh, right, there's that too. I personally was never interested in boxing, MMA and other stuff like that so I kinda forgot about them.

Hell, now that I think about it, there's no big billiards video games these days too, and I remember playing a shitton of them back in the PS1 era, from pool to snooker.

Female sportsmen are just a specific type of prostitutes, like camwhores or strip dancers. Prostitutes definitely shouldn't be praised or advertised through video games. They should be heavily regulated and taxed without mercy.

No, women didnt even watch the Womens World Cup in the US

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The thing Dab Forums hates most of all.

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Rent free. Like our military bases in your country.

16% of males are fat ugly bastards

Would make a perfect coomer game.

You find fresh inexperienced girls scouting the streets and have to train them into professional cheerleaders.
Basically you have to slowly and gradually break them in, turning them into sluts for the athletes on the team.
If you did a good job, your teams wins and you get the money to train more and better looking girls.

There are lots of activities involved, like taking part in cheerleader championships, Training the girls to be less shy (girls with have lots of stats to be improved like Shyness/Popularity/Sexiness/ etc). Doing first HJ/BJ/Anal with them as a coach (for every girl a different storyline).
You can also run a sidejob renting the girls to fans, once the Obedience-Stat of a girl reached a certain level.

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>turning them into sluts
user, they were born sluts

Game I never knew I need but in fact do. Sign me up.

Women's sports are phenomenally boring.

I'd like to play a female snowboarding arcade simulator. Fuck the modern game industry.

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because the audience for sports games is still entirely generic frat boys

Is that a captain armband?
Holy fuck

Mods are back lads! Threads are being deleted!

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So like....SSX?

and FIFA has had Women's teams the past couple of years. I think WWE and Tennis games also have had women athletes in them.
Don't know if OP has ever played a sports game desu

If you did even a fraction of the physical activity she did leading up to that gif you would be dead on the ground.

female sports will never recover

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Bitch I do a fraction of the physical activity her gender was designed for every time I take a shit
Everything else is inconsequential

thats some real good shit, thanks fren

Clearly you never watched soccer/futbol. It involves running. That thing your knees won’t allow you to do on a count of all the McDonald’s you shovel down.
> I do a fraction of the physical activity her gender was designed for
I know you think you just said a sick burn but go back reread that and realize how that’s not a burn at all

I like Amped more but I was talking about a new game. There used to be snowboarding and skateboarding games, but now there are none

Trannies obliterating women in sports is the funniest shit in the world.

You're simping for women on a anonymous image board
Now I've seen everything, kek
Nothing you say will change the fact that the CAPTAIN of a fucking team had to be told which way she needs to drink out of a fucking bottle by another member of her team
What a fucking joke, kek
Just like you

People say South Park losts it’s based charm but go watch the macho man tranny savage episode and you’ll see it never really left

I do miss those 00s sports games. Now everything is a AAA, MTX riddled, time sink with minor roster updates

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Sounds like a hit a nerve. Sorry you’re a fat fuck who will never get laid. I’m LMAOing at your life right now nerd


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Shut up, spic, your "sport" is half faking injuries, and half running in circles like a retard following a ball.

I, for one, welcome our tranny athlete overlords

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General Sports Game but each team gets a Roided Juggernaut Rage Ogre that can't get warnings and can actually kill enemy players.

I’m white. Also the fake injuries are just a ploy to run down the clock. No one believes they’re actually hurt. Also again, every single sport involves chasing a ball of some sort ya dingus. Please keep showing all of us your lack of intelligence

I would continue laughing at you, but the jannies are acting extra faggy today.

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>Why aren't women sports a thing in video games?
women aren't typically interested in sports
women aren't typically interested in games
women aren't typically interested in sports games
Senran kagura or whatever anime boobie game exists
there is no market

Imagine the smell

ah man, i had a mate who was in Rio in 2016 and holy shit, they done it like monkeys because of testosterone and shit

>I’ve realized I’m retarded so I’m just gonna stop now
Just say that bro, it’s all good

This post it’s directed at
This post

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wasn't there a cunny olympics game where you can have them compete against each other or fat middle aged men?


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Go for it if devs/people want it but I don’t even care for the male sport games

the official olympics 2020 tokyo game by sega

Tell me more. Aren't they tired from all the activities?

... Go on

The major sports games feature women's leagues. I don't know what you are talking about.

Guys make games for guys.
Women complain men don't make games for them.

Female american sports you mean

when did they start doing this?


>hot women who know they are hot acting hot
that's hot as fuck

What does asian butt feels like brehs?

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omg what a faggotress, she grabbed her boobs!

i mean, to be fair, hes probably a LOT lighter than he would be if he had all his limbs.

Imagine a pillow that’s squishy yet firm. Perfectly conforming to your palm as you gently caress up and down. The texture starts of completely smooth but then you start feeling the goosebumps all over. She softly giggles as she turns around and looks you in the eye. Softly kisses your lips and holds you close as she whispers, “I love you.” You embrace each other as the world around you ceases to exist and the only sounds you can hear are her breathing perfectly in sync with your own. Life is wonderful. She loved you. She’s gone now. What happened, user? You thought you did everything right. I guess you were wrong. Was it even your fault? Easier to think that way because it would be impossible to hate her. That was a year ago...why haven’t you moved on?

Gymnast kids do physically impressive stuff because their lighter weight. The guy and the woman were probably similar weight considering his muscle and her bony frame. No excuse for her.

Women were a colossal mistake

Best part is that women themselves asked for it, so you don't even have to feel bad for them.

You must be the beta in the background hoping she would notice you

Unless it is martial arts.

Literally grab your own ass

>I mean, when was the last time you saw a male volleyball video game at all?

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>trannies to women are what niggers are to men when it comes to sports

yeah i know Dab Forums is filled with nonwhites

Can a gentleman post the webm where a female firefighter in some sort of obstacle TV course fails to bring down a door?


Imagine burning to death because a fire department had to fill the cunt quota

I wanna be that pole.

Indian sunburn on your dick probably doesn't feel too good

>he's never done the firestarter

>get a girl to fill her ass with ice from Sonic
>she Indian burns your cock while shitting the ice into your mouth
>you shove the burning cock in the icy ass
Feels good man

Dude, most athletes have normal training weeks more intense than the competition week unless it's some marathon shit.

Do you think Bolt really goes from 100 to a 0 after running his 100m?
He's fine after half a minute.

Honesly I'm glad women ruined their own sports.
Trannies will pour into female sports and this will mean that no biological woman will ever win again and every important match will be tranny vs tranny.
On the downside we won't ever have the change to see incredibly tight fit bodies in skimpy outfits doing high intense exercise.

>titless retards sweating in tight clothing
fixed that for you

imagine trannies replacing most women in sports leading to no biological women in women sports after all.

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>the biggest supporters of trannoids are women
until you tell them that they look like a tranny then they show you what they actually think about them

The problem is that women rarely like to test their beliefs.
It's seemingly better to just hope and wish.

If I was a psychopath I'd pretend to be a tranny.

>Indian sunburn
gorilla skin

Women barely need to compete because they can just manipulate to get necessities.

trannies eventually pushing women out of women's sports altogether is going to be the funniest shit

1. KOF has several teams which are all women
2. DOA has spin off games that are purely hot chicks in bikinis
3.No one cares or watches women's sports and if they do there is probably very little overlap with people who play videogames. It's not an "untapped market", it's a dry well.
4. You piss off one side by making them too hot or the other by making them too ugly. You can have dudes be both without offending most people

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thats the ideal outcome
wud b laff

>KOF has several teams which are all women
The lack of a young, female American college wrestler is the biggest mistake they've ever made. I betcha they bring back the USA sports team and it's the same old Boxer, Basketballer, and Footballer chars. They need a NEW team.

>American Sports Team comes back
>it's pranked versions

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Wtf trannies are based now

The biggest women's sports from what I have seen is tennis, football, and golf. However its doubtful the audiences who watch them play many video games.

Add in that most video game players are boys who still think being edgy is cool & unique and they just aren't going to sell much.

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I swear played a version where you could have heel and face unlocked at the same time and it was in english

Because nobody cares about women in sports, specially females.

You unlock them and can use them anytime by beating their story mode as their original gimmick.

"bitch my dick is bigger than yours" according to porn, that's 95% true.

The console versions have gameplay. It's the PC-only gacha where you just watch and tweak stats.

Bone is quite dense user, and tendons too. Even someone with a skinny arm/leg will be a fair bit heavier than someone without.
Not to take away from the dude, hes a fucking champ.

It blows my mind that they don't even try to jump and grab the edge.

There must also be an implementation of nipple swelling mechanics in the case the breasts are bouncing too much.

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Is this /sp/?

cant wait for the boxing and football and hockey matches lmao

>trannies overpowering the shit out of females
It's so fucking hilarious for some reason.

>Just remember, the biggest supporters of trannoids are women
Then what about TERFs?
Also don't forget about all the actual faggots that hate the entire LGBTQI... scam.

Makes me laugh every time.


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holy shit lmao

Holy shit is this real? I feel so fucking bad for women now.

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His makeup makes him look like a soulless husk cadaver with no eyes

Is this High School? That dude looks 50+ years old.

Where's lingerie football? NBA 2k just added the WNBA, but Madden wont include lingerie football? Kinda messed up.

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>another coomer thread

not a bad thing then

One per team rule would be hilarious.

holy fuck

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>trannies are delusional mentally ill freaks
More news at 11

If he may feel to be a woman, who are you to tell him he is 50, while he feels like a teenager?
Isn't that ageist as fuck?

the simple solution here is that categories should go by muscle density.

Someone make it happenM I want to play with the boys!


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Thanks OP, I was just about to look for something to coom to.

Sonia Malavisi is an absolute unit

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that's not how you use that meme, the US rep is just a nigger, not la creatura.

>that college
Fuck I recognize it. I think I took a summer class or two there.

>the seething nigger behind her

Oh I'm laughing.

sportsfags want the best physical performance when they watch a competition and they will certainly not get that from women
have you ever seen women's soccer teams? elementary school kids play a million times better than them, in fact, a few boy school team have beaten adult pro female teams to many times to just dismiss it as a fluke
and it's not like female athletes are nice to look at either
besides, DoA girls had a rather successful volleyball game didn't they?

how can he be on the team when he looks nearly 40

wtf i love the olympics now

>nearly 40
please drink more water and wash your face

That butt jiggle makes me believe that there is a God after all

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USA is cute too why you guys gotta be edgy.

t. have slept with a black woman before and it was nice


why pretend you like sports, just jack off

nigga what? take your meds, retard lmao

sex sex sex

*women who dont play sports

cutie alert

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>Despite concrete scientific evidence that men who transition to women have an unfair physical advantage compared to women.
Maybe because cutting off your dick doesn't actually magically turn you into a woman biologically, and you still possess the inherent physical advantages that biological men possess over biological women. Almost as if that's the entire reason sex divides exist in sports is to give women an environment to compete.

Removing sex restrictions is as backwards as removing weight classes from boxing or MMA

>wtf! i love women's pole vault now

It's literarily the best sport in the world.

Probably not them, but the culture around them allowed these mentally ill people to be led in their sports. Kinda feel bad for women, to be training for years, doing your best to get chosen for your team only for a 200lb man wearing a wig to stomp everyone in the first week.

>jhon "60% jhonny" lifted himself with only one arm
>women dont even try to leverage using the beams or jumping

You like flat chests, no one asked but now we know your preference

Anyone know any know of any /fit/ pornstars?

Womens sports get dominated by trannies

We really need a real cute women volleyball game besides DoA xtreme.

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>Why do women wear this shit? Are they just retarded? Were they tricked by their trainers?

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You're too smart for this thread.
Someone who knows how to code & marlet could make TONS of money with that idea.

is that Bruce Campbell in the back

user, it's 2021 and we have trigger warnings for boobs and risque outfits. And you want proper sports game like that? Not going to happen bro. Maybe if America implodes, but otherwise I don't see it.

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