Why is it ok to censor your game for a censorship bureau?

Why is it ok to censor your game for a censorship bureau?

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its not

It's not ok. Tendies are just mindless consoomers

Because it's a game for kids

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Congratulation on your 300th smash thread today

Right side is hotter

Censorship is fine when done for good reasons, e.g. depriving coomers of coomer material.


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Oh my god, CENSORSHIP! Nintendo how could you??

I will still buy the dlc

i fucking hate 99% of japanese characters. So unbelievably "overdesigned". I can't even tell what i'm looking at.

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This. But also, at that point, why even put the character in the game? Didn't Sakurai say he wanted to put Mai as the rep for KoF but she would have raised their age rating in Japan?

her tits are bigger tho

Pretty sure that was a joke.

it's not, but since it's a kid game I can understand it... I still hate it tho.

Well, she's not even in the game as a guest when a bunch of other iconic SNK characters are.

>I do no research to why character got censored here
Blame Japan game rating.

>we don't know what to do with our hands

Because tendies will defend anything their company does.

>we dont know what private parts we want

It's not, but there are bad ways to do it and good ways to do it.
The Pyra and Mythra changes only slightly changed their design and added stockings, which don't really feel incongruous with the rest of their outfits and actually look kinda good imo.
Whereas other cases of censorship are just completely changing an outfit to something unrecognizable or throwing clouds of dust or rays of light over anything they don't want you to see.
I'd rather have no censorship, but if it has to be present, I'd rather there be a subtle change that doesn't ruin the aesthetic rather than something like TMS#FE.

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Go dilate

why do you keep making this fucking thread

Don't mind me, I'm only here to celebrate their inclusion. OP knows why so there is no point in arguing.

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>Didn't Sakurai say he wanted to put Mai as the rep
He wanted to put her as a background cameo on the KoF stage, but obviously raising the age rating of a game for a background cameo isn't worth it at all. If all Sakurai has to do to appease CERO is giving a character tights then why wouldn't he do it? Why totally scrap a character idea because of a dumbass ratings board?


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Fuck, I am so happy they were finally added.

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wrong snake user

It's okay when Nintendo does it.

Man, do people feel stupid now who thought they wouldn't be added.

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Why does it have a shirtless guy with huge muscles then?

>Man, do people feel stupid now who thought they wouldn't be added.
Pretty sure everyone thought Rex would never be added, which ended up being true.
Because CERO are a bunch of retards obsessed with pantsu.


Because a bunch of kids wouldn't be allowed to play the game otherwise. There's still pearl clutching religious mom's out there who care about that shit

Because there is no other way, unless Nintendo traveled back in time and retroactively changed the rating for smash ultimate

Wasn't just Rex. It was anything from XB2.

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>gave her pantyhose when they could just give deep black tights
>hotter now than before

Eh, I never ruled it out. Sakurai loves his JRPGs. I did think they would have went with Tora or Nia instead though. I'm happy though, seems like a decently unique character, interested to see the Sakurai breakdown or whatever its called.

Sakurai is based either way.

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Because CERO or whatever. Always weird how it's always video games that get censored the most.
Real talk : Mythra is fine but Pyra censorship looks ugly and out of place.


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Poppi and Tora could have been a new pokemon trainer character, switching between the three versions of her.
Would have been cool as fuck.

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Yeah they seem like a cool character.
I basically had the same idea in mind, honestly any of the characters from XC2 would be cool. There's a lot you can do with the concept.

I want hot girls, just take the ridiculous spikes off their clothes

>t-treehouse doesnt censor anymore!!!

I'm no fashion designer, but I feel like they could've lengthen the upper part of the thong so that it would look less like one; the covering of the thighs is fine.

>that plump thighs

Never playing Smash not Xenoblade, but are you sure it's get a censored and not just pantyhose fetish version?

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>pantyhose fetish version?
Mythra already proved that was the case when Smash was released.

*nor Xenoblade

>Sony censors some literally who borderline hentai game that no one plays because they want to sustain specific image of their platform
>Nintendo censors again and again the best selling fighting/party game in history because they want to sustain specific image and rating

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I don't know why they bothered.

With Mythra it sort of makes sense but all Pyra had showing was her thigh. We're not such prudes that THIS is a problem, is it?

Difference is that Sony censors on their own volition.
Nintendo follows the CERO guidelines in Japan to get an A-rating.

The Mythra thing originally didn't make much sense either, since it was just an image and not a model so it's not like you could look up her skirt. The outline of her panties are also visible through her dress, and they didn't edit that out.
The difference is also that Nintendo isn't fucking with third party games. Sony is.

>Difference is that Sony censors on their own volition.
Nintendo choose specific Cero rating on their own volition

shhh don't tell him

Yes, but no wonder. They have to if they want sell the game to all ages. Sony takes a game for ages 18 and make it teen while keeping the rating as age of 18.

this is on Sony platform

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>nintendo tones down characters for their children's party game
>this is somehow unreasonable
You mad snake can't smoke a cigarette too?

is this autism?

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so smash is the best and biggest fighting game or children's party game depending on current nintendrónes narrative, ok

And PC.
Not saying they do it for everything. But they do it to a lot of stuff in a weird way.

It's a version 1 of a artificial blade.

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oh wow, much censorship

fucking baby

It's only reasonable when Kiketendo censors their games for the kiddy audience.

Looks sexier this way imo

It does actually. Looks more natural now. The skin texture between the boots and shorts stuck out a bit and having some thinly veiled dark colored cloth actually improved it.

Its a children's party game and should have a rating to reflect that. Not Sakurai's fault CERO are a bunch of autists.
Yes? Its a game for children.

Tora and Poppi would've been a great addition without triggering the "muh anime swordsman" audience. I'm still glad Pyra/Mythra got in though.

It's a game CENSORED for kiddies

Because it's in a game with a lower age rating

Yes. They're not going to add one single DLC character which would suddenly make this game which has been apprpriate for children since 1999 2lewd. Be glad she's in the game at all and learn to pick your fucking battles.


Nope. Stop being a corporste cuckold bingie

>snoys will NEVER live this down

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Stop being a snoy

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Yes, because kids are the main audience for smash, it is censored for the children. Glad you figured that one out user, had me worried for a bit.

Its a guest character for a fight game franchise rated for basically all ages. Covering up some cleavage in their cameo costumes and such is fine. Doing that shit in the base game thats not rated for everyone is not.

There are times when something like this is ok and this is one of those times. Its not like they went and tried to censor to drop xenoblades rating itself or just for the love of it like sony and such have been doing recently.

I'm glad you finally get it.

>americans are so obese they can't even barge into the room of a girl putting on clothes in time and arrive way too late to see anything good

>Connor the only one even close to correctly accessorising in non-meme colours

My boy confirmed best taste, still needs to work out what a pocket square is though.

What's the difference?

She has stockings now, which made the design look better.

>we've reached a point where videogames censor thighs and calves.

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It looks worse since the graphics on those are PSX tier. Looks last minute painted on.

It's funny how fine bingtrannies are that all their games undergo a Teletubbies-tier censorship process.

It really doesn't and that speaks volumes how little you know about design. In Mythra's case it works nicely because her white outfit contrasts beautifully with the black AND she doesn't have any extra detail in her legs. Pyra's legwear is already overdesigned and adding yet another layer of detail makes it look extremely busy, not to mention the color and texture chosen for the underpants (they don't look like pantyhose.) is nowhere to be found in her design, making it stand out for no reason.
Pyra's pants are plain old censorship with no taste. Stop defending this shit.

Well, it is also low resolution and zoomed in a bit. But the video resolution was pretty bad in general.

Attached: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – One Day, Pyra Just Disappeared - Nintendo Switch.mp4_snapshot_01.49_[2021.02.19_16.07.16].jpg (1920x1080, 1.02M)

I never said I know about design and I don't really care what seasoned fashion designer thinks either.
I think it looks good.

Attached: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – One Day, Pyra Just Disappeared - Nintendo Switch.mp4_snapshot_02.34_[2021.02.18_14.16.32].jpg (1920x1080, 803.77K)

It looks awful. Again I'm convinced it was last second painted on because cuck boi Sakurai got scolded by CERO's censorship demand.

everyone needs to shut up about the stockings and notice how fat that pussy is. Best dlc 11/10

the pantyhose make it hotter

It most likely was that. Still looks good and artists will make it look better.

why does she stand like corrin? I also saw some of her attacks were quite similar to corrin as well.

They added leggings to appease a board of old japanese autists. Its hilarious to me how hard people are seething about this minor change when they still have massive tits with jiggle physics.

You said it improved her design which implies you think you know what you're talking about when in the end it all comes down to:
>You have a pantyhose fetish and give 0 fucks about ruining good character designs to appeal to your coomerbrain. Similar to people giving cow tits or fattening up characters into balloons and claiming its "better".
>You're a mindless consoomer that will eat everything papa Nintendo feeds you.
>All of the above.
Eat shit.

>You said it improved her design which implies you think you know what you're talking about when in the end it all comes down to:
No, that's just your interpretation. I think it is an improvement.

Attached: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – One Day, Pyra Just Disappeared - Nintendo Switch.mp4_snapshot_01.43_[2021.02.18_14.15.21].jpg (1920x1080, 965.1K)

Ah right. Yeah, I prefer stockings.

Nah it look out of place

Why are the pantyhose v-shaped?

post the webm

For maximum imagine.

>Sony covers character's skin
>Nintendo covers character's skin
Never change Dab Forums.

This. Nintendo censors their own fucking character while a character that’s only on a Sony system looks like pic related.
I thought Sony hated attractive characters, what gives?

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Can someone do me a solid and post the Mythra dancing webm please? I'd appreciate it, thank you in advance user.

Why does Nintendo hate legs?

Titfags are worse than footfags. They need to die slowly and painfully.

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t. footfag

>no exposed body skin

>ignoring the part where the suit looks painted on her ass

There is a real thing in Japan

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Pic Related

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>Pretty sure that was a joke.
It was a joke, but Sakurai probably wasn't lying when he said he considered her, just not very seriously, because he knew she'd raise alarms from CERO ad other ratings boards

What do CERO's rules say about swimsuits? Are they automatic Teen rating because of exposed legs, or are they arbitrarily okay for games rated A and E-10?

Rating boards are the worst jew scheme ever done to gamers, the real persecuted race.

Code Vein somehow flew under the radar, probably because it was labeled as a "soulslike" and published by Bamco, who also published Dark Souls. The censorship bureau probably got filtered by the idea of playing a hard game, and just stamped their approval without even booting the game.

I think it depends on the swimsuit.

censoring characters AND putting out a tranny splatoon game? move over snoy, we’ve got a new progressive champion.

I can tell you don't play nintendo games.

>ranny splatoon game?
>>huur more character options are bad!

Those one-pieces are pretty modest, about on par with ZSS' bike shorts.

>create children's game
>have children's rating
>three years later, want to add content
>not worth losing children's rating retroactively
>add tights to new character which make her hotter anyway
Grow the fuck up. You started hating "censorship" because it changed the experience from the original creative intent. This doesn't do that.

Because they look hotter now

>3 toothbrushes
Why is this so lewd?

They didn't censor her enough for me not to masturbate to her.

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>blue and red closer to each others

Poor Mythra, always destined to be the third wheel. Pyra was a mistake.

>The outline of her panties are also visible through her dress
You can always tell someone never played XB2 when they say shit like this. Her panties were never visible through the dress.

I still don't get why pyra and mythra became 2 distinct people at the end of the game. Weren't they like multiple personalities of a single person? Should have just had the one you choose earlier on be the "final" choice. Or just give rex the green haired one which was like a combo of the two or whatever.

Based Nintendo tries to make their censored designs fapable, unlike Sony, who hates your penis and what you do with it.

There's no rule about how deep a body suit can dig into a woman's buttcrack, it seems.

It's filed under 'blade bullshit'. They're still technically the same blade/core crystal but they're manifesting simultaneously like they did in dream Elysium because Mythra doesn't need to hide behind Pyra like she used to.

Because it's a coping mechanism

>imagine defending censorship that occurred due to ratings boards, the most common and worst censorship to plague video games for decades and whose guidelines are completely arbitrary and irrational
>imagine defending the insane logic that legs need to be covered up like it's the 1990s again
>imagine unironically falling back to "it's a kids game"/"think of the children" rationale like it's a remotely reasonable defense when it isn't and hasn't been for years
>imagine thinking your fetish on what apparel you like remotely stops you from acknowledging the censorship or attempting to justify it in any way like it's relevant

Everyone knows why they were censored. But the amount of defending or handwaving going into this makes me think had 4kids been around today people would unironically defend the yu gi oh censorships.

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Retarded false equivalency. Ripped shirtless anime dudes are designed as a power fantasy for men, the character designers don't have sex appeal in mind (in most cases, there are obviously exceptions but this isn't one of them)

I don't think they should have censored Pyra, kids know that women have thighs and censoring it is just fucking retarded, so we probably agree on the issue being discussed, but your argument is still dishonest and in bad faith and you discredit the rest of us when you say stupid shit like that

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She realized that her Core Crystal can sustain two bodies, and she doesn't need to sustain Rex anymore. She's still one person, but with two bodies.

You're right that it should've just been the combined form, though.

>Those one-pieces are pretty modest

They are skin tight swimsuits on girls with tits bigger than their heads, those outfits won't be making it into smash sorry user

Because unlike snoy it's not being done to appeal to SJWs; they're forced to do it if they want the character in

Also noting that Sony censor anything that isn't an high budget games.

They are bait threads. They know it is CERO, but they want to ruse people. Just use them and post Pyra and Mythra.

have you smelled the smash community?

I doubt she just suddenly realized it at the end, as the master blade she would've always known. There are several blades with multiple bodies but Pyra and Mythra's situation was always unique compared to that in that Pyra was never originally meant to exist alongside Mythra, she was made to replace her.

I think they aren't that bad after all, but nothing i would just spend 5 dollars in, or buy a pass altogether.
Why didn't they just add her in the base game, why didn't they took just one more year to fix things up in this fucking game?

It didn't really have any use until the end. The only time Pyra and Mythra in separate bodies could have been useful was between Mythra reawakening and the third sword, but the second body being sustained by their core during that period was Rex.

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He does know pantyhose are generally underwear, right?

Does thong shaped one exist ?
Real question.

It isn't but Smash is a game for children. I am not baiting.

She looks really cute but, why the cat ears?

it's a hood

Asymmetrical cuts exist, you can also use body glue to set normal ones in place as you want them.

If it’s anime the default answer is yes

All I got from this thread is that bingbros are fine with censorship with PSX textures to cover up skin because Nintendo bows to censorship bureaus.

They're in a town of cat people and she needs to blend in.

I know is a hood

I hate censorship as much as the next person but let's be honest

Tights >>>>> skin

>Body glue
Does anyone but cosplayer use it ? Pure curiosity btw.

just imagine how ugly you need to be to care about censorship of some anime girls in video games lol

Learn the difference Dab Forums, it might just save your day.

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Yeah, it's daily wear for just about every woman you see without a strap to hold something up.
Even commercial disposable hosiery has a sticky band around the top you can feel.

when has anyone ever said that TLOU2 has been censored?

The more I learn about fashion, the more it get weirder.
I just learned there is thights for men for the purpose of fashion and not sport.

Hey, user. What's your excuse that the sex scene was removed in Japan.
Yeah, like I thought, you didn't think about that.

Wish i knew who that faggot was who told me Pyra would never get in without Rex being in first, as main characters need to be in the game first. I've wanted her from the start.

Same here. I guess this is how people who got a character they really wanted in Smash felt.
It feels pretty fucking good.

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