Magic Arena

Why aren't you playing the best TCG on the market, Dab Forums?


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Other urls found in this thread:,

i always wanted to play, but theres a bunch of online versions

and everytime i ask someone who plays MTG, they tell me don't bother cuz they are all trash

recently got some starter decks and started playing with my roomate. Wanted to buy cards but i saw that competent deck cost actual money.

So me and my friends just play on xmage until we want to commit to paying actual money on cards, and whenever this covid shit ends.

It's a completely pozzed piece of shit but it really is still the best TCG.

Haha, and Pathfinder will feature a six month long adventure path set in Fantasy African Hogwarts. Are we finally living in the >current year again?

same, why is everyone black or gay?


Facing Blue-Black Rogues in Standard sucks ass, and you can't endlessly play limited unless you pay cash.

Don't like card games and art is ugly.

1. Use cockatrice for free online play with all cards available. Amazing piece of software though a bit ugly.

2. Mtg arena is a great place to play mtg online without paying a dime.

I was sick of getting ball busted by t3feri every fucking round. I stopped playing just before the fairy tale expansion came out.

Standard is such a boring format. Magic also feels like shit online. The game is just poorly designed for online play, I rather play hearthstone.

I collect and play both yu-gi-oh and magic but I mostly like to play them in person. Magic arena is honestly dog shit and one of the worst ways to play magic. If someone wants to get into a card game I recommend people to play duel links and just pick up 3 copies of the same deck in the store to not waste your time opening packs hoping to get a fucking card. Magic arena also doesn't let you destroy duplicate cards for crafting new cards. As a card game player for most of my life don't play arena. MTG online is a "bit" better but it still sucks.


>listening to ppl that gives no argument to back it up their claim
It's free. Just play MTG Arena and try it yourself. There's even a phone version but i heard the UI can be clunky on a small screen. You can use the same account to login on the PC.


Everyone I know that plays magic and collects magic cards doesn't bother playing or plays other card games online.

Absolutely. I love it. Did you see the new Japanese Mystical arts for staple cards? This is Demonic Tutor. Can't wait to buy it as a single

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And gay shit

I play Dominion online over any other TCH right now.



>cool elephant bros
>cute dwarf girls

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Wtf I want that, when?

now that's fucking good.
Not giving this company a single cent ever again though.

>It's OK when cardgames do lootboxes

Who would a Dryad?

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Magic the Gathering is extremely popular in prison. Also Pathfinder, and everyone reads My Hero Academia.

a nigger, an ugly ginger, a fat ass, and a flying faggot manlet.

This is just embarrassing.

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>wizards of the coast
>more life
>niggers of the coast

what sort of prison are you posting from?

>So me and my friends just play on xmage
You're already using the best Magic client. Why the fuck would you care about the "legal" way?

>Get your hands dirty
Don't mind if i do

only ghost assassin properly shows what black folk have to offer with their culture


>still can’t help themselves and have to put a nigger in it

>pozzed tcg
no thanks

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We wuz wizards n' shiet

>people will play the pozzed shit

Fuck off, that shit fucking TRASH
This is a YU-GI-OH BOARD

I dont think I've ever seen a single black person playing magic, EVER

No, it's also not OK when it's PHYSICAL.

>Why yes, we do think MTG is shit
>How could you tell?

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The one black nerd at our school played Yu-Gi-Oh, the only people that played Magic were pretentious loner retards.

>american culture is centered around...

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Because they don't, no matter how much Wizards tries to pander to them. They like Yu-gi-oh because they're able to steal it from Target and shoot each other over it.

egads! me neither. I've seen plenty of blacks playing yugioh, but now that you mention it I've never seen them playing magic.

Black Folx* you bigoted trash

I've always loved a MTG art. But this one looks like shit. Why did they do this?

Autistic robots and dragons > niggers


I don't support woke companies.


so glad I quit this game and never looked back. the mechanics don't seem to be as good anymore either. it's like an endless rehash of "this creature gets +1/+1 when you [insert set mechanic]"

This will always be the best TCG game ever made. You literally can't change my mind

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The worst command ever printed lmao. WotC hates WR and loves BUG

If there was a way to play limited for free where you didnt get to keep the cards you draft and only got a small reward for placing well this game would be so much bigger. WOTCs greed alienates so many people

I'm not there anymore. Got out a few months ago. It was a minimum security level 1 prison, but those things I named are fairly universally popular in prison because there's very little you're allowed to order into them, but card games, board games and books are all perfectly acceptable.

There was an XBox 360 and a WiiU, but you can only play it for an hour a day and you have to deal with thousands of people already having used up all the save data so it's impossible to make any progress. I played that Sega classics disc on 360, played Mario Kart once and Breath of the Wild once. Then I gave up on the game console altogether and just read shit form the library for the rest of my sentence. Not being able to save my progress set off my OCD.

Oh, also the good boy pod would get a special reward of having an 80 inch tv rolled in for the month to play video games. Also they... gave you a candy bar and you got to go to chow first, which wasn't much of a treat since the food was horrifically bad.

Just now every time I see MTG I think of prison. Nerds and giant dudes covered in tattoos getting along to trade cards and work on their characters. I remember one dude playing Pathfinder actually got into a couple of fist fights because everyone was giving him shit about his character. He created a tranny character and had it flirt with the others and they were all making all the usual arguments with him. "But if you want to play as a female character, why don't you just play as a female character?" "But there's magic in this game, why not use a spell to physically transform your character into a female?" "Why does it have to be a dude that WANTS to be female and we all have to acknowledge him as female? What's that about?"

The power creep has just made it retarded. Creatures now have so much shit to avoid removal that it's honestly not worth trying to remove them anymore beyond "OOGA BOOGA 20 IN ONE TURN"

>Why aren't you playing the best TCG on the market, Dab Forums?
I am. Runeterra and gwent. Stopped playing arena and pokemon

fucking niggers

If you like niggers and lgbtq shit play it. Otherwise 180 out of there.

play the best format, commander

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MTG as a whole is just shit for whites.
The fact that it's cucking and trying to pander so hard to black people who don't want to play this trash is just more proof.
All the minorities play Yu-Gi-Oh over MTG every time.
If they want their game to not be garbage maybe they should focus on making it balanced and accessible instead of going "PLEASE BUY OUR GAME BLACKS LOOK WE ADDED NEW CARDS TO SHOW HOW OPPRESSED YOU ARE!" I guarantee you that there are barely any black people working at Wizards of the Coast because they would've said whoever made this shit is cringe and trying way too hard to get twitter clout.

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They're already doing Phantom Drafts. But the rewards are so shitty that people don't like it because of the entrance cost.

...Well that and they don't "keep" the cards they draft like normal draft. Most folks that are drafting are either rare-drafting or drafting for duplicate-protection/wildcards more than actually playing the format itself.

why is there a stain on the box?

>the best TCG

Im black and I play Magic. Unironically. not baiting. I got into it after I bought Duels of the Planeswalkers off Xbox arcade when I was a wee lad. I had some leftover Microsoft points and figured why not. Was instantly hooked. banger soundtrack, a guy I met helped me learn the ropes and everything. I've bought every DoTP since then and even now continue to play Arena (Im currently enjoying the fuck out of Black Green Elves and trying to figure out how to make GOD TRIBAL work in a 5C Rainbow Bridge deck).

despite what people may tell you yes. Black "Nerds" do exist. I mean just think of Sonic Fox or Ruggarell lol.

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BASED. I should go back to Runeterra but it just makes me feel it's not worth playing when I already have Gwent and Pokemon.

That’s all this nigger pandering comes from self hating cucks runing on layers of kike propaganda they are the same fags that have burn loot murder in there profile name

There is a pve lab going on, it gives 4300 experience per day. Been opening vaults level 20 lately. And there's a new expansion/battle pass coming in two weeks

>MTG as a whole is just shit for whites.
I don't get this argument at all. Kingdom Come: Deliverance and Company of Heroes are also made for whites yet they didn't add this pozzed shit.

>I guarantee you that there are barely any black people working at Wizards of the Coast because they would've said
They didn't "say" anything, WotC goes out of it's way to not hire niggers. To where Niggers have actually stated as much:

It's why after that article they did that stupid card ban imaged that everyone even the "woke"s in the community found total bullshit.

>I already have Gwent
just don't

Not really sure what there is to be mad about here. The dude could be impotent and they went for artificial insemination. Isn't anything wrong with that.

>by 2050 the average Americans will be a digusting goblin
Sounds about right

>Black "Nerds" do exist
I know they do, but they just tend to be over on Yugioh.


>He plays the video game
No wonder people think no blacks play Magic then, you're playing virtual Magic where your race doesn't factor in. No wonder Wizards is trying so hard to pander to you if you don't go tabletop.

Just don't what? I was on Gwent at the ground-floor/launch. There's no reason to not continue to get cards for that even with Homecomings changes.

>they actually don’t like niggers guyize
>does this
And this Surefag

Another cherished hobby goes into the trash

A draft with zero entry cost and minimal reward would bring in people who want to play FOR FUN :OOOOO *crowd gasps in shock* instead of ACOOMOLATING digital rewards/cards and good boi points

I am glad I stopped playing in the 90s

>He created a tranny character and had it flirt with the others and they were all making all the usual arguments with him. "But if you want to play as a female character, why don't you just play as a female character?" "But there's magic in this game, why not use a spell to physically transform your character into a female?" "Why does it have to be a dude that WANTS to be female and we all have to acknowledge him as female? What's that about?"
but seriously, what did you do? and sounds like a youth correction facility

I'm so glad that shooting is gatekept by money and clean criminal records in my country.

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There's a difference between dudes that want to make a game and just happen to have a primarily white player base vs a bunch of dangerhairs and their pedophile beta orbiters forcing out everyone to virtue signal to their fellow schizos for progressive points.

I mean hey to be fair I was into Yugioh UNTIL the powercreep turned it into OTK vs FTK nonsense. Im a "boomer" in the sense that the last time I enjoyed Fair Yugioh was GLADIATOR BEAST. Feels like everything went to hell in a handbasket halfway through 5D's and Synchros. Synchros went from being somewhat fair and meemey to just Solitaire OTK. I dont know why they didnt just limit the amount of synchros a person is allowed to have in a extra deck or something. it was completely awful. I just played Tag Force and evicerated the AI with my memedecks while teaming up with the lolis.

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get the new commander stuff. the 20 buck elf ball deck is pretty solid.

>the vikings are black
it just a fantasy world bro get over it!
>the mages/wizards are black
it's just a fantasy world bro get over it
>the angels are all black
its just a fantasy world bro get over it
>the vampires are black
it's just a fantasy world bro get over it

honestly nigger fatigue is a real thing and i have it.

>He can't read
Let me point out:
>It's why after that article they did that stupid card ban imaged that everyone even the "woke"s in the community found total bullshit.
They basically did that ban and are doing this because their hand was caught in the cookie jar. Just like they're doing the combat wheelchair and removing racial negatives in Dungeons and Dragons because a Nigger sounded the alarm on them having preferential treatment.

I know reading comprehension is weak on Dab Forums but at least TRY to read the entire fucking post?

>Just don't what?
dont play it. the game is an unsupported garbage nowdays

I'm so glad I stopped giving a shit about MTG before it was raped into woke trash. I can't imagine supporting a game and seeing it slowly turn into an outlet for propaganda. Another case of why gatekeeping is absolutely necessary for preserving the integrity of a hobby

Ah yes, the original gacha game.

>black and brown people aren't inferior
>that's why we have to give them preferential treatment in order for them to be relevant

I understand that feeling, can't stomach how ridiculous it became. At least we'll always have the old single player games

>affirming the validity of black farming
reminds me of that african country that decided to chase out dem evil whitey and then sufffered starvation once they realized they can't farm for shit

Yes, but that doesn't make Wizards any money which is why they won't do that.

I'm Norwegian and i'm so fucking sick and tired of Am*ricans abusing the imagery of vikings for stupid bullshit. If they're not interested in making it accurate they should just not bother


>He thinks I invest more than a login a day except on "Gwentsdays" where it's 2XP and play for only an hour to level up or so.
user, I know Gwent is niche and on a downhill jam, but it's not like I'm investing deep time into it.

if anything, its funny

nice, keep it that way and enjoy everything it has to offer but the gameplay

Getting new players into MTG during the pandemic will make them money in the long term after corona. Growing the MTG community is a good thing, and a lot of those players would eventually try out paper magic, at least enough to cover the increased server costs of a lot of new f2p players.

Short term thinking has doomed MTG to a slow death

>make a whole thing going muh nigger powerful
>put niggers everywhere
>but they no liek niggers giyize
Surefag ur cant just admit ur playing digusting pozzed garbage

Black people legally owning and knowing how to properly use guns absolutely terrifies politicians in th US so that's another factor as they literally swerve to subvert them out of fear they'll pick themselves out of the ghetto and go back to the days before they flooded the streets with drugs.

>99% of the posts are Dab Forums tier
You're obsessed. Like that person you hated because it could only talk about the same topic at every conversation.

jesus these descriptions are shite
also why the fuck is math in green and what are theatre kids doing in blue

cmon man, mage/wizard is a profession. Vampires are turned humans

even in school there was a black kid that played Yugioh at the table with all the other kids. Then Again im in Texas which is a real melting pot so I guess its not as wierd. my school was like 40% Hispanic 15% Asian 30% White 15%black. Race was never really a dividing factor over here. My online videogame playgroup of friends from school to this day is like literally
>black,pinoy,latino,thai or someshit

Racism is really never that big of a factor when it came to getting along.

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>muh /pol
guess who's obsessed

i wouldn't mind the argument so much if we didn't know full well that if an african themed expansion comes out there aren't going to be white zulu warriors or medicine men or fucking vodoo doctors or whatever

americans are mentally ill honestly. I dont mind a bit but jesus MTGA is just niggers everywhere. I've made an angel deck (angels being the western take on the christian gods servants) and 9/10 of them are black...

>needlessly shoehorn trash with political flavor into everything
>people voice their distaste for it in thread about everything
>wow why are you talking about trash? obsessed, much?

Maybe people are sick of niggers being pushed on everything where they don’t belong like this
Fuck off faggot

post all the black vikings in the set
>inb4 post kaya


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what? you dont like a rogue card that untaps lands? isnt that what rogues are all about? classes are social constructs dont you know, stop being a biggot

The thing is, phantom drafts would just let people that want to draft play for free (no cost to them cost to Wizards for electricity/server management) that it's hard to justify that. Unless the rewards are worthwhile (and worth the time investment) which still harms Wizards. Wizards is a *company* they aren't a charity as much as me and you want them to be. This is why Arena is basically a scam with no trading: They WANT people to pay $200+ for a full booster pack collection per set to get the entire collection and why there is no "duplicate protection" on reprinted cards per set to where you have 2 of the previous set and 2 of the new set and get no wildcards if you get another one of that newer set.

It sucks, but unless you're able to answer why they'd want to do phantom drafts 24/7 (and get the playerbase to actually care because the rewards are shit for paying 2x as much as a real draft) to where it is able to convert the free-to-plays over, it's not gonna happen.

Seethe forever racists lmao. You will never be happy.

>whahh whitey bad
>make the whites leave
>Realized u need whites
>why won’t they come back wahhh we starving and shieeet
>*sniffles* gib me dats
Niggers are a joke


I think its subconscious association.
Vikings = Savages
Vikings = Blacks
wouldnt surprise me since these people tend to be the most racist themselves. At least we fine gentlementend to distinguish Blacks from Niggers

Most of the time it's not about vikings being black in media, though that's annoying as well. The big thing for me is the obsession with depicting Danes and Norwegians as brainless barbarian monkeys in every single fucking piece of media they're in. For an example, just look at How Norway is portrayed in CIV VI, Harald is a warmonger that mocks you for not having enough warships, his music is a facist-esque anthem version of an old norwegian LULLABY. Just so fucking cringy. Scandinavians are PEOPLE not ORCS

Hmm, just like my video games.

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>the combat wheelchair
kek that sounds great
there should be a game like twisted metal but with people in rocket wheelchairs equipped with missles, lasers and shit

>but they no liek niggers giyize
Because they don't. Why do you think they're doing this "WE'RE SORRY!" (or to put it in words you understand)
>put niggers everywhere
>make a whole thing going muh nigger powerful
Garbage? Because AGAIN, for you retard: They got their hands caught in the cookie jar when a black designer wasn't taken seriously by them to where they were called out for it.
>Surefag ur cant just admit ur playing digusting pozzed garbage
>Implying I play Magic now a days
Nigger, I know you can't read, but: I haven't played Magic since Mythic Rarity was introduced back in 2009. Magic has been shit WAY before it was "pozzed' or whatever your Dab Forumslack retarded ass is thinking.

I play my Rick. Next round its time for Mechagodzilla.

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They have joggers in it.

this literally the only format to play nowadays

and its insanely popular

casting a spell to make your bicycle disappear

U don’t do crap like this
>angels being the western take on the christian gods servants) and 9/10 of them are black...
and except people to belive they aren’t digusting niggerlovers
Killyourself magic tranny

>Hitler mustache
>Can't even run a country right
This is poetry.

My argument is mostly gonna boil down to MTG bleeding players over time, and the whale based business model of WOTC being alienating to everyone. Being willing to extend an olive branch at a minimal financial loss would be a cost effective PR move and eventually make them a profit either by the players deciding to spend money in MTGA or on paper magic after the pandemic

To clarify, i think mosty of making drafts free as a sorely needed marketing tool

Every fucking box..

i'm just really board of playing against curve decks even though that's pretty much what all card games have. I feel like so few decks actually have decision making other than control decks, where you have to weigh up leaving mana up for counterspells, or flashing things or active abilities etc when pretty much 80% of ladder is

>Ramp/Ramp/RemovalRamp/Ultimatum lol i win
>Fervent Champion/Robber of the Rich/Ajax
>Usher of the Fallen/Luminarch Aspirant/Maul
>Mire Triton/Fyn/the 1/4 deathtouch or the flyer
>mulligan/mulligan/mulligan/ tibalts trickery/ insta win OR concede

decks that just vomit their cards at you on curve and you either have every answer or just die

They have pozzed it up pretty bad in recent times.

>there should be a game like twisted metal but with people in rocket wheelchairs equipped with missles, lasers and shit
I mean /tg/ made Car Lesbians, if not you then who, user?

To many black magic.

Stuff like this even the mlp crap is 100x Better than the niggerfaggotry wizards of trannyoast do

>Zeus is a good thing
Fucking retard

post the black angels user. I just typed in angel and we will be what percentage of the angels are black

How badly do you think the white guilt beta soilords at Wizards of the Cuck outright sizzle that all their pandering to satisfy their white guilt fetish will never come close to how much black guys love yugioh because its egyptian wizard kangz?

I’m not the faggot with the deck I don’t play this garbage because I’m not a tranny niggerfaggot

Kill yourself, Dab Forumslack.

It's pozzed as fuck. Who is this supposed to appeal to? Their core audience doesn't look anything like that.

>I guarantee you that there are barely any black people working at Wizards of the Coast
IIRC they actually genuinely got in trouble last year over their treatment of the 2 or 3 blacks they hired and shit like is partly damage control.

I mean the mlp were Hasbro joke cards. Godzilla was alt art. the walking dead was the only scummy shit

>u don’t like all this niggerfaggotry
>*sniffles uuu must be Dab Forums*
Beyond deranged

That Assassin's trophy is so fucking nice. why don't all MTG cards look like that?

>Who is this supposed to appeal to?
nobody that play the game seriously

Well, that's the thing, for every one of us that leaves there's someone coming in apparently. If you believe Wizards cooked books, they're making money on Magic. Hasbro is bleeding money (IIRC) to where Wizards is the only thing keeping them afloat right now.

The whale pandering is hurting, but if the whales are paying $500 a box for buy-a-promo power crept bullshit they can speculate on the secondary market, what does Wizards care?

Kneeler subhumans

Also black guys love YGO because of anime nostalgia, and the extreme fast pace.
Deckbuilding in YGO is also much more intuitive, easy to build a 40 card deck around an archetype package of ~25 cards

Im waiting on the pickle release

>Who is this supposed to appeal to?
Unironically the creators. Them making shit "inclusive" like this gives them the feeling that they're doing good. It's the same reason people donate to charities for starving nigger kids and whatever. Essentially they're trying to buy a clean conscience.

In the world champion of mtg i got permabanned for saying “hes got a board wipe for sure” because the prefered pronouns of one of the players was “they”

I'm aware that WOTC is making more money year after year. but they're making that money by milking whales with secret lairs and ULTIMATE PLANESWALKER SUPER EXCLUSIVE editions. There might be some new players, but not nearly as many as in the early 2000's. Milking whales this aggressively is not sustainable IMO, especially when the foils they're buying are of such low quality

>wee lad
Sure mate, post your melinated asshole

Fuck me, simic is such a fucking powerhouse. Like they need more bullshit to get away with.

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Yu-gi-oh anime set in a prison sounds like an amazing idea.

I hate archetypes so much it’s fine to have some Cards work with eachother but Beijing able to make a whole deck out of stuff like that is mistake and takes all the fun out of making it the whole fun is finding cards that effects work with eachother and not because they haev same “archetype” fuck archtypes

There are some, but very few scottish/northern english black people

We'll see. People have been saying Magic is gonna crash for the past year or so and people were pissed about the Walking Dead cross-over Secret Lair, but whales still bought that shit to where it was a success despite the curling problem.

It'd be nice if Wizards died so Netrunner could finally be free, but it's not gonna happen for a while.

yes it is but it's a western european themed one.
name the first 5 wizards that come to your head and im sure they'll all be white dudes. Similarly i don't want white voodoo doctors, or samurais, or conquistadors, or janissarys

Do you watch Dr bumcheeks?

been trying to build a elephant themed deck

any recommendations?

>more niggers
The absolute state

And then you retards voted for Biden who's going to take them away so good job.

I'm not a fan of it either, i'm just saying it's simple and thus appeals to niggers

Don’t drop the soap yuhgey
>don’t want white conquistadors
But they were white the people from Spain the actual Spaniards are white

It genuinely impresses me how WotC managed to kill all love I had for a series which had been part of my life for over 15 years. But the constant pushed cards and premium products proved to me that they don't give a fuck.

I'm luckily not a burger.


Archtypes are reason yugioh is first turn kill solitaire crap also making all decks have to be 60 Cards would alos help

>african angels and vikings

Yes Mexicans and huehue niggers and aregentinas aren’t the same as Spaniards u retarded faggot the conquistadors were white faggot

how mana works on magic is stupid compared to runeterra or hearthstone

Can someone explain to me what's remotely racist about the Devils, I just don't get it, it's some demons, they're not black or anything. If they're supposedly racist because they resemble some group, though I have no fucking idea which it could be, then it kind of feels that it's not the card that's racitst, rather the people banning it who find any connection here
>destroy all black creatures
Now this gave me a chuckle. So what's next, remove all effects targeting black permanents only because it's racist? Or perhaps remove black color cards altogether or change them to purple or some shit?

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Resplendent Marshal (black valkyrie)
Righteous valkyrie (black valkyrie)
Starnheim Unleashed (black angels)
Valor of the Worthy (black viking)
Saw it Coming (black wizard)
Hailstorm Valkyrie (black valkyrie)
Frost Bite (black viking)
Reckless Crew (black female dwarf warrior)
Blessing of Frost (Black viking mage)
Boreal Outrider (black elf warrior)
Elven Warmaster (black viking looking elf)
Redaine God of the Worthy (black nordic god)
Birgi god of storytelling (black nordic god)

the face of the expansion is also Kaya (black) and Niko (a black tranny). this is JUST kaldheim mind you

seething Spaniard. no real European thinks you're white. I bet you think Italians are white

You forgot
>black elf token

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Italians will alwyss be pastaniggers chocke on a cock and die luigi

What is MTG-Arena?


How do magic faggots put up with this

I'm aware, but Spaniard are among the least white europeans, except turks if you count them as europeans

never heard of them

iirc it was because it's an insult towards arabs and/or muslims.

I only want to play an archetype that doesn't heavily rely on extra deck support and is slight meme shit. There is quite a few decks that do this and are actually fun.

Look into "skull servant"and "Melffy's" decks. Both meme decks that can win against meta decks sometimes. they are still non-meta but they are extremely satisfying.

Also it uses the extra deck but it's honestly maybe the most pure extra deck use in the game. Look into fright fur's archetype. It only uses fusion monsters and you need polymerization to make your extra deck cards. It honestly slaps and it's maybe the best deck to get back into yugioh at the moment. It's also EXTREMELY cheap.

not what OP is talking about

They dont playe these cards or its usually the only card with a black dude in their deck.

Not vidya

wow 5%! this is white genocide


yes i would call spaniards white - but what i mean is i want conquistadors to look at least hispanic, not white in terms of nordic/anglo. good point

the original guy wont respond now. asks me to name them, i name them. then chokes when someone calls their bluff, always the same

The FTK nature of YGO isn't as bad nowadays. It's more like a STK (second turn kill) where the game ends on turn 3 if the guy going first can set up answers for the guy going second

>MTG as a whole is just shit for whites.
No, its shit for coastie retards and has been shit for coastie retards for a long time. Hence why theyre all fully soi, love trannies and niggers
Yugioh isnt for minorities, its for weebs. Its popularity in the west was fueled by the anime when it aired on Cartoon Network and thus picked up a lot of blacks, but its not a target of them. Its still a weeb game, as you can see by tons of mecha, dragons and waifus in every set.

>only card
>lists 20 cards
>t. Turkroach mooslim
Killyourself ahmed fuck off back to ur sandniggerland and gtfo Britain and Germany u faggot niggernoob

He's a YouTuber with mental issues. He plays quite a lot of arena and he openly shits all over arena players cos of the same shit you were just saying. He's quite funny and unhinged and you might enjoy him if you hate faggots like merchant etc. Search primal huntcheeks on YouTube.

because i hate niggers and that's a nigger

You dont have to play all of them in one deck.

>and you can't endlessly play limited unless you pay cash.
You can if you're really good or make a bunch of alt accounts

>it's about the number of cards!
>not commodifying a cultural groups history/religion/culture to sell something and then misrepresenting it with people from other races/cultures supplanting those roles

i'm sure you'd be just thrilled with whites in black roles right?

just make a real online version not duel links

>acknowledge Spaniards are white
>but I don’t want Spaniards tonlook white
Ur aware the conquistadors come from Spain right? Retarded Faggott killyourself anytime

>implying I play nigger the trannering

i want them to look like Spaniards. not nordic or anglo people.
spaniards from spain still do not look like Norwegians or british people for example.

regardless, it was a bad example. why not look at the other 3 i posted

>implying I play nigger the trannering
Where do u think conquistadors come from retard is sure isn’t south amerikek or Mexico retarded Faggott
Good answer

U don’t know what a Spaniard looks like

i'm aware that spaniards who went over to south america as conquistadors did not look like south americans or mexicans.
you should also be aware that you're completely delusional if you think that those spaniards looked the same as nordic or anglos

lmao cope and dilate Sp*niard. YWNBW

Wut? The only countries that have a sizable and relevant gun hobby circles are the US and Switzerland and both cucked their own gun laws in recent times. The only one country who are improving their gun laws are the Czech but they're not as good as the US yet iirc. I'm assuming you're from there?

>swords to plowshares
>dude what if he like, literally turned his sword into a farm tool with magic or something

Killyourself luigi

african angels are OK since they're just abstract beings but nigger vikings,knights, conquistadors and cossacks are full blown retardation.

>african angels are OK
How can one faggot be so wrong

What Yugioh were you playing lmoa

I see you know fuck-all about gun culture. Pretty much every single European country has a well-established hunting and shooting scene.

Too many niggers and the company is too jewish.

based snowbunnies

>abstract beings
>from a middle eastern religion
>which took up in europe
>the entire concept of angels that is used in magic, and in modern culture - that of the winged, white feathered humanioid is entirely created in europe - the home of whites
>african angels are fine


Table for refence here to add to what this user said. The U.S does top the lists of course but many other countries have well armed civilians

Attached: Guns.png (1695x945, 88.06K)

I'm loving the race baiting like this is fucking Dab Forums
Anyone buying the new commander decks? they seem cool but maybe a little too fotm.
The new set should be interesting but expect high amounts of POZZ as this is a wizarding (read wizardnigg) school ala harry potter.

I'm from Lancashire England, blacks don't speak like us they have their own 'dialect' of English that involves shit like putting you in a spliff or getting queffed and cheffed.

They make no fucking sense

You will always be a nigger

I just play paper EDH with friends over zoom

I do not associate with nigars.

>Pretty much every single European country has a well-established hunting and shooting scene.
I had a feeling that you're 1 of those retarded eurofudd that knows fuck all about gun culture. No Quintero, your shitty .22lr plastic dildos will always be a laughing stock in countries with actual gun laws.

>buying MTG from WOTC in 2021
Come on user, they don't deserve your money

Shut the fuck up, mutt, I can get semi-autos in .308 no fucking problem.

I'm a native American so I don't care. also if you were worried about about commodification and misrepresentation you wouldn't want the set and would be upset at the gods not being 1:1

angels are a Jewish invention from the middle East. they would not be white.

like fucking clockwork, lol. Stay the fuck out of /k/ you useless cuck.

Why do u let mooslims rape ur country?


yeah your mom haha

>angels are a Jewish invention
Killyourself retard

I can also get them in 5.56mm or 6.5 sneedmore, retard.

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>literal HEYA HOOOAH

>there are people right now living in Lancashire.

Bath here. How far north is Lancashire?

the 2 new precons and the zendikar ones are decently made. the 2 between those releases are horrible (they were r&d 1st ). I got the elf precon and the rogue and felt like I got more then my 20 bucks worth

what is this even
it's not a standard set

I can't wait for Xiden to take your guns. How's that $1.20/rd 5.56mm treating you? I get it for 38c/rd in my cunt.

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wanna laugh harder. some Euro tourist was shocked I was native, he thought we were extinct. shit hit hard

WE should play it sometime

retarded take.
angels in the old testament are formless beings.

the angels we are discussing (as i literally went out of my way to explain in the post since i knew you'd try to swerve around it like the little kike that you are) are a western european invention

Don’t have blacks or muzzies where I live. Only time I see them is when I go into Manchester or (May the lord forgive me for uttering this word) Blackburn

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Kaldheim (the last set) has 2 black removal spells. The first one is 2 mana (2 if you foretell) that kills a creature (scry 2 if foretold), and the other one exiles a creature or planeswalker for 4 mana. I've used them both consistently and counter instants are a bigger threat than creatures with hexproof, etc

>Only 18 results

4channel is collapsing

Because I hate SJWs

no i would like a set based on nordic culture that represents that culture at least at a base level (correct skin tone, naming conventions, culture) etc.

As i'm speaking to a native american, i wouldn't want a native american themed expansion with Sitting Bull having blonde hair and blue eyes or Sacagawea being japanese

Unfathomably based.

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Im a spic, and Yu gi oh was good until after Battle City. Now shit has less interaction than ever.

>nonono I meant my fanfiction version, not the ACTUAL ANGELS

Of course a stupid shitskin doesn’t care about stuff being niggerwashed.. killyourself


>This retard really thinks black nerds are out gandbanging
It's really funny how the every cracker thinks the average black people are criminal, meanwhile in the black community, anyone could tell the hard dudes from the squares.

>play magic way back in Urza cycle
>heard news niggas were butthurt with Terese Nielsen and Rebecca Guay

Isn't MTG dying already? Trying to Yugioh, yugioh for fuck sake

user, it's the only format I play.

I'm so glad table top, TCGs, etc are all cleansing their markets from chudcels.

D&D 5e went super woke and it is the most popular it has ever been.

Same for MTG.


no i meant angels as they would have been perceived in the culture where the expansion is based.

if you're making angels for your fantasy world, and they're going to be like western angels with halos, wings, and humanoid features - then yes we're clearly talking about european angels, not middle eastern old testament ones.

you're just being wilfully stupid to bait i assume.

>i'm going to make a knight
>oh cool ok then so he's going to have wooden shoulderguards?
>no that would be a samurai

This is such a gross misunderstanding of what actually happened that it's basically white incel fantasy at this point.

hasbro just wants money
(corporation) isn't your friend and they don't care about social justice crusades


cucking and pandering IS for the white people though.

dog fucker.

because all cardgames are all gabage

I don't play card games or anything so maybe this is a stupid question but is that box supposed to look like it's a feminine hygiene product?

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>recently got some starter decks and started playing with my roomate. Wanted to buy cards but i saw that competent deck cost actual money.
The more competitive your decks get, the less they become.
Buy a grabbag of cards off ebay and you and your friends sift through that and slap together some decks. Kitchen table is for people who like to have fun, competitive is for people who have to win at any cost.

Oh I know that very well. But chudcels are the most autistic and disgusting players at every game shop. The less of them the better.

Math is for blockers and only queers play blue. Sounds right to me

mtg has become disney cartoonly

>MtG's most influential and celebrated artist privately supports the republican party
>cuts ties without any input from her

Did she go on stage and say trans were invading her space or some shit?

>I'm loving the race baiting like this is fucking Dab Forums
Dab Forums boogeyman isn't the one shilling a get rich quick scheme of niggers on cardboard


i'm so glad i dodged this gay nigger bullshit.

Because I don't like Gacha Games.

Ur a “chudcel” whatev r the hell that is niggerfaggot

>nigger dwarves

jesus christ.

Just run cycling and hit them with Zenith Flare for a lot. The deck is also basically free.

Attached: iko-217-zenith-flare.png (745x1040, 1.62M)

>scratch a eurofudd
>he's gone full blown retard that would suck biden's dick in a second despite having guns as a hobby
Like I said, you retards never have any gun culture in the 1st place.

Played other tcgs for years but never magic, I got into Arena since last year thanks to the pandemics, and I've had lot of fun in generaL. The woke agenda will prevail for the time being, thats how it is. For me, somedays I dont care, and someday it does bother me a little. In Kaldheim you already had Kaya, which Im ok with. You even made a mulatto faggot with Nico, ok fine. But vikangz feels lame as fuck.

confirmed for not even playing the game

Suck my dick. I can get the same guns as you, and I don't need a useless amendment for it.

>I can get the same guns as you
lol keep going retard, there's a reason why you're still not telling where you come from.

I believe God created angels actually.

Magic sucks now; Hearthstone is even better at this point.

WoTC killed standard and Legacy is a dead meme due to speculators.

which is funny because if you actually know shit skins, they literally, not figuratively, literally call white people 'devils' when they are at church/temple/ect. The jews call whites children of amalek, the eternal enemy, black churches call whities 'the white devils', and arabs call them kaffir infidel slaves. Even the chinese call whites gweilo or forgin devils. Everyone has their own special slurs for the people they hate.

Commander is for Trannies

I hate women and minorities

lmao fuck hearthstone is absolute shit

>keep going
No need, I already told you all I had to say. Keep coping, soon you'll be worse off than the bad European countries in terms of gun laws.

spainyards are iberians, thats like saying Indians are chinese.

Don't you have some peyote to smoke Standing Eagle?


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Yuros don't have guns and all the native peoples of Europe will disappear as your replaced by Muslims and Africans LMAO au revoir


>the native peoples of Europe will disappear as your replaced by Muslims and Africans
Says the fucking mutt kek

it's pretty good desu
Standard is fun
Classic is coming soon
Battlegrounds is fun

Can't speak on wild I dont play it as I used to disenchant my old cards to get new ones; but I don't think 3 years of Renolock is worth playing.

>whole point is they dwell in mountains and snowy land and never see the sun
>Hurr lets make them niggers

They already used a nig for the viking setting and they're using another one for the next set? jesus

no that's Saturday. today is peacepipe with some white devils


>Yuros don't have guns and all the native peoples of Europe will disappear as your replaced by Muslims and Africans LMAO au revoir

Attached: f3f.gif (360x203, 1.62M)

its a scientific fact that african women have the strongest magical capabilities

They've been implementing good changed over the last year to try and breath new life into it.
I've been f2p since just before the first expansion Naxxramas and it tanked fucking hard for a few years but it's getting more interesting.
If these new changes don't bring the money though I expect it to be abandoned like HotS.

Who are they pandering to? Do niggers even play MTG?

god i want a black gf

America is English speaking, culturally American and religiously protestant, even blacks whites whatever divide it's the same. Euros are literally importing millions of Africans and Muslims that keep their language, clothing, religion and culture. America will still be culturally American, Christian and have strong connections to America the constitution and the founding fathers and patriotism in a thousand years.

There won't be a single nation in Europe where the native people survive in a hundred.

>No need, I already told you all I had to say.
Lol, I accept your concession. You're still aren't telling us where you're from, you reyarded eurofudd

>Keep coping, soon you'll be worse off than the bad European countries in terms of gun laws.
Fucking commiefornia and jew york are still 10x better than the worst gun law state in Europe. Only the czech republic and Switzerland are better and even then latter is slowly cucking out their once good gun laws.

they are pandering to woke whites

>this entire fucking post

Attached: thots laughing.jpg (452x398, 65.95K)

>tfw you will live to see the cradle of white culture destroyed because they're too scared to defend it

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sorry but i'm playing a much better game with actual SOUL, legends of runeterra

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Your country is collapsing, you fucking retards.

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>Rubik's cube
>In Universe
>Reciting ever single number of pi backwards
I swear the guys who wrote this blurb has room temperature IQ

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stop defending the super elite politicians

>Reciting ever single number of pi backwards

Attached: q.jpg (350x350, 53.55K)

Im playing on mobile, and there are 2 bugs that fucking suck:
- If you get to see your opponent hand (ex: Valki), if you try to see his hand again, after peeking those cards will disappear from the screen, if he casts them you wont see what the fuck they are casting, and if its a creature sometimes it will appear on his graveyard, and other times you wont even be able to target them.
- If they attach a rune to Runed Crown, and then they equip it to a creature, you cant target with an artifact removal spell, if you click over the creature once to see the cards attached to him, and you try to remove the Crown, the game thinks you are clicking on the creature again, and puts them back into place. I dont have this issue when it is only 1 card attached to a creature, but it sucks when it happens.

america was founded on revolution. wouldn't expect a disgusting frog to understand that.

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think I hate blue players more than any race

Should have hopped in at the beginning, I feel there is to much shit to catch up on now.

>Intelligent, nihilistic with a wicked sense of humor
Bravo WotC

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You're the ones doing it by not utilizing your 2nd Amendment, so don't fucking come to me talking about "muh gun rights" when you fail to fucking do what yours are there for.

Then do it. Get that fraud of a president out of the white house, bitch. We all know you're not gonna do shit.

it was hilarious to watch all those politicians who send thousands to die in useless wars shitting their pants because some rednecks walked into their safe space

>Reciting ever single number of pi backwards
Arts majors, really

And now they're fortifying themselves, taking away your guns, and culling the military so that it will never happen again.

thanks joe biden


Why are they pandering for people who don't play this shit

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You got no one to blame but yourself and your fellow countrymen for allowing him to take power like that.


I'm not american LMAO

Sorry, I actually want to have kids.

the skill of players on mtga is really going down
like a platinum now plays like a bronze did during the ravnica block

Me neither. Feels good man.

Wait the next magic setting is nothogwarts?

I know fellow memer. MTG should be nothing but illustrations of Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime and Hitler (fuck women BTW). After all, only incels play MTG, right?

It's clearly Nogwarts

>Math is Magic!
>Can solve Rubik's Cube™ while reciting every """number""" of pi backwards
They're not even trying anymore arent they?

Damn it's fucking pottery

>After all, only incels play MTG, right?

>new tranny janny working overtime to keep the board clean
keep up the good "work" janny

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Unless you're from Germany or Canada, you pretty much live in a shithole worse than the USA.

>He isn't aware of Mathemagicians
There examples are retarded bullshit though, true.

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That does not relate at all to the question and the topic we've discussed. Where are you from that have such a ''''gun hobby circle''''? You've already ruled out CR and Switzerland so that leaves the other euro countries that have absolutely cucked gun laws.

He is probably from Argentina.


Attached: LAjulOl.jpg (640x640, 91.2K)

this was my fav as well

It's called EDH you fucking faggot


>That does not relate at all to the question and the topic we've discussed
It absolutely does. You can't scream "USA USA USA" in a discussion about gun when your country is collapsing, your president is gonna take away your guns, and you fail to actually use the 2nd amendment when needed.

Serious question if any user knows this. So wotc always sends a small reference text along with the concept art from the directors to inform the artists of what they intend the card art to look like. I've seen SOME of these reference texts that have been revealed/leaked, and they usually don't tell the artist how the individual -- if it IS a humanoid -- itself looks (race, weight, proportions, etc.), just the action, the tone, and the environment sometimes.

Do any of you KNOW that WOTC specifically directs the various artist, most of them freelancers, to depict a certain number of people of X group? Because if they don't, then the fact that there are seemingly so many non-whites in every setting is basically coincidence spawning from the imagination of various independent artists.
Also, on a different note. This set seems like just another ravnica. Alos the color identities are fucked. Izzet should be the math mages, for example. Boros should be the slick, confident leader dudes. Orzov should be the theater people and so on.

>You can't scream "USA USA USA" in a discussion about gun
Why not when the US still have better gun laws than eurofudds despite those controversial events. Once again, I accept your concession since you're still not telling where you're from.

Stay seething that we're still proud to be Americans and can bear arms while you yuropoors need a license for spoons from the EUssr Islamic caliphate.

The key word here is "still". Not for long, my dude.

Why yes I am playing the best card game in the market. How could you tell?

Attached: Screenshot_20201124-182636.png (720x252, 364.33K)

Okay Mohammad Al-eurabia

>Goth bio majors
Who writes this crap

Different black user here
Magic sucks and most weeb games are way better. You guys can keep your land bullshit

House Stacies for me

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Janny iffy uh

Weeb games have absolutely garbage reprint policy and card quality control, not that WotC was any better in the past 5+ years. FoW should've never died if they just did it properly.

>Why aren't you playing the best TCG on the market
I was a huge Magicfag and this phrase right now is a fucking joke.

Attached: eld-197-oko-thief-of-crowns.jpg (672x936, 189.74K)

Every weeb game I've played has had cards that felt better than anything WOTC has put out

This card wouldve been ok if the second ability was -3. Design team saying they didnt realize players can use the second ability on the opponent is the biggest fucking joke I've heard. Jesus, they had one job.

nah, im never coming back

I wish every weeb games would release with an online simulator tied to it like Pokemon. I would play stuff like Wixoss, Digimon or Weiss Schwarz over MTG at this point because I'm so bored with Standard and Historic.

>actually recommending arena

Pokemon and ygo reprint shit constantly and doesn't get buttfucked by the secondary market.

>Alos the color identities are fucked.
These are mono identities with a second color slapped onto it for gameplay design reasons
>white archeology
>blue math
>red art
>green biology
>black social clout

same. though I may get the precon innistrad shit. I'm a huge cocksucker for the plane

I know it doesn't count but Digimon and Weiss have fully automated tables on Tabletop Sim and ways to easily import decks without doing too much with the actual TTS tools for such.

These are arthoes user. Stacies go to Orzhov.

Legends of Runeterra is more fun.

>tfw used to play in uni with my structure daretti commander deck against faggots that win on turn 2 with infinite combos because they have invested thousands of dollars into it.

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find actual humans to play with

Argentinian here, can confirm, guns as a hobby are expensive and locked behind layers of bureaucracy. Sadly we don't get cool shit but at least Bersas are cheap. It's pretty common for old men to have at least a revolver of some sorts and the hunting circle is quite comfy although small-ish.

reads like it was written by an overweight middle aged woman that majored in creative writing. Fucking embarrassing honestly

Where i live it's really hard, but i have two friends that i can play with and anyone can win.
I hate living in a shithole without card shops

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You can make a CEDH playable deck for under $100. It's not poverty holding you back, it's you being bad.

>Do any of you KNOW that WOTC specifically directs the various artist, most of them freelancers, to depict a certain number of people of X group?

Find an artist's webpage/portfolio and look at all their non-mtg stuff. That should show you their choice of style and people they draw when not commissioned.

This one for the aesthetics, goth bios for the mechanics

They what? Fuck that shit. Even an actual "Target artifact or creature you own..." would have been better

Sure user, try getting good cards in Venezuela. And getting it at a decent price as well, card stores haven't existed in my state for years now and trying to buy specific cards is almost impossible.

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As far as I know, she liked/retweeted something her wife retweeted from Alex Jones.


she was executed right? a person that terrible doesn't live anymore right!?

look if RoTK canonically happened in M:tG multiverse then it implies modern world wouldn't be that out of reach

Maost of the ones I follow draw just as much monster/non-white people outside of their mtg stuff as in their mtg stuff. For example, Seb Mckinnon doesn't depict many non-white humans outside mtg, but neither does he in his mtg stuff.

>heavy set bad-ass
Nothing suspicious here

No, this is what makes it frustrating:

>Egypt Themed Expansion
90% of the humanoids are brown/black people. The last 10% are previously existing lore characters
>Asian Khaned Theme set
90% of the humanoids are asian/brown people. The last 10% are previously existing lore characters
>Middle Eastern Theme set
90% of the humanoids are Middle Eastern/Brown/Black people. The last 10% are previously existing lore characters

>Viking themed expansion
50% of the characters are black, 10% are brown, 40% are white
>Greek themed expansion
60% of the characters are black/brown, 40% are white
60-70% of the humanoids are black. The King and Queen are an interracial couple.

It is the fact that there is no consistency. Or rather, there is and it is just to make as many black people, women, and gay people as possible. It is retarded. Yet no one in the MTG media says anything because somehow it is racist to ask why the Asian expansion is 90% asian, but the Viking expansion is only 30-40% white.

Pozzed AND they just give no shit about balance anymore.
I managed to break free and move to eternal, it never reaches the heights of MTG but the devs actually give a shit. But fuck if a set about a school of mages doesn't tempt me into coming back. Before the virus hit I was playing the dragon ball super card game physically. Maybe I should try and go back into that to help resist the urge to play magic.

it's 20 cards out of 219 for kaldheim. take your meds schizo

Fuck that actually looks amazing.

You're incorrect.

Sagas are based and its layout forces artists to be creative with the art

then present me a list (not including kaya and tibalt). a guy already listed the cards. but go ahead

The fact that we can't have an actual setting inspired in white/asian cultures without "muh regular Jamal in this world" is what sucks. You have planeswalker, for god sake. You can have niggers with vikings that way, there is no need to turn the vikings into niggers

I want to fuck the rat girl

Attached: Need rat gf.png (828x902, 857.58K)

I don't know if they direct race, but there is a mandate to get the male/female ratio as close to 50% as possible. That is 100% confirmed.

Again, unless you can prove that it's WOTC that is directing the artists to specifically draw black people it's just a coincidence. Go take it up with the artists and see if they give a shit about your conspiracy theories. If you CAN prove that it is WOTC than you have point. Either way, I'm pretty sure if it was directed from top down to the artists to draw according to quotas or whatever, it's almost impossible that at least one of the dozens of artists WOTC employ woulnd't have come out and said something about it.

>there is no need to turn the vikings into niggers
What cards are you talking about with this? Many of the Viking cards people are saying are black are absolutely not supposed to be black. Birgi is a big example, people keep saying he's black when it's just the lighting/the artists interpretation. Look at other art of her and she looks white with a literal red tint to her skin. I don't disagree with you entirely, Eldraine was fucking bizarre with how a set based on European mythology it felt half black but with Kaldheim it more seems a lot of people think anyone with remotely dark skin and braids is a black person when they weren't even intended to be.

But gender is an important part of the characterization of the person in the art for various reasons, and I have seen gender in those reference texts. I've never seen a physical descriptor though.

why would a pretentious loner play a strictly multiplayer game

EDH has been dead to me since those faggots banned Iona to unban a degenerate combo piece (which they bought out right beforehand to artificially raise its value). If your deck is well built, you shouldn't have trouble with her even if you're playing mono color.

>Resplendent Marshall
>Righteous Valkyrie
>Valor of the Worthy
Arni or Fearless Liberator have different lightning , yet you cant tell they are white. Not so much with other cards.

>mills you for 6 turns with 20 cards in your yard
>try to cast Zenith Flare for 20
>gets countered by a 2 mana Drown in the Loch


ygo is way more popular with black people for sure

All you did was post more examples of what I was talking about. None of these look explicitly black. With the two angels you can barely even see their skin. Like I said user, you have a real point with Eldraine, not so much Kaldheim.

Because balancing and design is leaded by idiots, so they have being ruining the game for years

wotc focus on commander has been disastrous for the format

God, I hate niggers.

Literally just put a kroxa or one of the uncounterable serpents or something like that in your deck/sideboard that fits your colors. If you have a set of kroxas in your 75 Rogues literally can't win against you unless your deck is horrible.

>giving money to (((wotc)))

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mtg really has some awful fucking writing
flavor text for a decade or so now has been %50 snarky quips
vast swaths of people from all across the mutliverse are constantly smirking and making one liners in the exact same tone

>"alright we have archaeology and necromancy"
>"sounds like boros to me!"

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More like Quadroon

It's absolutely fucked. Every single school is wrong except for golgari because how do you fuck that up

spirits are usually white

The flavor is still way off.

oh I agree. it should have been blue and white

You're right, the Red/White school of magic should have been brute soldiers with swords and shields like every last iteration of the color combination!


Flavor wise, yes. The weird thing is that whoever is desinging the cards seem to be completely unaware of what's going on in the story department, because the card they use to showcase the school is perfectly Boros. It just has nothing to do with the school. I was feeling so great about Strixhaven and now it looks like it's going to be one of the worst sets in recent years.


Every time a new set comes out I'm scared shitless for the latest FIRE busted mythic that will ruin the format. We got lucky with Kaldheim.

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stop being a faggot. You literally could've just swapped around the existing schools and their colors and had it make a little sense. If boros was the description they give to the Orzov school. Leadership, confidence, sharp wit.. that would still be somewhat in theme with the color combination of Boros.

omg another expansion full of NIGGERS I can't cope

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>It's another twin planeswalkers that will probably suck and be boring episode

They're not even trying with such a theme full of potential.

>pokemon cards are all sold out and being scalped all over North Amercia
>shelves are still lined with dusty ass Magic cards

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>sharp wit

Choose 1. They're literally muscle-men bent on being a stronk military force in every version of the color pairing

They literally fired one of their best artists because “she was a TERF” you dense retard. If you seriously think WotC isn’t specifically ordering this kind of art, you are beyond saving.

because pokemon knows niggers don't sell packs

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Expensive pos. Play penny dreadful format in, much more card variety, cheap as fuck, evolving eternal meta (the best of both worlds), fun op cards to play with, almost no plainswalkers.

Also every artist getting the description for their cards like "DRAW A BADASS FAT CHICK WIELDING FIRE"

Also, the meta isn't immediately solved because it's a kind of small format, but not so small it's hard to find a game at any time of the day.

So it would be different than before AND it would actually make sense in the color pie?

I'm not saying WOTC isn't involved in some BS politics. Although I think they are basically in line with every contemporary of theirs, unfortunately. Cutting ties with Nielsen just because she followed right wing people on twitter (not even sure if she agreed/supported them) was absolutely bullshit on their part. I'm just pointing out that for this to be the case you have to believe dozens of independent artists are also in on it. "It" being the purposefully inserting non-whites into white culture and mythology.

why is that?

the other day i was at a game shop and some /fa/ fuccbois went and bought all the pokemanz booster boxes

Youtubers collecting out of nostalgia

You're right it wasn't the government chasing them out it was the rampant hordes of murderous nogs the government did nothing about

Cry me a river colonizing cracker.

>colonize a land
>improve the land for the natives
>get forced out of the land
>natives die without you and demand you back

I only play Cube with computer-printed cards, with friends. I'll never give such a shitty company my business.

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Pay To Win: The Game

And every 6 months WOTC updates what cards are acceptable for standard tournament play, meaning you constantly have to be shilling out money for the newest cards.

The "game" is literally a scam with nice artwork.

no thanks lol

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Playing for free in the online game and its pretty fun. Definitely some retarded broken cards though that can be annoying and black fatigue where theyre shoehorned everywhere as elves and vikings and shit is wack, but overall decent game got me hooked. For online at least its not pay to win since you can earn tons of cards and packs and in game currency for free and its easy to do so. WOTC is cringe for sure though, dunno if itll get worse

it can't simply be youtubers since they don't make up a big enough market to sell out all card shops,

and it can't be nostalgia since genwunners would only want to collect the first 150, not the latest sun & moon or sword & shield boosters or whatever the fuck is the latest shit on the shelves.