If you hate Pyra and Mythra but wanted Banjo, then you have no right to complain...

If you hate Pyra and Mythra but wanted Banjo, then you have no right to complain, because Banjo is the worst newcomer for this game.

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Where did these Banjo haters come from?

>Fun, unique, third party character that fans have been asking for since smash 64
>Anime sword fighter


zoomies mad because they never played the games when they were relevant.

No one gives a shit about some gay nigger faggot bear who had 2 games on the n64 u proplased anus fagtot retard killyourself digusting rosterfag fuck u fagtot u don’t even like him it was just some gay muh never ever maymays killyourself faggot him and drool were a mistake fuck rosterfags




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>"I like this old game, and it was revolutionary for it's time. I think it should be represented in smash"
At least try to make an argument, retard

Ok but smash isn't just people who grew up during the 90's and early 2000's and I can guarantee they'll play better than banjo.

>Characters people have wanted literally since Smash 64
>Another anime swordfighter

Holy shit you really are a zoomer

Probably underage retards who is trying to justify Pyra/Mythra inclusion by shitting on iconic classic characters.
I had to deal with them yesterday because they were shitting on Ness by calling him less iconic than Pyra/Mythra when that's a fucking lie, even when removing the "Smash makes them popular" excuse since the series was popular in Japan before Smash 64.

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Most of the fighter pass is represetating new games, I don't see a problem in adding a retro character, specially one who has been requested for years

The Japanese Nintendo fans had no clue who Banjo even was. Meanwhile Pyra is still trending on Japanese twitter.

>Samurai adds a cereal mascot who had a shitty licensed kart racer into Smash
Take a guess, boomer dumbfuck.


Zoomers are adorable with their rage. Don't you have a tranny grooming group to go back to?

>I'm going to pretend the character didn't have a franchise

You've just succeeded in making yourself look mad, zoomer.

>Take a guess
Is it because you're an underage b& that is too young to understand just how popular Banjo was?

Sure is Zoom in this thread.

Nobody knows who Ness is

Banjo is a good game, and Smash has retro characters since melee
>Cereal mascot
>licensed kart racer
Take your meds

>Twitter is indicative of the popularity of a character
Perhaps you should go back there, tranny.

>Banjo was added to please western fans
>Pyra was added to please japanese fans
I wander why

You will die mad

>Smash Bros was a celebration of Nintendo characters
>then it become a celebration of iconic characters

>double niggers like OP can't grasp why people wanted the fucking bear.

I dont even like Banjo as a character, but goddamn he deserved a spot

Ness is not an iconic character man, he may have been 30 years ago but if he wasn't in smash 95% of switch players would have no idea who he is.
Hell, I'm 25 and have been playing games for 15 years yet have no idea who Banjo or Ness are or what their original games looked like. Its's been more than two decades since they've been relevant. You can call them "classic", but "iconic" would mean something easily recognizeable like Mario, Sonic, Ryu, whatever, bu

The hate is simply a backlash because the N64 manchildren whine and moan about how their furry mascot is super relevant and iconic. Banjo series isn't even the most iconic of its genre on its console, it's less known and sold less than Mario 64. Literally every Nintendo fan who grew past their kiddy phase and any other gamer who didn't own a N64 doesn't give a flying fuck about Banjo. Call me zoomie all you want but I owned a PS1 so I don't have any feelings attached to this cartoony shit. Meanwhile you still have feelings for shit you liked when you were underaged.
Thankfully despite his addition to Smash, the Banjo series is STILL dead as fuck because of how utterly irrelevant it is. Sakurai even tells people to go play it on Xbox because that shit will never get ported to the Switch LMFAO.

>Bringing back a beloved but dead character owned by a competitor to your crossover for the sole purpose of fanservice and making people happy
Only the living can know this joy.

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Transwomen are women.

To this day I'm still having fun playing banjo whole I keep animefag moving to the new anime characther screaming "hoes mad" and forget about it next week

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Whoa user, you have to remember the average Dab Forumstard worships Japanese women in vidya and by default all western vidya is inferior.

I hope Sakurai puts in Dante so the Smashseethers can short circuit. Or REALLY make my day and make the next fighter a 2-for-1 and add both Dante and Vergil.

I don't give a shit about Banjo, his games never piqued my interest, but obviously he's iconic and as a character he's fun as fuck to play is.
The only egregious for me really has been Steve, I can't understand why a Minecraft stage isn't enough, Leon or Jill from Resident Evil would've been a fantastic choice as a campy character akin to Steve, and they aren't ugly as sin.

Imagine if 天谷 大輔 didn't sell out to Nicalis what could have been

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>Hell, I'm 25 and have been playing games for 15 years yet have no idea who Banjo or Ness are or what their original games looked like.
So you're just dumb or oblivious or not really into games. There are all kinds of games, even major classics, that I haven't gotten into or played, but at least recognize the games and characters. BK and Ness are significant enough that anyone with more than a normie awareness of video games will recognize.

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If you don't think furry anthro shit is ugly as sin, you were most likely pozzed by Looney Tunes and cereal mascots as a child.

I hate furries, Banjo doesn't look furry-esque to me, mostly because he only grunts and doesn't have ridiculous looking fur with crass colour scheming, he's just a brown bear.

>less known and sold less than Mario 64
>less known and sold less than the absolute #1 N64 platformer (a franchise that's already represented in Smash anyway)
>therefore it's irrelevant
true zoomer mentality

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Or maybe Banjo is just a good game
Maybe people don't like cartoony games because of "muh nostalgia", and they just like it because they like it
Maybe you are the retard who can't comprehend the concept of people liking different things then you
I fell sorry for all the sony fans who get grouped with retards like you

min min is easily the worst newcomer to smash. the character was literally designed to be boring to play.

Banjo and Pyra/Mythra were my most wanted besides Geno so I can die happy

Cry harder faggot. You enjoy your advertisements, everyone else will keep having fun with the actually good newcomers.

Straight up false.

Banjo looks VERY furry-esque to me. Human hands, muscular upper torso, wears 'cool' clothes (tooth necklace). A good brown bear design is something like pic related, or anything that's more of a rectangle shape.

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You type like a compfag, go back to Twitter.

Take up the muscular thing with Sakurai

Banjo didnt used to be WIIIIDE

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'LMFAO' has been used on the internet since before you were born kid

>Where did ___ come from?
The answer is always one guy being really autistic.

Yessir. Even Phil Spencer was open to Banjo being in Smash

>The chief Xbro wanted him in a Nintendo game.

>Zoomers mad their favorite anime character didn't get in before the bear and bird.

Imagine seething over a popular character getting in Smash in 2021.

>Ness is not an iconic character man, he may have been 30 years ago
He's much more iconic nowadays, user. Back in the day, to many, he was considered Smash's original character, like Amingo and Ruby Heart in MVC2.

So timeless that he didn't get a single game in all of the 2010s, and has yet to get even an announcement for one in the 2020s.

Banjo is my favorite character :) Maybe its because Banjo Kazooie was my favorite n64 games

Hi I'm new here
Whats a fotm

flavor of the month

I have a feelings Banjo, Terry and Sephiroth is as good as its going to get for Ultimate.

Imagine being a simp that found Pyra good enough to make it into Smash. Anime face and big boobs is all it takes for you imbeciles.

Personally I think both Ness and Banjo are not iconic. I'm an Earthbound fan but not a Banjo-Kazooie fan, so it's interesting to see both get called iconic. When I look at Banjo fans saying he's iconic, I just think it's kind of sad and pathetic, because they use it as an argument to try to revive their dead series. But when I see a Ness fan like you say it, it's kind of embarassing. Why do you care? Are you trying to get validation from others? Because it's iconic it's good? Earthbound is a cult classic, by definition it's only popular within that small group of dedicated fans ("cult"). To this day it's a hidden gem that most people only know from Smash.

>10th best selling game on a Nintendo console
>Not iconic
user, you're stupid

the best way i can put it, even looking at all these replies is that:
1) svebefags and co. are trying to get a rise out of banjo fans once more because they're bored.
2) people haven't played the games, i played them recently and they're really fun, and i like how banjo is more strict with the shit kazooie spouts out of her shitter in the second game, however, these people missed it and now they're trying to justify why he should be removed without making an actual argument, just because.
3) some Zoomers who wanted a more relevant character (fotm) and since they don't understand the appeal for banjo, they can only screech how it's a 'waste of a slot' because it's not what they wanted.

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Where have you been for the past 5 years? Earthbound might as well be normiecore at this point. It somehow went from a hidden gem to babies first RPG.

OP is obvious bait but seriosuly, some anime character from a bad game with god-awful music and voice acting that no one even plays or knows about gets into smash when there are many other better reps that could have been in the game.

The character isn't even the protagonist. Some faggots on Dab Forums (noitce I only say SOME) only like her because shes a stereotypical anime "waifu" or whatever the shit and wank off to her instead of getting any wimmins in real life.

You cannot deny that this is a terrible rep

Soon they will have two menus at choose your character where you toggle between anime swordsmen and non anime swordsmen.

How many people have ACTUALLY played it? And on what console? It got ported to the Wii U, but the Wii U was a massive failure. Do normies even know how to pirate and emulate?

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zoomer coomers asshurt that people like a 20+ year old bear still from a series that doesn't need to be dripping in tits and anime shit for people to have bought and enjoyed it, where as their double-fuck doll character is going to be even less relevant in the future since the series will move on with new stories and characters and they will be stuck as being relevant only for and will never even hope to come close to having the iconic, longevity of the bear as an iconic game character, fucking bitches aint even the main characters of their game really, lmfao

Thanks im a jew

retarded stance. People seem to forget that many of these characters were indeed very iconic in their times and there is no rule beyond corporate marketing saying Smash has to include iconic characters only from "Current Year" Why the fuck would Nintendo only want to shill to zooms when they can also collect boomboom money as well? Doing just "relevant" characters for each Smash release would just make the games feel even more dated.

I love Banjo & Kazooie as a character, but his gameplay in Ultimate is hair pulling dude.

Most of Banjo players play pretty lame and will camp for hours. I don't have a problem with camping itself but Banjo tool kit really makes it more insufferable.

Even a camping Palu or runaway ZSS is more entertaining to play against.

Banjo was the best addition, Pyra and Mythra were solid additions. Worst addition is a two way tie between Terry and Steve.

Honestly, with the Ninja Gaiden announcement, I'm surprised they didn't add Ryu Hayabusa. Maybe he'll be next.

That only applies to fire emblem shilling you dumb nigger

you go back and look at the majority of Nintendo marketing in the late 90s and Banjo was right up there along side Mario, Link, Pikachu and Kirby. Banjo was very heavily pushed as the next iconic Nintendo character, even more then others with games out at the time. As if you will ever fucking see these blowup doll bimbos in marketing along side Mario or Pikachu in anything that isnt Smash related. fucking retards assuming shit about gaming without having lived during it

why do animefags get so salty that Banjo is popular anyways?
damn people hate Pyra yeah shes lame but she really isn't as bad as say Inceneroar, Joker and Byleth, it does help that she has a cool stage but thats on the stage
I guess it doesn't help that shes an anime sword guy preceded by another fucking anime sword guy(personally to me atleast they don't have a miedival aesthetic), I will say I do enjoy mad sjws(which likely deflate her ratio on pic related) but Pyra on her own is super meh, don't care one way or the other but her inclusion makes sense to me, XC2 was big and Ninty should focus on brand building other series

but yeah RIP Pyra is the 2nd Worst Receive newcomer next to Byleth she honestly doesn deserve that

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Jokes on you, Banjo And Xenoblade 2 were my most wanteds


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>love me persona 5 so I'm digging joker
>love me some dragon quest so I'm digging the heroes
>love me banjo tooie so Im digging banjo
>love me mark of the wolf so I'm digging terry.
>kinda lukewarm on byleth but FE: 3 houses looks neat.
>kinda lukewarm on ARMS but min-mins a cool design so Im happy.
>kinda lukewarm on minecraft but steves a cool as hell addition so I'm happy.
>love FF7 so I'm digging Sephiroth
>love Xenoblade Chronicles 2 so I'm digging Pyra.

Trannies and rosterfags ain't gonna make me seethe, I'm loving these.

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Banjo fans move from boogeyman to boogeyman. Before it was Steve fans and zoomers, now it's animefags. Why do you do this

But that's Joker?

>Banjo is not iconic
At least try with your bait

It's actually a result of them modifying Donkey Kong into a bear character.


They really should've just added Pyra/Mythra after Min Min instead of having them be the follow up to Minecraft Steve and Sephiroth, two of the most groundbreaking inclusions Smash has ever gotten. People were expecting crazy shit like Eggman or Ryu Hyabusa, and rightfully so.

user is mistaken. It's not normies. It's children and young teens, who grew up watching "this game is dark" vids on youtube. That's the bulk of the Earthbound audience now.

Back in the day of dial-up, Earthbounds fanbase was usually eccentric nerds who made flash animations and such. Guys like misteroo, disaster labs and Chicanery were your typical Earthbound Fans in the early 00s.

Now Earthbound is this hipster bullshit game synonimous with tumblr and weird trannie shit. I've noticed the same thing happened with Majoras Mask and noticed it happening slowly now with Paper Mario.

God fucking damnit I want to drop a nuclear bomb on the westcoast so fucking badly!

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Spring is always going to be the shitty reveals, ;ast year was Byleth and Minmin, this year is Pyra and Mythra.

Nah Byleth is the worst and has no right to be in the game other than Nintendo having a big boner for 3 Houses!

Fucking bait posting ass dickshit!

Based. Bylethfags have been throwing Min Min under the bus for nearly months at this point, and now they're trying to do the same thing with Pyra/Mythra because they can't stand the fact that other first party characters were more well-received than their shitty pick.
>Not wanted by the Japs
>Not wanted by the west
>Not even wanted by people who played Three Houses
>Is so milquetoast that they had to PRETEND he had a cool gimmick just so he'd sell
There is no topping Byleth. By far the worst DLC character Smash has ever gotten.

No waluigi no buy.

eh, following up with Seph is the only mistake, being that of following up an anime sword guy with another anime sword guy, hate to sound like a broken record but holy shit they are doing it to themselves, anyways regardless of timing theres not much you can do with Pyra to make her hype, despite XC2, being popular the characters in XC2 are notoriously cringe by design(not even an sjw infact, I'm loving their seethe) and voice acting so they are hard to like, speaking of design I appreciate how she doesn't have a medieval aethestic like every FEfag, Link and Hero

Nah, banjo’s got a lot of charm and represents a classic aspect of gaming. Mythra and Pyra feel like the latest Byleth in terms of being characters by committee

i fucking hate seeing all my favorite games/series going to trash. why cant people be fucking normal?

Min-Min is actually well received see

>theres not much you can do with Pyra to make her hype
She literally brought back the transformation mechanic Zelda and Sheik had up until Sm4sh. From what I can see, people are actually excited to see it play out despite it being attached to a character not many people asked for.


I wasn't referring to her reception, just that she isn't a huge earth-shattering reveal.

It’s funny how mad people get over one of the few DLC characters that can’t be accused of being a shill pick.
I’m not trying to flame you, but I can tell you either play a bottom 5 character or play at a low level. I’ve put a lot of time into labbing/playing Banjo, and he’s not good at zoning or approaching. My opponents are generally much more willing (and able) to camp against me than I am against them; Banjo is also combo food if you’re careful to avoid overextending.

thats the only feature that made me interested. i am fine with Zelda/Sheik being separated since they are not even the same version of Zelda anymore, but id like to see in a future game Samus and ZS Samus made back into one character with a explosion move that breaks your armor off and then you can re-collect it if you want to turn back. I always liked transformations since it adds a bit of choice be it you can ignore the transformation all together and just master one form or you can study and learn how to use both forms to maximize your options but is more complex to do

How is Banjo still triggering autists this hard nearly 2 years later?

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Dumbass zoomer

>adds a new non-Human character into a goofy crossover game
>no, moar swords

You can chalk it up to one really autistic guy making a bunch of posts as another user said.
Also, Bylethfags.

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Idk I just think shill picks are lame more than anything
Flash forward a decade or so, would these characters be requested? What kind of legacy have they built since then? I don't really know about other gaming sites but all I see from Pyra at least here are " Play her game " threads and that one webm with Japanese humor. Not exactly the height of legacy. Would this get better by 2030 or something? I don't know
Meanwhile, you have " another anime swordfighter " that released recently: Sephiroth. Also arguably shills something with FF7R, but he has a legacy that people can know him for:
>Oh it's that really hard optional boss from KH
>Haha Aerith's dead
>My mom's first edgy character
>One Winged Angel is one of the most iconic Vidya tracks of all time
Just give the time for characters to see if they stand the test of time. I'm an optimist, so I won't tell you that Pyra can't stand the test of time and stand above the rest, or instead just be interchangeable and less desirable once XBC3 comes out, but it's a possibility.

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Why argue about anyone

They’re in the game forever even if we don’t like them

Guarantee, as much as Genofags get beat up behind the gym, the fucking puppet is still going to be more fondly remembered then blythe, minmin or the 2 new whores ever will outside of porn.

I don't play bottom tiers, and I haven't lose to a Banjo in bracket yet.

It just annoying, never said Banjo was good or anything, his tool kit is just annoying.

Based. This is largely the issue I have with FE picks. Robin, Marth, and Ike are the only ones that feel justified in terms of having a legacy. I don’t have an issue with they way they play outside of thinking disjoints are poorly balanced in Smash, but even as someone who played the games, it’s hard to call Corrin, Roy, or Byleth iconic.

Roy literally started the trend of "promotional" characters (though arguably Pikachu/Jigglypuff were Smash 64's closest equivalent)

>Banjo is already forgotten and everyone makes fun of how shit a character he is
>Joker is the king of Smash and constantly wins tourneys like it's nothing
Cereal mascot bros....we got too cocky

Smash fans don’t hate anime

Marth/Roy/Ike/Robin were well received and popular. Same with DQ heroes, Cloud, Shulk etc

It’s just recently they feel Smash is turning the screws too hard on a single archetype. If they doused they game in animals like Banjo it’d be bad too

>no rebuttal
I accept your concession, trannies.

Don’t jinx it kek. You’re good, user. Many Banjos play slow because of how flawed the character is; it’s hard to justify taking 2-3x the maximum damage you could possibly output if you fuck up. Watch for patterns in their zoning because I promise there are plenty of holes in their defense. I can’t give any specific matchup advice without knowing your character(s), but good luck out there. I’ll admit that it’s a slog when both players are scared to approach.

>rightfully so
Only retards expected shit like that. Anyone who's been here from the beginning knows to not expect anything.

>Be the Smash devs
>Consider adding Lief in Melee, but add Roy instead because FE7 was almost out at the time
>Roy is one of the shittiest characters in said game
>Banish Lyn to assist trophy hell despite being more iconic than the last 4 FE characters they've added
>Do the same with Black Knight despite the fact that even non-FE fags requested him when echoes were announced
>Hector never-ever
>Add Corrin, their game later becomes one of the most poorly received FE games
>Add Byleth, even though people who played Three Houses were requesting Dimitri or Edelgarde
Fire Emblem is handled so poorly in Smash it hurts

If you go online, the vast majority of players gravitate towards the Final Fantasy/Fire Emblem swordies and Joker, if they hate archetype, why do they keep playing them?

It was also on New 3DS and SNES Classic. Seethe more.

Because Ultfags prefer picking top tiers they hate playing to see their autism number go up on wifi than they do having fun, duh. Why do you think so many people pick Samus and shit out projectiles?

I like both bitch. The only bad newcomer so far is Byleth and that’s mainly because they could have done more with them and they feel like a half measure. Honestly I would have bit the bullet and done Dimitri or Edelgard, they would feel more different from the rest of the roster.

Actually, I have some general advice. Abuse Banjo’s terrible OoS; if you space properly, you’ll never get hit by his best options (up smash and bair). Abuse his jump height and air speed. You will almost never be hard punished by engaging Banjo from the air (watch for wonderwing and fair). Mileage will vary, but these two things should help you a lot against most Banjo players.

There was nothing to rebutal too, you didn't make an argument
"Cereal Mascot boomber fuck" is not an argument

Here's my theory.

They added too many FE in such a short period of time, and now they ruined it for more out there anime swordies. If the last two slots have anything resembling a sword, the community will collectively lose their god damn mind, and holy shit its endgame if they add anymore FE characters.
Now swordies are tainted. There's Marth, Fire Marth, Lady Marth, Ike, Discount Roy, Dragon Marth, Magic Marth, and Down B Marth.

You can cut at least 3 of these Marths and add in swordies from other franchises.

banjo was the best-selling original game on the N64 aside from Smash Bros itself.

No, Goldeneye does not count as an original.

actually, did you know? FE fates released one whole year before Corrin, meaning that Corrin is the one and only true shill pick, because his game was going to shit, they shoved him in smash to see if he'd sell the game more.
it didn't.

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They don’t hate the archetype, thematically there’s slightly too many of them.

Banjo seems pretty popular for a character who IMO is boring. It’d be nice if he was an actual brawler, but you only get results if you literally shit out projectiles all match

The thing is most Smash players have extremely low IQ that they don't realize that a quarter of the swordies are all clones/semi clones of Marth. Fucking Byleth doesn't even use a sword in most attacks but people will complain that he's another swordie while arguing for Dante.

Based and Doomguypilled

This is how persona 5 faggots were reacting when TWEWY Neo was first revealed. They felt intimidated by a setting and aesthetic that predates their own favorite franchise.

The same can be said with fatlus, considering they were in charge of turning down a Jet Set Radio revival, probably because they’re fucking jealous That a game with a similar art style existed before their own.

>literally shit out projectiles all match
I was going to correct you, but the ass egg is extremely important for controlling space.

The truth is that Banjo is poorly designed, he’s hard to use. Many Banjo players play that way because of how hard it is to approach with him in most matchups. It’s kind of a shame that the devs didn’t even attempt to make the character function.

Banjo's a literal Zoomer character, tho

Gay bait

I love Pyra, Mythra, Banjo and all you guys!

Conker would’ve unironically been a better addition

Was Banjo to animefags what Byleth was to the rest of fans? Because they're still furious about Banjo and obsessed with rubbing Pythra in Crashfags' faces.

This. He's legit a Zoom-Zoom character
It's only Gen-Alpha that hates him

crash not being revealed was (and hopefully will be for two more slots) a blessing. That character is ugly as fuck and is just as stupid as his fanbase

How is the Banjo series still this dead nearly 2 years later? Hahahahaha

Sakurai's tweet for Banjo is in English, he clearly knows that Japan does not care. The tweet for Pyra has literally triple the likes compared to Banjo's intro tweet.

Good. Fire emblem is a shit franchise and JRPGs in general are repetitive trash with no originality. They deserve all the hate they get.

Theres a reason Pokemon continues to be more popular than most of these rpgs is because it isn't another “game” about Anime-designed characters withs swords in a Western-fantasy setting.

We didn’t wait a whole year dealing with this bullshit virus just for Nintendo to shill more JRPG shit. Stop acting like this shit is popular, its not and never will be.

Backwards ass racist country loves repetitive shit that only they like what a shock

The shitty English dub ruined the trailer for me. I'll watch the Japanese version to see if I find it as offensive.

What I've learned is that Japan is filled with Coomers while Amerimutts are furries

You can't just call anything you don't like a shill pick. Millions of people enjoyed Xenoblade 2. Xenoblade is a Nintendo series since the Wii, is their main JRPG franchise (FE is strategy RPG and Pokemon is Gamefreak/TPC owned) and has a big following. The "Xeno series" in general is even older and more relevant to gaming, with Xenogears having come out in 1998. Unlike FE or Pokemon which are "over-represented" Xenoblade had only 1 rep. It was definitely deserved.

>least amount of likes

>no new banjo games
not worth it.

He isn’t just because u neber aged past 8 mentally and can’t grow past ur childhood and some faggot retarde online gooo hurr muh gay teddy bear doesn’t make him iconic He was never mentioned ouf of smash rosterfaggotry.. faggot



Killyourself tranny
>Banjokesare actual tumblrina trannies
Like pottery

why do people call him "cereal mascot"?
because he's an animal?
be cause he's colorful and cartoon?
that could be applied to a lot of characters in smash.

>When the bait is shit and the poster count doesn’t go up
Really makes me think

Because he looks like a rejected cereal box mascot/ some failed park mascot

Let's shit on characters like Tony the Tiger because a handful of degenerates grew up wanting to fuck him

Lmao this nigga having a stroke

Indeed, backwards ass racist Americans love repetitive cartoon animals that only they like, such as Banjo, King K Rool and Crash.

I played it on 3ds. the game is pretty charmful. the only jrpg that I had joy playing.

I repeat: try with your bait

>t. filtered by side-b

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>that could be applied to a lot of characters in smash.
No? Pretty much the only other "cereal mascot" characters are Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong. The others are either too serious compared to cartoony animals (Fox, Wolf, Falco), clearly Japanese-style chibi with huge, round eyes and head (Isabelle, Sonic, Yoshi, Dedede) or literal animals with no anthro features (Duck Hunt).

Literally Nobody:

Not OP but I've been shitting on Banjo since before he was revealed as a fighter. I've also never lost to a Banjo, but the shitty irrelevant character is so unpopular that I've only seem him in online a couple of times.

I think Banjo is fun to play as but his game is meh IMO.

>muh gayming history
fuck off. final fantasy was never good btw

Its Sonicucks, I've sniffed them out for a while and every time I make this claim the prove me right, they're angry that a humble obscure series is remembered fondly as everyone tore Sonic the Hedgehog as a series to shreds, brapping and dabbing on it for years to come, Sonicucks desperately feel the need to project it to something else, notice they take the phrase "Sonic was never good" and just replace it with "Banjo was never good", there's a few more cases of this too, the fact that Banjo got implemented in Smash way better than Sonic did (because when someone picks Sonic in smash, you will hear your opponent groan in disgust) yet will say Banjo is the one that plays like shit, despite him being fun to play, next they play the low tier card, despite him being midtier and stayed silent about K.Rool and Ridley being lower on the tier list yet nobody complained. Then you hear delusional salty cucks like who you know probably plays online and has mental breakdowns every time they play against a Banjo and removes every loss against them from their memory given that Banjo is one of the best online characters. Sure you can say "stevefags" but OG Steveposters didn't care about Banjo, in fact I remember some being cool about Banjo a few days before he got announced. After Banjo got announced, that's when nusteveposters who were just sonicucks hiding behind a mask got so much more passive aggressive and filled with rage.

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Weird way of saying Byleth.

I remember seeing a Jap reaction compilation of Banjo-Kazooie reveal, and they were excited the second that jiggy bounced on the floor.

God I wish Marina was relevant.

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Holy schizo


I don't care who gets into Smash I only care if they are fun to play
And that's why Min Min is the worst newcomer in the game, worse gameplay out of anyone added in Ultimate

why do everyone who complain about "anime sword fighters" always want some animal character from a platformer that hasn't been relevant for 20 years?

Your obsession with Sonicfags is appalling, to say the least.

we live in a society

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they're amusing

This guy gets it. Instead of balancing the existing disjoint in the game, they dialed it up to 11 with Min Min. She has too many free matchups; I don’t care if she also has bad matchups. That isn’t good competitive design.

>if you hate shoehorned waifu-marketing (over their own game's protag) jrpg swordsman for the thirtieth time in a game that used to be about bingbing wahoo's fighting each other but wanted another bingbing wahoo, you have no right to complain.

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Yes cause you see that shit now? Modern Murican games are about skinheads with guns or Lego block blob men but least they change that crap up every few years.

Japs still jacking off to basic brain-dead chess game with Anime fantasy sword crap since the 90’s.

Link has been in the game since the first one user.

>Banjo only has more likes than the character that released a few days ago and the fucking plant
>h-he doesn't have too much dislikes tho...

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>classic n64 era character
>shitty anime sword fighter girl from a trash game
Unironically would've been fine with another Xenoblade character if it was one from the first game, like Reyn or Fiora.


I only care about minecraft steve and sans undertale


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>Imagine being in THAT type of denial

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Hasn’t Smash added old characters since day one?

Did people in 2008 have an aneurysm at Pit being absent for 22 years before joining Brawl?

I mean...
Banjo is cool and all but I wouldn't really call him ICONIC.

He's just boring to play.

I'm sure this is bait but I'll still reply
I asked why were people shitting on Banjo, how did you translate that to "I FUCKING BANJO"
I like Banjo, and I'm happy that he is in smash

I consider Banjo a retired legacy Nintendo character + proxy 4th DK character.

His addition is in the vein of say, Advance Wars/Golden Sun/WaveRace etc

To be fair, he made much more sense as an iconic addition when the game was more of a celebration of Nintendo history. We’re now at the point where big third party icons like Snake and Sephiroth are in, and we keep getting characters with no legacy (Corrin, Min Min, Pyra, etc).

Why do people keep insisting banjo is iconic? You can like him, you can call the game a classic, but it's never been iconic. It was on the n64 which didn't sell all to well, and on top of it it barely broke into the top ten selling and only sold about 3.65 million. It just wasn't that popular of a game. And it's sequal was even less popular. The game is over 20 years old at this point if it was truly iconic he's be recognized by kids. Kids recognize sonic, Mario, pacman, etc. And if he's iconic for gamers he'd at least be recognized by the teenage sect of Gen Z who's trying to define their lives around games and shitposting. But even there banjo doesn't fit because at the end of the day his game did not leave a lasting legacy. It's no Mario 64, it's no pac man, it's no street fighter, it's no halo or doom or whatever. Banjo just isn't iconic. At best it's a cult classic on the n64.

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He was an outlier, not the rule. And he hardly compares to what JRPG's have visually become today.

So, an addition from the golden era

The amount of retards itt falling for obvious bait is hilarious.