Is Nintendo good for you?

is Nintendo good for you?

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Other companies charge $80 for just the game now

Only in small doses. When you start buying cardboard and ports for $60, that's when thigs get problematic.
3D All Stars barely gets a pass because that's three 3D Marios for 60 bucks. Those are basically events, and 20 bucks for each game isn't that bad desu, even if it's cheaper to get Mario 64 and Mario Galaxy on the Wii U eShop.

are joycons really that expensive now? They don't even work after a year or two

get a job sir

How come every other post on here comes from leddit now, are we that creatively bankrupt?

>check estore for new games cos my switch is gathering dust
>botw still £60
I'd be mad if my sweetch wasnt hacked

Easier to repost their shit than make new stuff

Did you need a blank MicroSD card to hack your switch?

Get some standards, poo

Cant really remember it was so long ago I did it.
I did buy a 512GB sd for it but its a ballache having to update atmosphere and shit for new releases so I havent touched it for a year

Every Nintendo game is worth $0 for me

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Why can't they make sane prices for once?
40 bucks would still be shit but somewhat acceptable

I'm gonna have to deal with this image being spammed all month until this comes out arent I? Seen it 10 times already within the span of 24 hours

Yes? Have you been asleep for the past 5 years?

Nintendo deserves to be shat on for these practices. Funny how we are all pro-consumer until it affects your favorite company.

where can i get the controller
everywhere is sold out, fuck. is it not released yet?

How do you know it's from Reddit?

How is Nintendo worse when other companies charge more now? Seriously

Game is fine, but the controls are hella overpriced.
They are all wacky and fragile, not worth the money.

>when other companies charge more
they dont though

Try more like four years and they start drifting, which is fixed with 10 bucks and 20minutes of work.

Not on PC fuck console niggers including Sony and Nintendo

Lol, even with minimal effort joycons drift in months, even Ninty apologized they know its garbage

dont buy it if its to expensive for you retard

show me one single base game being sold for $80

Imagine paying 60 bucks plus tip for the shittiest 3D Zelda in existence. Nintendo really struck gold by having a fanbase of sheep.

Dab Forums is what Dab Forums was a few years ago up to now, it has no real culture or identity and doesn't even seem like part of the site.


Since they don't reasonably price things I get to save money :^)

I might even skip next gen as their consoles have very low output of games I liked and many indie series are doing what they don't want to do

>Not 7 years

Would you pay $20 for a bag of chips?

no, you wouldn’t. because it is a rip off even if it’s not expensive.

If you buy this game you are letting nintendo take you for an idiot. you aren’t an idiot are you, user?

Does the bag have a nintendo logo on it?

No they don't lmao, imagine having to literally lie to yourself like this

In Skyward Sword's case it is kind of shitty for them to charge $60 for game that was originally $50 and 10 years old.
If it was packaged with WW & TP HD it would have been justified.

>Would you pay $20 for a bag of chips?
I'm sure there are gourmet chips going by that price already

maybe. but skyward sword is not a gourmet game.

That's not what Nintendo thinks of its own games, probably.

nigger those shits are EIGHTY fucking dollars

>nigger those shits are EIGHTY fucking dollars
what are you, poor?

No they don't.
Fake news.

>but other companies
Always this deflection. Just admit that Nintendo has become just as bad as Sony and Microsoft.

Joycons have always been that expensive. They actually lose money on each pair sold

There is no way that the cost of manufacturing those fragile joycons costs more than 80 dollars.

The problem exists in them having too many features barely utilized by anything besides labo. Someone should've stopped the retard who thought labo would've taken off and not implement things like the ir camera

redditors outing out other redditors do you a favor

rent free

>r-rent free
Nice retort

Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD will be rereleased on Switch individually and you will buy them.

>6th gen Nintendo:

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For a mere 60 dollars of course. It's technically a new game because like some people that own a switch didn't own a Wii or Gamecube.

"HD rumble" is a dumb gimmick too

All game companies are shit now, Nintnedo just still manages to occasionally put out something decent between the shit.
What they're doing with the Switch still pales in comparison to what they were doing during the 6th and 7th gens, though.

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Yeah I don’t care. If you’re Nintendo and you got away with $60 WWHD, TPHD, and LA, why wouldn’t you charge $60? Realistically was anybody expecting less?

I’ve got news for you. WWHD and TPHD are strongly rumored to be coming out soon too. And they will be individual releases 100% guaranteed.... $60 apiece.

Skyward Sword supposedly had the largest budget of any Zelda game ever including BotW. It was supposedly comparable to western AAA budgets. The Wii’s last hurrah was holiday 2010, nobody cared about it in 2011. Many owners (including normies) had their Wii softhacked and were pirating games. Despite their marketing effort, a good value bundle with a soundtrack and gold wii remote plus for half the price, it sold like shit. It was seriously clearanced out at Target including the controller bundle for $10-$20 less than a year later. It was divisive and polarizing. Skyrim came out at the same time and overshadowed it.

10 years later Zelda’s brand is bigger than ever. People buy $60 remasters and remakes of Zelda games. Switch is the best-selling console. Used copies of SS for for above $60. Why would Nintendo sell it for anything less? Because to low res original is $20 on the Wii U eshop for the few hundred thousand who still use a Wii U? I’m not defending them, I’m just pointing out that it would be foolish from a business standpoint to price it for anything lower. But it is up to Nintendo to add value to the game. They reworked the controls and added physical controls. It’s in HD, 1080p in the trailer but the loft wing part is pixelated so possibly resolution scaling. It’s 60fps but the trailer hitches in one part. Beyond that, I would hope they having something else to offer otherwise the complaints will effect sales

This as well

I believe they are just slamming things against a wall, since their largest home console success since the switch was the wii, which mainly did well based on its gimmick. Ultimately they're just out of touch. The controller for the games ideally should he made for the average game on it, designing it for 1-2 switch and labo then immediately dropping those types of games in lieu of 10+ year old game ports is retarded beyond belief

>They actually lose money on each pair sold
Fucking how?
Is the licensing on the rumble chip really that fucking expensive that it drags the price of this shitty Chinese toy that high?
I fucking hate Nintendo.

You niggers have no idea whats in those things do you. The component cost alone is as much as they sell for. Look into what electronic manufacturing is actually like from a design perspective with new technology. I'll give you neets a hint, it's not cheap.

no but keep consooming you fucking retard

I still have that Zelda SS collectors edition somewhere on the top shelf. Does it still have any value?

>with new technology
Pretty sure joysticks and buttons aren't "new technology"
Only thing that jacks up the price is shit like the HD rumble and IR camera, which shouldn't have been included because they don't enhance gameplay in any meaningful way

Microsoft makes a profit on Xbox controllers and they have just as much shit in them as the Joycons while being sold for like 30-40% less.
Your just mad that you had to buy like 5 pairs because they drifted.

Is shit posting good for you?
How many days can you pretend to be a retard before it affects your thinking?

The question is why do they keep doing it when they could just put 7 switches and a joystick on a board for a quarter of the price

reverse image search shows this shit was posted on both resetera and reddit before, genius

>game REQUIRES motion plus
>nintendo is fucking terrible and telling people the differences of their products
>just charge a little more and add a controller and a cdr
>wont have to listen to people crying their new game doesnt work with old controllers.

Red steel and DK 64 did the same.

Do you retards not understand price size scaling? Do you think the components in an xbox controller cost the same amount? Come back to this board when you are 18+

I'm 27 you fanboy faggot. Eat shit.

>59.99 for a digital version tied to DRM that can remove your right to play the game
Being a Steamie is cucking yourself. Either pirate or own physical

>we buy subscription licenses to games and never play them because we bought it on steam sales.

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I mean yes, yes it is.

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>buying ocerpriced AAA "games"
>buying the 0.1% with DRM
never gonna make it

Other people are cannibals so is totally ok for some to be just serial killers.

>3 remastered games + DLC
>each of them offers dozens of hours of gameplay
>60 bucks
I mean, the mass effect remaster has some not-so-good aspects, but it at least isn't charging 60 bucks for each game. Imagine if EA did that, they'd be ripped to shreds online and essentially forced to apologize. But since it's nintendo it's fine. Nintendo cultists I swear...
Skyward Sword HD would have been worth 60 dollarinos if it included ports of Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD. Like this though? You're paying $60 for an enhanced port of a 10 year old wii game. And reminder that the wii is technologically at the level of a 6th gen console (so 3 generations behind current home consoles). Imagine if someone remastered a single 6th gen game and asked 60 bucks for it. Insane.

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Motion plus was required for skyward sword. People have joycons if they have a switch so it's optional. Also wiimotes were cheap. Half the price of the joycon sets.

> (OP)
>Motion plus was required for skyward sword. People have joycons if they have a switch so it's optional. Also wiimotes were cheap. Half the price of the joycon sets.

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Which company charges 80 bucks for a fucking remaster. Name them you faggot.

>Mario Galaxy, a Wii game, gets bundled with 2 other games for $60
>Skyward Sword, also a Wii game, costs $60 for just the one game
They are getting greedy with this shit

That's why I've become a piratechad, and I don't only pirate games, I've pirated every single piece of software in my computer.

>Orchestral Music CD
>Wii Remote
And then I got the gold nunchuk from Club Nintendo to match that summer.
That was a good year.

No. The Switch version will be the definite edition now. Nintendo destroyed the collector's value of the Wii version with a pencil stroke.

27 and you couldn't figure any of that out on your own? Embarrassing.

Its almost as if controllers with more technology in them and games that are more exspensive to make means the end product will cost more. Shocker.

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I pre-ordered that Skyward Sword + controller bundle, no problem as a huge zeldafag.

However, the game was so shit, I decided to re-sell it on ebay for $140

i just put any money i have towards retro shit or indie games nowadays. no reason to pay nintendo anything when the switch is easy as fuck to hack and pirate stuff.
nintendo has seriously fucked up this generation. it feels like theyre putting in minimal effort towards being consumer friendly. and ive been a nintendo fan my whole life bc of how great they were for the past few gens.

Great for me, just ordered my copy of SS.

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Based, I hope people scalp the shit out of them and retards have to pay 200 for a shitty controller with a logo on it.

Now with next-gen consoles they do

They're $70 and if you buy them at Walmart they're often $60.

So what's your point? Then they do charge more than Nintendo. And I've definitely seen stores that charges more than that too. I just don't get why you keep defending them

The prices about about on par with about a $10 difference on average. Plus the fact that Nintendo games rarely ever drop in price.

>Plus the fact that Nintendo games rarely ever drop in price
Not unique with Nintendo. When other companies have a huge hit their games don't go down either

Many AAA games can drop $15+ dollars shortly after release to help boost holiday sales. This would never happen on a Nintendo console.

You're speaking in general terms, I was more specific. Not unique with Nintendo. Something people always neglects to mention is that while Nintendo does use $60 a lot you also get the entire game, not true with most other companies nowadays and has been true for several years now. Blizzard? Used to be the shining example of PC gaming. Now? Overwatch was $60 but included lootboxes

Nintendo games are no longer complete either since they've started doing Expansion Passes for an extra $20-$30 dollars.