Will it finally kill off Star Citizen?

Will it finally kill off Star Citizen?

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The only thing that will kill off Star Citizen is a federal audit.

this shit will kill itself my neegus


this, why the fuck would they do this instead of I dunno put some content in the game itself

star citizen isnt alive
its a stillborn fetus being raped by money whales

how is this not content?

>why would they put content in the game instead of putting content in the game
unsure if trolling or just retarded, people have wanted space legs for years.

Star citizen will never die unless someone on Roberts’ level is retarded enough to commit actual fraud rather than stringing along the pay pigs, or if they overexpand during a pay pig drought.

it takes just a quick glance at the devs to see that this shit is gonna be barebones and grindfested to fuck

just like the rover stuff, it's completely meaningless surface stuff

yeah space legs, not some call of duty mini game, after this there's still fuck all to do in the actual game, exploration is meaningless an unrewarding

what do you think this is?

>just like the rover stuff, it's completely meaningless surface stuff
i see, i havent played the game so i have no idea, but i was under the impression this would add shooter combat and whatnot

>just like the rover stuff
Are you retarded? We’re getting way more than that shite

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it most definitely will, but I bet it's gonna be instanced and all the events are gonna get boring after 3 fucking tries

cos we've seen how the settlements look and it ain't nothing special or interesting

fdev pls go dev

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the very moment you can walk through your ship and get planets with atmospheres and shit, it will be a good game
and yeah put some goddamn content
I still love ED

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Depends on whether or not that bothers you I guess. Im still having fun doing the same shit everytime I come back to this game every now and then. Walking around space stations and on the surface of planets, maybe shooting up some niggers base with my friends, should be a lot of fun.

To me its just more of what I like, dunno if it would convince others to join the game but its a welcome addition

>peer to peer FPS combat in a game where I regularly see euros

>star citizen
>Designed around fist person mobility. You sit in your ship, you walk around to do things in the game world. Your ship is a vehicle, you are the character.
>elite dangerous
>Space legs tacked on
>You teleport out of your ship
>You do 2 types of tasks on foot
>EVA feels more like you're going into another vehicle rather than leaving one

I think it will be down to preference.

Nah, Odyssey is already disappointing CMDR's and it isn't even out yet, going by the fdev QA. It's shaping up to have:
>More soulsucking material grinding to engineer spacelegs equipment
>No ship interiors
>Enemy NPCs will have stupid advantages over the player indicating potentially poor AI
>Settlements cannot be wiped clean by a coordinated attack as fdev says "bad things will happen to the player" whatever the fuck that means
>Still no HUD color changing of any kind, forced to do INI tweaks which can confuse IFF on radar if done
>Life forms added to atmospheric planets, but we all know it is going to be re-used assets across the galaxy and the only difference will be the name
>Ground bases will probably be copies of a handful of different types, re-used all over the place
Things really aren't looking great for Odyssey. I really want to see this game do well but.. Well I don't think fdev gives a real fuck about it and are just trying to make money off the game with as little development put in as possible.

Star Citizen and Elite Dangerous aren't direct competitors.

They are actually very different games in terms of mechanics and gameplay, there is absolutely no reason that they cannot coexist. I believe most of the hate between the players is manufactured.

t. just got done flying my Beluga for a couple hours, thinking of hopping in my Cutty Black for some comfy astatine runs

I uninstalled this fucking game because the controls were shite and the game was boring grindy trash

Atmospheric landings will be part of Odyssey.

You talk a fag-dad detected, go back to fdev forums, your shit may stink less than scam shitizen but that don't make your nothing-simulator any good.

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Elite has a lot of problems, but at least it's a decent space sim game unlike clunky clusterfuck that is SC. SC flight physics are a joke, and I'm saying this as original backer who played ED for the first time a month ago.

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>Woaaah we can now land on a planet that looks like Rocky planet, but has fog added to it

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And SC will be different how? Right.

hold on, I've never played ED, I thought you could always land on planets?

I'm not here trying to defend Scam Citizen, but Elite is a real disappointment in itself, don't expect much from Odyssey.

You can only land on flat spheres with rocks on them because they couldn't be bothered to make anything interesting. Supposedly now we'll be able to land on spheres with trees on them too.

You can land on planets but you use a rover to drive around on themm

SC is classic bad management.

Look at ED and their content releases
>First they focus on space flight and combat, getting it nice and polished.
>Second they implement planetary landings, getting it nice and polished.
>Third they add walking on planets.

The focus on aspects and get it right, rather the sc method of everything all at once.

You will never ever get content. I used to be a huge Elitefag till First Encounters and it's just how Braben operates - there's a bit of content and the rest is "MAKE UP YOUR OWN STORY LMAO".

I'm still pissed off how Thargoids are getting handled in E:D. So we helped them with the Mycoid plague but now they're back and they're pissed but not really?

Like the entire threat is just there but it went nowhere. I mean come on - do something with this shit Braben.

You can land on barren planets with no life at all, you have to land on them to extract raw materials by cracking open rocks at very particular spots with an SRV for hours so you can engineer your ship.

>nice and polished

>nice and polished

>Elite I: No atmospheric Landings
>Elite II: Frontier You can land anywhere
>Elite III: Frontier First Encounters: You can land anywhere
>E IV: Dangerous: Sorry, buy DLC to land on a piece of rock, goyim.

>Make up your own story, blaze your own trail etc
Imagine fdev telling us this by giving us a galaxy that is pretty much empty of things to do except in very small regions, with the rest being more or less the same nothingness and repeat planets.

In comparison to SC

SC is classic bad software development and design, no foresight and bad planning.

>nice and polished

you dun fucked up

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>whole solar system
>like 20 planet/star types

Create flase arguments all you want, SC is a steaming pile of shit.

I was all for E:D until I learned that exploration is actually pointless.

The game world is absolutely enormous, unbelievably so almost, and you can go out there and visit places no other player has ever been!

But there's nothing to find, the thargoid and engineering updates highlighted this. Systems which were explored, which were totally empty, suddenly had things to do in them. One patch they were empty, patch later they have aliens and ancient ruins. They didn't add that content to unexplored systems, they lazily added it to systems that were close enough to the mass of players.

So now, every time you pass through an empty unknown system, just think "Maybe in the future there'll be something here!" and revel in how absolutely worthless the exploration actually is. There is NOTHING to find until the storyline dictates that there is and then that stuff will just pop in.

So much content we are being drowned by all the things there are to do.

Exploration in ED is pretty fun, I dunno what you expect from a space sim game. If you want to run around planets with procedurally generated trees and shoot procedurally generated monsters, there's No Man's Sky for that. If you play space sim game, you should expect space to be the main dish.
I expect nothing special, it's going to be just another way to take a break from comfy exploration and cargo running.

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>SC is a steaming pile of shit.

I enjoy playing both games so I'm a little confused whenever someone tells me SC has absolutely no redeeming qualities and is legitimately an awful game. Currently it has much of the mechanical content E:D has just on a significantly smaller map.

I have played far worse games than Star Citizen.

Dude it's always been like that with Braben. Everything is half-done.

In the original Frontier he basically told in an interview with one of the Amiga magazines there's a mystical ship called "The Mirage" (Thargoid ship) and to get it you need to get a Prince rank in the Empire and go to a certain system, then you'll be awarded it.

Funny enough he admitted in 2001/2 (Don't remember) that he started that hoax to keep people playing. I remember cause I kept up with the Frontier clubs at that time and everyone was trying to find Mirage.

And Frontier First encounters? Boy that entire game was half-baked on release with endless crashes, bugs etc. As bad as Daggerfall. And the main story?

"Be at Alioth on this particular date with a "Dangerous" rank and donate max amount to the funeral service of Turner. Then do 4 missions and you get Thargoid battlecruiser."

Let's face it - Elite could never have a story to save its life.

yeah, I think it shouldn't be hard to check which systems were never visited, there might even be some unexplored system(s) near the bubble but they just said fuck it

what does vee think of david bowie?

But it is polished, there are next to no bugs or crashes in Elite. Go ahead and try to prove me wrong.

>Exploration in ED is pretty fun

There's nothing to find. All you're doing is putting your name on empty systems and grinding credits. How is it fun to do exactly the same thing again and again and again? No part of "Exploration" changes depending on the system, it's the exact same process every time.

there's no bugs because there's fuck all to actually do, jesus

BTFO, SEETHING, not an argument.

Right now you can only land on planets with no atmosphere at all. Odyssey will allow you to land on some atmospheric planets, starting with ones that are similar to what we have now, and possible working up to more complex ones, though there will still be some limitations based on surface pressures, extreme temperatures and the like.

lol, go play your super game kid

>Exploration in ED is pretty fun
Ah yes, I love having to buy an exploration type ship, building it to be flying glass and hours of grinding for mats to engineer it; so I can hop star to star for hours on end and have nothing interesting happen other than *maybe* seeing an anomaly then knowing it's just special FX in space that adds a number to your stats. So comfy, such a great trail to blaze and share with others.

>you just pretend to have fun!

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Not really defending SC cause Roberts is kind of a Molyenux like figure - if he doesn't have tard wrangler, he will go out of his way to add more and more shit.

See Freelancer when MS finally told him to stop and fired his ass.

Roberts offerings (Privateer I & II) were pretty damn good and I still prefer playing Privateer to Frontier, but I have no hope in SC being released in a finished state.

My bets is that Trainwiz finishes Underspace and I'll get a copy from a friend who kickstarted it. Cause so far Trainwiz's offering look that most solid.

Do you think real space will be any different? You can already buy a star and they're the same everywhere you look.

You guys used to share a general and get along relatively well, what happened?

>both of them are niggers
>In space suits
>with a space ship
>with space guns

I giggled unironically irl my guy

Not at all, real space will be boring to fly around after an hour because as I explained, there's nothing fucking there.

Fortunately in a video game, especially one full of aliens and sci-fi shit, we have the freedom to put at least a handful of interesting things in the ga... oh wait no, it's empty.

dev sleeping on his own game happened

I didn't say you were pretending, I asked how what you're doing is fun and how it is exploration.
Answer me you stupid fucking cunt or go back to watching your screensaver of a game and pretending you're exploring exciting new places and seeing things nobody has seen before.

This, but unironically.

Just don't play space sims if you don't like what space sims do. Play Freelancer if you want handcrafted exploration in a space system that can be actually explored like in any open world game.

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Thats crazy man its almost as if the majority of planets have fuck all on them

this game is literally

>600 hours played
>not recommended

>autist gets progressively more angry over the idea that someone can have fun with something he didn't enjoy
Okay :)

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This. Plus, if you're not particularly entertained by what E:D's procedural stuff offers it may also not feel particularly larger. Kinda the opposite really. E:D does at least work though.

Picking outer wilds or no mans sky would be a better pick to rail against, the former of those two being a well crafted world but small for space, to a nonsensically huge universe but next to no discernible details. This game isn't trying to sell you aliens you walk around with or any other wierd shit, its empty space and flight simulator controls while others compete for the same crap. Having life and diversity would defeat the purpose of realism. I feel an apt comparison would be comparing call of duty to borderlands on gun realism.

How is it exploration if there's nothing there? What are you exploring? What are you finding? You're not actually doing anything or having any effect on anything, you just spending hours and hours doing... doing nothing at all. I genuinely do not understand it so please explain. Once you're 15-20 systems in you've seen everything there is to see, so why do it thousands of times therafter?

The only thing that "Exploration" does in E:D is put your name on the map, is that why you're doing it? At least that would be a reason.

Looking forward to you greentexting and not actually answering any of my questions though, wonder why you're being evasive?

The two are so radically different games.

>kill off something that doesn’t exist
uhhh idk

no E:D is good and SC is shit, Odyssey will finally have those shitizens licking our feet like they should

ED is a game for Star Trek fans
SC is a game for Star Wars fans

It's funny watching people get mad over Elie Dangerous.

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Reminder to report and hide wojak retards.

Fdev are garbage at designing any kind of progression system. They historically nerf any kind of money making activity that isn't painfully slow and boring as fuck to grind. The art and sound teams deserve heaps of praise though.

Don't buy this shit until you see if it's good or not.


>be Columbus
>spend months on board of the ship
>finally see land
>grass is green and not blue
>sand is yellow and not red
>trees are the same
>same dolphins as back in Europe
>Fuck this, exploration ain't worth it!

This is an Anglo game, isn't it? I mean, it looks so utterly bland...

>too stupid to understand the difference
No reason, you won't get it anyway.

You owned whatever land you could protect, do you own a damn thing on your computer? truly?

That isn't the same thing at all though. Columbus didn't just get within binoculars range and shout "DING, I'M DONE EXPLORING THIS ONE" then sail off to an almost identical place and repeat.

Guess what, if Columbus had found a barren dead fucking continent with nothing on it, nobody would know his fucking name.

Yeah I guess, because SC fans refused to see shit when its put in front of them.

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>make up your own story
That might be possible if they took some pointers from EVE and gave the player even a modicum of influence over the universe.

People don't explore for the sake of exploring, they explore to find cool shit. There's nothing to find in elite besides 50 different JPEGs of planets to zoom in on and then warp away from.

>Guess what, if Columbus had found a barren dead fucking continent with nothing on it, nobody would know his fucking name.
That's literally what North America is.

Isn't it obvious user? In Elite Dangerous, you can boldy go where no one has gone before, except for planets with:
>Sentient, interactive alien life
>Is a Dyson Sphere
Also you can't interact with alien empires by making contact with them and having hot sex with them, just like Star Trek.

I love this ship so much, even though it is considered essentially a "Starter" tier ship I just adore it. The way it looks, the way it flies. It may be the smallest of the "Haulers" but she's my baby.

In this image i'm sitting in the (Tiny) cargo hold next to my shitty little golf cart, which I intend to drive around on one of the moons of Microtech just to have a look around, fingers crossed it doesn't explode.

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>they explore to find cool shit
>cool shit
Stay way from space sims, brainlet. Go play BOTW if you want constant dopamine injection every time you put a rock in its place and get a new seed. ED exploration is about seeing dozens of boring same worlds until you find one that feels truly unique, the fact that you don't understand that tells me enough. Don't play ED. Stay away from space sims in general.

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They won't even let players go to the cone sector using the player-voted Gnosis super ship.

Know any good trade runs for a caterpillar? I'm thinking of getting one since I have 7 million credits and dont know what to do with them. I figured I might turn it into more money.

>until you find one that feels truly unique
Tell me what makes a planet in elite unique. and ED isn't a sim.

Star Citizen is amazing.

Are you dumb? He came at a time when only tribal people roamed a continent just a fucking quarter of a million miles short of all of europe. All ripe for the picking. To have not found a flourishing civilization was the luckiest thing he could have asked for.

>E:D has real exploration SC doesn't have exploration

Meanwhile hundreds of players just spent months scouring a single planet in SC to look for a specific kind of extremely rare fruiting plant and a large part of the SC community celebrated when it was first found.

You know what's worse? I recall in the kickstarter that's what Braben actually said - that the players would be able to tip the Empire-Alliance-Federation struggle and they would 'adjust' the world according to it.

Guess what. Braben lied once again. Quite frankly the only thing I find admirable in E:D is the engine. Everything else for me is just plain bitter after all those false promises.

>Unique planet
One that has the same Jpeg as hundreds of millions of other planets in the galaxy, like that beautiful Earth-like world that you can't even land on. Whooaaaa so unique.

Not if they don't do anything about how fucking tedious grinding for engineer upgrades are.

Theres nothing more soul sucking than spending two dozen hours flying around looking for HGEs, and even with the exploit it still takes fucking forever. I haven't even touched the raw materials or data grind yet.

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>space sim = simulation
Retard. You're not a space genre fan, stop pretending.

>play space game where literally on the box it says that it's 1:1 scale to Milky Way
>surprised a lot of systems feel the same
Double retard.

Hurt your mutt feelies?

America was full of stuff. Native civilizations, new animals, precious metals and natural resources, as well as new crops like wheat, cocoa, and peppers.

A spaceflight sim wouldn't make your FTL fuel consumption increase linearly with distance, or make you stop every 20 LY to press j again.
>surprised a lot of systems feel the same
If your game feels like shit because of something like this, you work around it. A good place to start might be overhauling FTL so you don't have to press j 150 times to get anywhere.

On the contrary, Star Citizen is barely more than planning. They make plans for planning.

>hand place 1 bush on the planet
>thousands of autists spend hundreds of hours of their life searching for it
Gotta give it to Croberts, he knows how to entertain retards

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Yea, full of permit-locked regions of space that to this day fdev has not even touched; and when players tried to go to one with the Gnosis there was the Thargoid gangbang on the ship as fdev's way of telling players to fuck off from trying to find interesting things to do. They didn't even follow up by starting some big event for CMDR's to take part in. It's obvious the galaxy will be full of a lot of the same, but there is a lot of space that can be used to do interesting things, fdev is not dedicated to it, they have not even done shit with those permit locked zones since E:D came out.

>scouring a single planet in SC
Yeah, because there's just one lmao

Why did this thread turn into an ED vs SC shitpost war. Can't you criticize one game without feeling like the person criticizing is necessarily defending the other?

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Yes. Even people who have played E:D who want it to be a better game will criticize it because they hate the status quo it is in.

Is that a reliant? I love those too but dont have one.


It had people and stuff, but I mean civilization in terms of comparible to the Spaniards of the time who had already mastered the Astrolabe and had covered the known world. It almost feels unfair when you compare that to tribefolk who were probably kept ignorant due to raider tribes nearby. I am not pulling up sources at 6am on American Indian tribe relations but I distinctively remember there being proof of opposing raider societies within the Amerindians being the downfall of their culture. When a unified enemy came they all fell like dominoes.

Religious Elitefags don't see that they've been scammed for the 3rd time by Braben and want to pretend this is some attack by Robertsfags.

Quite frankly at this point the battle for space sims is lost and maybe Underspace and new X offering will be better.

E:D is a technological marvel (as usual) but it's like earlier Elite offerings - empty and without progress. So yeah, you'd hope some people who have been playing this shit for 30+ years would realise that but nope! Copium maximum.

And people WANT a better game out of E:D, it's just that Braben doesn't want to upset the status quo.


Yeah Reliant Kore. The ship that got me into the game and the ship I spend most of my time flying. Love this little thing.

And while it may only carry 6SCU it is relatively stealthy, has good firepower for its size and I tell you what it can take off like a fucking rocket in VTOL mode since its VTOL is just turning the main engines to face down. Just FWOOOOOSH away from any landing pad before anyone else can catch up.

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Unironically how haven't those chucklefucks felt the long, glowing penis of the IRS?

Fuck Star Citizen
Fuck Elite Dangerous
Fuck Christ Robber
Fuck David "Animal Fucker" Braben

>video game
>can do literally anything you can imagine
>Space ninja turtles, jewish Groots, fish people and bird people
>all ships are based on some existing properly, not a single truly unique concept
I really wish SC was good. But ED is all we have.

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>2 niggers
already dropped


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IRS are boomers that don't understand how easy it is to launder money through "crowdfunding" because it's still mostly a new thing.

It's always funny to me how ED shills only ever argue by comparing it to SC.

No one ever shills ED. ED players just rightfully shit on SC.

Yeah because they have nothing better to do except associate themselves with SC apparently. No identity of their own.

Remember to buy our new ship inspired by legendary Millennium Falcon™ from Star Wars™ (Disney©, all rights reserved) series! Only $499.99+tip!

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Just a year or two ago they put in a cash shop which literally broke the game for a while user.

>Buy cheap game.
>It is mostly as advertised.
>It works.
>It has expansions sometimes that add new things and are also cheap.
Boy I sure got scammed. I'm just such a dumb fucking loser I should die. Why can't I just be smart like Star Citizen players?

Its the only way elite threads stay up. ED isn't an 'epic gaymer' kind of game with a massive chosen one plotline and waifus. There isn't much to talk about until the expansion is actually out and we can all share webms of briefing new players on foot with mines and dumbfire rockets.

It would be funny if the ED devs made this expansion soley to dab on scam citizen
>we made the same game in a quarter of the time with a fraction of the budget

The Virgin Elite dangerous vs the Chad Eve online
The most powerful pleb filter ever devised by man and immune to the ruination by normies

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>That armor
Absolutely fucking disgusting. Why is it thst Star Wars is the only series in existance to make plastic white armor aesthetically pleasing?

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Remember when all the content in horizons was supposed to be a free update to the base game?
Yeah neither do all these people buying those expansions.

>aesthetically pleasing
Probably your nostalgia, brainlet

>don't like content
>don't buy it
But obviously it'd be better if the game just died, amirite fellow backer?

No and I don't care. Its a question of value. Games were $60 twenty years ago when that was actually a decent chunk of change. Its a pittance now with inflation and ED has been even less than that with horizons for a very long time. Its an extremely autistic criticism that makes no sense.

If you want take a jab, go for fdevs wild fucking incompetence in the continued development of the games systems trying to shoehorn 'progression' in. In the form of engineering trying to appease epic gaymers that just aren't happy outside a hampster wheel that lets them beat up other hampsters that haven't been running in the wheel as long as them regardless of skill level and personal agency. That kind of MMO nonsense doesn't belong in a game about being an elite pilot.

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6SCU may not be much but you can put plenty of small boxes in there

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/scg/ mocked me for my love of the Reliant Kore but I only feel sad for them that they are not able to see its beauty.

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Coping much? Everything in the first expansion was promised in the kickstarter but then they retreated from it.

Not to mention always online which was one of the widely criticized decisions that everyone forgot about. What about 'players affect the world' which was one of the reasons why they said everyone has to be always online? Yeah forgot about that too? Come on. Hold the idiot accountable instead of falling to your knees and kissing his hand each time you have to shell out $40-$60 for a bunch of features you should've had from the start.

E:D fanbase feels like a constantly-beaten housewife that thinks Braben one day will stop drinking and abusing her. It won't stop cause Braben is a hack.

Lest he can do is HIRE WRITERS to advance the plot forward.

I'm not an idiot of course, I recognize that on paper the Kore has several serious shortcomings compared to most other ships and, yes, I cry a little every time I think of just how much better the Nomad is in every single metric but the Nomad isn't a Kore and so therefore loses.

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>Croberts fanboy talking about cope

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Time for re-entry!

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>Roberts fanboy

Which Elite game did you start on?

I'm refunded SC backer, couldn't care less about Elite.

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I hope you've enjoyed these screenshots of my ship at least a little bit. I know this thread wasn't started for that purpose but there's nowhere to talk about this game anymore now that /scg/ is dead and they never wanted to talk about the Reliant range of ships anyway.

No matter what game you play, be it Star Citizen, Elite Dangerous or something else, I hope you're having a great time! Your ship doesn't have to be the most expensive or the most powerful, you just have to love it.

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Then why talk about E:D? Braben's bullshit has been known for years. Couldn't give 2 shits about Roberts after WC: The Movie: The Film: The Game.

Will i be able to fly around in gas giants?
Why does no game grant me this simple wish?

What is the most fun way to play Star Citizen. I've effectively been a trucker for all the 30 hours that I've played. Is it worth it to switch over to a fighter and start taking bounties and robbing people? Or go the explorer route? To me it seems like those are the three options. Is there anything else that might be worth looking into?

>Then why talk about E:D
I'm not talking about E:D, I'm laughing at every single retard who defends SC in any way

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Big this. I want to fly over liquid hydrogen oceans already.

>Main Objective: Accept the holy Gaynigger seed

>Elite general is dead
>SC general is dead
>merged E/SC general is dead

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There's a very small amount of planets with incredibly eccentric orbits that actually pass into the exclusion zone of its sun. You fucking die if you're still on the planet, but it looks gorgeous. It's stuff like that you have to look for. There's also really unique skylights depending on your position in the galaxy. Nothing was as breathtaking to me as being in a nebula region near the core. The light of the stars behind the nebula's veil was a unique sight that made my trip to the core worth it. Even a quick trip to Pleiades for the blue skies is pretty nice.

Elite does need more landable planets than just the barren ones though. Even wandering empty forests or snow worlds would be pretty serenic. They got to get their shit together and add in a fluid model for that though.

There you go again, the only thing you can do is talk about SC instead of talking about ED. It's pathetic.

I'm not dumb enough to shell out cash for something that doesn't exist yet. I got exactly what I paid for, when it was done. The game being always online was expected with the galaxy simulation, what did you think your alienware piece of shit was just going to procedurally generate and save an entire galaxy to your hard drive? Are you simple?

No one cares about the plot but Aisling footfags and maga feddies. It isn't that kind of game. It exists to do one thing, create a convincing space environment to operate heavy machinery in, with some convenient excuses to do so thrown in.

>The game being always online was expected with the galaxy simulation.

Attached: I seriously hope.jpg (400x400, 177.99K)

Boy I sure wonder if this is finally the expansion that will turn it into an actual fucking videogame

Glorified space engine ass tech demo looking ass

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Not my fault SC has so much to talk about

>SQ42 not on 2021 roadmap

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Don't worry bro, I understand what you mean. They won't do it because they don't have any faith in their core game. They'll keep attaching random shit to it instead.

You raise legitimate points, mirrors my own feelings.
I really, really love the flying in ED, but its pretty dead. You jump system to system and theres nothing new to see once you've encountered the handful of star types. We have very little reason to go places and explore aside from scanning planets for credits.

I started playing Elite Dangerous in 2014, and it's pretty fucking obvious that SC has flight mechanics about an order of magnitude better ED does

Honestly, just the hell do you figure weightless ww1 planes in space is somehow better than SC? Good lord man

You will soon in Star Citizen. The planet Crusader, in the Stanton system, is a gas giant. Currently the only body in space that you cannot visit as flying too close simply destroys your ship, they've got a remade Crusader ready to deploy (Which you will be able to descend down through) but are holding it back on the completion of the "Floating City" base they want to be placed high up on the atmosphere of Crusader which will be called Orison.

So currently SC doesn't let you fly around in gas giants but it very shortly will since Orison is getting close to being finish and the Crusader rework has been in progress for years now.

Winter 2021 according to this video which gives you nice little overview of the place but unfortunately is full of official waffle, so filter that out. youtube.com/watch?v=yOXHeFnEw8A

why are they niggers?

Scam citizen doesnt have anything.
Its not a video game.

I could forgive ED for having some boring game mechanics if the multiplayer didn't suck giant cocks. Inviting my friend to my ship only to find out that he makes fuck all from doing co-op killed any kind of interest he had in the game.

Couldn't even land on a planet and drive around together.

How exactly is it not a video game? I can take my ship, collect a mission to go kill some enemies, do that, get paid, use that pay to upgrade my parts etc. How is it not a video game?

I mean man. Welcome to what people felt after First Encounters. Other than flying and grinding for few snippets of a story, Braben's space sims have little to offer. It's kinda sad cause I could at least understand that with Elite. Frontier having no plot even though there was I'm sure enough room to put in at least few hardcoded missions was no excuse. But FFE's botched job was just insulting. And mind you Braben at that time promised that you technically could affect the state of the world through hardcoded missions - but it wasn't really nothing. It was just few mentions in the newspapers and a boatload of credits. That's all.

Which again - E:D shares its DNA with.

>hey we should make a sci fi game
>cool, what type of ships do you want?
>ww2 in space
>uhm... ok
>also it's the 30th century
>but wouldn't 30th century ships be more advanced than ww2 planes?
[insert 300,000 reddit posting whales sending death threats to anyone criticizing chris roberts]

>Settlements cannot be wiped clean by a coordinated attack as fdev says "bad things will happen to the player" whatever the fuck that means
They said they can be wiped out and that'll have consequences. They didn't say whether thats consequences to the player or the faction that owns the settlement.

Its good to have low expectations, but keep in mind all the leaks from the post in 2018 turned out to be correct. There is a very high chance there's a lot more to the expansion in terms of stuff to do on foot than they've revealed so far.

>You will soon in Star Citizen
>Star Citizen

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It needs to have an epic gaymer chosen one story line where you save the galaxy from bronaldo grumpf and get a mystery meat chinmonster waifu.

> There is a very high chance there's a lot more to the expansion in terms of stuff to do on foot than they've revealed so far.

It's funny, I could have sworn I heard people say the same about rovers

>I can take my ship, collect a mission to go kill some enemies, do that, get paid, use that pay to upgrade my parts etc
If you don't crash. If you can pay enough money to SLI GPUs and get more than 70FPS, it can even run smoothly, I guess.

Then, you'd be just playing "box hauling tech demo", 1% of the content that was promised 8 years ago.

I didn't intend to do the "Soon" meme, I apologise. But orison is coming and "Soon" is a good adverb to describe an unknown but presumably not too relatively distant time frame. Sorry about that.

They need to do something about the incredibly repetitive gameplay first. Mining is the most mind numbing shit I've ever done. Mining in Minecraft is a godamn action movie compared to it

It has basically no sim qualities tho. It's a space trading game. A very arcadey one.

>It's funny, I could have sworn I heard people say the same about rovers
I don't think there were credible leaks about Horizons years before it came out, just a lot of wishful thinking.

ED doesn't even have boxes though

My computer isn't terribly super but I get decent playable framerates. I'm using an older 1900X threadripper and a 5700XT.

Carry all tools. Don't just laser mine like a redditor.

Snap out of it cultist.
Its not a real game.

>it's pretty fucking obvious that SC has flight mechanics about an order of magnitude better ED does

It has cylinders.

There really must be something wrong with me because I genuinely fail to see how it isn't a video game. Sorry.

Play Starsector. Or X4. Or No Man's Sky. Star citizen and Elite Dangerous are both old and busted. One of them wasn't even born.

I played around 70 hours of elite dangerous and while I realize it's a whole lot of nothing it is still really fucking cool to look at, at least for me and the scale really impresses my monkey brain. I want to wait to get a vr headset and joystick to play more and my only goal is to go to the other side of the galaxy, just see how far I can go. It's a shame at how much potential they waste, do put something at least sort of cool in it.


No Man's Sky is the Duplo to other space games' Lego.

I hope so.
Elite Dangerous is the best space sim ever made and it deserves the crown.

No man's sky is more feature comolete than either of the OP's piles of shit. Hell, you can do all the shit those games promise you might be able to do in the future if you give them enough money.

elite's one of the best games in vr. the sense of scale is phenomenal and it actually makes combat a lot more fun because you can look up and around which makes tracking enemy ships way easier.

I had a pic saved once showing 10900K and 3090 running average 79.9fps in Star Citizen.

But that's just actually factually incorrect, you realise that, right? You're just trolling yeah?

So you'd rather play ED, in which you literally play as a ship that just bounces off any object at any speed without taking damage and can fly into the surface any star or black hole without taking damage, and fills up with invisible "cargo" before flying back and forth in a straight line between loading screens with no multiplayer 99.9 percent of the time (and no anticheat for the other 0.1 percent)?

Finally space game thread
I started playing ED recently and it is so heartbreaking to see ALL this wasted potencial. The balance issues with engineering and shitty shield meta, shitty FDL meta.
The game is shitty mmo in solo and shitty mmo online
As solo game it has world simulation worse than in Freelancer that I personally consider to be empty trash or even X2. But Freelancer shines in multiplayer. ED is empty and dead. Even NPC AI is abysmal for "solo" they're basically...just trash mobs from MMO like XIV.
Online part is literally 1/10 MMO trash. Can't even reach the greatness of Freelancer multiplayer. The fuck is this? The game can't sit on two chairs but you have two chairs and both of them are worse than games from 2003. It's shit sandbox. Even X3 dumb static world looks more alive
The potential is here. You can see it. Just few patches to improve simulation for sake of solo play, just few patches to improve MMO inline part and that's it. But nope
And legs are going to be same shit like always. Wasted potential. Star Citizen even in this state is much better and inserting.

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Is an average of 80fps not enough anymore? Don't most console gamers struggle to maintain 30?

80fps isn't enough, no. Not when you're paying a small mortgage for the hardware to run the game.


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>Star Citizen even in this state is much better and inserting.
Not a SINGLE feature in SC is polished and not janky. Try harder, shill

Oh and engineering in the core not only ruin PVP but it ruin sandbox. You need to grind engineers. It is literally forcing you to do X and Y shit. This is not how sandbox works.
But in the end I keep playing this shit game because flying is good. Not good like in Evochron but something still beckons me. The immersion and RP in your head

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>t. has never played mo mans sky
Interestellar exploration, ground exploration, underwater exploration, trading, missions, space combat, land combat, vehicle combat, large scale ship ownership, large scale ship combat, animal rearing, naming discoveries, more variety of base elemebts for discovering than in either, intergalactic exploration, atmospheric dogfighting.

More feature complete than either.

If this is what you can grasp from my post I'm fell sorry for you

How about them burrito inspecting mechanics? Good to see CIG have their priorities in order.

Attached: 1600092451677.webm (1066x600, 2.93M)

No no, you said it has all of their features. All of them. Including promised ones.

So how do I salvage a sub-component out of another player's ship in NMS?

All NMS function can't change core gamepaly that is flawed and too basic


Elite has a fuckton of problems, but nothing in SC will ever come close to sound design and immersion that the game provides.

I think I need to work on my landings a little.

Attached: Help.webm (854x480, 2.82M)

SC has god awful designs for everything. It is generic Hollywood sf. "MR concep art tier". I hate this

Patch notes:
>burritos can now be inspected while wearing flight helmet
>61,021 clothing items were removed
>cutlass black being reworked
>16 core gameplay mechanics removed from roadmap
>new pipeline tech in the pipeline

>Duuurrr, I can't into hyperbole HURRRR
I didn't realize I was arguing with a retard. I accept your concession. Bye.

>90% of promised kickstarter content is not added
>this is
>not even properly closed

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You literally said NMS is a better game because it has all of the features both E:D and SC have and ever will have. When questioned on this you claim it was just hyperbole, when it was actually the entirety of your argument.

You have an extremely promising future in politics.

Too bad the core gameplay is boring shit.

>CIG take fucking years hyping up bartenders
>keeps getting delayed
>shills keep making excuses and hyping it up
>defenses reach their peak with shills saying "BARTENDER AI IS LITERALLY THE FOUNDATION OF ALL THE NEXT GEN AI IN THE GAME"
>Bartender gets released
>it's buggy, pointless, unimpressive shit
>shills quickly forget and move on to defending the next overhyped underdelivered miracle tech that will LITERALLY save SC

but really what the fuck was the point in wasting dev time on that shit

Attached: 1607165522937.webm (324x400, 1.33M)

This is why you shouldn't be allowed to land manually, the game should force you to auto-land in safe locations like NMS or have an extremely discriminating landing sequence like E:D. Being able to fully manually land your ship from space to surface is just asking for trouble.

What do bartenders even do? Give out missions?

>Exploration in ED is pretty fun
It's not.
>wait for 10 seconds loading screen
>check the planets
>nothing interesting
>jump to other system
And there is nothing to explore. You know what you will see. There is no 9999 types of neutron stars or planets. They're same. Same ruins, same targoids shit, same bio shit

They serve drinks you sausage.

No man's sky is all you need.

No. Landing should be hard. For interesting gamepaly you should have hard mechanics. If anything if you add hardcore realism into NMS it will be very kino game. Where the journey is actual journey. Dangerous.

Chuckled. Thanks user

Jesus Christ, what's even the point

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please, fuck off