Subverse will launch on March 26th, 2021!

Are you ready?

Attached: subverse.jpg (678x669, 109.86K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Literally who?

>Early access

yassss can't wait to jack off to alien cock

not every games have to be last of us 2.

who cares about this western trash?

>who cares about this western trash?

Attached: you.jpg (234x287, 18.78K)

No, the girls all look terrible. Should have continued doing SFM porn.

I hope there are anal and futa scenes.

Don't even deserve to be pirated

>consume porn
>complain about cuck after

Attached: big think.webm (320x610, 650.08K)

yea of course OP would be excited for this

>G̶A̶M̶E̶ ̶C̶O̶M̶I̶N̶G̶ ̶O̶U̶T̶ ̶A̶T̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶9̶
>G̶A̶M̶E̶ ̶C̶O̶M̶I̶N̶G̶ ̶O̶U̶T̶ ̶A̶T̶ ̶2̶0̶2̶0̶

Absolute state of Patreon scams

Is the cuckshit still mandatory ? Im not baiting i'm legit interested to know

Attached: 556yu.jpg (326x151, 21.84K)

>girls are all sluts in the game
>they also fuck other guys and aliens because they're sluts
>retarded insecure incels cry that its cuck porn

I love seeing v get mad

>same release date as mh rise

you can "skip" it apparently

god i hate these animations so bad i want to punch my monitor

every porn IS cuckshit in the first place

How the fuck did you do strike through text?

so it is still mandatory well fuck...

I backed this. Not because I'm actually interested in the game, I'm mostly just interested in making other developers know that there is a market for this. God knows we need games where women are allowed to have big titties and be viewed as sex objects

ok limpwristed fag

Considering what these degenerates did to a citizen journalist, I'm boycotting them until they or I die. Plus they're British, so it's okay to want to bomb them. Foreigners are subhuman.

Of course not bro just close your eyes it's like it didn't happen.

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Maybe, the studios prior work is pretty terrible though


Crazy how fast I stopped caring about this

I'm getting it for the squid cunny

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>no alien bestiality



Lemme guess, she has a completely human face underneath


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Bah, least she looks childlike

it's your mom so nothing too human

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You will never be a little girl

All porn games with a male protagonist either turn into boring harem shit or cuck shit.
Female protagonists are better by leagues and open up so many possibilities and corruption is the best fetish.


>Female protagonists
That kills my boner just as fast as cuckshit does

Yes it is mandatory, they just give you a pity skip option but it still happens off-screen no matter what

I won't fap for a month so I am ready for the giga C00M

hoop ear rings are a major fetish of mine.
god damn it.

can't wait to see her get fucked by some xeno as you watch through a surveillance camera

Man I can't wait to get cucked in space!

What's the premise?


You're a captain who pays aliens to fuck your crewmate girls

>That Butcha-U doujin

you are the captain of a space ship, get "waifus" all across the universe and watch them get rammed by different aliens and shit.

Have fun with that.

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I like the idea but the girls are kinda meh
Only good one is the robot

pretty sure any unicode works if you know what to put in. Personally never tried though.

Rondo Duo

>Be porn animators
>Realize there is an easier way to scam people out of money
>Promote "game" made by people who have never made a game in their life.
>Its just animations that are even more sub-par than what made you famous in the first place, just with a UI and "story" to click through this time.
>Convince your fans to put up the money to fund it for you
>Spend nearly two years showing absolutely no progress from the initial trailer, while also doing nothing for your animation business so it becomes forgotten. Cross promotion potential for your two sources of income is completely dead now.
>Meanwhile the porn animation scene has progressed and what made you special is now a dime a dozen and your peers are surpassing you.
>spend the kickstarter money on bad doujins instead of the game
>Make the sole promotion of your game be through a washed up racist Warhammer youtuber that has zero overlap with your actual audience
>That might have been more controversial in another time, but it goes completely under the radar because people have completely forgotten that you and your game even exist.
>Reveal game will be done "episodically" AKA "We have run out of money and can't finish the game, so we are going to use the sale of the first episode to fund the next episode and hope we can afford to make it to the end." This plan has NEVER failed before, right?
>Push release back so far that the "Mass Effect of Porn Games" is going to be released around the same time as a half-assed and censored remaster of the actual Mass Effect trilogy.
>Announce its not just going to be episodic, its going to be early access too.
>Hope people don't realize your game is playing out exactly like every other western patreon porn game that never gets finished.
>Pre-plan your blame shifting for poor update schedules post launch to "SJW outrage" or something.
>Quietly abandon the game in 3 months but continue to put out blog updates to convince people to keep buying it.

Are you trolling? That isn't "waifus", it's cuckold garbage.

The devs call them waifus just go check the dev posts


Would this have been better?

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>who cares about this western trash?

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no, but she should have kept the goddamn mask on if they weren't going to do anything interesting

First of all, fow was always mediocre animators, second, if i still want to fap to it i would just go to any website to watch it instead of wasting time in terrible gameplay just to see a tit.
For everyone who funded this shitshow, you all deserved the scam.

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>is subversive

>cuckshit the game
no thanks

Till last moment no one knew if animations will be pre rendered videoshit or real time ones, turns out it will be a real time one.
Someone give me a quick rundown on how moldable UE games are when devs don't provide mod support themselves?
They should have not called it a waifu simulator but just an ambiguous sexy alien tiddies in space and shit the game. Not like it will matter, NTR is popular (and annoying because it's so popular).

You guys always overreact.
Is it just one designated cuck girl or something?

>be user
>flip burgers for a living
>cry on Dab Forums about successful peoples

lol no

>2021 patreon scam porn
>no vr


>gay shit nobody cares about does a thing at these time coordinates
wow fucking who cares kys shill op cunt

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>Completely forgotten

Nope. Don't forget to feed your space dog too I guess

Attached: Devs description of own game.png (742x762, 201.61K)

>that's going to be me in 10 - 20 years
Thanks mom and dad, I really enjoy being an autistic ugly male.

Literally just one designated cuck girl based on that description

Attached: cute_girlfriend.jpg (427x640, 56.53K)

In 10-20 years we'll have robo ai waifus hopefully

>mostly robots and dildos

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None of the descriptions say they're fucking your character.

There are futa scenes but they're you watching the girls get fucked by a futa, which is retarded. Should've just made the MC a futa instead.

I thank god every day Zoomer Males are even more scared of women and sex than we millenial men are because your zoomer females are giving it up to us losers who didnt get any in our early 20s and they are so sheltered you can get them to believe and do anything. God bless zoomer males.

when are quality monster xeno fucking gams, like wtf where are they?

So it's just an sfm montage simulator.

Nice fan fiction.

>Tali but without the hips

faggots are too scared to make anything that's not star trek-tier

Yes. That is literally all it is.

This game is actually extremely important for coomers as if this turns out successful then this opens the door to high production value porn games.

Cope my sexually scared zoomie bro. Growing up with an iPad instead of a dad mustve sucked but atleast you got to see porn when you were 6.

Fair enough. I'll check it out on the boorus.

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>high production value
>sfm with shitty flash game "strategy" gameplay
shills out in full force huh

Because cunny

Because the devs are hacks who made their fame smashing jaggy models of dogs and famous female video games characters together while paying some chick to scream into a mic about how her pussy was getting torn up.

>AAA porn games
i hope to never see the day.

You do realize there are many western and eastern porn games sold right now on steam that are both finished, and has a higher production quality then subverse will ever be, and not a single one of the has "opened the door to high production value porn games".

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>Literally next sentence talks about another alien fucking your crew members if you aren't babysitting it
Sounds like they'll be doing some fucking about to me.

You cucks really are delusional

>high production value = AAA games
>ugly "girls"
>no "sexism"
no thanks

>this opens the door to high production value porn games.
Why would a low production value porn game open the door to high production value porn games? HuniePop will go down in history as having had a bigger impact on the acceptance of porn games than this because normies actually talked about and played HuniePop. This game got forgotten a month after its trailer begging for money on kickstarter dropped.

>Iceland the purest aryan nords left on earth prefer ass
What do you say now Pierre?


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There is only Blythe

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I’m alright with that.

>be obsessed with cuckshit
>repeatedly get cucked out of the game that was promised to you
at least the devs are giving their audience what they want

Have they posted the system specs yet? And if so, what are they?

can't wait

Attached: aa.jpg (1552x746, 161.52K)

>AAA porn games
>Happening in this timeline where people get asshurt about buttshots and slightly bigger boobs on a character
Yeah I don't think its happening.

Have they even shown any gameplay?

The only people getting asshurt about the buttshots were the people who animated the buttshots. Its largely irrelevant to the idea of AAA porn games. The real issue is that Subverse isn't a AAA porn game in the slightest and thinking it will have any impact on the concept of a AAA porn game is fucking hilarious.

Can’t wait for this

you watch porn, you are already a cuck

What gameplay? You click play on the scene and watch the girls get fucked. That is the whole game. Its more of an interactive movie than anything Sony ever put out.

they already said it will be a partial release, and the game will slowly get patches until completion
Going to take atleast another year for full game.

oh cmon faggot. It has an xcom isometric turn based gameplay

>Going to take atleast another year for full game.
I see you are new to porn game development. Its going to take at least a year for the first patch. Its going to take 5 years for the next piece of content. Its going to take until the heat death of the universe for them to release the full game.

Swing and a miss

wait, that's what the game is supposed to be?
an xcom ripoff?
wew, and here i thought chimera squad was the worst xcom ripoff possible.

>Thinking a handful of idiots with zero game dev experience can figure out how to make a legitimate strategy game in their porn video player.
I've got a bridge to sell you.

This. No western porn game is ever done. They either get cancelled or continue milking their Patreon people ad Infinitum

pretty much this
I was gambling on this being a success and growing the market

bruh I'm a sql admin who barely know C#/C++ and I could make a shit xcom knock-off. These people just included newgrounds tier porn in it.

Isnt this game already funded ? whats the point of prolonging the work if tehy cant milk their patroens

Bros, it hurts...

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by the time decent ones come out we'll be old and decrepit with zero sex drive
feels fucking bad

Oh yeah, I remember that I played it years ago. I assume this fag didn't add anything new since then?

Great! I can finally play as Tim Pool.

supposedly they hired experienced actual game devs that told them their game would be shit with their current plan, so it got delayed
you are absolutely right that they were not ready for such a project, but with the huge backing there is a chance for a good game

they'll either find a way to scam more funding or they'll say "please understand" and fuck off with whatever they have left

I dunno, guess it depends on when you last played it. It's abandoned now though, the dev doesn't even post anything on patreon anymore.

yeah if professional porn is anything to go by, it's gonna be fucking shit


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Imagine her strangling you with her bionic arm as she furiously rides you

I can not wait. I want to see people's faces, especially the backers, when they discover that the project of traveling in space capturing waifus for their harem has become a terrible shoot'em up with some low quality animations between levels.

That game suffers from a problem of excessive animations. Everything is too exaggerated and forced. And the game itself is also not the best, despite the scene of collective rape in the gym while the girls clap at the same pace with which they fuck the girls is one of the best scenes in the history of erotic games.

I look forward to the "tumbling down" video of it on youtube.

>it's too animey!!

They should get help from Chris Roberts, he's experienced in releasing space games.

I just pirate their shit. Easy enough to find, and like you said, it's honestly not even good.

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>it's a mobile game


Attached: hellbentforleather.jpg (997x755, 157.69K)

Yes. I know it's the guys' style to make extremely exaggerated animations where everything seems to have a life of its own and keeps moving in a hypnotic way. But not everyone likes the effect it generates, which is why our autistic user friend said he feels like breaking his monitor screen when he looks at that animation.

Lmao so it's just going to be some incredibly generic porn game no one will remember.

is this bitch gonna be avialable on release ?

Fuck off, shill.

spoken like a true sex unhaver

What higher production value you are talking about? RPGmaker shit, or VN(mostly)shit, or pity yourself if you want something 3D and oh no to create a content within a game (I still like Koik but holy shit do I wish we got an actual H creation game and not that shit that you need 100 community patches to make somewhat usable).

Dear god, it does look like a mobile game. I can see this having microtransaction along with the episodic bullshit it already has.

>all these ironic waifufags still seething because their bargain bin slut waifus are acting like actual sluts
I don't get it, what did you even expect from a game made by fucking studiofow?

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Subverser IS RPGmaker shit

No, worse. It's mobile shit.

Jesus christ, people actually think that looks good? Brain rot.

>KS trailer

>the actual game


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God that trailer was cringe.
>dude these guys got banned from patreon for making a video of a werewolf eating out a girls butt
Is that supposed to be some sort of accomplishment? That's supposed to make me care about their shitty mobile game? Do the people making this game even realize there's tons of porn creators that will create far more depraved shit then that and are never banned from patreon?

It's not real NTR. Some of the girls essentially use a mindless genetically engineered alien monstrosity as a sex toy sometimes. It's not much different than if you used an android sex doll to relieve stress some time. It's not a person. It's not sentient. It has no complex emotions. It's literally just a living sex toy and you get to watch your waifu pleasure herself with one.

This isn't real NTR. Believe me, I'd be thrilled if there was real NTR in this game. This board is just a bunch of faggots that parrot the same opinions without knowing a thing.

>t. Guy with 150gb+ of NTR games on his hard drive (250+ if you don't modded skyrim)


I'm laughing at the thought of an obese autistic American typing this thinking he's offending me because I criticized the animation of his favorite hentai game.

>It's not real NTR
>Some of the girls essentially use a mindless genetically engineered alien monstrosity as a sex toy sometimes
I mean is not NTR by definition but nonetheless that seems like cuckshit to me

isnt that like letting your gf/romance interest fuck a passout buddy of yours ? the dude wont know wtf happen but MC (self-insert/you) is still getting cucked

I don't see how this doesn't prove his point and also is case in point for how everyone here just copy pastes the same opinions.


Attached: mfw_someone_mentions_cuckshit.jpg (258x330, 21.15K)

No. It's more like having a girlfriend that's into beastiality and fucks her dog. If you feel like a dog is going to steal her from you, you're the one with mental issues.

>episode 1

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>It's more like having a girlfriend that's into beastiality and fucks her dog
seek help immediately bro i'm honestly worried about your mental health

Is there a waifu with MASSIVE tits? No paizuri no cash

If you think letting your girlfriend fuck her dog is reasonable you are deranged.

It's more like letting them make a braindead dude in a lab with huge junk and watching them fool around with it like a hyper advanced realdoll.

Dangerously close to cuckshit and only vaguely different.

Not an argument

>tfw I'm a NTRchad
Feels good man

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It's in the context of a sex video game, my dude. It's not real life. Deluded much?

wtf you literally hinted at bestiality how the fuck do you want me to respond ?

>early access
>episode 1
>cuck simulator

Attached: 1465754426778.png (355x328, 64.5K)

no such thing

I only watch POV porn with the guy having the same skin tone as Mine for maximun self insert How could you Tell?

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Other than Subverse, which after looking at , does look like a mobile
, any other 3d game look promising? Played Wildlife but as of now, its just a tech demo. kinda fun to fly around tho

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>Corruption fetish
Baby First weeb fetish.

I'm sure it happens in Japan a lot too but I really hate when WEG creators type like a horny 13 year old on myspace. Why do you NEED to insert terminology like "fuck-juice" and "monumental fuck project" in your sentences? Is it to remind people that it's a porn game, as if everyone who is even following the release schedule of your game isn't already aware of the fact?

Attached: I dohn get eht.jpg (640x368, 14.05K)

>tries to do many genres but is shit
>adds exclusive skins shop
>cuck shit

could be something like that idk, but I did listen to the devs talk about it and they sounded kinda smart soo I'd bet on it being decent

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>Paying for porn
>Paying for cuck porn

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>being poor
>not supporting content creators you enjoy

Attached: red laughing.jpg (812x810, 243.38K)

>its not cucking if you let your gf fuck a dog

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It's like getting cucked twice!

user is werd like that

Attached: TheBoss.png (732x600, 496.27K)

Why is it trash, user?

>early access
it's gonna be another one of those isn't it?
not to mention the pozzed NTR shit

Attached: earlyaccess.jpg (576x1024, 104.26K)

Does this mean cuckold-fetishists are in a large majority worthy of appealing to over what seems like a gigantic portion of people that hate it vehemently?

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episode 1 will launch march 26th because they ran out of money and had to can the idea of a full release.

>hyped about computer porn when you live in literal fucktart paradise

>racist Warhammer youtuber

im not sure why the journos call him a racist but is whatever. I dont know much about the guy either but for what i can see he is the typical "throw shit on every direction" type of crater

i just want space slut adventurers, why are they so stuck on keeping the shitty ntr mc?

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They could've gone for a pump and dump scheme with the girls and it would have been okay, and they could have gone with romantic waifuism for the girls and it would have been okay.
I don't care about the NTR personally because I have that kind of taste, but even I can see that combining waifu plot with turbosluts is an objectively bad decision that will alienate so many potential players who aren't looking for NTR. They gain NO new interest and only lose interest. Then there is the mess about episodic releases AND early access for a KICKSTARTED game that TOPPED its initial funding goal. Surely even the greatest shill can see how this is completely indefensible and an obvious red flag that the game will be a scam and that FOW will abandon development soon enough.

>all the "love interests" have the same generic hamster-like chinkface and the same body type

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>tfw didnt get hired on as a VA for the game when i applied

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I think most people don't give a fuck and just want to see sluts fucked by alien cocks, isn't that what studiofow became popular for?
I enjoy NTR but I just don't see how this game would appeal to that niche considering the protagonist basically keeps a harem and has no emotional attachment to any of the girls.


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I like they wanted so much beast sex but had to self censor lol

what is that?

It only got as much attention as it did because they excluded any mention of NTR stuff from the kickstarter, and to this day they deny any of it being NTR because they have their own arbitrary definition.

When is Yandere Simulator gonna be released?

More likely is that most people just came for porn - as in, girls getting fucked. What porn was about before basement sociologists and philosophers got their useless diplomas and started coming up with convoluted reasons why people like looking at things that they enjoy.

>I think most people don't give a fuck and just want to see sluts fucked by alien cocks
That's okay, but I don't think a lot of people want to hold hands and waifu them inbetween their alien cock pounding sessions.

Thats hard tell... i think even tho there is a lot cucks out there, they get outnumbered by the waifufags.

The game is also advertised for both groups which is a really bad idea tbqh they should just pick one group and go 100% on that direction

Because it's obvious studiofow is full of a bunch of normalfag retards that don't understand what the fuck they are actually doing.

Operation Lovecraft has much better animations and graphics and Breeders of Nefelym is free and has gameplay that makes sex an integral part of it.

Yeah exactly, I don't think anyone believes any of those girls were gonna be waifu material, unless you're one of those ironic weebs who calls every fictional girl a "waifu". How can it be NTR if neither the player or the protagonist have any feelings for the girls?

>Game releases
>Cuck shit removed through a mod
>dev's go to twitter and make a post about how its altering there vision of the game

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This game has already became dark souls of porn games purely by how every thread has 20 baiting retards to one person actually interested in the game itself. And the game isn't even out yet.

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Operation Lovecraft is shifting to online only in a very poor attempt to sneak horses and loli past Steam and Patreon jannies.

So this is an example of something being so controversial that the "art" becomes secondary to "controversy" ?

So it's like a shitty porn xcom in a solar system instead of on a planet?

>implying there are people actually interested in it
>implying the only people feigning interest aren't trolls and shills

the girls look like shit except for scientist lady so i don't really care all that much

>user likes robot chicks with human faces
ascend, brothers

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Loli I can understand, but why horses? None of the creatures looked much like their earth counterparts, except maybe for the hound.

>making up scenarios to fuel your hatred

I encourage people interested in this to pirate it.

Reminds me of that manga of a robot who adopts a human kid and tries to upgrade its body to human skin despite not being efficient in battles because it wants to feel the touches of its kid.

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