Oh hey sweetie did you want to enjoy the new Dragon Quest JRPG? Too bad girlfriend, here is an annoying faggot to ruin the game
Oh hey sweetie did you want to enjoy the new Dragon Quest JRPG? Too bad girlfriend...
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Sylv is great though.
He's more of a man than you
10/10 description of this mediocre game, apparently he's above and beyond fan favourite, tells you all you need to know about faggot quest fans
Dab Forums told me how the game was ‘good’ of course didn’t tell me about the unbearable fruitcake. now I’m at the Phnom place with the evil mural and I just don’t pick up the game anymore because of the constant sylvando fruitiness.
Sylz almost made my not homophobic
>you're just actually gay if you dont like him!
That's the usual excuse I see brand loyal faggots use to defend this game
I am more concerned about the Aussie-phobia making us out to be a bunch of obnoxious greedy tourists
>an entire game ruined by one character simply because he's gay/flamboyant
Someone sounds insecure
Atleast they don't portray you as the drug/drink addicted criminals you are
Thank you for proving my point, massive faggot
I dont see how he implied to be gay
Today, I will remind them.
He's fucking hilarious. Besides, I don't recall the game ever talking about how he's gay, or what he does as a gay man or any of that faggot shit, he's just...gay.
>Game LITERALLY FORCES you to not only take part in but LEAD a gay pride rally
People defending this shit are absolute shills
>actively makes it seem like he's gay
>but he's not, it's all a joke within a joke at their expense
You should be praising them if you hate gays that much.
>today i will remind them of a seething falseflagging dragon qiuest fan trying too hard
I'm not saying you're gay, I'm saying you're insecure. They're not inherently the same thing
do i miss much by playing the regular version and not S?
pretty sure S is not cracked and i already got the original torrented from its release.
and back you go
S is a downgrade in every way with some pointless addons
Gays should be banned from all forms of media
There is a literal gay pride parade in the game
Ah, so now we know for sure this is a shitposting thread.
I don't understand, are the Japanese paying tribute to gay people or mocking them?
he was the best thing in the game you big poof
They genuinely find these stereotypes to be charming. I'm reminded of how Itoi based those weird hon NPCs in mother 3 on his actual drag wearing friends who he adored.
yea, this shit was fucking game ruining. Take your loose, shit falling out diseased ass back to shibuya.
>hating on based Sylvando
He may be a homosexual but you're a certified faggot, OP.
You know he is gay because he sounds and acts like a faggot. Is it so hard?
People in drag was classic comedy for decades, up until the 90's at least. Then, actual trannies and PC culture ruined for everyone.
Ah, so you are a gay nigger then? You do sound like you suck a lot of dicks.
Flaming gays usually weird me out but Sylvando is a genuine badass and cool dude who happens to act like a fag.
you americans and your obsession with nigger dicks is pathetic.
This. He's a legitimate bro.
You sound like an NPC. Japan thinks gays are funny but ALSO likes them.
My guess is that they didn't have much contact with repulsive gay, like the pride faggots, and mostly coasted by with the cool ones, like Freddie mercury
>Thought fruity Spanish guy was funny
>Old Scottish Grandpa with love of bunny girls funny.
>Smartass English kid talking bantz at everyone.
>Brooklyn thief is pretty legit.
I don't know why anyone complains about this game. The guy who made Dragonball had plenty of characters like this.
Gays have their box and as long as they stay in it they are fine
No, most of japan abhors gays secretly/openly and banishes them to Toky. Anime and vidya are not a good metric for Japanese sentiment at all.
You got filtered hard, OP. Sylvando is based as fuck.
Because his dubs VA has the most flamboyant faggot voice ever put to recording
He wasn't bad, but his faggot parade section was awful.
This fucking homo was one of the best parts of the game. He had more personality than 90% of any video game character in the last decade. And his reunion story with his father was pure kino.
wait, WHAT? I was content to just drop this shit because of Sylvandos unending faggotry but I didn’t know they put Western-tier fag propaganda in it as well. FUCK this game.
>Everyone is sad
>World has no happiness
>Let's have a parade! Everyone loves parades, look at Mardi Gras, St Patrick's Day and Thanksgiving!
This is you on mental illness.
It's the same as other form of stereotyping. Like how the Japanese draw the Fench as fashionable and well-mannered, or the Americans as Aryan and obnoxious, or black people as slang users.
Bruh. Sylvando is a JRPG trope and is based as fuck, you literally never completed his story.
>take cocks up your shithole
>call other people mentally ill
when you kys will you leave a note saying 4chins made you do it
>gay shit is tight
>you just never finished brokeback mountain
Why are people like this?
>an annoying faggot
Literally one of two gay characters in any game that isn't annoying. The other being Christine from New Vegas.
He doesn't mince constantly and actually shows emotional and tonal range while sometimes going full flaming mostly for comedy. If you don't like Sylv it's probably more due to the anime humor than the performance or writing of his lines.
that's two different things, stupid
Can't have something fun in a videogame that's colourful and happy, nope. Obviously fun is for gays.
I thought Sylv's story, gathering up the lads after the fall was pretty fun. He's a flaming homosexual but also a decent role model for keeping on filling the the world with cheer.
He isn't gay
Give me a name only you'd recognize and I'll even put that in note like "PolDubsGetter6969 of 4chin made me do it"
I hate faggots but sylv is so flamboyantly gay it's actually funny. Plus he's the best healer until lategame
>provides the team with transportation
>patrols dangerous areas to help people in act 2
How can you hate Sylvando? Unironically a man among men
I think that's the point of Sylvando. At first you find him annoying and uncomfortably homo-erotic at times but in all honesty it's just an act. The real Sylvando you discover is actually one of the most loyal, strong willed, and lonely people you will ever meet.
It's why he forces his way into your party. He saw you were special and he wanted in, the excitement, the danger, the mutual understanding of being a larger than life soul. One would expect in a typical JRPG for him to turn evil and betray you, but in actuality Sylvando has your back all the way through.
He wants the world to be as joyous and fun as he is, to him life should be like the circus like a carnival. He spent too long in the dreary serious druggery of knight training, and it secretly torments him when others can't see things the way he sees it.
So he's quick to act. Impulsive and decisive. He knows thoughts of hesitating and dwelling on sad times can make you helpless. If there's a problem, you solve it there and then if you can. Chop chop, let's haul up and get on.
Man I saw this thread and decided to not engage now I regret it.
For me it's MC, Erik, Jade, and Eight. The best party line-up.
I 100% thought he was going to be a villain in a classic trope way and was pleasantly surprised when they didn't do this and instead him and Hen become super bros.
god i love jade's rack
Do NOT reply to me Mexican.
Sylvando is a faggot done right, he's fucking weird and glamourous and VERY GAY but he also has great lore and outside of his flowery manners he's got actual personality.
Leave it to glorious Nippon to do a very openly gay character the right way
don't be a hater
You = brown.
Me = wearing a crown.
Simple as that.
I think the thing that made me actually really like him was the exit from Gondolia - jumping off the side is risky but he made a great entrance on the prow of the ship because of it and saved the group's hide. And that's after he instigated them all saving Erik in the first place.
Unironically he's in the top 3 characters for me.
Nice headcanon.
He's never explicit about it and his character doesn't revolve around being gay for the sake of it.
He's pretty ok in my book.
Hes probably the coolest faggot in gaming history. Name a single gay character whos cooler then him?
Joshua from TWEWY is pretty cool.
sylvando is effective at early levels, but he eventually becomes totally useless like all the female characters
Just replace him with Rab and forget him
his father should have run him through
...for not having any whip talents
Based Sylvando always managing to out the self-hating closet homos. Nowhere in the game do they say he's gay, or even imply it.
He's good with Erik since Sylv can poison and put enemies to sleep, leaving them wide open for Persecutter, etc.
Fuck yourself, this is a sylvando board
i finally beat the timewyrm without seed farming and without using pep pops. fuck this piece of shit boss, what were they thinking?
Though no-poison is preferable, if there has to be a degenerate somewhere, making him over-the-top to laugh at is far preferable to treating his mental condition as serious and respectable.
Sylv rules, you faggot.
Syl is great.
her corruption arc was so fucking hot
Both. It's like the Okama in one piece. They're hideous and played for laughs but are complete bros.
>Hating on Chadvando
Oh no sweetie that just won't do.
>sylv becomes totally useless
are you fucking nuts? hes the best support character in the entire game and thats even before you get his extra skills in part 3
>party-wide heal that scales with charm that he can stack in the hundreds
>gets nukes that poison which also scale with charm
>gives any of the girls a second turn so veronica can double nuke, serena can double buff and jade can abuse her transformed state
>has a status cure that gets rid of all of the lose a turn statuses
>picks up lots of useful spells like oomph and reheal
I unfortunately did the same as the guy you're replying to, at least until the second Act. But yep, he's straight up the best support party member. Invaluable during boss fights.
Erik is unironically more gay than this guy, he's practically a canon love interest at this point.
>wtf this support character doesn't hit as hard, he's absolute shit!
Sylvano is charming and pretty observant and tactful
Sylvando annoyed me too. His redemption arc with his dad was fine, but as a character he was way too much.
>shipping fags
>is a marriage option
>is the only marriage option that has callbacks to both the original wife material Gemma and when they were on the run from Hendrik
Just telling it how it is, dude.
I saw he had a group heal skill and I rushed it. He was my healer for bosses for a large part of the game. He got kind of benched later but he was a true bro.
>hates gays
>posts on Dab Forums, the gayest board on Dab Forums
o i am raffing
It's always funny to hear people getting filtered by one of the most based and useful characters in a game like this, just because he comes off as gay.
He still gets hit with charm from female enemies, so he's not as gay as you think. :^)
so dumb, everything he does is done better by Rab, who actually has buffs and debuffs that matter
and giving the female characters a second turn? you mean the 3 useless characters
I said he's good early on, but using him in a2 is dumb, he's a strict downgrade who can't do anything useful on trash, and is weaker than Rab on bosses because he doesn't have sap
You srs? He’s like the best character in that fuckin game, or at least the most entertaining
You can get that heal early at level 16 by using the church to reset points too. youtu.be
>openly gay character
>they made him a healer
top kek. even the japs know.
He's not even the gay party member
Jade has second highest DPS in the game retard.
This, sadly
Sylv, paired with Veronica or Jade can sweep post game super bosses on harder monsters in 1 turn, Erik can setup and sweep by himself in 1 turn with his pep skill. Sylv is responsible for 4 of the 5 most popular setups needed to sweep the hardest content in 1 turn.
and Jade also has zero ultilty, making her worthless against most bosses unless you are playing without Hard-Monsters like the unga-bunga retard that you are
Rab can't poison/sleep targets, for Erik, nor can he Oomph Erik/Hero/Jade
also Ladies First is game breaking once Veronica gets Magic Burst
She's a trash farmer and good at it.
sure, and there's a time and place for that, but at the end of the day the Bosses are what matters and Jade often falls behind pretty hard on them
I wouldn't mind if we got a buff faggot like priprisoner, but he's just fucking gay
He's not that bad. Matter fact, among the characters in DQXI, I'd rate him in the top three. Veronica=Eric=Sylvanbro>Rab>Hendrik>Serena>trash>pile of shit>Jade.
>and Jade also has zero ultilty
She has tons of buffs, aliments, and abilities. In addition to the Pep Powers like everyone else. Try seeing her skill tree.
>making her worthless against most bosses
>some of the best DPS in the game
> without Hard-Monsters
Only Stronger Monsters? How about No Shopping, No Armor, No Reduced Exp, Shypox, Super Shypox, Protagonist Perish, and 2D mode? Oh wait, you're a casual dumb fuck who doesn't know what he's talking about. Kill yourself.
>hating Sylvando because he is gay
>not because he's the same jack of all trades nerd class as the Hero
specialize or kill yourself, wishy-washy faggots get the wall
except Erik is better at everything you want Jade to do if you set him up right
which you do against Bosses
sorry your waifu is worthless, cope
Sylvando is the Bard/Jester, Hero's class is, well Hero.
When bosses do their debuff move does is remove Jade's transformation?
i don't mean literally the same class, my bad
i meant both of them are "make this character whatever you want so you never stop using them!" special snowflake bullshit
...what? That doesn't even make sense, Sylvando is a support, Hero is your Bruiser with a good heal just in case.
Those are his followers/fanboys. They're pretty gay. He's just flamboyant.
Remember if you ever see a gay in media for 1 second u automatically become homosexual
>except Erik is better
Erik has sightly better DPS, yes (since he's the best attacker in the game). This doesn't erase any of Jade's qualities. There's four party slots for a reason.
> if you set him up right
Wow, a concept that applies to every character. You need to build them right to see their techniques. Congrats idiot.
>which you do against Bosses
Yes, you use utility spells and race against their DPS, which Jade does
>inane schizo babble
He wasn't even the worst part the worst part of the game is the protagonist and the awful ending in act 3 that doesn't make any sense
and Erik has both DPS and utility
again, Cope
>argument by repetition
I accept your concession.
Jade, Erik, MC (sometimes), Veronica can all setup in 1 turn and 1-2 turn super bosses on full Draco and all have utility. Why are purposely being retarded
You are wrong and got BTFO. Cope.
Hero, Erik, Sylvano, Veronica
Git Gud
>Jadefags SEETHING over thier worthless waifu getting btfo
Reminder that Jade will never be able to do shit like this;
Ergo, she is irrelevant trash against bosses, AKA the only relevant part of this game
Now cope, seethe and dilate.
>ESL this mad
Take your meds.
feel free to post videos of Jade critting bosses for 9k damage, waifushitter
Why do I need to do anything? You have no argument. That's why you are super mad right now. Remember: inability to concede when you've lost the argument to facts is a sign of low IQ. I mean the fact that your replies are so short and dropping several points shows that you know you've lost already.
Ok but this falls apart as a result of the main character being a lifeless piece of cardboard.
Pretty sure he wanted to see Ann naked. If he's gay he'd ask Joker to strip and be the model.
Sylvando is BASED as fuck
He wants to see in the Joker something more and intimate than nudity.
Hero in 11 is a fucking bullshit
Sylvando is fucking based tho.
>If you're repulsed by homos you're secretly gay yourself
Ah I see, this is another cope argument gays have. The other being that you have to be religious to be disgusted.
sylvando can be puff-puff'd and therefore ain't gay.
He's funny for the first 20 minutes and then...too one-note. And his personal storyline, yikes.
you repulsed by roaches? scared of spiders?
The game has shitty and boring combat design. Grandia 2 a old ass game for the Playstation had a funner more in-depth combat system.
yeah it's just so weird all these anti gay people turning out to be fucking dudes in secret.
How do you play Japanese games if you're this stuck on traditional masculinity? The metrosexual MCs should have gotten rid of you a long time ago.
>The game [HEADCANON]
>annoying faggots
This is literally the best way they are made. Anything else is boring
You have to understand that flamboyant homosexuals in the west are annoying, but in Japan they're found more endearing, party because they're merely flamboyant without any pretenses of preaching anything.
It's fun but really you just zap or burn everything to death. It is a great system and should be resurrected.
Drag didn't become transphobic until like 2012.
Every mission involving getting the band back together was pretty bad except for Grandpa's.
Drag's still fine in the UK and Japan. Hell, we still have panto that's filled with actors in drag, and there's a whole subculture in Japan for drag and gay men.
The fact that not everywhere has the exact same culture as the lefty poisoned US one astounds some people.
He was actually a complete bro, that dude was one of the few exceptions of "gay done good" on vidya
but it's universally agreed that Jade is fucking useless for end game boss fights, AKA the only part of a DQ game that matters
>but it's [HEADCANON]
I'm not sure you know what that means.
Serena a cute
I don't watch it but there's this show called Ru Paul's Drag Race or some shit on TV in the US that's about it, I'm pretty sure the trannies couldn't beat the drag queens and they just quietly ignore each other now.
Why does Alcoholics anonymous exist?
Does that mean everyone against alcohol is secretly an alcoholic? No. It means alcoholics are an especially outspoken group against it, because they personally struggle against it.
Where's the painful marriage webm.
The inferior sister.
Built for mating press!
There's nothing wrong with being gay
Alas, Dab Forums's forgotten its gachi roots.
She is cute and loveable, even with her comically large hands
why do japanese developers always have ridiculously loud faggots as side characters in their games?
Most people sided with the drag queens because they just keep to themselves and enjoy their hobby. Flamboyant gay men are more likable than screeching cro-magnon trannies, who knew?
I won't lie Sylvando is probably the coolest gay character I've ever seen in a game.