He does not play overwatch

>he does not play overwatch
explain you're self.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I refuse to play blizztrash

i dont need to play the game to jerk off to it.

TF2 is free, Paladins is free, why should I buy a game that contains lootboxes and microtransactions?

- I need to pay for it, was it ever on sale?
- It's from Blizzard
- Porn is free
- Characters seems bland compared to TF2

Can't say anything about actual gameplay whether is it good or not. Everything, but the gameplay, is unappealing.

I lost my account. Don't even care, all Blizzard's games are trash and I regret spending money on them.

game is shit
globohomo everywhere
the waifus are shit

Because I don't need to play the game to admire Widowmaker's perfection.

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it was on sale
they're literal moba character rip offs even down to the gameplay
the gameplay is garbage after you spend more than 10 hours playing because you realize it's anything but a shooter

Don't reply to this thread. Just close it.

Yep, straight to my folder

but i do uwu

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I only fap to the porn and even I am tired of these girls being everywhere. Animators don't know shit about variation

Furries get the rope

not posting any of my opinions until i see some overwatch bush

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im not a furry tho

Game isn't fun anymore
you will never be a real woman

I lurk in /owg/ but I have never played the game, I just wait for them to post pictures of my waifus Sombra, Pharah, Tracer, Mercy, and Dva

never claim to be one? the name is a reference to something...

I play better games

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>play tank
>other tank is a fucking faggot roadhog or wrecking ball whose trying to bypass the damage dealer queue
>damage dealers play directly into the enemy team and absolutely refuse to switch off and/or can't fathom actually comboing ults
>at least one healer is doing the same queue-dodging the other tank is doing and isn't healing

>play damage dealer
>both tank spots are taken by a wrecking ball and roadhog
>the real tank of the match is the wall or payload you're hiding behind because the damage negation isn't going to come from the fat, asthmatic Mad Max LARPer and the retarded furry

>play healer
>get all of the above
It doesn't happen every match, but it happens enough that I can't stand playing the game. The community is a bunch of fucking retards and I'm in masters. I can't imagine what kind of fucking hell happens in the lower ranks.

im not autistic

I only ever replay it when then add a new character, play one game with said new character and then wait till the next one is released. I will not be buying overwatch 2

>healer by choice
The world doesn't have enough of those but fuck me if whatever game I'm playing isn't overbloated with 50 dogshit DPS players for every competent DPS player

>tank chad master race
>imagine dying in one attack from anything not designed to one-shot anybody
>Dogshit DPS with egos more fragile than a Dab Forumstard when you insult their digital crush make me kek endlessly.

For me Overwatch was my last esport title I was really into. Put in like 600 hours across the first 1.5 years and quit cold turkey when I started grad school. Great game but as always Blizzard patches shit way too late. My previous obsession was starcraft 2.

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>make these shill threads multiple times per day
>dont even dump porn
>its all people shitting on the game
what do you even get out of this?

I can play tf2. Well I don't anymore but if I wanted to play a class based shooter it would be tf2. Also Blizzard are China cocksucking trannies

im know im a compulsive coomer and what have you but playing a game entire on my coomer preferences instead of for decent mechanics? there's just a limit to my horniness you now

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Shame all the PMVs got removed

> why should I buy a game that contains lootboxes and microtransactions?
but TF2 and paladins have both?

>mfw Robot Chicken made fapping to Widowmaker mainstream and people won't even bat an eye if you say you "spank it to Widowmaker"

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and they are both free, retard

I still play to healslut and erp.

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God, if you were Mercy you'd get this cock.

ya goof

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Man I really just want to hold her arms while I fuck her thighs just like that


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for me, its Brigitte

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So glad there are faggots like you that take the land whales off the dating streets for the rest of us.

God, I wish i was Mercy

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Built for BBC

Can you guys post that egyptian fit girl? Thanks.

Not big enough

My wife.

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>tfw no pocket healslut to heal me when I tank

Feels Batman

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Anyone else have a problem with the voice lines? It's like they're trying to be TF2's but too cutesy/egdy and tryhard depending on the character


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>Phara will never be your workout gf

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I find the banter too family friendly

>trying to be TF2
Not even close, Overwatch's characters are both too simplistic for that and the game takes itself too seriously. None of the interactions have any humor or bite to them, it's just two boring people talking.

i don't give a shit about lootbox shooter games

your sacrifice will not be in vain

Pharah is my workout wife.

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High quality models wasted on vanilla porn.

Brigittes fucktoy

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they're pretty safe, a few good ones here and there but generally nothing overly fun
its a shame because they have made a pretty approachable interesting diverse cast of characters but just failed to deliver on anything of interest

Time to kill is too slow and resourceless cooldowns are gay.

Just wanna drink the sweat out of her shoes lads

>You scot son of a bitch!
>I like you :)
>I like you too :D
>I don't like you >:(

Dumb bitch using the machine backwards

>not licking it off her body directly

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Blizzard can balance

very cute and erotic characters but gameplay is like wading through custard. NO THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!


only subhumans enjoy these

im horny

>implying she would let me

Why are all the overwatch girls sluts?

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also widowmakers character would be improved if she had a penis too, it would suit her


Not enough inflation


I have never played Overwatch. No matter how hard you shill, no matter how many coomer threads you make, I will never give Actiblizzard a cent. Eat shit OP.

The lady that doth protest to much

I played it for a while, and it was a lot of fun, but after the devs started pushing more for "competitive balance", I started losing interest. Around the anniversary event, I decided to stop playing for a while, and pretty much all the news I've heard since has convinced me I made the right choice.

I'm straight, I just fap with the girls.

>decide to give comp a try
>nothing but angry people
>get reported for trolling
>team tells other people to report me for trolling too
the sweat is real

>bbc animator

Yeah I stopped comp and just play arcade to have fun.

THIS. The only personality they have is me spamming the edgiest/goofiest voice lines

General Butch?

dropped that pure shite in free beta

arcade kinda gets boring 30 minutes in, idk I expected to drop 300 hours in this just goofing around, got 14 hours of it.
Got the game for $12 from humble monthly I think and still feel like it was a waste

I never get tired of 3v3 or 6v6 elimination.

It was a pretty fun goof-around game at release, but they decided pretty shortly after that they didn't want it to be a fun goof-around game, they wanted it to be an esport, and it kinda started sucking after that.

I honestly stayed with overwatch the longest but I can't anymore tanking fucking sucks balls now

It's pretty fun with friends
>used to be Zenny main
>was decent, trapped in Gold tier
>fell off when compfags started influencing balance and it went full rock paper scissors
>went back to TF2 for two years
>got decent on Spy
>came back to Overwatch on a lark with some friends
>play McCree
>his hitscan works just like Spy revolvers but with no weapon spread
>you can just hold M1 and it'll shoot roughly the same place, unlike the Spy revolver where accuracy shits the bed after the first shot
>proceed to out-snipe enemy Widowmakers and Anas, 50/50 chance I get POTG by sneaking around the enemy flank and hitting Q, usually end with 3 Gold medals minimum
Now is the best time to play since it's basically dead. The community is way more chill and even scrubs like me can dominate in Classic Casual. Not a great or polished game and the characters are still bland as fuck, but the weapons are really satisfying.

>imagine her pits

fuck you guys for turning me into an armpit fag

>lick armpit
>burning deoderant all over your tongue

>explain you're self.
I am myself thank you.

Also fuck Blizzard. Fuck trannies. Fuck troons. Fuck niggers. Thank you.

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>you will never be pegged by widowmaker
fucking hell

My thoughts are that (You) should go to /vg/ or /vm/ to have your pointless general thread about a multiplayer game or just fuck off to whatever cartoon porn board you obviously are from to dump your shitty adolescent cartoon pornography and that you should never shitpost here again.


Healslutting is weird af dude. I would feel extremely uncomfortable knowing there was some pervert with a dildo up his butt getting off every time he was healing me. Eww no go away; it's grotesque.

Damn shame because I really need a fit gf to coach my lazy ass, but I'll only get one by already being in shape

Overwatch is a tranny game. Other games mentally ill adult trannies play are fortnite, league of legends, moron kombat and genshin impact

eh, not all frenchies are stinky shitheads, but all stinky shitheads are french

I like Paladins more.

reading is hard for you, huh?


Stop projecting

I want Widowmaker to use my tongue as a deodorant stick!

Selfmade landwhales are no fun. I like to create more land whales for all of you to date.


Gagged and gaped

They’re literally just cosmetic. Just stick with “why should I buy a game when I can play a similar game for free” because that is a retarded argument

Im sorry user. your fetish just doesnt work irl

Ponytail + spandex > anything from cuckwatch

It was pretty fun at launch.
Ana was good, she shook things up and added a high-skill-ceiling support
Sombra was bad
Orisa was bad
Doomfist was retarded and at this point I was in masters and bored so I quit the game.

I've come back a couple of time to see how it is but role queue seems to have annihilated the playerbase and ruined any chance of adaptation mid-match. I also found Sigma and Baptiste so be absolute fun-destroyers, shield meta looks even worse than triple tank was.

Imagine being turned into Widowmaker's trophy wife only made to service her futa cock and bear her kids

The art/sound direction was fresh when it landed, but it aged like cheese.

I refuse to play Actvision-Blizzard games. I just fap to the porn

How can you make a list of essential tranny core and leave out so many anime games?

You could make a whole thread for Tf2 voicelines, the're just so great especially when insulting eachother
>Scotland isn't a real country, you're just an Englishmen in a dress!
>Checkmate, Stalingrad!
>Stars and Stripes beats Hammer and Sickle, LOOK IT UP
>Go home lassie, MEN are fightin'!
>Hey you shapeshifted into a dead guy!
>Ohhh your gun shoots medicine, it's intimidating...
>Repeat after me: mmmhmhmh I'M DEAD
>That's what happens when eagles cry, Soldier boy
>Well, off to visit your mother!
>May I borrow your earpiece? ThIs Is ScOuT, rAiNbOwS mAkE mE cRy, OvEr
>The bullets come out of the slim end, mate!
>Ohhh did I get blood on ya suit?
It's a real shame Heavy and Medic don't have class-specific voicelines, and even if they added them they wouldn't have the same feel since the voice actors can't do the voices they did 13 years ago (especially Heavy)

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medic's va could, he's not that old, but heavy's... I don't think so

Thing is the guy is so busy apparently as a voice actor, they didn't even give Medic new voicelines in the MYM update but Pyro got new mumbles lol, still nice that he did a Facebook livestream not too long ago as Medic and a "Covid wash your hands" vid

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AND? You said: why should I buy a game that contains lootboxes and microtransactions?


oh the irony.

Because those games are free to play, you don't have to buy the games themselves. OW has a price tag in addition to the microtransaction options, is what they're getting at.

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it's an "all characters have the same body" episode

i big cum

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>ywn be widowmaker
not fair fellas

OP is a nigger.
Look he's a nigger.

This but with Tracer

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post waifus

hiding her penis

Overwatch stopped being fun long ago. And more recently the porn got stale

How does ERP even work in stuff like Overwatch?

Are you daft?

being NEET for 9 years edging to porn for hours everyday made me gay

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I'm "playing" it rn

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>Porn has been shown to have the same addictive highs as drugs

This just fucking screams "conservative that has now idea how sex or drugs works". Just because drugs are cool again doesn't mean that you can act like a a sour grapes faggot and lie about scientific data.

Yourbrainonporn has already been disproven, you have nothing left.

god sayuri makes me diamonds every time i see him

>500 hours played
>hours played for all heroes totals less than 20 hours
Is the 500 hours shopped? Can somebody explain this?

are you illterate?

that hours for the current comp season, left side displays all modes total hours

Ah okay, thanks user.

I think d.va is cute!


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this better be a boy

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You are, apparently, so let me explain to you slowly what that guy meant so your under-developed brain can comprehend it, since I'm that nice:
>why should I buy a game that contains lootboxes and microtransactions?
Since TF2 and Paladins, both free to play shooters that function similarly to Overwatch, Paladins more so than TF2, do not cost a penny, why would he waste money on a game riddled with microtransactions just to play it, when he can do the same for free with the other two games, regardless of whether or not they both have mtx as well?
>but TF2 and paladins have both?
Not the point, since, as the OP pointed out, it's not about the mtx, but about the fact that one of those three games requires you to pay money in order to play it, whereas with the other two games you can just download them for free. He never claimed that only Overwatch has mtx, he just stated that it's pointless to buy the game when the other two games offer similar experiences without forcing you to pay money, unless you choose to, by making use of the mtx.
There. I understand if you're having a hard time reading and understanding, and I am deeply sorry that, apparently, your drank heavily when she was pregnant with you. I wish you best of luck in the future though!

are you caged?

The game is fun but the community is awful. Which is why I uninstalled it. It's filled with people who will constantly blame others for the team's shortcomings. It's never their fault.
>play support constantly
>Get blasted by our other healer because I'm not healing right
>Get gold healing with 25k+
>Only player on our team to get a card at the end of the game

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Sorry gaypedo. Not today

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It's the MOBA of FPS and plays around who has their Q ready and if whatever synergies with it also is ready. Maps are sleighted heavily in the defenders' favor at times and it just generally is an unenjoyable experience. I'll stick to my boomer shooters.


>it's like drugs!!!!!!
boutta cut out working out and eating because they release dopamine and serotonin and that's haram


Pretty cute.

because i don't think it is fun.

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I wish they made a singleplayer shooter with some of the hero mechanics. The fun ones like Tracer.

Gib ashe mommy

Here's your ashe bro.

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Good enough, post more

>They’re literally just cosmetic
shame that it's literally the ONLY content that you've been getting for the past two years then, faggot.


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Cute bird

That's not the only bird

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That is also a cute bird, but post more ashe

As opposed to tf2 only getting more niggerkiller bots the passed few years? How's that heavy update?

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Stop posting poo in loo bitch

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Better than P2W items. You aint into those right? Unless you're a massive faggot who can't play for shit.

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I only played it for 20 hours after launch and only care about the porn now

more like trashe