When does it get hard? Emulating it and at ch7 right now and the hardest moments were all just bad platforming.
Ninja Gaiden tred
When does it get hard? Emulating it and at ch7 right now and the hardest moments were all just bad platforming.
Ninja Gaiden tred
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it doesn't
the difficulty is from dealing with the shit camera and bad platforming and trying to have fun with the bad boss fights.
This. Game gets hard when you unlock Very Hard and Master Ninja.
the hard part of ninja gaiden black is the dogshit camera
other than that it's just an enjoyable action game
NGfags are some of the most delusional when it comes to the difficulty of their games, if you have beaten games like Bayo, DMC or Souls then NG won't pose much of a problem to you on its standard difficulty. It's challenging, not OH MY GOD THIS GAME MADE MY BALLS DROP AND MADE ME A MAN hard.
also stop getting your faggotry into NG threads please
The og dmc and three were pretty hard. not that you would know that.
the NG series gets its reputable hallmark of difficulty from the original NES series more so than the 3d action games.
xbox emulation works??
yeah but who cares sigma is the definitive d
when will 360 emulation work so i can finally play AC6??
Try not playing on journalist mode you fucking scrub
Every fucking time
The higher difficulties need to be unlocked
you are just projecting
>normal mode is journalist mode
The cope from NG fags. Just admit that the series is no more difficult than anything else other than dealing with the camera
Normal isn’t hard if you actually know how to play an action game. It’s the higher difficulties that make it so punishing.
>bad boss fights
when did this meme start?
For it's time it was insanely hard because it all felt new
Is there a third person game with a near universally liked camera system? Pretty much all games I like has tons of people who constantly get filtered by the camera.
Your game? easy, beat it without dying. My game much harder.
yeah, NIOH 2
i don't remember having problems with ds3 and sekieo's camera
But people shit on the camera system of souls games all the time
hard has some hard stuff, but it doesn't get hard until very hard
some people can barely handle ninja dog bosses though
the first boss and alma 1 are usually the rude awakening for people who were just mashing
The dynamic camera in DMC5 was fantastic, one of the most underrated improvements.
That's the same with most action games. Just usually with fewer attacks that come from entirely off-camera
blaming the camera is common amongst the filtered
>don't pick hard
the IQ of NG haters evryone
It was pretty good but i don't like how close up it got at times, felt a bit claustrophobic
>got filtered by the 3 red dinosaurs in the city
was excited about the Switch announcement until I remembered where I quit.
DMC3 can get tricky but I completed 1 pretty much without dying
Ninja Gaiden isn't hard anymore because it doesn't have loot and level up system like modern action games do.
Wanna tell me how you unlock hard from the getgo?
yes 1 was hard 3 not so much
and thats about it
You can do that only in Sigmaballs
In superior Black version you gotta play through this slog until you get to Master Ninja
NG games really do difficuly right rather than just ramping up HP and damage
>more enemies
>completely new enemy types with more complicated moves
>easier enemies replaced with more difficult enemies early on
>bosses get new attacks and also summon adds sometimes
>extra battles added in places were there previously weren't battles
If you enjoyed normal mode you've got to try the game on the higher difficulties. It's great.
If you can beat Souls you can beat NG on its standard difficulty without much difficulty. A lot of the same fundamentals like understanding i-frames still apply.
Alma filtered me, I'm too retarded to win against her
Actually you unlock higher difficulties from the get go if you cleared OG NG before and have a savefile.
Souls players grind souls and then think they "got good"
No one actually played OG Ninja Gaiden so it's a myth
You have to start from normal in every version of NG1 and work your way to MN.
I did and I still play it with hurricane 1 patch.
What this guy said.
Of course it will take a bunch of deaths but it's not much harder.
The main difference is that in DS you are playing passively 90% of the time, (reacting to what your enemy does) while in NG you NEED to play aggressively/proactively as well as passively.
Alma is a bitch but she is doable
>jump the dive bomb
>run away from her throw
>roll pretty much everything else
>you can Flying Swallow her during the startup of a lot of her moves but NEVER do it otherwise
not to mention
>ryu clones
>fiend challenges spawn more enemies
>items are more expensive
>item capacities are lowered
>item placements are remixed
>scarab rewards are remixed
NGB difficulty scaling is top tier, I still go back to Very Hard from time to time since it's still decently challenging and it's fun to fight against different enemies.
Yeah and Earth is flat
If you beat Doku in chapter 2 of Sigma version, you unlock next difficulty
DMCucks are so fucking casual it's pathetic.
Flying swallow is decently safe as long as you shuriken cancel but yeah best way to take her out is to dodge her divekick and then do a short charged Y. Should knock her down more often than not.
what about master ninja
This. They're literally just looking at a screen and pressing buttons and they think its impressive, do they not have any self-awareness?
Sounds like youre just good at action games. Normal's difficultyspikes are the alma fight (ch5 or 6 if i recall right) and the rematch against alma (ch13?). But since you didnt seem to be bothered by alma i think youll not find normal very challenging.
I recommend trying the higher difficulties. They are very wellmade. There will be new enemies, enemeis are more aggressive, a lot of the free items from chests are replaces with weaker items or no item, items in the shop cost more, and bosses spawn with extra standard enemies. So you have to learn how to avoid the boss while dealing his his sideguys.
But what is really important is that youre having fun user.
for me the difficulty spike was that room in the plane and then nothing else
im pretty sure hard is unlocked from the start, but VH and MN are locked behind beating hard and VH
well user you have to step it up and apply yourself. Learn their attack queues, dont get behind them (or they tailwhip you), and have fun
I meant that I usually play MN but sometimes also play VH if I want to mix things up.
>>fiend challenges spawn more enemies
fuck the collosseum challenge though. 80 ogres is just torture, even with low hp UF.
are you using xemu? what the hell is a mcpx boot and what do i have to do to get one.
120 Berserkers is worse, especially in Sigma where you either cheese it and charge dabilahro UT's for ages or do lunar counter attacks for an hour.
These people also will give you shit for playing these game with kb+m which fix the camera issues.
>what the hell is a mcpx boot
use 1_0
Bros how do I reach this dragon statue?
Can't we just have a proper NG/action game thread without autism
flying swallow
Swing on the branch on the other side.
Ninja Gaiden Black got a reputation for being hard because it came out during a time when hard games were dying, during the Xbox and especially the Xbox 360 era it had become pretty unfashionable to make hard games. Which is why it got so infamous.
Zoomers are honestly probably way more well prepared to handle Ninja Gaiden than people were back then, nowadays it's way more fashionable to make hard games thanks to indie games.
It's always like that with old game
Fucking Max payne must have died 10 times to gun shots and 100 time falling from ledges fuck platforming, it's either too easy you don't see the point, or too hard and it's mostly trial and error and luck
The difficulty is trying not to die of boredom when you realize 90% of fights can be won without taking damage by spamming izuna drop.
You don't play
it worked. thanks user
>The difficulty [HEADCANON]
like half the enemies in the game can't even be izuna'd so don't talk out your ass
Aqueducts on very hard filtered me
Hello Ninja Dog
What's filtering you? The hardest thing about the aqueducts is knowing where to go.
A legitimate idiotic decision is that save point that spawns enemies early on.
When you fight the bosses who get invul frames out of nowhere at random.
Is this post irony? Like what if I took a legendarily notoriously difficult game and it made seem super easy because...?
>t. doesn't play games and just spouts memes about them
But that song when exploring aqueducts is fantastic tho.
There is only artificial difficulty such as some bosses sometimes not getting hit even when your sword passes through them like Alma and Spirit Doku. Other form of Alma also has some bullshit where its weak spot is sometimes blocked so that you can't kill it easily.
What emulator? Is there really no issues?
The FOV was too fucking low.
If you really wanted to play it you would own an Xbox. Glad I can just play it on my Xbone instead of whining like a pcfag
Ryu looks like a fiend and the lava sections of chapter 12 are a bit buggy. It works fine otherwise, it just runs like shit unless you have a high end Intel CPU.
Xemu, I've gotten a slowdown in one specific area (next to muramasa shop in ch4) but it's not that bad so far. Like said, currently at the end of ch7.
Welp, I'll stick to Sigma then because it ran full speed on my R1600
Old god of wars and wonderful 101
I'm just gonna wait for the PC port now, hopefully modding out the rachel chapters won't be too hard.
The constant zoom ins in W101 are obnoxious, wtf were they thinking?
>Looking at a screen
>Pressing buttons
I cant tell if this is a ng or dmc fag or just a falseflagger
You can customize it.
I think I have it 2 notches farther.
the earth is flat you fucking mongoloid
Trumpoids believe this
ive got a 1660S and 3600
think i could handle it at 1080/60?
or should i just wait for the collection
just try it
>dude this game is like so harrrrrd. On the hardest difficulty
>Well yes
Let me guess, Dab Forums spoonfed you on how to play it and now you're being smug about the game not posing a big challenge on normal. Wait till you're playing on master ninja, it will kick your ass plenty.
>high end Intel CPU
Well fuck I use a AMD, Will it still work.
camera shitters are a disgrace
If you had more than one death on master ninja you are wont be able to beat dmc 2
>If you beat Doku in chapter 2 of Sigma version, you unlock next difficulty
First time I fought him I didn't even managed to scratch him wtf
It was like the guy blocked absolutely everything I threw at him even when I tried attacking when he looked open
I tried it on my 2600 and it ran decently I think
Few people can beat dmc2 simply because it's utter crap.
Its utterly crapping on people yes
DMC 2 has the most intricate action-adventure mechanics in the entire gaming franchise
Its outstanding combo-scheme and hit mechanics outshine every other contender
name me one game that has more complex maneuvers than DMC 2s gunplay
pro tip: you cant
I always maintain DMC 2 would be amazing if it weren't so garbage.
>two protagonists with unique campaign and gameplay
>hot brown Spanish babes
>very good atmosphere
>really cool enemy and boss design
It's just the gameplay got fucked
DMCbros.... are we retards?
>It's just the gameplay got fucked
Like every DMC.
the story could've been better too but yea i agree
plus, the OST is fucking banger as always