Do you think Nintendo will ever have consequences for how it acted during the Switch era...

Do you think Nintendo will ever have consequences for how it acted during the Switch era, like how they did for how they acted during the Wii one?

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If it didn't come with the Wii motion+ the game would be unplayable

nintendo will never bear any consequences, seethe to your grave

More overwhelming success? Probably

N64, GCN, and Wii U say hi

Most Wii owners had the accessory by 2011, or the brand new controller with the attached function. It's the same of releasing a game in 2021 that requires the Pro Controller, a huge number of Switch owners already got one.

How they acted during the Wii era is not even close to how they're acting right now. Bouncing back from the WiiU made their shareholders and board executives go fucking insane with power. And now, they realize that when times are good they can quite literally do whatever they want and their fanbase will accept them with open arms. It's disgusting.

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Of course not. Their fanbase will allow them to be more and more greedy. In 2 generations we won't even see new Nintendo games, only ports or remakes of existing ones.

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They don't seem to get that times aren't always good and that slacking on game development is what gave them the Wii U

Remember how Nintendies keep flaunting Switch sales numbers as a good thing? This is what they result in, a publisher who doesn't care about making good products at good prices because consumers will buy them anyway, enjoy ;)

Wasn't that the wiiu era?

>like how they did for how they acted during the Wii one?
You mean getting so much money they could release several failures like the Wii U in a row and still be fine?
They will be fine. Nintendo's rabid fanboys will buy literally everything they shit. The bought cardboard to play with for an insane price because it wore the Nintendo brand fss.

Nintendo when they are cocky are at their worst. See latter half of the Wii, SNES and now the Switch.

You're not wrong but I don't think you understand how insanely profitable the Switch has been for them. They could realistically get away with not developing another new game for the console for quite a long time. Seeing what new exclusives the Switch is getting this year and how many released last year really puts into perspective how little effort Nintendo needs to put in when times are good for them. Their user base is excited for downscaled ports to an insanely weak machine.

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It will sell like hot cakes despite the complaints so the consequences (whatever they are) are null.

>I miss Iwata
He’s been dead for almost 6 years now. It’s time to move on.

Eventually even investors would probably say something like "These dividends are cool but is anything new actually being developed?" Happened during the late Wii era. Eventually you get cocky because you have money and make nothing, which scares off investors concerned you cannot or will not even attempt to compete. Investors know no gravy train lasts forever and want security.


Enough with the fucking remasters and ports holy shit

considering inflation it's basically the same
still a steal though, a steal so big it takes the damaged brain of a nintendie to defend

>I LOVE getting fucked in the ass by nintendo!!!!

So the game gained value over time?
That's great, because I have the original Wii game.

Investors do not give a single flying fuck about whether or not a game is "new", they only care whether or not a "product" that can make the company money is getting released or not. Ports, remasters, and re-releases are more than enough to sustain Nintendo for the time being. Why do you think we haven't heard jack dick about BOTW2 since it's announcement? Just take a look at the recent Direct to understand Nintendo's philosophy on creativity during good times.

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This. Just look at Pokemon, most people have no standards

Nice try, Josh

If they’re going to port old games it might as well be good games.

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no, they even made money during the Wii U era. Nintendo is too big to fail now. It's like Marvel/Star Wars

No one worked for a year. Nothing is coming out for any platform. This is what happens when no one works for a year.

Also, zoomers discover what inflation is ITT

Au contraire, they do. At least, some do. It isn't a viable long term strategy to limit development costs to the degree Nintendo does because it will catch up to you and make you uncompetitive. What happens if/when it stops being a cultural phenomenon? What if the Switch successor doesn't strike a chord like this one did? If I invested in Nintendo I'd love the profits now but worry for my investment three or so years from now.

I'm just gonna pirate and emulate the shit out of it instead of buying a port for 60 fucking dollars.

That's not true, though. The Wii U had a bunch of really good games, it's the console itself and its marketing that was an utter flop. Look at all the Wii U ports that are doing miles better on the Switch than they ever did when they first came out.

I don't think they necessarily will, because despite releasing fuck all new Switch games they've released lots of ports or touched-up rehashes of excellent Wii U games that no one outside their core fans ever played. To most Switch owners, MK8D, Splatoon 2, SSBU, etc are exciting new games, and they're very happy with what they're getting.

I want this shit to flop so fucking hard too. SS is a retarded, broken, gimmicky shitstain on the Zelda series and this "HD remaster" bullshit doesn't even look HD to me. It looks like they lazily, just barebones fucking "upscaled" the goddamn game and decided that it was "good enough" and to keep it on hold until "July 16th". Fuck the SSfags that even try to defend this shit. Once it flops, I'll laugh at you motherfuckers while shouting " Fuck you, I was right!"

You can apply that to all publishers though

Consequences will never be the same

>I miss Iwata!
Nintendo fans are such cringey, cancerous manchilden

Okay, what do they do when the Switch 2 comes out and everyone has played all of these Wii U ports? Have their development teams that have not been doing any difficult work for years make a new game? Double port Wii U titles?

Thinking this would be any different under Iwata is just silly

Also I think a unique reason that it's 60USD is that they don't believe it'll sell to anyone except Nintendo collectors. I'm interested to see how many copies this shifts, I don't think it'll hit 2 million.

they're charging you that because they know they can get away with it. Nintendies are gonna fucking buy it anyway so it doesn't matter. They could sell it for 100 dollars still make money hand over fist

I didn't think SS was popular enough in Japan, I know the series in general is not but SS in particular I thought was poorly received

Microsoft Xbox sales are shit yet they still make shit games

Fuck you snoy no games switch won.

Absolutely shocked nobody mentioned Josh Thomas yet...

What compels you to bring other companies into the discussion of a Nintendo issue

This Skyward Sword debacle is fake outrage, right? Like you absolutely should not buy this game again if you have already played it and personally even if you haven't played it, I think it's mediocre and I can't recommend it, even as an emulation or discounted Wii copy. Having said that, I don't see why a modern, full length game should be devalued for a first time buyer. Games haven't changed in play value over the last three gens at all it's nothing like when there were big leaps in content and style.

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This is going to sound like massive cope, but in a way I do appreciate that Nintendo values their games so highly. Sure, it's more expensive up front, but it's ultimately good for collectors: I remember selling Gamecube games back in 2012 for the same price I bought them like ten years before. Sometimes even more. I just like that with Nintendo I'm often buying something with value to it, rather than some shovelware flavor of the month that dropped to 20 bucks three months after release. If you ask me, a good example of this sort of thing that actually pissed me off was GTA5, which didn't have an appreciable price drop for years despite the fact that we all new it would eventually stabilize around 20 bucks.

*knew, fuck me I am retarded

No because tendies are brain damaged drones and will buy it.

>like how they did for how they acted during the Wii one

The consequence of selling over 100 million units?

>like how they did for how they acted during the Wii one
You mean the wii u era.

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>Most Wii owners had the accessory by 2011
Next to no one had the accessory because no worthwhile games supported it. Hell only three of Nintendo's first party games even supported.

>Having said that, I don't see why a modern, full length game should be devalued for a first time buyer.
Consooming has addled your brain

Only the CONSOOOMERS had one.

Based Josh

I think more people are realizing how stupid all the ports are getting. The game was hardly worth 50 dollars when it came out, an "HD" version isn't worth 60 almost 10 years after its initial release.

Because you're acting as if this is a Nintendo exclusive issue you dipshit.

>Games have to devalue because... they just have, ok!?

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Why the fuck don't you people just hack your Switch? Are you seriously this retarded? It was obviously the correct choice. I get everything early and free.

>Nintendo makes good products when they're in a dire situation and bad products when they're doing well
>other companies make bad products regardless of how they're doing by your own claim
>this somehow means it's not a Nintendo exclusive problem
The cognitive dissonance is astounding

He only abandoned TheBitBlock because he was sick of consoomers and liberals calling him lazy, now he has plenty of people to say he's great for one one hour long stream a week and vertical videos

>This Skyward Sword debacle is fake outrage, right?
You're on Dab Forums user.
The board that once spammed smash across here, /qa/ and irc in order to force game discussion into a containment board.

Yes, you finally get it

just hack your consoles and play endless free games

We can only hope the port sickness spreads to the other fanbases if not then at least it was addressed before it got out of hand on switch.

He's been right about literally everything for the past few years

Breath of the Wild and Odyssey are the only games released this generation that actual effort was put into.
And one of those were crossgen

>Nintendo makes good products when they're in a dire situation and bad products when they're doing well
Please don't tell me that you think the wii u and the decisions surrounding it were good.

>Breath of the Wild and Odyssey are the only games released this generation that actual effort was put into.
Define effort.

He's right and has good takes but he's lazy. I don't know why he wouldn't just make his channel a Nintendo hot takes/general hot takes channel, he's actually entertaining when he does that. No one cares about his ugly sense of fashion, people like his humor reacting to things.

No joke reading comments about households owning more than 1 switch or buying each family member the console and the same exact game makes me question just how retarded humans can get

They made and named the Wii U when they were doing great with the Wii, then they made Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze and Mario 3D Land and Breath of the Wild and Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon and Super Mario Maker and Super Smash Bros U and Pikmin 3 and the Switch when the Wii U was a disaster, then once the Switch was a success they made Mario Odyssey and decided ports were enough for the rest of its lifetime.

Reading your post also makes me question that.

Well I mean those junior developers had to play at least two full Assassin's Creed games to really understand what they were ripping off I bet

Actually the CD was bundled in with the non controller bundle.
Likely as a promotion for the symphony that was, I think still going on, or to advertise the music you could probably buy online or something

Also aren't Wii CD's and Switch Cartridge's different in cost to make or something?
Plus the addition of the Wii game being SD vs HD with the switch.

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Not a glorified port
Not a glorified DLC
Not a fraction of content compared to its predecessors

>and decided ports were enough for the rest of its lifetime.
Oh good lord, you're one of those "the library is mostly ports!" faggots.

>improved version costs normal price
>autists absolutely flips out
>somehow okay with games costing 70-80

>Also aren't Wii CD's and Switch Cartridge's different in cost to make or something?
Yeah. Not as much as it used to be but still fairly pricey.

>immediate deflection upon being proven wrong
Blown the fuck out

Nope, too many consoomers userbase on switch.
The switch is unironically too big to fail.

So the majority of first party games on the switch bar Labo and 1-2 switch.

I think it already is out of hand, practically every Wii U game has been ported to the switch already, with most of them adding nothing of value for a higher asking price. I'm just annoyed this is looking like another year where they're only releasing one game I care about, and Monster Hunter isn't even first party.

Eh they forever lost their chance to monopolize the industry like they wanted to by getting btfoed by sony

Counterpoint: Labo, which flopped

Not only did you not prove me wrong but you revealed you're shitposting.

Not everyone enjoys being angry/upset, he probably doesn't enjoy putting in effort on something that doesn't bring him joy.

He's also sort of a "eccentric personality", comparable to Trump in that sense.

Seethed and coped

Why couldn't this have been bundled with wind waker and twilight princess HD?
Zelda HD All-Stars would have been fine for 60$

>I think it already is out of hand, practically every Wii U game has been ported to the switch already
No, they haven't even reached half. And even including the ports from the wii it doesn't exceed other platforms.

>Why couldn't this have been bundled with wind waker and twilight princess HD?
Clearly because they know they can sell them all separately for full price.

Case in point

Imagine being Josh

Imagine being Roger and putting up with Josh

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At least Breathe of the Wild and Odyssey tried something new, they gave us a unique experience and there was actually some heart put into that vision.

New Horizons, on the other hand, felt like they just followed a template.

I suppose you're right, but it doesn't seem like he gets super upset about anything other than politics, most of his Nintendo takes are snark and reasoned criticism instead of rage. Remember when he criticized Nintendo at E3 2018 and said that it was okay to dislike things, then other Youtubers got mad at him?

>selling cardboard for $60+
What were they thinking?

Literally Dab Forums personified.

>No, they haven't even reached half.
Seriously? The literal only game I can think of that hasn't been ported is Xenoblade X.

They'll probably get fucked next generations when they've run out of shit to port unless they decide to do ports of switch ports.

What's the issue here? Accounting for inflation the game on its own would cost around $58 now, then you also have to buy wither a Wii motion + add on or buy the bundle with the new Wiimote included. The Zelda themed Joycons aren't required to play and you don't need to buy them.

I remember getting the bundle with the CD a couple years after launch. Wish I still had the CD

No, based off of how well Sword/Shield and others sold. SS will sell well too and theres nothing we can do about it. It shouldn't cost more than $20 imo. Even in 2011 I felt ripped off at $50.

Roger is basically his handler who prevents him from screeching autistically and making a fool of himself

Yeah, lets all buy Super Mario World at full price $50. Go ahead.

>The Wii U had a bunch of really good games,

The WiiU had a pisspoor library. Just compare it to the Gamecube or N64 when Nintendo actually gave a shit abot developing games.

Stop shilling your youtube account

Nintendo has been taken over by business people who only stare at sales numbers.
Port sells good, creative new IP sells bad.

>practically every Wii U game has been ported to the switch already
There's about 11 - 12 depending on if you count botw?
That leaves
Ultra Smash
Amiibo festival
Devils Third
Dr. Luigi
Fatal Frame
Party 10
Game and Wario
Rainbow curse
Mario and Sonic winter 14
Mario and Sonic Olympics 16
Tipping stars
NES Remix 1
Remix 2
Pokemon rumble u
Star Fox Zero
Splatoon 1
Mario Maker
Star Fox Guard
Wii fit u
Wii party u
Wooly world
Wii Sports club

And a bunch of trash like Sonic boom and that other Amiibo game.
>with most of them adding nothing of value for a higher asking price
The majority of them add substantial amounts of content the only one that doesn't really is Tropical Dong.

I'm any case there's obvious reasons why some haven't been ported like having superior sequels or because they were made with the gamepad in mind but you get the point.

He doesn't want viewers, he doesn't need money from his YouTube channel. He had a diaper fetish business until like a month ago, and if you believe rumors, had a work-related accident when he worked at UPS almost a decade ago and has been living off of the lawsuit settlement (and his parents, despite what he says) since. Josh Thomas isn't even his real name.

ARMS was the only time they tried on Switch to make a new IP and it didn't do well enough

Of the list I think only the Zeldas and maybe Star Fox will get ported. After that I think they'll stop, maybe go back to the Wii for Metroid Prime Trilogy and then more new releases

Im happy ive got a wii U
>own every wii u game worth owning
>have homebrew installed on vWii
>hard drive with 100 wii games
Yeah Im going to miss out on BOTW2, but I really dont care the switch is fucking stupid. I dont want a handheld I had a 3ds for that, the hybrid shit is for children and basedboys.

They've made and funded more new IPs on the switch than the wii u and 3ds combined.

I think what you have to realize OP is that your idea of what prices should be is very outdated. There has been a ton of inflation over the years, $60 used to be a good chunk of money to pay for a game, but today $60 really isn't that much. A $60 game in 1995 when I was growing up and playing games would be $104 today.

Sounds like a coping mechanism.

The same thing will happened as it always has. Nintendo's next console will sell less (cue lol nintendoom for the next 5 years), before they strike it rich with the next console after that. Its literally been a repeating pattern for the last 25 years.

That's for home consoles. Their portables have always been huge successes, and the switch is portable. The main reasons are because they have Pokemon and because people buy more than one console.

Unless they make it another handheld then it's gangbusters again.

>I'm any case there's obvious reasons why some haven't been ported like having superior sequels or because they were made with the gamepad in mind but you get the point.
Yeah I wasn't really thinking of those games when I said that. I wouldn't count BOTW as it was released for both consoles at the same time. There really aren't many games left I can realistically see them porting, so that's good I suppose. Maybe they'll actually have to make new games.
It did pretty well for a new IP, but I guess every new IP needs to bring Splatoon numbers.

Jesus Christ, this guy needs a hobby that involves going outside

Cope? I got skyward sword on my hard drive i dont need a fucking switch lol, besides the wii and wii u both offer unique gaming experiences, what does the switch offer? shit that I could get on any other console

Nintendo's strategy since the GameCube flopped commercially has been to not compete, but to differentiate themselves and lay claim to a different market. It's what is called a "blue ocean strategy." They've made it work by technological differences like motion control or the switch's hybrid functionality, and by capitalizing on the popularity of their first party titles. But I don't know how they intend to keep that going while developing so few first party titles.

If Nintendo keeps releasing garbage then my guess is kids in the future won't have the Nintendo nostalgia that Gen Z had with the Wii and millennials had with the GCN/N64.
Meaning more kids than every are getting in PC gaming because fortnite, amogus, minecraft, so this will lead to more PC gamers in the future and less Nintendo fans.

>But I don't know how they intend to keep that going while developing so few first party titles.
They now have enough games to never have to put out a new one ever again and can just cycle ports, remasters, and remakes of old ones as the most recently rereleased ones fade from Nintenbros memories.

Yes a coping mechanism and I'm not saying it like the retards who say "COPE COPE COPE" as an argument I'm saying it sounds like you have a real one and convinced yourself that it only has ports to make it seem less desirable.
>what does the switch offer?
Considering it still has about 30-40 or so exclusives timed or otherwise and the portability factor, you tell me. I can't make you acknowledge them, that's all on you.

They will face consequences for fucking with Us Gamers.

Bottom Text

If it doesn't do Splatoon numbers they drop it yeah

>but to differentiate themselves and lay claim to a different market
You realise they're the only ones that didn't change their target market correct? It could very well have been the plan originally, not that we would know, but because Sony and Microsoft shifted to big budget games that relied more on eyecandy than gameplay they had no reason to change but could corner a separate market.

What brainlets don't understand is inflation, and how much joycons cost to make compared to the Wii controller.

Plus the reason they gave the controller away was motion plus, because SS swordplay was SHIT without it.
I'm not defending the price of a remake to be full price that shit is retarded, but the controllers will be expensive for the hardware alone.

Which side are you on?

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Okay but having that strategy means you have to develop more and stay on top of trends, not release one or two new games a year and rest on your laurels. I think is accurately predicting the future honestly.

I want to say yes, but people are eating this shit up. I don't even know why, I thought Nintendo was carried by their pre-wii lineups but I guess I was wrong.

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>Cheap, low build quality baby controllers prone to stick issues are more expensive than a typical Xbox controller

They still made a price model that accomodated it and accordingly priced the standalone to be only $50 on launch. Even if we don't count the bundle value the game is still launching above then price it launched at, while also just being a simple upscale port from the looks of the visuals

Sales only mean the company knows what to spam for money. Its only a good thing if it supports genuinely passionate dev teams, which only exists in some indie developers at this point

I'll buy it because I like skyward sword and my Wii doesnt work anymore

No. Their justification is inflation plus $70 games from competitors. That and the other HD Zelda remasters and LA sold just fine for $60. Their president recently said that eventually people get sick of popular products so they have to be mindful and come up with something new that’s different. If anything they learned from the Wii era. They thought casuals would be converts but casuals follow fads which they understand now. Wii died out in 2010 and Kinect was the fad for a year and then itself died out. Nintendo didn’t forsee multitouch smartphones and tablets when they developed successor consoles. Wii U’s tablet is not supposed to be a smart tablet but a DS-style second screen. A product of the unfortunate time they R&D’d it. But on the flip side they made the best of the 3DS and then capitalized on smart tablet tech with Switch and ported most of their Wii U games. Now their stock is at an all time high, higher than the DS and Wii peak. They’re actually making more revenue and profit and they license their IP out now and have the Universal park partnership and such.

Nintendo as a primarily gaming software and hardware company is in a better position than MS or Sony’s gaming divisions. As a software publisher they’re in a better position than ANY software publisher which is insane. They also have $9 billion in cash in their war chest. They’ve been in this industry for 40 years and produced some of the best games ever made in every era. They’ve had the hot product on multiple occasions. With some flops in between. And nobody else has done that rollercoastering so they are arrogant and proud, yes, but in a better learned position to try and avoid them. So I don’t think there will be consequences. And I don’t think their future in uncertain, in fact that should be the least of anybody’s concerns despite how often it comes up

I think you're right. And if they ever make a change it's probably going to be moving to a streaming model where they have a library of old games and people get excited when Nintendo adds another old game to the streaming service.

I hate how accurate this pick is nowadays. People are literally reacting to commercials.

Nintendo could have genuinely passionate dev teams if they actually gave them money to do shit on their own instead of shunting them all to the newest version of a future evergreen. The hilarious thing about Animal Crossing being Nintendo's biggest IP is that modern Nintendo would never risk making a game like it now, it's too much of a risk to give devs the ability to make a new IP like that

>oh boy did you hear they're remaking Ocarina of Time for the SwitchBoy U? I have such fond memories of the 3DS remake port on the Switch when I wad a kid

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>Nintendo could have genuinely passionate dev teams if they actually gave them money to do shit on their own instead of shunting them all to the newest version of a future evergreen.
They do?
Mario Kart team made ARMS
Animal Crossing team made Splatoon
Mario team made captain toad
Retro was working on some new IP but it didn't work out
Monolith Soft gets to make their cringy waifu sims

>The Wii U had a bunch of really good games
The worst library of any Nintendo console that isn't the Virtual Boy or E-Reader. So basically the worst of all their actual real consoles.
Almost all the worthwhile games have Switch ports already, only Kirby Rainbow Curse is left out of the few good games in the library.

I still don't know why the switch is so successful, there are like maybe 4 good games on it, thats literally it

I don't know? My own?
I don't think most of the new features justify $60 but I understand manufacturing cost and I think the difference to SD/HD a bit.

But I also don't wanna plug in my Wii/Wii U to play SS and have to use the motion controls. Really wanna use button controllers
I also want people to experience Groose.

I more hope they just fixed some complaints about the game like Fi's help or how link holds up an item every time you go back into the game after quitting. Honestly found the latter more annoying than Fi.

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this and twillight princess

it's just mediocre, it is the worst zelda game so far, even worse then the boring shit that was botw

wii u had a better library than the switch

flappy sissy strippers?

I didn't even know that twillight princess was re released on wii u

Yeah, I was only referring to their home consoles. Their handhelds have always been their golden goose; which is funny, since they're usually ignored in the brand wars pissing contests. I still remember when journos and analysts cited Wii U's flop as the reason why Nintendo should go 3rd party and submit to Zynga, Rovio and King. Whilst ignoring 3DS' success and PS Vita's failure (which I'll always be mad about, fuck Sony).

Nintendo has always been arrogant - just like Sony and Microsoft.

Nintendo fucked over 3rd parties in the '90s, was guilty of price fixing in Europe, artificially limits stock, and STILL sells defective controllers.

Sony installed rootkits on PS2s without telling anyone, removed Linux support on PS3, said people should work second jobs in order to afford their consoles, and had their entire fucking network hacked TWICE.

Microsoft tried to pull the DRM shit on Xbox One, made paid online standard, and rushed the 360 manufacturing causing the RROD.

Maybe I'm just an idealistic faggot, but I prefer to focus on the good things they've done. Like Iwata giving 20 free games to early 3DS owners, while slashing his salary and those of his executives. Or how Xbox has given us Gamepass and awesome backwards compatibility. Or when Sony gave me a DVD and Blu-ray player along with my PS2 and PS3.

People will still buy it and Nintendo knows it.

Streaming isn’t viable now or anytime soon plus Nintendo already said they’re not interested and prefer games running locally.

When you hook up a console to a TV with HDMI, nobody actually cares about the 18Gbps traversing the cable locally. With streaming you have to run the game on server rack farms and compress that signal to 35Mbps or less and send it across the internet broken up into TCP/IP packets. An 8Kb NES game would consume more than 1000x the data in a stream. The latency is the biggest problem though and it’s impossible to overcome with TCP/IP limitations. Data caps are being enforced. And the compressed feed lowers resolution. And it can look really bad.

Having said that, I think it will be viable someday. 10 years or more. Requires new protocols and faster pipes

>wasn’t worth $50
Regardless of how shitty the game is, it had so much (bad) content that you can’t say it wasn’t worth $50

But another SNES or Wii IS what I want.

This. Everytime the listen to their fans, they fail financially.

I see a lot of shitty games in that list

No, no one did. I had to buy the accessory at target because I had an original release wii.

But the Wii U actually had good games. BotW was a wii u game, bayonetta 2, MK8, yoshi's wooly world, xbcx, etc around the same time the 3ds had great games as well. The Switch as it currently stands has some good games but most are port or multiplats, and the console exclusives are OK. I was hopeful for the wii u but the name and lack of marketing killed it.

I'm mainly holding out on Great Ace Attorney 1/2 and SMT III/V as my main buys this year. Apart from that, maybe MHS2, RF5 or Rise?

>what is INFLATION
are you guys just borderline retarded?

bait but 3 houses, new horizons, and smash should be on this list

It really pisses me off what they're doing with this game, fucking $60 for an HD remaster, so it's not gonna stop with the Wii U ports, now they're gonna remaster Wii games too, who knows what's next and all on individual releases for $60. I fucking hope this one flops.

All hope is done for Switch. But I think people overestimate how "guaranteed" their success will be for their next console.

>20 free games
20 free ROMs

I said hardly, not wasn't. You could certainly argue that it wasn't worth $50. Hell I don't think its worth the $20 they're charging for it on the Wii U eshop.

Yeah and Nintendo also has super high expectations, all of those things but Splatoon didn't do well

>chore simulator only unstable women and those with gender dysphoria enjoy
>smash post-melee

>Like you absolutely should not buy this game again if you have already played i
I mean, do people really buy games they have already played again? I beat this game in 2011, I see no reason to buy it again, that would be ridiculous.

Splatoon was literally a product of letting young staff do whatever they wanted. They were called Project Garage.

Also how the fuck do you think new IP like ARMS and Ring Fit Adventure are created in the first place? Even small shit on 3DS like HarmoKnight, Dillon's Rolling Western, Pushblox, Box Boy were all new IP made by small teams.

>won the most GOTY awards in 2019
>2nd best selling switch game of all time and will be first by end of year
>best selling fighting game of all time

Nigger ARMS and Xenoblade were successful.

This is why rich people buy Rolex watches, they tend to increase in value with time even if for the average poorfag it seems like a waste of money.

>It's good because... let's just say it sold well, okay? Let's not press this any further.

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Of those things only Ring Fit and Splatoon did well.

Disregarded. Probably some nigger who needs to bitch about everything.
Most people got the game for the Wii motion plus. Hell, they didn’t have the gold ones when I went to buy skyward sword so I got a white one

>millions of people like it
>but hey I don't, my opinion is the only one that matters
and no this is not an ad populum fallacy.

>like how they did for how they acted during the Wii one?
Explain. Wii Sports Resort, Wii Fit, Mario Kart Wii, and NSMBWii DESTROYED the "hardcore" games made for it. Why? Because they all bitched and moaned about their grandma playing so much that when No More Heroes, Madworld, Resident Evil, The Conduit, GoldenEye, COD, Madden, and other "real" games came out they didn't buy it. Nintendo saw nobody was buying them so of course they try to make things people will buy. They literally made the Wii U FOR THEIR FANS BITCHING AT THEM and what happened? The "fans" found am excuse not to buy it because they didn't like the name or commercials (hard to believe the MILLIONS of Nintendo fans were all that confused about the Wii U). I've already quit Nintendo shit at this point, but fans did this to themselves.

Its why he basically quit games as a hobby to go into fashion and vlogging.

Do you only think in AAA or something?

why ignore 2019 when it was the best year of the Switch? I mean the image is funny, but it's obviously stupid.

>it's bad because... I don't like it, even if everyone else does

>enhanced port of one (1! not a collection!) 10 year old game costs as much as a new AAA game
>this is fine
why are nintendo cultists like this
imagine the outrage if any other major publisher did this

Pretty much, that's why I also tell nuffin-buh-portfags to fuck off.
They ignore every single game that isn't Zelda or Mario and whine about how any other game is shit.

>10 year old game costs as much as a new AAA game
It's $10 less.

Not on the Switch it isn't.

>imagine the outrage if any other major publisher did this
You mean like when Sony put out Demon's Souls with no significant upgrades for 70 and no one said a peep?

lmao fuck no. The Switch literally has all but one of the good Wii U games on it right now as well as Mario Odyssey.

Yeah it is. Skyward Sword is $10 less than new AAA games.

When are the fucking modders gonna find a hack for the v2 switch? All of nintendos old consoles would be hacked instantly, where the fuck did they get all this security recently?

>Nothing is coming out for any platform.
why do ninceldrones keep lying about this when it clearly isn't true?

Demons Souls? GTA V for the 6th time? Spiderman?

What Sony/MS exclusive game is coming out this month?

isnt this thebitblock? josh thomas is a megafag (like, literally, he did porn)

those goalposts just moved so fast, i almost got whiplash.

No it isn't. The price of a AAA game on Switch is 60 dollars.
Demon's Souls was remade. It's a new game based based on an old one. It's not just an enhanced port. If sony released an enhanced port of Demon's Souls they would have been crucified on this website (rightfully so).
Demon's Souls is a remake (a.k.a. new game based on an existing one).
GTA V is not published by sony, and who the fuck knows how much it's going to cost on next-gen systems. Plus, isn't it being offered for free to existing GTA V owners?
Spiderman remastered was not released at full price on PS5. Plus, it is a much more recent game.

If they had released an enhanced port of Demon's Souls for $60* I meant

>I miss Iwata
this bullshit started with Iwata

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>The price of a AAA game on Switch is 60 dollars.
And the standard price for a AAA game is now 70

No, this shit started because you didn't buy the Gamecube OR the N64

>It's a new game based based on an old one. It's not just an enhanced port
You're right it's significantly worse.
No improvements
No new content as remakes usually do
An absolutely ruined aesthetic
But an extra $10 and some mini dlc to do with it.

Pretty much everyone would have loved a straight up enhanced port of DeS. Hell the reason why the remake was crucified was because they fucked up the aesthetic by making Boletaria a dilapidated gothic region rather than an abandoned, near pristine roman one.

not my fault yamauchi was a turbo autist over potential piracy

Fuck off, they were literally the wii u of their time.

Hot cakes don't sell very well. When was the last time you saw any place sell a shit ton of them? This is a stupid phrase and you should feel stupid for using it.

Full-price games on the switch cost 60 dollars.
Whether you personally like what they did with it or not is irrelevant. I don't give a shit about the game either. There's simply nothing wrong with its pricing.
Yes, I'm sure if sony released a demon's souls enhanced port for 60 bucks there would be no backlash at all

Minidisc were used because someone owned the disc patent and I think Sony and Philips were sued for doing so.

Honestly people think that things are bad now but the Iwata era was the worst time to be a Nintendo fan.

>Full-price games on the switch cost 60 dollars
Yeah and AAA games are 70 now. What aren't you getting here?

I agree, rampant casualization and sterilization was iwata's legacy

>There's simply nothing wrong with its pricing.
Except there is, you're just too much of a fanboy to see it. Tell me how much we're the other Bluepoint remakes on ps4?

Both of these were multiplayer powerhouses, the N64 has one of the best libraries of any system ever despite the small size of it. Multiple games on it literally moved game design forward and permanently influenced 3D video games that came out after it.
What a brainlet fucking take.

Don't forget about Amiibo.
I'm glad functionality with those things is dying.

Oh and "free to start"

Yeah casuals are literally a more reliable audience than these clowns who never buy what they ask for.

Ports shouldn't come at full price. The other stuff was rare even in the wii era

Imagine the rage when this sells millions.

>Yes, I'm sure if sony released a demon's souls enhanced port for 60 bucks there would be no backlash at all
If you're any indicator Sony fanboys would have eaten it up regardless. Souls fans on the other hand would be perfectly content with new areas to explore and bosses to beat.

Also the game recieved major backlash as it is for the price and visual change among souls fans, it literally can't get any lower.

Full-price AAA games on the Switch cost 60 dollars. I don't understand what your point is. Breath of the Wild 2 will cost 60 dollars, same as Skyward Sword HD.

user, the people who don't buy them ARE the casuals. They're only interested in bing bing, Zelda and whatever's bundled.

It's how you can tell who gets their "history" from dumbass online "influencers" and garbage like that

>Full-price AAA games on the Switch cost 60 dollars
Again the full price for AAA games is now 70. Its not a platform by platform thing like you think it is.

that or they're Sega fanboys who are assblasted that everyone knows the Saturn was a piece of shit

>Both of these were multiplayer powerhouses
Yeah so was the wii u, that doesn't change how abysmal their libraries were. If you didn't like Mario or Zelda we'll then you're shit out of luck everything else is straight up gutter trash.

Why the ''worst'' Nitendo gens were the best?

Or maybe, just maybe, they're Nintendo fans with standards.

>If you're any indicator Sony fanboys would have eaten it up regardless.
I'm not a sony fanboy.
I just don't understand how anyone can think there would be no backlash. Have you heard of anyone doing something like this before (selling an enhanced port of a 10 year old game @ full price, as if it was a new title)? I'd like to know your reasoning.
>the game recieved major backlash as it is for the price and visual change among souls fans, it literally can't get any lower.
There were no complaints for the price of Demon's Souls (not any that I've heard of anyway). The criticism made to the visuals is directed at the art style, not the technology and graphics powering the game. If it was a simple remaster with a resolution bump at 60 dollars, there would be a huge outrage.

>shit that I could get on any other console
Ironic you say that when a Wii U is garbage and offers nothing that a PC can't.

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>Yeah so was the wii u
Lmao no it fucking wasn't. What was the hit multiplayer game? What couch game are you and your friends going to remember and maybe even revisit 10 or 20 years from now?
We STILL play Perfect Dark and Mario Party 2 sometimes to this day.

And again their libraries weren't abysmal. Nintendo started slipping in quality with the Gamecube but pound for pound the N64 library is full of fantastic games that hold up.

Have WW and TP been ported yet? Or are they still stuck on Wii U

but it's ok when sony does it

Animal Crossing alone sold over 31 million copies on a single platform, and it's not even a full year after the game launched

>Or are they still stuck on Wii U
They're still on Wii U. No clue why either, Nintendo has to know they would sell on switch.

>Again the full price for AAA games is now 70.
Breath of the Wild 2 will cost 70 dollars?
>Its not a platform by platform thing like you think it is.
Why did handheld games traditionally cost less than home console games then? Especially when they are direct ports of games (PSP and PSV received several of these).
Nintendo sets a price for their first-party titles (in this case 60 dollars) and the third-party publishers follow it. No one is selling 70 dollar games on the switch.

At least TP and WW will come later

They're saving the assets for Zelda pachinko

Because when 3rd parties abandon the platform Nintendo has to step up and make games. The Switch is being carried by everyone and Nintendo doesn't have to try very hard to make a billion or two.

Being an exhibitionist to anyone who wants to see you doesn't make you gay

Oh, I could have used a better example now that I think about it.
Why do PS4 versions of PS5 70 dollar games cost 60 bucks, if it's not a platform by platform thing?

>I'm not a sony fanboy.
You're sitting here defending a Bluepoint remake being $70 with nosignificant additions or improvements knowing full well that their others like SoTC were $40.
Thats plain fanboy behavior.
>selling an enhanced port of a 10 year old game @ full price, as if it was a new title
Yes it's called Demon's Souls on ps5.

>There were no complaints for the price of Demon's Souls
There were a substantial amount across various forums and social media, how did you miss this?
>If it was a simple remaster with a resolution bump at 60 dollars, there would be a huge outrage.
No, no it wouldn't, you only think so because your priority is how nice a game looks and not if its actually any different.

I'm not angry, I'm just tired.
Inevitably WW/TP HD will come and be $60 a pop as well.
Nintendo has gotten too comfortable and they're getting overtly greedy, but since the Switch is basically THE gaming system for normalfags, they're going to sell millions anyhow.

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So Nintendo games are literally investments while the rest of the competition are liabilities?
Fucking kek thanks Nintendo.

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>What was the hit multiplayer game
Literally the same fucking series as the n64 and GC. That's how limited their libraries were.

>3rd parties abandon the platform
N64 and Wii U maybe but not GCN

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>Breath of the Wild 2 will cost 70 dollars
Because they aren't AAA games.
>Why did handheld games traditionally cost less than home console games then?
You tell me, boss. While you're at it can you Google "manufacturing costs"

It's pretty obvious they're biding their time.
>announce SS in this direct with no other Zelda news to get some early preorders because they know nobody would buy it if there was other stuff coming
>wait until March when Mario's 35th is over
>Zelda 35th direct with WW/TP HD ($60 separately) and a minimal BOTW2 trailer
>sell millions

>All of those people who shat on that garbage excuse for a Mario anniversary and said "Boy I sure hope Zelda doesn't meet this fate!" or "Man it would suck if they started phoning shit in with Zelda products haha...ha" Boy were they right, they just didn't see it happening so soon lmao

You seem to for some reason think libraries=franchises which is the most retarded shit I've ever heard.
The Wii U library isn't the same as the N64 because it has Zelda and Starfox games.

>Because when 3rd parties abandon the platform Nintendo has to step up and make games
And yet their first party output fucking sucked for n64, GC and Wii U with rushed, unfinished andbroken games being shipped out to meet a deadline.

But he was right, the switch is all ports and mobile games

GCN 3rd party support was absolute shit. You honestly posted a game from the one company that attempted to try on the GameCube. Support was so trash on the GameCube that RE4, Viewtiful Joe, and Killer 7 (all suppose to be GameCube exclusive) ALL went to the PS2. GameCube was notorious for it's pathetic 3rd party support (blamed on its controller and mini discs) unless you somehow managed to forget this like how people now forget the GameCube itself was a financial failure for Nintendo.

>You seem to for some reason think libraries=franchises which is the most retarded shit I've ever heard
Yeah no because I'm not the dipshit who said that. You on the other hand are the retard who took hyperbole seriously but because you seem to have a rock for a brain ill explain it like this. All three systems only had, Smash, a Nintendo party game, Mario Tennis, Mario Party and whatever scraps dropped off from the more popular consoles. To top it off a lot more first party games were outsourced up other studios compared to say, the NES, snes, wii and switch.

You're never going to convince them user. They're nostalgiablind.

>You're sitting here defending a Bluepoint remake being $70 with nosignificant additions or improvements knowing full well that their others like SoTC were $40.
Demon's Souls is a technical and graphical showcase for the PS5, and one of the prettiest games you can play right now - Shadow of the Colossus didn't receive that sort of treatment, and I guarantee the budget for it was much smaller - there you go, that's my justification for the pricing.

>Yes it's called Demon's Souls on ps5.
The game was literally rebuilt from the ground up. It's just as faithful as possible (structure-wise) to the original experience.
>There were a substantial amount across various forums and social media, how did you miss this?
I did not pay any attention to demon's souls remake at all. I think I've already mentioned it, but I don't give a shit about souls games.
Please provide links to the outrage or whatever. Youtubers are doing videos discussing whether the price of the skyward sword port is fair or not. Were there similar videos made on demon's souls remake?
>No, no it wouldn't, you only think so because your priority is how nice a game looks and not if its actually any different.
Most normal people would find it outrageous for a 10 year old game to be released at full price. Of course graphics and technology are one of the first things people notice about games in trailers and such. Much more noticeable than gameplay (that you can't actually experience).
If people weren't affected by visuals, there would be no complaint over the art style of demon's souls remake.

Incorrect, I own a bundle with the CD and controller in one box.

yeah he would

Why does it matter if they got ported? If you bought a cube you could play capcom games.

>Breath of the Wild is not a AAA game
Holy shit you are delusional.
Just to clarify: you think a 10 year old zelda game on gamecube-tier hardware is worth as much as a brand new zelda game?

SWSH is a million times better than USUM though so wtf you crying about

Gamecube's library blows the WiiU's out of the water. And had tons of 3rd party support.

That picture is bullshit. The reason they released the game with a controller was because it was completely broken unless you had one.

I don't get what you're trying to say. I literally bought all three of them on GameCube because I had one. That doesn't change the fact that the 3rd party support for the GameCube was shit (which was the whole point of the post). If you wanted consoles with strong 3rd party support, you looked at the PS2 and Xbox.

What I'm saying is what 3rd parties of note, other than Rockstar skipped the cube? I legitimately cannot remember.

>Nintendo game
Sadly it isn't 2015 anymore, now they can just sell literal shit in a box and 5 million people will buy it.

It's weird that the wii couldn't play audio discs. This and that kirby collection came with one, it feels like you should be able to put it in the system.

Got my physical preorder.

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Don't care i sold my switch due to being a useless piece of shit.

Might as well play it on a hacked wii or dolphin for free.

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Looking back paying $70 for a AAA game, a CD soundtrack AND a limited edition controller... Yeah things sure have changed.

norma; people are starting to get tired of manstream vidya being so jew-y lately. so yeah probably

>muh Iwata
Iwata didnt put a leash on hacks inside the company and thanks tot hat we ended up with shit like Other M, Skyward Sword and 3dLand/World

What the fuck happens with thee people thinking Iwata did nothing wrong?

Honestly might be worth it for the bird controls alone.

Just like that mediocre Links Awakening remake?
I doubt it will reach 4 millions sales

>Doesn't remember consistently seeing ads for games "available now" and seeing only PS2/Xbox
>Doesn't remember the shelves of GameCube games be substantially smaller than the PS2 and Xbox shelves in GameStop/Funcoland

Bullshit you "don't remember". You probably didn't start "gaming" until the Wii got started. Or maybe you were 7 or younger when the GameCube was still on shelves.

>Demon's Souls is a technical and graphical showcase for the PS5,
See what I mean about priorities, you value the effect over the game and fool yourself into thinking it's been improved when the reality is that its the same game with a new coat of paint.
>Shadow of the Colossus didn't receive that sort of treatment,
Except it did. The exact same in fact aesthetic downgrades and all.

>It's just as faithful as possible (structure-wise)
Have you actually played the original?

>Were there similar videos made on demon's souls remake?
Yes problem is that when you search for Demon's Souls fair price it comes up with articles of Jim defending the pricing. That said, eurogamer, a typically Sony biased journalist refers to the price as "painful" granted they're based in the UK and saw a generally higher increase from about £50 to £70 but I digress.

>Most normal people would find it outrageous for a 10 year old game to be released at full price.
There's never been a dull prices enhanced port that has caused outrage outside of the innate hatred Dab Forums has for Nintendo. The promise of new substantial new content alone justifies it for most.
>If people weren't affected by visuals, there would be no complaint over the art style of demon's souls remake
Except they're two different complaints the problem was that DeS was unnecessarily changed causing a disconnect between the lore and environment.

What's to complain about? No one is forcing you to buy a game. Just buy the wii version if you really want to play it.

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I side with bottom basedjack since he only has 107 views

I'm just hoping scalpers do their job and hoard 80% of the joycons and the game, nothing would make me happy than seeing retards pay 200 for one of the worst zelda games.

Its like they have a blank spot in their memories.

>good game
>Flops every time it gets ported

It's Nintendo, complaining about them is how you fit in.

>Implying LA remake sold poorly
You are deludes


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>b-but hear me out guys, what if they PORTED it to the SWITCH
I bought mine at midnight release, beat (the mediocre) botw, and almost never touched switch again. it’s just fucking stupid, I’m not going to play Skyrim I’m public, I’ll play it when I’m home and have time to sink into it. should have made a new ds system.

It's not going to flop. My friend told me he's never going to replay it, but he'll buy it anyway. He did the same with TP and WW remakes. People like sucking Nintendo's cock

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Nintendo cultivated a fanbase that lets them get away with anything and that not only defends this shit, but actually brag about the fact saying Nintendo games are worth that much.
Thankfully their trash is easy to emulate so you can play the 4-5 games worth anything in any Nintendo system without having to deal with them.

>it's 10 dollars more
Actually, accounting for inflation 60 dollars now is less than 50 dollars back then. So the game is cheaper. Based Nintendo.

soooo why did you buy it?

Just admit your friend doesn't exist.

Hence why they have fanbase that will openly complain when they deem things as unfair.

>defending paying $60 on a Wii game with no QoL improvements
Peak Consoomer mindset.

>he Wii U had a bunch of really good games
Oh no, people are really starting to believe this?
Its the N64 all over again, it has a shitty library

because I skipped Wii U even though I wanted one and I thought botw looked good.

>no QoL improvements
It's not on Wii. Literally a QoL improvement.

> I know the series in general is
It had a good reception until TWW which killed the japanese audience

I want free shit, the difference is I don't expect free shit just for gracing this earth with my existence.

>Hence why they have fanbase that will openly complain when they deem things as unfair.
Yeah right, like how people complained after the Mario ports, only to buy them in droves. Some twitter posts mean shit if then you buy the fucking thing anyway.
If Microsoft's fanbase was like Nintendo's, they would've get away with that gold price hike for example. Thankfully not everybody is a brand cultist and they had to backtrack that shit.

No one believes it but that's just the hot new shitposting angle. Most of these people couldn't tell you more than what they Google sky the wii u.

imagine making these threads because you think it'll mean less sales for nintendo

im still buying it

>ee what I mean about priorities, you value the effect over the game and fool yourself into thinking it's been improved when the reality is that its the same game with a new coat of paint.
It's not just a coat of paint. They rebuilt it and everyone can clearly see that it's not a PS3 game.
>Except it did. The exact same in fact aesthetic downgrades and all.
The game did absolutely not have as big of a budget as demon's souls remake
Besides, they are two different games. They have a different scope. If you were to remake NES Mega Man right now, it wouldn't make sense to charge full price for it, for example.
>Have you actually played the original?
no, desu did not play the original (as I've said, I have no interest in playing these games)
Just going from what I've heard. That the game has a similar structure but an art style that fans dislike.
>Yes problem is that when you search for Demon's Souls fair price it comes up with articles of Jim defending the pricing.
I think we're talking about different things here
I'm talking about the fact that demon's souls remake is a full price game (and that there's nothing wrong with it). I think you're talking about the general price increase of games, making "full-price" more expensive - that is not a practice that I approve of and I think games shuldn't have increased price at all
>There's never been a dull prices enhanced port that has caused outrage
I mean, what others are there?
Look at the Mass Effect remaster. 3 critically acclaimed games. Each of them offering dozens of hours of gameplay. And yet you don't see EA selling that shit for 60 dollars/game. Imagine if they did it. Imagine the outrage if they were charging 180 dollars for enhanced ports of the mass effect trilogy
>Except they're two different complaints
They both pertain to the visual aspect of the game, something that people pay special attention to in game trailers and such.

Or when they complained about the censorship forcing NoJ to reign in NoA
Or when they complained about NSO forcing a delay in the roll out until it was significantly improved.
Or when the fans called out Sakurai on his Ridley bullshit to the point where he got into the game

>If Microsoft's fanbase was like Nintendo's, they would've get away with that gold price hike for example
Yeah sure, history really proves you right there.

>50 bucks
>remaster of a game that came out a short time ago (2013-14) with DLC included
Same thing is happening now with say, Control.
There's a difference between porting a fresh game to the next.gen system and porting a 10 year old one. If a Wii U game came out in 2016 and then got ported in 2017, would anyone complain?

Because i backtraced it, and know where it's coming from.

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Christ user just stop linking to the same post twice.

>>remaster of a game that came out a short time ago (2013-14)
imagine remastering a 1-year old game lmao


Ninfants will buy anything that Nintento shits out its ass. They will line up to feast on the liquid diarrhea fecal matter that falls from its anus with glee and joy. The Ninfant is built to simp for Nintendo, much like Sonybros grovel at the trash that Snoy shits out.

The age of corporate worship and fanboyism is strong as it's ever been. Look at the youtube trailer for Skyward Sword HD and glance at the like / dislike ratio and understand that Ninfants have no standards.

Even if they experience another failure they won't be humbled by it at all.

Here we have another one. Don't worry your firend Nintendo would sell you more ports and you'll thank them for the pleasure.
>Or when the fans called out Sakurai on his Ridley bullshit to the point where he got into the game
Pathetic. Imagine pretending getting some character in a fucking game is people making a company change their ways while eating up Nintendo prices at the same time

So... did you play the wii u games you skipped?

They already did that one, you would have known if you bought a Wii U

Is this not true for other companies?

Yes, especially Apple too. The age of turning corporations into religions is only beginning.

>shitty library
Hi zoomer, put me in the screencap!

yes but they still had to factor development costs into the cost of the game.
The new version has next to no dev costs since it's a port with hardly any graphical changes and their biggest claim of improvement is translating the controls from wiimote to joycon tracking.