World of Warcraft

Are we finally witnessing the end?
Blizzcon press kit gets accidentally released, nobody even pays attention to it.
They're recycling a plotline from Warcraft 3 to appeal to nostalgiafags but instead it comes off as lazy and uninspired. Streamers just give up altogether and abandon the game.

Shadowlands objectively being better than BfA doesn't even matter, the damage is done and it didn't redeem itself nearly enough to stop the decline.

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Other urls found in this thread:

i dont even care enough to complain anymore
just move on op

Warcraft died with WoD, just move on man.

This is so cringe I actually was able to move on. Im not even Surprised. Havent played since cata but I have 2 friends that play every day and swear to god its better than ever. Then I see this

I just don't give a shit about this game anymore

t. ex blizzdrone

what is going on here? is anduin really going the arthas route?

>shadowlands being objectively better than bfa doesnt even matter
because the bar was set so low that literally anything is an improvement
just let it die user

Nostalgiafags only care about Arthas, not some garbage WoW character.

Yes and no. He's been captured and Sylvanas is trying to make him "fall" through torture and mindgames but he uses reverse psychotherapy.
So people were expecting Anduin to actually "uncorrupt" Sylvanas but now it seems like they're playing it straight, in a few horus we'll get the second half of the cinematic where she impales him with the sword and he gets forcibly corrupted.

Personally I think they're still going with a redemption arc where guilt for this action is going to eat away at her culminating in our confrontation with her as the final boss of the new raid after which we take her prisoner and she becomes an "ally" like Azshara turned out in Ny'alotha.
They're not killing her off, she's too much of a cash cow to sell statues of.

100% chance that the soul embedded in corrupted Shala'mayne is Arthas' soul.

I don't remember anyone hyping patch 2 of Legion or BFA that much either, it's just another content update.

i stop playing back in cata but keep uptodate with wacth lore videos, even thu BFA kek. but iv stop now, getting to silly.

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The problem is we're 3 months into the expansion and they're only now showing 9.1, which likely won't arrive before May. The game is dying right now because there's nothing left to do, even the timegating has run its course.

Why did arthas turn into a night elf?

This is the cringeist shit I've ever seen.
Post based peak WoW cinematics ITT right now

I quit WoW in 2014 and uninstalled, they killed WC3 so I have no interest in returning.

>oh look its another cheap ass nostalgia bait!
Just kill it already jfc

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I refuse to give Blizzard money after the shitshow of Reforged

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>daily autistic threads about it get spammed here
>"nobody even pays attention to it"
Dab Forums posters really are mental midgets arent they

You're thinking of FF XIV. I barely see WoW threads anymore and when I do they're about Classic, not Shadowlands.

No way man.

WoW trannies will keep playing this shit literally regardless of what blizzard shits out.

Go take a look at /wowg/ and you'll see the kind of subhuman who still plays WoW. they will never unsub.

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pay more attention then, i guess.

I unsubbed already. And I can't see myself ever coming back. I'm tried of doing chores, the game just felt like a chore to me. Torghast is also maybe the most boring, mindless, time waster I ever experienced. Visions in BFA were much better.

So the top one is the improved graphics right? Look at those grass textures, they really pop out don't they? My how technology has advanced eh frens?

>more covenant sets
>they just look like even more generic, watered down versions of the first sets
>so far behind on development they're not even done and they can't show the Kyrian shoulders

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Not to be that guy as I hate wow with a passion but if you want to point at the mmo with an actual tranny audience that would be FF14. Wow is desperately trying to get the tranny audience but fails at that also.

the kyrian shoulders are right there in the image. are you retarded?

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You need to be really hardcore to like current wow. I'll play TBC and Wotlk classic and will leave forever.

TBC will save WoW

Until it's #2 in the MMO population list I won't consider it as dying

Doubtful, that looks more like the kind of collar thing that's part of a headpiece.

So what? It's still not Arthas. And Arthas shouldn't be connected to that faggot soi boi character in any way.
Btw it's not a recycled plot. Arthas willingly corrupted himself because he was desperate and wasn't a mary sue like Anduin.

Wrong, it died with the Lich King. After that, the lore was nothing but fanfiction-tier shit.

FF14 tranny's believe every word of squaresoft marketing when they mass advertise, "best mmo" and "accounts made" while forgetting making an account cost zero dollars and anyone can make thousands of accounts if they wanted.

To be honest it was fanfiction tier shit after frozen throne

I kinda like the design

Why would anyone make like 21 accounts? It's probably a very accurate number.

The lore was killed with vanilla and tbc you zoomer

>Why would anyone make like 21 accounts?
for botting, which is also much less risky in FF14 than in WoW.

>Black elf
>Chink woman
It's like a cast of your average hollywood movie, Jesus fucking Christ.

This, burning crusade has some of the worst lore written and it's a fucking Trainwreck. Honestly if I think of every wow expansion burning crusade has the worst lore objectively. Even worse than WOD with it's time travel. People have such retarded nostalgia goggles for BC. People also forget half the roads in BC are AWFUL.

No numbers on that I assume?

Even from the thumbnail you can see how much better the original was, bottom is like looking into a muddy puddle.

I don't give a fuck about modern WoW. I play Classic with the boys and i'm loving life

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Botting. FF14 is one of the easiest mmos to bot because they do fucking nothing to stop it.

>will get forced into TBC
lol not for long

why would i need to give you numbers on the advantages of creating multiple accounts for botting?

I have played WoW since Vanilla and STARTING WITH TBC, it got progressively worse (TBC, WOTLK and even Cata were fine enough to not unsubscribe) but starting with MoP you could really start to see the quality of their game take a nosedive.
It is interesting to see that a lot of people start to get nostalgic for MoP. It really says something about the current state of WoW...

What happened to this poor lad?

>Muh tbc
Wrath was the perfect "sequel" to WC3 lore and it wrapped it up.

No it wasn't. Wotlk lore was trash as well, ruined arthas/the scourge and retconned wc3. You never played wc3 to say something as stupid as this.

The press kit literally says the Vanilla servers are staying up. Regardless why would you want to stay on Vanilla anyway? BC is objectively just Classic but more refined.

I remember that a lot of people were angry at the lore of Vanilla and TBC because it fucked around with the established lore of the RTS games

Install ff14 and go to a starting done. When the game went free to play for the first 50 levels all starting zone locations are swamped with bots. They refuse to do nothing about the problem.

FF14 only has 20 million registered accounts, bots and all, after 3 expansions.

WoW had more than 20 million registered accounts by the time TBC came out lmao

To prove your point in the first place. Wow bots are counted as subscribers too.


mis informed dunk attempt, my friend.

WoW has cheat detection, which makes botting without getting banned significantly more difficult. FF14 has zero cheat detection, naturally making it one of the easiest mmos to bot in, but gil is completely worthless, so the RMT market is comparatively small.

Don't tell them that

Tbh, only a bot can endure that questing and msq shit. I really tried FF and I really wanted to like it, but that early game questing and msq shit made me quit. I though WoW had boring early game but Jesus, FF tops that.

It's extremely hard to bot at the moment. It's so extreme you can't run scripts anymore.

>WoW has cheat detection
If it does that Blizzard choose to ignore it or let it ride until the bot resubs or something, you'd know how rampant botting was in WoW if you actually played it and didn't just talk out of your ass.

I can't be the only one that thinks that modern WoW lore is terrible. It is like it was written by a child (space lazors, spaceships, the obligatory "surprise! Arthas (Calling this for SL)/Kaelthas/Sylvanas/Illidan/etc. wasn't a bad guy after all"-moment/redemption arc that comes with each fucking expansion, their incredible ability to signpost aa new story arc and then leaving it unfinished or obvious where it is going and what the plot twist will be at the end, their embarassing attempt at GoT style writing that was BfA, the DBZ style power creep, ... ).
I thought it might be only me, since I have grown up since playing WC3, but after playing through the campaign fo WC3: Reforged, I came to the conclusion that the story of WC3 is 10x more interesting then what they are currently telling in modern WoW (And I don't think that Metzen is a good writer...).
What do you guys think?

Botting is rampant WoW because botting in WoW is extremely profitable, which makes botters work ten times as hard to circumvent bot detection.

>botting exists in both games
>therefore blizz does not have cheat detection
hmmmm that's dumb homie.

>I can't be the only one that thinks that modern WoW lore is terrible
Nah you're the only one clearly.

Warcraft has ALWAYS been pulpy trashy fanfiction tier nonsense.


>Shadowlands objectively being better than BfA doesn't even matter, the damage is done and it didn't redeem itself nearly enough to stop the decline.
Shadowlands IS good.
But BFA broke the spell for many.
WoW died a decade ago, the few enthusiasts (aka hardcore faggots) that still clung to their sunken cost fallacy have now abandoned the game.
Blizzard is unironically finally on their deathbed.
>diablo 3 abandoned, diablo immortal has no interest, diablo 4 is dead on arrival
>hots abandoned, hots team split and moved elsewhere
>overwatch has been in full decline since 2018, overwatch 2 rumored to be delayed to 2024
>warcraft 3 reforged was a PR disaster, diablo 2 resurrected will likely be the same
>starcraft 2 is korea only, game is full blown irrelevant outside of asia
It's over, we are witnessing the end.

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Having cheat detection and having working cheat detection are two entirely different things. Also you have literally zero proof they actively run cheat detection.


keyed af

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>which makes botting without getting banned significantly more difficult
ask me how i know you dont play wow

>thought 5 armors means a new convenant
>it's actually just venthyr getting 2 armors

I always love Blizzcon
>The autistic questions.
>The cringe cosplay tournament
>The inept developer panels. (don't you guys have any phones?)
>The godawful ugly audience
>The SC2 Korean chins tournament
>Jeff Kaplan looking greyer and balder every year.
>The forced virtue signalling.
>Their fear of people in red shirts.
>Public Relations having to apologize for something.
Blizzcon is always so bad that it's good.

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I do play WoW. I just understand how botting and bot detection works, and you don't.

Bots existing in the game doesn't mean they aren't likely to eventually be banned.

each covenant is getting a new armor set for each class wear
so 4 sets for each covenant
stop being retards

This is why the soul vs soulless meme will never die.

look at the average age of botted characters. you won't find any that are more than a few months old, specifically because they all get banned in waves every now and then.

>Their fear of people in red shirts.
they knew BfA is a disaster so they didn't even allow the Red Shirt Guy ask his question during blizzcon pre-BfA

Wrong. BFA and SL lore so far are better as Vanilla/TBC/Wotlk

I KNEW it.

>goal posts: moved
>conspiracy theory: activated

found the wrathbabby, was your first raid naxx 10?

I still have no idea why Reforged wasn't just a simple texture upgrade with no model changes, the artstyle of WCIII still holds up

>Wrong. BFA and SL lore so far are better as Vanilla/TBC/Wotlk
are you fucking retarded or what. that's exactly the point he was making.

hate ESLs so much

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Could you elaborate on this argument? Because I have never seen anyone defend BFA and SL lore.

jesus christ how the fuck does a 20 year old game manage to look better

Gee what a surprise they balk their own fanbase to try and grab at lowest common denominator brainlet trash, casualizing and then jamming idpol into everything was obviously a recipe for disaster for anyone with two braincells to rub together.

Get woke go broke. Tale as old as time.

You gave someone a (you) that said WOD lore and raiding was better than BC

The dick flattenings took their toll.

everything just looks so tired and boring now.

forever locked def not keyed

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Not to mention visions were more rewarding

SL is okay, when it talks about SL shit, not about Azeroth stuff, since it's corrupted by Sylvanas.
BfA is shit that destroyed the lore of the Horde
TBC is also shit, but destroyed only a few characters, not an entire faction
Vanilla is okay, if little all around the place, tho some zone stories are great
WotLK was almost a peak of warcraft writing

I raided both in TBC and WoD and WoD had some of the best raids ever. The raids were the only good thing about WoD imo.

wod raiding was unironically good. it was just that there was barely any raids and content

>Shadowlands objectively being better than BfA doesn't even matter, the damage is done and it didn't redeem itself nearly enough to stop the decline.

literally every single person on this earth disagress there.

Stop being a retard. Objectively TBC is the worst written piece of shit expansion lore wise. Take off the goggles. And no, I think vanilla was fine. But objectively every expansion after TBC had better lore.

When I saw threads for this before my mind just read it as Arthas
Haha what the fuck

Nah, MoP was the last decent one, it was better than Cata, TBC, and everything that's come since.

I am talking about the lore.

you are agreeing with me you stupid fucking ESL

Go raid mythic, noob.

Doubt it'll be 4, more like two per covenant, a robe variant and a more armor-y variant. They're cosmetic sets so not tied to armor type.

I'm more surprised it was outsourced instead of using their HOTS team, who have done great work in making blizzard characters look good in a top down view.

WoD raids were good though, one of the few things that expansion got right

Really, the lion theme didn't spell it out?

Not playing same place 4th time over.

covenant pieces are both functional and cosmetic.
they're not releasing a set just for a type of class.
it's likely the other sets are not ready yet and they weren't showcased.

I didn't read your post and saw a anime Loli looking annoyed and assumed you were retarded. I apologise.

apology accepted you may now continue posting

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HotS was unironically so full of SOVL, shame the game was shitty because it was a moba

Sad, but judging by the shoulder reuse on the venthyr sets, likely true.

I brought it up because the original post was saying old is good new is bad retards. And obviously the person thought new was good

BFA lore is incredible. You see the full might of the Horde in display achieving was the Legion never could in one day.
The way the Sentinels and Tyrande, due to their addiction to Orc cocks can't resist to the orcish invasion is also very hot imo.
Finally we get to see Jaina turning back to her old self

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It's in the press release:
"don new Covenant cosmetic armor sets that any class can wear"

4th? You do the hc 1st week and continue progressing mythic since. So basically you haven’t cleared any part of the actual game and complain there is nothing to do? Got it.

Everyone that was dedicated to HoTS just left blizzard after it became clear they were going to kill it

where? if it's true then i stand corrected.

Community made modded shit is accurate to Metzen and Samwize's art than modern wow garbage

Sadly the War 3 Modeling modding community is full of bickering faggots, though less worse than the autistic irl trannies at NV and Quake 1 modding community

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The progress is over. Why bother wasting time on 5/10M bosses when you can have comfy 10/10H clears with your guild?

Dont know anyone irl who didnt quit after the northrend expac was over. The ones who still play, play Classic.

yeah, the wording is unmistakable.
i guess it is really just a cosmetic set for each covenant, with one also being maw-oriented.
when you think they can drop any lower.

>ported WoW models
Nah mate, they're just as bad

I don't know anyone IRL who plays wow

No, ti's two. The two on the right share shoulders and are clearly Venthyr themed.

They also promised class tier sets coming back with the new raid earlier, hopefully we get a glimpse of those in a few hours.

and only a wrathbabby would think wrath was good for lore, it's actually the worst part of the whole expansion.

>Continues and concludes Frozen Throne
Sorry that it didn't appeal to your futa draenei fetish.

It died with the end of Lich King with "there must always be a Lich King"
Then cataclysm having no content for a year of fucking Zul Gurub , Zul Aman and Firelands killed it

So they are bringing back Arthas? Fuck sake, let him rest.

This attitude is the problem. If you play whichever multiplayer game with longevity, such as cs:go, lol or overwatch or anything, you play and keep playing it to get better at it. You play better, you enjoy it more.
But WoW you play like it is some kind of cinematic. You play it and see things once and then you complain that there is nothing left to do.
How about get better? Try to achieve things in the game that actually require you to learn how to play? I hate zoomer consoomer

Oh sorry is it him?

I'd argue BFA cutscenes were better than in Legion mainly because christie golden, although also a hack, is slightly more competent than Metzen. That's about it. BFA was still a rushed piece of shit

honestly that looks like an oribos one, now that i see the details.
one for covenant jimbo, and one themed around oribos.

>any conclusion is a good conclusion!

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they're both Venthyr, the shoulders on them are the same

Odd that i broke from the wow spell in shadowlands and not BFA. What happened was objectively it was a better expansion, but I realized I wasn't having fun. I realized I saw the game as a chore. I realized it didn't feel rewarding. I as just so sick of feeling like the game has a huge chore list I need to do every week. I'm glad I'm free, but I think torghast and the maw is what broke the camel's back for me. So boring, repetitive, and such a waste of time.

Legion was cool, I didn't pick up WoW since due to:
-lack of raids sets
-streamline of trinkets
-gcd change
and they stubbornly hold to this so the can go root slowly to inevitable death

>How about get better?
Bruteforcing a 4/10M or 5/10M while the new tier is around the corner hasn't anything to do with "getting better". It's about enjoying the game. While I have my comfy 10/10H clears in 2 hours, you guys pretend to be cutting edge raiders with your shitty 3/10m kills.

>concluding something means its good
what the fuck lmao wrathbabies

Does the armor just inspire Goth Varian to anyone else?

no YOU are the problem. this try hard "you must improve you must be good" autistic shit is cancer. it's world of fucking warcraft, no one except the the worst of the bottom feeders are try harding this shit.

Any retarded guild can do 3/10 M. Not that it's worth the time as loot never drops.

It died with the end of LK.

"Tell them only that the LK is dead - and that the World of Warcraft died with him..."

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>-streamline of trinkets
in Legion BiS trinket for many classes was low ilvl one dropping from a World Boss

but t11 was better than t10 by a mile

Ok fair enough, the start of Cata was amazing and a throwback to TBC dungeon days, but it completely undone itself with Dragon Souls tier and the new LFR and QoL changes. Also, the novelty of new Azeroth was wearing off and everyone started to realise it was actually shit compared to the more mystical older version. Every fucking quest became a punchline...

Part of why I quit, chores to unlock chores that you must do every week or you've fallen behind and are now a detriment to your raid group.

>but it completely undone itself with Dragon Souls tier and the new LFR and QoL changes.
Which were put in because of Wrathbabies seething that their Kingslayer ass couldnt handle real raiding in Cata

What are the chances the sets dropping in this Maw raid are not the promised class sets but just recolor copy pastas of the Legendary skins, and the weapons dropping the ones we've seen in the files since beta?
Seems like the kind of lazy shit we've become accustomed to.

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I just wish they'd put in one of those NPCs to talk to so you can do the old content instead, so many zones had their quests gutted.

Thats gay as fuck, i want the jailer to obliterate her and erase her existence for her folly

>What happened was objectively it was a better expansion
Why do you clowns keep saying this when BfA had higher production value by far and the SAME EXACT SYSTEMS, just not locked behind massive tedious grinds? You people are clinically insane. You asked for this, you got what you wanted and surprise, you didn't actually fucking want it. You just thought you did because you're a bunch of schizophrenic retards.

Shadowlands is trash, it isn't just trash though, it is fundamentally in every way the worst thing Blizzard has ever put out. Half of that is Metzen is gone and them having no leadership at all, the other half is the batshit insane feedback they get from barely functional hunan beans like you.

where are corruption and essences and titanforging?

Take a good hard look at conduits and legendaries you fucking imbecile.

an argument can be made for conduits being vaguely similar to essences, but how are legendaries the same as any of that shit? are you retarded?

i subscribed for a month because i wanted to play again and was curious if i would enjoy it. and what disappoints me, is that the class design just feels really boring to me now. it doesnt have the same sense of fun as there was in say, MoP. the rotations just feel duller. like with MM hunter, aimed shot is sooo boring and makes me never want to play it ever. a lot of the classes are basically about building a resource and then spending it, which means there will often be some downtime. to be clear im not necessarily talking about super end game but middlish game leveling. maybe its different at the end. but i still dont remember general questing being this boring

Is op's pic some official shit or just fanwank

Does Shadowlands start with a really annoying, over the top scripted questlines/instances before you can actually just go exploring? god I find that so annoying

they took a page from the FF14 book and just made questing a tedious straight line. there aren't very many side quests, and the campaign is mandatory.

That's how all mmorpgs worked even in vanilla.

>Shadowlands biggest selling PC game of all time
>Dur WoW is dying because I personally dislike the themes of this expansion

Not the same user, but I feel that WoW has gotten worse over time by too heavily relying on the daily quest and rep grind system.

Official, they leaked their own press release a day ahead of their online Blizzcon on their own press kit website.

Attached: WoW_Shadowlands_Chains_of_Domination_BlizzConline_Sanctum_of_Domination_3840x2160.jpg (3840x2160, 756.55K)

>the campaign is mandatory.
Only on your first character.

absolutely not, pure RNG corruption, then later a currency you can use to buy your one corruption that appears suspiciously every 31 days on a vendor

Vanilla had next to no dailies/weeklies. Those were added in TBC.

>They're recycling a plotline
Have you ever played WoW? If yes you would know this happens all the time.

>middish game leveling

You actually cannot judge how the classes play until 60 and geared a bit with conduits added. MoP had too many abilities which started the whole pruning thing.

>more covenant sets
>no class sets

Yea, nah I'm booty blasted.

>MoP had too many abilities which started the whole pruning thing.
MoP had the best class design. My Afflock with casting while moving and Soul Swap was godlike, My Combat Rogue with red buff and Killing Spree was godlike too.

They're adding back class sets in 9.1 also.

you should only really need to do torghast for the ash, unless you are in a mythic guild (which you signed up to tryhard) you dont need to do anything else really that is purely upkeep.

Thats bad game design when every class is a god at everything and nobody specializes. Making everyone into super saiyans might seem fun at first but then you realize everyone is exactly the same.

So you think it is better now for a clothie in PVP let's say Afflock who can't cast in a BG when 2 or 3 melees are on him? fuck off dude.

"too many abilities" meant there was little downtime in the rotation, which is a big part of whether its fun or boring

Yes? If 3 people are attacking you in a PvP situation then the odds of you winning 'should' be abysmal. Thats how balance works. A class in a MMO shouldnt be able to easily fend off multiple opponents at the same time.

No and no, in MoP casting while moving was good because you actually could do something, now you just stand still and get killed... GG balanced.

Once again yes that is balanced. You should lose a 3v1 in most situations. You just want your favorite to be overpowered and cant comprehend how thats bad for the game.

Imagine still taking the story seriously after MoP

Ever since after that it has just been rehashed shit but with different characters

no, even in a 1v1 situation it is bad so stop.

God, just what the fuck is that boss even

And if we're already getting a Torghast raid in 9.1 wtf will the last raid in this expansion be?

You can't make this shit up.
They don't give a fuck about this game anymore.

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9.2 will be an Oribos raid like we had a Dazar'alor raid in BfA, lazy reuse of assets. They datamined stuff as early as beta that seems to indicate Oribos will be a raid at some point.

9.3 will be the Sepulcher, a realm that was sealed away by the creators of the universe and that the Jailer is trying to get to.

This mob looks like they managed to start designing the armour and then ran out of time and then decided to add it to the game anyway.


aff locks are one of the most mobile classes now.

For me, it's not about taking it seriously. It never was. I just want to see the next part of the trainwreck.

Aff locks can kite 2 players at once in SL. You literally need to just get good.

>AFF lock

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i hate how every expac now needs to be some epic end of the world shit where you are treated as a hero. i miss the feeling of just being some nobody venturing off into a land and being just a small person in the middle of a large conflict

Yeah, they started that shit in WoD and it just got worse and worse.

yes cast, do you have insta unstable affliction? I don't think so, what are you doing when a melee trains you, cast Agony and Corruption? fuck of dude

>Now we... are one.
>lol jk i stab u in the mind

>WoW dying
>Runescape THRIVING

I thought I'd never see the day

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What will WoW's posterboy going to do when WoW falls from grace for good by other emerging MMOs and FF14? Suicide? Will he simply sink with the ship?

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He is like a cockroach, he'll find other ways to cheat the system and not work.

Let me know when an actual better game shows up. Also he could easily afford to retire at any point.

WoW won't be dying any time soon, especially with TBC Classic coming soon and soon WotLK most likely

So he has plenty of content to stream, but after that? He'll probably just live the NEET life, he's probably loaded and doesn't live an expensive life, the only thing that would fuck him over would be a surgery from all the crap he keeps eating

You mean the millions of dollars hes saved up from streaming for years? The guy doesnt have to work. He could quit today and live life easy especially since hes content with living in a shit shack.

I stopped playing WoW after they decided to raise the sub price above inflation for me. Looking forward to Diablo 2 remastered though.

Time to give up on it, user

user, he took an indefinite break from streaming a month ago. He's already done.

He lives in his mothers house, he owns nothing and hes been saving money ever since he started streaming, i doubt he will have any problems, he could just retire now and do whatever he wishes

You sound like a fucking 1200 player lmfao.

Corruption legendary, gate, fear, howl of terror, coil, soul shape, teleport.

You're so goddamn bad at the game that you're the player that many top PvPers fear. They fear that blizzard would balance the game around your dumb ass.

>nig elf
>chinkoid human
>males are the ones with their faces hidden
>shitty, watered down, "sleek" looking take on Arthas' armor
>not a single human skull because they need to appease their fetus eating gook masters
The goddamn fucking state of Blizzard

He would average between 30k-50k viewers a day with massive donations. He has to have a net worth over 3 mil to 4 mil. He can retire now and live easy for the rest of his life.

Are you retarded? None of the maw designs have any skulls on it, that is not the aesthetic they are going for. Maldraxxus is literally full of skeletons, skulls, zombies, and liches.

>Corruption legendary, gate, fear, howl of terror, coil, soul shape, teleport.
Meanwhile I just train your caster ass - gate? lol I shadowstep and train you again - dead.

>shadow step
>dot dot dot dot
>rapture, rapture, rapture

You know what, keep being bad. You never broke 1400 rating and the highlight of your days in WoW was killing people with low gear in Arathi. The game is shit, but not for your dumb ass reasons.

ITT the same retards that are always seething at blizzard are again, seething at blizzard. Don't worry guys this time blizzard will die for sure, you just have to wish a little more harder you delusional schizo bastards:

Hes taken multiple of those. He comes back with big patches, other major games he likes showing up.

i'm hoping they give up trying to appeal to the masses and just let whoever at blizzard cares about it work on it. then maybe it'll be good again. but probly not.

Because its easier to censor trash mobs and nobodies than one of the main fucking characters, you dumbshit blizzdrone
Now when you suck my dick be sure to give my balls a good rub too

>>rapture, rapture, rapture
You don't even get to that lol

Warlock are pretty bad in PVP, they only shine in RBG and maybe 3vs3 if people are retarded.


Find me skulls on any of the Maw designs you dumb ass faggot. That was not the aesthetic they were going for with the Maw's design. Do you lack reading comprehension? Are you that much of a nigger? Blizz can fucking suck a dick and die for all I care. You're the one making retarded criticisms for dumb ass reasons.

Glad I don't know you.

yeah, instead you had to mindlessly grind mats for raid consumes. much better!

WoW is still significantly more popular than grindscape lmao

Haha holy shit you walked right into it and now you're mad as fuck because you know it. This game is absolutely fucking cucked by the gooks and their Arthas 2.0 storyline is the laziest shit ever and no amount of whinging is going to change that. If skulls aren't the design choice for the maw then why the fuck does Anduin have cat skulls on his shit? Oh right, they clearly want to remake Arthas but the bug eaters wouldn't allow it. Blizzdrones are fucking pathetic

>cheat the system
how is he cheating anything? he's utilizing capitalism exactly as it was designed.

You didnt 'have' to.