Based Nintendo giving their fanbase the recognition they always wanted

Based Nintendo giving their fanbase the recognition they always wanted.

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based op marketing blog sites for free

>post apocalyptic
IT'S NOT POST-APOCALYPTIC beyond the normal level of splatoon taking place after humanity dies IT'S JUST A SHITHOLE DESERT TOWN WITH LAX LAWS

So that means masturbating to woomys is totally fine now because they dont have a gender?

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>in the lawless dystopian mad max parts of the splatoon world gender is meaningless

>Nintendo is releasing trannyshit now
and i almost bought a switch too. glad i waited.

you know, I'm gonna be honest here: It's a little weird that people care so much about gender. I just want to play fun games

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This generation is such a bunch of faggots.

>destroy the concept of gender
well he's right, gender doesn't exist, there's only your biological sex, the rest is fairy tales and esoteric bullshit invented to seel pills and therapy.

if only it destroyed their disgusting noses

Can't wait for the salt when you can still only use girly clothes for the left "style"

Nintendies on suicide watch.

This won't appear in any localization other than the US one.
Same as with the Animal Crossing thing.

They will now love the LGBTQ community. Just watch.

I hate seeing the normality of the many fucked over to fit the perspective of the few
You keep doing that and there won't be anything left to save
But you're an anime posting faggot and I don't expect you to understand any concept of normality

It was irrelevant to humans as well until idiots figured out a new way to scam people out of their savings.

It's in the trailer from the Japanese direct as well.

but male inklings dont have the same legs and hips as the females. does this mean they are going to fine a middle ground between the two now or will all inklings have thicc female thighs?

You either have a benis or you don't, simple as.

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>complains about anime posting
>on 4channel ((((.))) org
leave and never come back

No healthy person thinks of their gender this much
There is male and female, nothing more complex than that

Gender isn't real. Sex is. Gender was an invention from Sexologist John Money to get more money out of parents while convincing them that their child is the wrong "gender", with it all ending with two brothers who were told they were girls killing themselves.

Gender is basically "bully science", the guy that called you a girl for having the wrong haircut is now in charge of telling your kids that not being in the official model means you need pills and surgery to fit in for good.

>sex is real
Not for you it isn’t

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Weedy, autistic or overly-emotional boys with no friends, absent fathers, and low testosterone grew up to work in videogaming. This is the result of that. All there was for socially awkward boys to do was play vidya and stunt their mental growth. Combine that with feminism (raised by women as well, remember) and you get a disproportionate amount of late-blooming low test trans and homosexuals in the industry.

Growing up, you guys remember those kids whose mother's spoiled the fuck out of them and pampered them. Dad's not in the picture, they could barely even talk to people, they had no friends? Here ya go: Resetera. I'm serious. Lurk ANY thread there about socializing and these fuckers cannot socialize at all.

It's like Dab Forums's twin, except they went to the gay side and Dab Forums went loli.

Its just picking your character model, its a "style selection" over a gender selection because those same menu is picking the model between the genders of two different races at the same time.

People are just making a mountain out of a molehill.


Another Nintendo of America meddling effort.

No. You can see there in the image there is a clear male female selection for both species.

Cope Transfagg, US is not the world

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that doesnt make any sense

you're fucking retarded, dude.


wait did splat3 get announced?


Japanese is just a questionnaire. It just asks questions, like it starts with "who are you?" and goes from there like a natural conversation. English localization removes all of this and just goes standard "choose your style" and other shit. They're not really the same when you read the entire transcript.

Cope. You're not going to make normal people accept the delusions of the mentally-ill no matter how hard you try Whitey.

Yes. About 2 days ago.


Pretty based. I wish people would fuck off and stop talking about gender constantly. I'd prefer this shit to having a thousand different genders that need to be recognised or you're an 'ignorant hateful pig who can do better'.

>the concept of gender can only disappear on a post-apocalyptic world

Weird message to say to kids.

Why are these fuckers so heavily against gender anyway? They just don't like stereotypes? Or they don't wanna be called a pussy or some shit?

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Good, not like they needed to procreate to prolong the survival of their species or anything.

Arrest yourself, US owned the world

go to sneed

Gender non-conformism turned into a new brand of ultra-conformism where everyone who doesn't fall into the manly male or feminine female stereotype needs his/her/their/zir special snowflake label so they can still feel like they are part of a tribe, including "non-binary" meaning tomboy or sissy.

If anyone didn't expect nintendo to do this, they are 11/10 retards. They did it for animal crossing, why wouldn't they do it here

NOA not "nintendo"

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Male/Female wouldn't even work since you clearly can be an Octoling or Inkling.

Because they are rich faggots living in First-world countries, they not have struggles in his/her lives. Why if someone has penis or vagina is so important for rich people?

Look up the JP trailer, it asks who you are with no gender stated.

Male - XY
Female - XX

You are writing about trans (men wearing skirts) but they cannot change his XY

They could be theorycrafting on why a squid has adopted a salmoind child, but noooooo. That bit of lore isn't nearly as interesting as gender!

Splatoon 1 cancelled

If you look carefully at their eyebrows, the bigger ones are males and smaller ones are female.

Fuck those fags with their gay ass aids nigga.

>post apocalyptic world
>city literally looks like it belongs in China

>nigger is retarded and homophobic
Figures. Way too live up to the stereotype, Jamal

Is all so tiresome...

>enviromental storytelling

>the concept of gender
What next? Are pedophiles going to destroy the concept of age?

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Breaking News: Not using the word "gender" in a gender select screen suddenly doesn't make it a gender select screen. More at 11.

Watch, it'll be only for the north american localization

>Blacks somehow became more normal and less mentally-ill than Whitey.
Never thought I'd ever see the day.

>less mentally-ill

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>stop buying our products
yeah okay, waaaay ahead of you but okay. and to think i considered buying a switch... ffs -_-

And with all that, they still manage to be less fucked in the head than the average American White person in 2020+.

Critical hit

you weren't going to get the switch anyway if a gender select screen not saying "gender" is your breaking point.

No way that will NEVER happen!!!

>Treehouse translating Gender as Style again
It's a wonder these shitheads haven't figured it out so they can whine more.

This time the japanese didn't specify gender and just asked "who are you?"

So what?

So NOJ has been influenced by NOA. There is no longer a choice between a boy and a girl.

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One word has been changed, stop the presses everyone

No words were changed, any mention of gender was removed completely.

Bros, Why do the mentally-ill have so much sway and authority over what normal people think these days? What's the benefit of others having to pretend Clara saying she's actually non-binary or Bob thinking he's actually a cute teen girl is sane and normal?

So what?