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Only the people still playing Classic will play this. It won't bring back players who tried Classic and realised it wasn't the same.
Would rather dress like a lady and rape myself with elephant dildos... faggot
hunter is one of the top dps
>didn't address the rampant botting
>refused to raise game's difficulty if at least to prevent xp bombing mages boosting everyone, leading to a dead overworld and no almost dungeon groups pre60
>split the community forever so private servers can't reach critical mass anymore
fuck you too blizzard
and fuck you to all the no-changes retards, we kept telling you it's gonna ruin everything but you didn't listen
Ret Paladin was a nice change, but in all honesty just roll Hunter, Warlock or Rogue.
If they make ANY changes I'm going to unsub.
no changes killed Classic.
if you want to enjoy everything, play rogue/warlock/mage/priest. Other classes sucked in pvp.
braindead, but quite good
>bazillions of chink farmed gold
>the highest concentration of sweaty min-maxers
>2.4 patch
>no class rebalance
Cheap cashgrap by Blizzard.
they couldn't even properly implement batching, a 100% objective feature, what makes you think they'd do custom tuning/content well? You've seen the state of retail. That is the whole point of classic.
Falze because it's gonna bring me back.
batching was properly implemented, though. it was just different than private servers, which were inaccurate to vanilla.
Metafags made classic boring and uninspiring and the same will happen with TBC, there's just no fun in playing a game that's been fully meta'd out for decades. Not to mention how easy and unskilled old WoW is to play
It will be broken just like Classic was, but since BC was best expansion I’ll level my classic character to 70, raid a couple times then ghost my guild like I did with classic
mr blizzard rep, you forgot you blizzard contact email on the subject field
I'm torn between rogue and warlock
Dont play rogue if you are going to pve
TBC was a boring expansion
Wrong. I can already tell you're a MOP zoomer.
only play a hunter or a warlock if you want to dps. Melee dps are in for a rough time if they think they'll get a raid spot with the minmax culture in this abomination that calls itself classic and TBC. also dont roll alliance.
TBC was top-tier and i hated vanilla wow and never touched Classic.
it won't be the same tho metafag autists gonna ruin it.
And that's a good thing. Transient players will complain they don't like a game until it's changed, then after the change ruins it for the people that liked it, not play the game anyways because "oh I don't like X game." The people still playing Classic like Classic and are excited for BC Classic.
>roll rogue
lol don't listen to this massive retarded faggot. Rogue is one of the worst classes to roll in tbc, even for pvp. Feral druid is leaps and bounds better than rogue.
Anons I cannot accept that WoW has gone to shit and will never be as good as the old days. In my heart I KNOW it but I still boot up the game and play with friends that were there during the golden ages of stuff like Vanilla, BC and especially Wrath.
FF14's the better game, weeby as fuck as it is I can't argue the truth, but I just can't walk away from the corpse of WoW.
>FF14's the better game
It's a better movie, but not a better game. Playing it literally feels like wooden dogshit.
>Need tank for Dungeon, Pally only
>Need warrior tank for raid
>LFM DPS Hunters and Warlocks
>LF Heals Shaman only
>Decent dps
>Sick totem buffs
>Sexy as fuck
Continue my lock from classic. Gonna love the buffed drain tanking and raid dps.
Vanilla did not have batched vendor transactions.
Yes it did, you can literally find videos that show it happening.
>decent dps
>literal 500 dps away from #1 and #2
what did benchwarmer mean by this?
If you're going to pretend to have a source, present it.
When is this releasing? I might play a druid.
Will I have to buy anything to play it or just sub?
By enh shaman do you mean "Hey user, can you respecc resto for the raid? We're gonna take a Warlock instead." shaman?
here's one
you can literally see the batching when he buys from the vendor and accepts/completes the quests lmao
FF14 is barely a game, let alone an RPG.
>no gear customization, everything is just status, boring
>no skill customization or class customization
>overworld is completely dead
>999999 fetch quests that are NOT OPTIONAL
>crafting is fucking useless, you can get almost the same ilvl from dungeons/raids, and even then it's just fucking status and ilvl
>classes are completely homogeneous aside from dancer
>zero reward for exploration, teleport everywhere so the world doesn't feel alive
>nobody communicates during dungeons because dungeons are easy as fuck
XIVtrannies need to die, never saw a game so casualized like that, I REALLY don't understand why people like it, aside from raid bosses/ which are fun, there's NOTHING in the game that's good.
you can play rogue and pve, no self respecting guild will take more then one to raids tho. And on top of that the autism and ammount of consumables you need to even beat spriests is ludacris so only play pve rogue if you have serious autism and can pvp for best weapons
for me its prot pally
I don't. Don't you have a clip of anyone buying water? That was a fucking chore and a half in Classic™.
>I REALLY don't understand why people like it
It's the story and all the pretty colors, mainly. It's a game designed specifically for dazzling retards.
>I don't
so you're blind/retarded then?
guess so
Casualized? It's just a WoW clone. It didn't change after ARR.
I'll level myself a goat mage, mostly cause will probably end up changing servers
user, thats mean. Just stop.
I hate that the leaks imply there won't be any fresh TBC servers. I'm going to level a goat shaman and I guess the vanilla content is just going to be completely void of players like classic is right now.
Whoever made this meme does not understand HC wow meta. Druid bears are not remotely a meme there are some bosses they slightly edge warriors on certain bosses and to go along with a warrior main tank means you don't have lots of prot warriors needing the same shit. 1-2 deep prot, 1-2 bears and 8ish fury/furyprot warriors now you're nax Gucci
i'll be coming back because i want to remake my OG belf pally, do ghostlands, hellfire and nagrand questing again
Blizzdrone meta fags will ruin it like they ruined classic
Not to mention Blizz lied (shocker) and never removed sharding and phasing. Its going to perform worse than it did originally
0 deep prot for naksi
>being deep prot for naxx
Good luck holding threat against fury warriors
cope memespeccer. put on the dress and heal.
I'm a ret paladin in a guild that has naxx on farm. I'm not asked to bring world buffs, and only have to use shadow and frost protection potions. Also I'm first in line for Ashbringer when it drops.
>feral druid
rogue is fine in pvp
but honestly play lock and faceroll through pve and arena
Enhancement shaman in tbc is objectively the most fun class to play as in the history of WoW
nice larp, post logs
You carry 3 rets and you're calling druid bears a meme? Fucking idiot hahahaha
No. There's already a Dab Forums guild of shitters on my guild and I don't want any attention from them.
Unless your a meta fag cause they totem dance like retards lol
None of those are retardins, they know their place as healers. This is the rank 1 guild in the world for speed btw, shows what you know about the "HC raid scene"
on my server* not guild
>This is the rank 1 guild in the world for speed btw
>Caring about that shit
Even naxx is piss easy. 4horseman seems complicated at first, but it's just a matter of watching your stacks. Sapphiron is just a frost resist check. KT is a joke that my guild two-shotted.
Just play whatever the fuck you want and stop taking classic so seriously. I swear this game is a refuge for comp-fags that didn't make it in mobas or something.
t.Ret pally in a guild that has naxx on farm and is first in line for ashbringer
you're full of shit, keep larping dumbass meme speccer.
>Claims drushits are based on HC data
I'm not even the guy talking about druids.
Going SL/SL Warlock.
you're a liar who post logs so regardless i dont care
>the leaks imply there won't be any fresh TBC servers.
wow, blizzard are retarded
NO thank you. It will be full of botted chink gold and trannies.
the classic community killed classic and tbc will die even faster.
I'm a liar who posts logs? I haven't posted a single log here at all.
Want to play rogue but I'm afraid of them being useless in raids.
I am honestly confused at the point of this. Retail has Chromie which lets you do Burning Crusade over again. So what will be different about this?
>I haven't posted a single log here at all.
because you're a liar who's just deflecting on a typo
furyprot is a speedrunning meme and largely obsoletes bears
bears are decent enough offtanks though, especially in sane guilds
based. i immediately quit after we finished bwl as the rest of it is just a slog
Why do you think I'm a liar? Do you think ret paladins don't exist in guilds that have naxx on farm?
SL/SL Lock
Stormherald warr
I dunno im tempted to go back and be a scumbag with my friend doing resto druid and warrior duos in arena
I want to roll a blood elf paladin
would that be fun or just a total waste of time? i'm probably gonna level then do a couple attunements then unsub
>and fuck you to all the no-changes retards, we kept telling you it's gonna ruin everything but you didn't listen
90% of the problems that happened because of nochanges were only problems because the servers were 20x the size of the servers back in 2004 you retard.
>Why do you think I'm a liar? Do you think ret paladins don't exist in guilds that have naxx on farm?
Not in any guilds worth a damn. Are you afraid of being outed as a liar or are you just embarrassed by your 4 hour clear time over 3 raid nights. you'd post logs to shut me up but of course you're too ashamed to be outed as utter deadweight or just being a part of a generally shit guild. I understand user.
I remember people on Dab Forums back in the day saying this Xpac killed the game forever with flying mounts. Does modern Dab Forums like it now?
They need to lower the gold cap so people don't come into TBC with 50k gold or the expansion is guaranteed to suck
Ret pally isn't good till wotlk where they are op
I'll be happy to see all the streamers and zoomies run off to bc so I can enjoy classic again.
>Not in any guilds worth a damn
Why are you moving goalposts now? All I've said is that I'm a ret paladin in a guild that has naxx on farm and that I'm first in line for ashbringer. Now you're deflecting to "oh lol your guild is just not worth a damn then". Worth a damn by whose standards? Yours? Logfaggots who care more about watching graphs online?
Classic wow is a joke. Play whatever you want.
Is rolling a shaman a guaranteed raid spot? I want to go Lock or druid, but seems like people will want tons of shamans for bloodlust rotations.
Which is a result of changes.
Flying mounts were always a terrible idea. Blizzard was decent at making content at the ground level but the only zone they ever made that properly used flying was Storm Peaks. Every other zone was utterly trivialized by flying and the entirety of Cataclysm leveling was downright ruined by flying.
That said, TBC has a lot to offer beyond flying and the flying mounts that 90% of people will have for a long ass time are gonna be the slower than retail 60% speed flying mounts so it shouldnt be a deal breaker
It's okay user your cope is all I need to know what your runs are probably like. Have a good day and GL on the ashbringer :)
Christ I can already head the type of players you are. My MMO experience stretches back to Black Rose in EQ1 but the kind of player we decided to give the boot in exchange for being top 5 instead of #1 changes the entire environment of the guild. I doubt you remember it, but there was a time when MMOS were vastly played by adults with a different attitude but the same drive to break and be the fastest at the game.
play whats fun to you
otherwise you're a cuck
Until you realize it's not the same and quit.
Any indication of launch date? I'll try it if it comes out soon, but I'm moving to Asia soon and don't want to be stuck playing with only Changs (though I suppose I could play with Aussies).
is there anything more cucked than paying 15 a month to play an old game that was already beaten just to be "#1" in it?
wrong. i played from release until about halfway through phase 2. couldnt find a decent guild and real life stuff got in the way, resubbed twice for a month each time since then, once in phase 4 and once right before naxx release. zoom zoom twitch culture killed it. that same culture will probably kill tbc too but atleast ill be able to play 2s so i wont have to interact with world buff/boosters/mage spamming dungeon groups
you're not ret you're larp paladin
By #1 you mean the best or the first?
Playing for tryharding speedruns or arena isn't cucked IMO. Playing for world firsts is gay.
Yeah that's my point.
I wasn't disagreeing with you, just spelling it out for anyone who might.
>Rogue is one of the worst classes to roll in tbc
I'm gonna need a quick rundown on this. Every Naxx group I'm in has like 4 rogues doing the most dps, I'm curious how that can change.
I don't get anons like that guy. They look at all the competitive games available out there, and of all the possibilities they pick wow classic to prove themselves in.
To think the cope has gone from "y-y-you'll wear a dress and like it" to "y-y-you're not real"
>not number 1 so its worthless
retards like you killed wow. thanks for saving me money i guess.
>Posts Everquest non-instanced raiding as an example of a non-autistic group of people
gud diversion user-kun but we all see through ur bullshit
Blood Elf Paladin
>20x the size of the servers back in 2004
The fuck are you on about? The cap was barely raised at all, and it was way below Nostalrius levels, which were so full dynamic spawns had to be enabled. And do you know how much that ruined vanilla? Not one bit.
I'm torn between either continuing the warlock I left after onyxia or rerolling as a druid. I know warlocks are OP in TBC but I dont really enjoy the playstyle that much anymore. I think I'd enjoy being able to tank as a bear or off heal. I'm probably just going to level through the zones to see them again and then quit anyways. That's what I did in classic because the community is the worst I've ever seen. Levelling to 60 was pure kino but everything afterwards was absolute shit, fucking garbage and it's all the player bases fault. I have zero doubts that TBC will be even worse.