if you pirate there will be no P5/P5R on PC
If you pirate there will be no P5/P5R on PC
Why would anybody pirate this moneygrab trash?
Why would anybody want Purseowner 5 - the most filler-filled and derivative game in the series - on PC?
yeah P4 selling 30,000 copies in one fucking day with no warning clearly didn’t teach them anything
I played p5 on PC years ago, it was quite enough.
Not going to bother playing this.
don't care
It's a musou unless they went full retard and expect aoc numbers it'll have no impact on a future p5r port.
I pirated P5 on PS3 but they still keep releasing more shit.
RPCS3 has been able to flawlessly emulate P5 for years user. I played it at 4K 60FPS in 2019
>Buy this dogshit or we won't release the stuff you actually want
I don't negotiate with terrorists.
It's not a musou per se. Plays more like kingdom hearts if anything
There won’t be regardless, lol
I already paid for the console version so it's fine if I pirate the PC version.
In the first place, why would I play/buy a spin-off before the actual main game?
who cares about that bloated mess? they just added a soulless waifu and ruined the game's overall pace
P5 on RPCS3 is enough
atlus is gonna port every single game as testing the water before p5r
at this point its just a scam, dude buy all of these games for a hope of getting p5r 5 years after release, maybe
No DRM? Nice. I'll probably pirate it, get it on sale later, then move my save to steam cloud.
I wouldn't mind if atlus were to release all the smt games on pc tho
>giving money to nu-atlus
lol'd hard
>paying for digital games
Oh shit nigga what is u doin'?
good, anime garbage can fuck off back to console
thats ok i already played it on my ps4 :)
Hahaha implying I care. Gonna go pirate rn
The only money Atlus is getting out of me is smt v whenever it comes out.
PC is and always has been the PirateChad platform. It's in the name.
Thanks for letting me know I'm pirating it right now
good fuck Atlus, shittiest jrpgs around
I don't give a fuck. I build a pc to pirate not to spend money. Store fags are mentally ill
P4G sold well because it's a mainline Persona game sold for 20 bucks.
thinking anyone but the dumbest of fanboys are willing to shell out $60 for a fucking musou spinoff is just delusional.
Has there been a single good spinoff?
I was referring to them not porting P5. A huge success of a staple game is going to say a lot more than the failure of some nothing spinoff
website? for uhhh research
Nah don't care about Atlushit. Give me Vanillaware stuff or GTFO.
I don't even know what this game is.
eh, I guess it's serviceable.
yeah exactly. but who knows if atlus can put 1 and 1 together this time.
You're supposed to buy the console version and pirate on pc. That is the correct way of doing things.
>buy the console version
haha okay.
So what are trustworthy sources for cracked games if it's not from GoG?
I bought Catherine and P4G on Steam (and never played them) as a show of support for them taking the leap to PC. But that's it. I've done my part.
rutracker, rutor, 1337x
>if you pirate there will be no P5/P5R on PC
don't worry, i have no interest in pirating this trash
>they doom eternal'd it
The main reason why atlus wouldn't put p5/r on pc is because they're fucking retarded, not because "muh piracy".
but “muh” piracy also stems from being fucking retarded
third world fags can't afford that shit anyway
no, the main reason is Sony holding it hostage.
atlus is retarded, but not that retarded.
There won't be P5 no matter what you say or we do.
ATLUS shot themselves in the foot when they pointlessly tried to get RPCS3's head by publicly stating that no version of P5 was meant to be played on PC.
oh no not weebshit visual novel #8489290
I'm not even going to bother pirating this shit lol. Will buy some of Atlus' actual good games like SMTV though
wont even pirate this anime trash
How many copies must I pirate? Fuck personybros.
>He doesn't pirate a million times to steal enough money to fund his own game
>a fucking musou game ever
The only retards dumb enough to buy this shit are brainwashed smash kiddies. Fuck atlus and fuck sega.
I love how they're trying to milk P5 for all its worth.
>Story driven game releases its second chapter whilst PCfags can't play the first chapter
Gee I wonder why it'd fail
>not having money
not having previous game is the issue
>PCfags can't play the first chapter
Literally wrong.
i just want nocturne on pc so we can mod in the uncompressed music fuck
Good. Fuck Fatlus and their pedantic waifu simulators.
I won't even bother with the pirate, but I hope everyone interested in this shitty musou pirates it instead of giving these PC-hating fucks any money.
>buy the sequel to maybe get the right to buy the original years later
Fucking retard jap boomers at Fatlus are finally losing it for real. What an asswipe of a company.
Good, this series is trash
I bought Scramble but I think Atlus treats my waifu like shit and doesn't deserve my money so I am going to refund the game and pirate it instead.
Not according to Atlus. They're strongly against emulation and, in their minds, the only way to play any of their games is the arbitrary game box they decided to lock it to.
They didn't bring the sequel first because they were like "eh, they can emulate the game so nobody's gonna be lost", they did it because Sega wanted more money and Sony told them they couldn't port 5 or Royal. They don't care if a PC player is lost without the context of the original or anything.
Can't wait for when P6 drops and the new breed of retards shows up to praise the ever loving shit out of it
I'll pirate 30000 copies then
>SMT still entirely hostage to Nintendo's kiddie toys
>5 and Royal will only be ported once Sony's tired of profiting from them, same as any future Persona titles
Why should I give these people money? If I'm getting leftovers, at least they should be free of charge.
>Atlus deciding what to port on what platform
Did crackwatch change their URL?
You don't even have a pc third world nindie nigger
I played it on emulator though.
piracy. doesnt. affect. sales.
anyone who pirates it was never going to buy it in the first place
I already played p5, I will pirate this in the near future and you can't stop me paycuck
P5S sold much worse than P5 and P5R, so it's not like they don't know what to expect. Atlus is retarded, but not that retarded.
Why would anyone want any game?
those games are never coming to pc anyway
P5 is already on PC lmao
Played both already.
Why would I buy this side game at all? The great success of P4 on PC is enough to justify P5. They probably don't even expect P5S to sell that well at all.
Nobody thats looking to play p5 will pirate this for obvious reasons
Piracy doesnt hurt sales. Anyway, checked a youtube video and its not even worh a pirate