Why are they so bad at video games?

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update the flag, mutt
us brits are stronger together

There just weren't very many to play in 1606.

central asian genetics causes badness at a lot of things

this flag looks better though

Nice try Genghis

EA/microsoft brought out all of our game companies in the early 2000s. Still have Rockstar which is a scottish company but everyone else sold out

Unironically inbred, most of the intelligent brits are either foreigners or ethnically mixed

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We're bad at everything desu

Not for long by the looks of things, Scotland wants out and NI is pissed about the new border.

scotland wants more muslim cock

Hello low iq poster

Sounds hot ngl

do not post

we're ok

this but unironcally

Seethe cunts, why do you think everyone calls us ugly? Because we're all part of the same happy family.

Hey if that's what they want they'll go get it. Rest of the UK fucked up by not making a more convincing plea

sounds like a you problem

because we're just about relevant enough to talk about, but many of us are spineless and willing to take shit from the lesser countries

you're actually a huge retard that didnt pay attention to history arent you? But nah Japan gets more of a pass even though theyve never had an actual invasion force on their island lmao

>webbed hands typed this post
sounds like you're just projecting

is it true we're gonna be doing more deals with Asia now? Mostly Japan? big if true

For me, I can't be bothered. I'd rather banter with the players I'm with and it makes for some merry times. I'm pretty good at War Thunder though I only play as the Brits and it's funny taking the piss out of northern monkeys. You lads are missing out, stop trying so hard and have a laugh.

>literally anyone tries to land on japan with hostile intent
>random retards who just to sell them spices an, guns and get rid of their jesuits
>clear sailing
God favors Japan.

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>Yeah what have they ever ma-

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Japan is just as bad, if it weren't for their work ethic and the euthanisation of the disabled then they would've been even worse than Britain.
I am a fucking toaster that fucks nigerian ladyboys every night at 3am which makes my pakistani neighbour very angry
my iq rivals that of the average orangutan

>using British dialect on Dab Forums
You working class faggots are so unsightly. Don't you have a general to ruin?

What generals would you recommend? Besides, it'd take the slightest word to piss you tory-loving bastards off.

UK makes the best music and video games.
If you mean from an e-sports player perspective, I don't follow any of that.


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I'd recommend your containment general where you spam about drinking "well nice pints" and "snogging with fit birds", you know, the one where you larp as your dad.

>NI is pissed about the new border.
We won brownie points when the EU immediately tried to fuck with that border over a few vaccines
That said, England+NI would be a true bordergore country, what the fuck would the country even be called at that point, literally "The Kingdom of England and Northern Ireland"? Dogshit.

Anglos are really bad artists in general.

incredible cucked country

>update the flag, mutt
>us brits are stronger together

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Gorillaz, the Beatles, queen yeah nah stfu you daft cunt

I'm guessing this thread is around esports/competitive gaming. I would chalk it up to the console-fication? of our population; Sony has had a chokehold on our gaming market - you look at the likes of the Nordic regions where they embrace PC gaming which has more competitive games which means they have a better pool of talent.

Ouch, that's an oversight. Will OP ever recover from such humiliation?

he is retarded, but
>Gorillaz, the Beatles

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Fix'd for ya

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This is why.

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actaul cringe lol

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why did you britbongs have to go and teach pajeet english

Kathy Freeman for PM I SAYS

wym? its the funniest thing seeing a pajeet try and speak English

working class hands typed this post. Seriously, you lot are ugly. 80% of working class niggers are subhuman

Name some games made in Northern Ireland (or Wales for that matter).

This is true, but also the government didn't give competitive tax breaks so all the talent went abroad.

Shit internet probably has something to do with it too. But obsession with sport or cars is probably why we don't see any successful British esports players.

>oi did you play Jilly Willy Jango on the specy? it was dead good it was proper classic next to Eggy Burt and Flumbus but you had to send away £10 and 5 marathon bar wrappers to get a copy

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Those retards thought they could "civilise" the colonials, whereas every other European nation had their own colonial governors pick and choose any of the intelligent ones who showed promise enough to hold a post be educated to the needs of that post.

How did that work out for Spain

Dunno, after spain was lost to the moors it never recovered its humanity.

how did that work out forr France and Spain?

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Well for france it was working just fine until they fucking jobbed it in the world wars.

>"civilise" the colonials
not really, just take all their shit and leave but put up a front of trying to help.

god Larry is an odd creature

getting everyone to speak english has been pretty great. what's the problem?

British colonials were the best though

You Will Never Be British

What subs-arharan shithole are you from that you're going to blame 80 years of warlords on france for? Or are you one of the coastal niggers who were just too fucking weak to throw them out?


>Hey Fookface, don't fook with the Knights of Mercy. We're too good for that. And you weren't very good. So you missed your first shot, but (Palatal Clicking Sound x2) that's how the Goat crumbles

I wish the Romans just killed us off instead...

>has a problem of everyone speaking the god given language
fuck off you tard

Probably because Video Games wouldn't be invented for another 270 years.
How can you get the wrong flag anyway lmao.

This opinion is only humanly possible if your idea of good music is black people bragging about how many people they can shoot and how wet their pussies are in staccato

trump lost

>can't respond so just Dab Forums shitposts

what you lads having for tea tonight? Having some tendies and chips with some peas on the side.

You're just wrong sweetie honestly educate yourself white people bad pay your reparations

I had a burger, tasted like shite. Don't get how the Yankees can eat that crap.

big fry up here
bacon, sausages, eggs, hash browns, beans
never a bad time for a fry up
nice LARP

what kinda burger you had? Was it one of those microwave ones? If so then die. Next time look out for scottish ones.

games where you play as the good guys when

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>fry up
>for tea
lad what? I usually only have those if its breakfast and I got a big day ahead of me

not him but rustlers burgers aren't half bad
you've just got to take the buns and wack em in the toaster for a bit until they're crispy, then microwave the patty with the cheese on it
if you've got lettuce or anything else obviously you can add that

Friday night takeaway mate
Papa John's and some Punk IPAs

but without whites (Brits) all those coutnrys we helped would still be in mud huts


Well for one if you want to deepfry it you don't put it between buns. The battering is enough carbs. Every fucking pajeet in my area who runs a chippy does that the first time I ask for a deep fried hamburger. They look at me like a dog that's been shown a magic trick, I point at the big chalk board over the friers and say "under snacks it says hamburger in batter" yes? I want one of them" and then I get home and the stupid cunt has put my fried patty in a bun and dressed it with lettuce and sauce. I'm beginning to run out of bottles to throw through their shop windows.

Oi blimey, I got shot again with one of those yankey shooty mc boomy sticks, right so! God save the queen, he's tea bagging me and doesn't even have the decency to heat up the water, right gov'ner! I'd give 'em a right boppin' if it wern' 4 bong for now it's time to have a lil' wank and get some rest.

got a crate of strongbows, Persona 5, and it's Friday
youtu.be/0iI4ap-QA38 basically me btw

nice COCK
I had a Scottish burger, I think I might've used shitty cheese. Orkney cheddar is my go-to for most meals but I picked up some cheap parmesan.

I've gone off microwave food for the last 7, do all my cooking now

>ywn eat maggot-filled hardtack with your m8's

oops meant for

Probably because video games weren't a thing in the 1700's

Since when was London part of Scotland?

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Never. What happened to anime is now happening to games. Incels are taking over and incels can only get off to school shootings, gore and toddler rape.

Who the fuck puts battered food in a bun? What kind of subhuman does that shite?

based lad

I'm going to greggs, you lads want anything?

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luv pidgins, me

Sausage bean and cheese melt and a couple saussie rolls pls m8


Londinstan is a lost cause, just like Parisstan

Like I said, the pajeets who have been buying up the shops in my area. It used to be all chinks but then the prices went up and I assume they sold the places to other chinks who are now leasing them to pajeets who see "shop front wiht house" and think "oh i can doo that" and then have no idea waht the fuck they're doing and so two months later its all bain marie indian places that even taxi drivers won't eat at.

An Irn Bru for me and one of those square pizzas for me mum.

I just want to sink lefty continental shits. army would be ok too I guess

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support your local bakery

whats with all the Turkish Barbers popping up lately? I go to one now they aint bad lads but I've noticed in my town we have like three or four now

lub me middle eastern hair cutters

I devoured this greggs delivery a few weeks ago. Didn't like the chicken bake much (will prob opt for sausage bean melt next time) and the cookie was just alright (nowhere near KFC's) but everything else was nice. Had to add sugar to the latte, it wasn't sweet enough on it's own.

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>Live in Shoreditch
>Able to walk 5 mins to the brick lane bakery
>Get salt beef bagel once a week for lunch
Literally no better feeling

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Loved the show, but god damn why did they have to "kill off" every woman he ever loved, wtf even happened to his daughter?
the movies made me wanna kill myself

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>We're bad at everything desu
Why do the English despise themselves so greatly, it's genuinely fucking embarrassing. Cannot wait until we're out desu. It'll make everyone happier. We can live comfy cultured ungentrified lives, and you lot will be able to rim Pakistanis and ban things at your leisure.

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Pajeet shops are absolute shite, last time I went to one I got the shits. They put chilli peppers in the fucking pizza when all I asked for was a plain pepperoni. Never again

Whatever my mum cooks.

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here's five things I've put on me bum

Iceland tendies? They're the best.

>Why do the English despise themselves so greatly, it's genuinely fucking embarrassing.
it's the communist influence

>welsh independence

Also does anyone know why McDonalds pancakes come with butter?

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Hello you, I’m Guru Larry and these are me top ten speccy games of all time

>Proving OP's right

They did help though. They invested a huge amount of time and money into the colonies.

showed a mate from Portugal a chicken bake for the first time
his face when he took the first bite was priceless
foreigners don't know what they're missing
Steak bake is still my all time favourite

because hes not proper English is he now?

I fucking dream of the day that wales declares independance, not only so I can laugh at the UK who just lost their last vestigial organ (because they will only got well after Scotland and NI leave) but also because I know there's a 50/50 chance for Whales to invade itself and rejoin the UK. The only thing a Welshman hates more than the English is another Welshman.

nah I think morrisons

>text and taskbar size on monitor
are you visually impaired?
pictured: every sheepshagger's actual appearance

>GTA series

they wont? Wales are based to the Enlgish lmao, stop larping fag

What is the source of that image you posted on your monitor, the chick I mean.

no, there are 3 pretty good games in there

Sausage bean and cheese melt is the best don't reply to me

Anyone else fucking hate this country and Bri' 'ish people

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Pancakes taste better when cooked in butter, but I imagine McDonalds just cook it with palm oil or whatever shit they use for everything else, so the butter is to give it the taste of butter that would be otherwise lacking.

Fuck me, I get the impression the people replying to this have Greggs menu memorised. What a fat bunch of cunts.

>live in London
>hate England and English people
>go up to the midlands on holiday
>suddenly pride and love for my country
it's a mad ting

Shut your mouth cunt I'll fucking deck you.

It's a 45" TV

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>live in London

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makin' a shepards pie for the nana tonight lad

Cities suck, countryside is best.

Why are they so good at video games?

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classic coombrain

UK #1
>bojo our primo
>got a free yumyum one time at Gregg's, my mate, not the restaurant
>ollie, who has lots of beyblades
>got to drive a JCB
>saw snow on a hill one time
>invented fifa

need I go on?

Try me, fatass. I live on the first floor and the elevator's out.

Thanks brudda, enjoy your meal.

thats your first problem

forgot pic, soz

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Classic boring twat.

UK is actually a good place to live

Haven't had a good shepards pie for yonks. I tend to do cottage pies (beef not lamb) just because I'm not near sheep pastures these days.

Yes. Fucked ourselves in the ass with import taxes by leaving the EU for no reason, comically incompetent govt turning us into the world's COVID hotspot (eat out to help out!), literally so many variants found here that it turned from the Chinese Virus info the British Virus, divided countries with Scotland about to go independent, shit tier weather and culture and cuisine and infrastructure compared to every other country in Europe and North America and East Asia and even places like New Zealand. Can't carry a weapon to protect yourself, not even pepper spray. Almost every accent other than the default posh accent sounds disgusting. It's my only wish to leave this shithole but I have no qualifications so I'm stuck here for good - hopefully I can make it to Ireland at least.

like any country it really depends on where
but for the most part it's definitely not the worst

>leaving the EU for no reason

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Pirates of the Caribbean + New Horizons mod = best age of sail RPG ever fucking made. Be a pirate, a trader, a privateer or join the navy of any major colonial power that was involved in the Caribbean during the age of sail. You're never locked in to any of these roles, you can be the biggest sneaky backstabbing cunt that floats on water if you like.

Nope I just hate London and all the faggots that live there.

yeah OK frenchie

>still believing in Hoaxvid
lol you really are one naive cunt aren't you

I still dont get this, all the most famous people in Hollywood are British

surely the brits are good at something like FIFA?

Do any of you guys rewatch the 2012 Olympic opening ceremony and bask in the pride?

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>bojo our primo
Poor quality b8

Feel free to explain what we gained from that and how it makes up for getting charged 30% whenever I order vidya stuff from EU countries. The "new" trade deal with Japan is worse than what the EU already had btw

good at tactical shooters due to communication
bad at twitch shooters and arena type games in my experience

we left because the people with the money made it so
there is no benefit to the average person by leaving the eu. it only benefits the people with money and vested interests in deregulation.

I really hate that fat tongued git

Welsh independence is more popular of a prospect now that it has ever been. The barefaced lies, incompetence and neglect from the government over the last few years have taken their tole. Westminster is a farce and it's only a matter of time before we escape this fucked union. It's only really held back by the vast hordes of decrepit old English tories that move here to die.

He lost, get over it, chud

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>conveniently ignoring the ineptitude of Welsh Labour

>Yes. Fucked ourselves in the ass with import taxes by leaving the EU for no reason, comically incompetent govt turning us into the world's COVID hotspot (eat out to help out!), literally so many variants found here that it turned from the Chinese Virus info the British Virus, divided countries with Scotland about to go independent, shit tier weather and culture and cuisine and infrastructure compared to every other country in Europe and North America and East Asia and even places like New Zealand. Can't carry a weapon to protect yourself, not even pepper spray. Almost every accent other than the default posh accent sounds disgusting. It's my only wish to leave this shithole but I have no qualifications so I'm stuck here for good - hopefully I can make it to Ireland at least.

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Get in line its just London needs nuking


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nah fuck the olympics

Fucking dream on son. I don't know what the fuck you'd think we'd have going for us if we were independent.

Gotta be fish n chips on a Friday. Mixing it up a bit with some marinaded salmon and fuck off huge chips though.

Mutts need some banter who cares they call us every name under the sun

this but unironcally

>but labour
hi tory

>GTA after SA

Not an argument.

Also: theguardian.com/money/2011/sep/29/uk-worst-quality-of-life-europe

The sooner you accept that this place is a shithole the sooner you can start working on escaping to Ireland or other better countries.

Welsh Labour have been a complete disaster even before Covid.

So what's it like falling for the Russian's tricks?

They still made SA ape.

Tories and Labour are both shit

If you don't like it then leave.

For decades video games in the UK were released at 50Hz instead of the 60Hz Japan/US got.

The games ran slower and were easier because of this. See the video for just how big of a difference this makes:

An entire nation trained wrong, as a joke.

Leaving the EU has made it harder for me to escape this shit hole.

>muh Russia muh election
fuck off american

He's a spastic with no qualifications, he even mentioned that himself.

Better than falling for jewish tricks.

it is morally wrong to appease continental socialists

You’re on the same level as Facebook-using NPCs

literally nothing has changed since we left the EU

hi tory

This is actually pretty embarrassing.

And every GTA after that has sucked ass, fucktard.
Thanks for the info, captain underage.

Yes it has, lots of manga is out of stock because of import delays.

I voted Brexit but would change my vote tomorrow if I could. No one told me it would impact my weebshit.

>Scotland wants out
Oh no!


I wish I could. I'm disabled with no qualifications. If I could work I'd immediately look into prospects of making it out of here. Moving to USA or even Canada would be a dream.

Not to mention that even after we started getting "PAL60" games they didn't support 480p so they were still gimped compared to NTSC versions.

Jewish or hipster?
How many refugee welcome posters do you have?


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>hi tory

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>the guardian
Just kill yourself

>wanting to become independent from the UK
>while also wanting to join the EU
have these people not seen the absolute state of the snp

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until the 2000s TVs were 50hz across the whole of Europe
it's because of the power grid running at a different frequency, plenty of game speeds were synced to this which lead to games like Ocarina of Time running at like 15fps in PAL regions when it was something like 20 in NTSC/-J
TVs have a 60hz mode now but I remember gamecube games asking if I wanted 50 or 60hz when starting them up
the european power grid still runs at a different frequency to the US, to the point where iphones which are built to a US standard will show european street lights flickering if you record them
nice job outing yourself as an underage techlet though

>crying and thinkign things would be better if he had a job and move to another country
face it you would still be a neet in any of those countrys AND still cry about how those two countrys are shit.

>Welsh independence is more popular of a prospect now that it has ever been.

It's barely still a popular option you seething Scotard.

Yeah what I really need is the BBC to tell me that white men are garbage.

Get the qualifications then.

>tfw posh but deep accent
>decent looking
>wealthy thanks to investments
I won the lottery lads, off to burgerstan to shag every yank I see

what a joke of a country

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Awww not enjoyin them? Go cry else where, faggot lol.

hi tory

Scotland is a sugar baby country. Net loss in most cases, and now the boats rocking a little they want someone else to latch onto and be a net loss to them instead

So you can't name sctual tangible benefit of leaving the EU and have to appeal to some Dab Forums spiel.

>order anything from EU country
>get charged a ton extra
>"nothing has changed"

Hell this independent store for vidya box protectors stopped shipping to the UK entirely because of Brexit shit

Let them have it. They'll quickly find out the SNP are as effective in everyday politics as an Argentinian government that doesn't have muh Falklands to fall back on.

>watching the BBC in the first place
Not my problem, be like the rest of us and stop watching it, are you scared of them sending people from the BBC knocking at your door asking whty you arent watching their shitty channel

Yes, this but unironically.

Wailing and gnashing my teeth as I realise I've been tricked by the Brexiteers into denying myself physical yuri.

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I don't vote :^)

>buying that consoomer shit in the first place

>needing box protectors

Wow, I knew the English were bad at video games, but I didn't know they were so bitter about it.

Works for me, dont know how you faggots arent getting your manga n such

while at the same time trying to say 'muh freedom', despite being freedom-hating commie shits

I'd rather they'd see that by looking at how things are currently. this whole thing would be a massive hassle even for us good guys here in england

First ever Overwatch world champions: London Spitfire

>enjoying modern GTA
Go be a cuck then >>>/reddit/

you're posting false info, figured it was worth correcting in case you believed it yourself

I collect video game stuff. Do you not realize what board you're on? Also, backtracking now? You literally can't name anything gained from leaving and how it makes up for getting fucked hard by import taxes.

When you own physical copies of games worth £300+ you tend to want to keep them in top condition.

>knowing basic bitch info about refresh rates
Please share with us earth shattering info about Mario 2 being Doki Doki Panic next please.

How greasy are your hands that you damage your own collection lmao

woah wtf

They aren't?

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See what's funny is that you fucked over the country for no benefit. Congratulations.

>Having games that are worth £300+
Why? By the sound of it you're never going to play the fucking things.

Notice how all of the Brexit shills are just mindlessly raging and unable to name the upsides of the disaster they were conned into voting for while actual tangible consequences for the average person have been pinpointed.

it's not Dab Forums spiel. if you're only interested in utilitarian arguments, you've had 5 years to look them up. you might not find them on (((theguardian))) though

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I got called a racist at Greggs today, lads.

keep crying because you cant CONSOOM your anime shit faggot


u mad
leave then

It actually is desu, my life has not changed at all despite the supposed apocalyptic event I voted for.

>I collect video game stuff

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It's not false, though. I grew up with the PAL Sonic games, along with other Megadrive titles, and going back to NTSC versions in later rereleases made the difference stark.

It persisted well into the 5th generation at the very least. The first time I played Mario Kart 64 on an emulator I genuinely thought something was wrong with it because it's so much faster than the version I grew up with.


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Why yes Brexit has made things worse for no benefit.

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I mean we were able to order vaccines like 3 months ahead of the EU as a whole. Debate how much vaccines matter as much as you want, but it has shown the obvious flexability not being tied to a concensus of like 30 other states shows.

Whining about a few import shortages, which were bound to happen, are entirely short term effects of Brexit, if they are not just side effects of covid.

Fully brainbroke by the American "owning the libs" meme. If it makes the wrong people upset that's enough, even if it fucks you over too.

Imagine caring about consoles at all

>dont know how you faggots arent getting your manga n such
Depends where its coming from.

If its the EU, its malicious bureaucracy has things no longer be legal to import despite being literally identical as pre-Brexit because the safety packaging needs to be changed. Same product, suddenly illegal. What are the new standards? Who knows.

stop watching media that uses scared tactics into making you think shit has hit the fan, literally nothing has changed

The fuck even is this thread? it is like one big fucking larp session.

Speak proper English, mush. Don't have me on like some fanny, you nonce.