Nintendo's image is decaying

Nintendo's image is decaying
>swsh happens, people think it's an exception
>massive game drought
>nothing but ports and shovelware, paper mario is still shit
>trash peer to peer online costs $20 and gets you shitty nes roms no one will play for more than 5 minutes
>animal crossing comes out, only twitter teenagers find it appealing
>artificially scarce collection of 3 roms for $60
>after years of no direct we get one with nothing but ports, shovelware, and an ok expansion releasing as a full game next year
>after succeeding with cashgrabs nintendo is clearly trying to see what's the least effort they can put to keep making money
>$60 for one single wii game with higher resolution (which you can achieve in an emulator with a few clicks)
Nintendo has successfully positioned themselves as the Apple of gaming selling expensive trash and making money off retards who pretend any shit becomes good the second you slap the brand logo on it
>inb4 banned for ""inciting consolewars""

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Other urls found in this thread:

Good. It should have been Nintendo that was dead instead of Sega.

Not Nintendo's fault that Sega got daddy dicked by Sony.

Sega killed themselves, not killed by Sony.

>Nintendo has successfully positioned themselves as the Apple of gaming
That's Sony. Nintendo is worse, they are Disney.

Gotta love my biennial octoshit.

Attached: project-triangle-strategy-debut-demo-switch-hero.jpg (1920x1080, 418.17K)

they gave in to progressives. now they’re making the new splatoon for trannies. fuck em.

I'm a Nintendofag but I agree, they need to be humbled by some relatively big failure, but we all know that won't happen. Expect Skyward Sword to break records.

Pokémon has been shit forever, gamefreaks incompetence has nothing to do with Nintendo’s greedy business practices.

Disney has more video games than Nintendo, though.

Apple has a great image tho.

The Wii U’s failure didn’t humble them.

Snoyponies seething? On Dab Forums? How did this happen?

Ninceldrones coping on Dab Forums? How did this happen?

lmao the only kind of exclusive their shit platform will be getting

richest company in Japan

thread deleted. fuck you

In the real world, troons play on Nintendo because of Splatoon and Trannimal Crossing. Narcissa Wright is a ninceldrone. Find me one troon Snoy, I'll wait

NTRendobros... They are saving up all of the big announcements for the next Direct, right?

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>massive game drough
>no games

Attached: 99.jpg (583x479, 75.65K)

Sony is based though. Nintendo hasn't released a good game since the 80s. Just last year Sony released 3 masterpieces (Ghost of Tsushima, Last of Us 2, and Astro's Playroom).

Japs caught the bingbing fever

Seeing you seethe endlessly is very fun. remind me, faggot-kun, how does it feel to be a shitskin?

At least they got cured of the pozz snoy cancer though.

When will Nincel virus in Japan die?

Oof, feels embarrassing to be on Nintendo's side

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I wouldn't compare them to the most ultra-woke company in the US... yet.

13 Sentinels Aegis Rim is one of those too.
Troons on parade paid by a company, not an actual user. Keep coping.

You should ask yourself, nintenbrown.

Me on the right

anyone got that image where the guy puts up the transgender cardboard cutouts on top of Dab Forums and cowers in the corner?

>not a single user
Keep coping lmao

>>massive game drought
Do incels really?

>Nintendo callout thread
>tendies immediately resort to talk about sony and spam the same parade pictures for the millionth time
You're just proving you have no arguments, all you can do is try to direct the attention somewhere else

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>that webm
Keyed. Every second of it, just keyed

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Why do you post your family album?

>comparing a full remake with the best graphics in gaming to an emulated rom with higher res


it's just an upscaled port with a new control system.

Hey there, you seem to be confused, can you tell me what console my pciture is from? I think it's a tranny getting fucked in the ass. Is it on the Switch?

Attached: the last trannies 2.png (484x303, 172.06K)

>ninceldrone doesn't know the difference between remake and remaster
>not a single user
Ooph. this webm shuts down your entire spam lmao

>Trans people bad
Jesus christ chuds need to get off this board. Unlike nintendies who freak out about politics, Sony embraces LGBTQ and BIPOC culture, and this is a good thing. Polls show that the majority of people agree diversity is a good thing for society. The lack of diversity is what makes Nintendo games so boring and soulless. Look at the cast of something like TLOU2. Full of different ethnicities, different sexualities, different religions, and each of these give characters interesting perspectives and motivations. Meanwhile every Mario and Zelda character is just white.

>Why do you post your family album?

Attached: eee.jpg (647x740, 53.59K)

Nintendo’s stock price is currently the highest it’s ever been, exceeding peak Wii/DS from October 2007 except a much more stable, gradual climb. Market cap is all time high. They have record high revenue and also profit. Even taking inflation into account. They are the number one software publisher as well as the number one console hardware manufacturer. The Switch continues to set monthly sales records that haven’t been seen since the Wii set them over a decade ago. They have a themed theme park land at Universal Japan and under construction at the other parks. They have made a lot of money off of licensing their IP and there is a Mario movie coming out. Their war chest is almost $10 billion. Their mobile experiment, although disappointing, still generates gatcha cash with minimal effort. They ported most of their failed consoles games over and exceeded sales, in some cases like Mario U and Mario Kart 8 by a significant amount. They’ve come back from the dead multiple times, have made some of the best games of all time and have one in every era, and they don’t give a fuck about your uninformed opinion on their decisions.

$60 for a port of Skyward Sword isn’t going to do them in. It will sell 5 million or more copies. The joycons sold out in 5 mins because of scalpers.

And people are worried about their uncertain future and whether they will be able to keep it up or compete or if they will become a software only company. Fucking morons

Nintendo's image is better than ever with normalfags, which is their core user base.
>swsh happens
Pokémon on my living room TV? Hype!!!
>massive game drought
Normalfags don't care about this, they're spending most of their time with friends and playing maybe one hour every other day.
>nothing but ports and shovelware
Wow, I didn't hear about this game or play it before, this looks fun!
>Paper Mario is still shit
I agree with you, but normalfags ate Sticker Star 3 right up because muh Bobby and "it's so pretty"
>trash p2p online
Normalfags are only playing Animal Crossing online
>Costs $20, you get ROMs
Wow, I remember these games from my childhood! That's so cool! And it's cheaper than PS Plus and XBL! What a deal!
>AC only appealing to Twitter teenagers
Factually incorrect. During the pandemic, I've worked at two separate corporations and the gaming chats are STILL on fire with AC talk. Many of my female friends in their late 20s and early 30s are still playing daily.
>3 roms for $60
Wow, I remember these games from my childhood! I can't wait to play them again, especially because I don't have those old consoles anymore
Normalfags are not watching Directs, they're reading headlines about the Direct on Facebook. And there's a lot of headlines about what else is new that's coming, so they're excited.

You're actually brain dead if you think they're image is decaying. It's quite literally only getting stronger, until they inevitably fuck up next gen with the Switch U.

>Nintendo’s stock price is currently the highest it’s ever been, exceeding peak Wii/DS from October 2007 except a much more stable, gradual climb. Market cap is all time high.
The whole economy has gone up, Nintendo isn't doing exceptionally well.

Maybe in Dab Forums’s eyes and a few "muh gaming ethics" subreddits where all it is is people bitching about the industry, but the average consumer doesn't care. They still see Nintendo as fun and magical. It's why Swsh was a success despite how much the internet complained.
Face it, you all lost and don't stand a chance in a battle against nintendo's public image.

>muh profits
this is Dab Forums not Dab Forums, no one benefits from nintendo making money with no effort
we're talking about game quality, they can stay alive forever, doesn't mean their quality isn't dead

Agreed, fellow lover of gays and transexual.

Nothing is better than ce;lebrating diversity. I'm glad that Sony is so upfront about it's love of ALL people (except white people)

Attached: Gaystation19.jpg (600x400, 77.19K)

>and an ok expansion releasing as a full game next year
Calling Splatoon 3 an expansion when we know almost nothing about it is retarded. I agree with everything else, but the people shitting on Splatoon 3 are actually retarded. At least wait in till we get more information.

>female friends

You will never meme PS5 to success

>Cannot post a single troon in front of a Ps4

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We don't hate white people. We want equality and representation for everyone. Most of Sony's protagonists are black outside of Miles Morales, and that's never gotten in the way of my love for them.

>Agreed, fellow lover of gays and transexual.
>Nothing is better than ce;lebrating diversity. I'm glad that Sony is so upfront about it's love of ALL people (except white people)

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>look at how trashy nintendo is
>b-bbbut what about this gay parade?
Do tendies really?

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This exactly the same as pre-Switch launch people spreading misinformation
and calling Splatoon 2 a port.

Get out of here with your business faggotry.

>and an ok expansion releasing as a full game next year
What exactly is Octopath Tactics supposed to be an "expansion" of?

the remake straight up looks worse than the original though


I'd rather pay $60 for a Wii game than $600 for a PS3 game.

If oshawott and tepig weren’t such ugly starters we would still have good games

I haven't thought about this. Maybe the reason why JRPGs are getting shilled so much by Nintendo is directly related to Sony leaving Japan and trying to appeal more to western pozzed tastes. They basically have Japan entirely for themselves now

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fpbp based segabro

Are ninceldrones this mentally ill?


Honestly, if you didn't see the warning signs by Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, there's no one to blame but yourself.

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Sony is still the king of JRPGs and jap games, you retarded ninceldrone. Nintendo only has coomer games

as much as i hate nintendo one is a full remaster while the other is the hd version

>nintendofags will be forever seen as retarded underage applefags now

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That's how much it costs to play Demon's Souls. It's not like anyone bought a PS5 for any other reason, seeing as how that's the only game.

Still begging for Persona 5?

>one is a full remaster while the other is the hd version
And yet the price difference between them is just 10 dollars, and we know demons souls will go on sale within a year
meanwhile skyward sword will remain $60 for at the very least 2 years

yeah, it costs at least $1000 to get a ps5
good luck convincing chadsworth69 to lower the price on his ebay listing

You're going to keep repeating this line as its library grows over the next few years just like with bloodborne. It's dishonest as fuck and you know it, literally trying to create an alternate reality for yourselves.

>Nintendo is succeeding at being greedy and milking me more and more for less content and quality, and that's what I consider a victory
holy shit they're literally cucks

Attached: 1584693539636.png (1080x1080, 1.1M)

Nintendo is working on something amazing that will totally blow everyone away.

This. It's only us turbo autists that care about the vidya industry that are upset with this shit.
Normalfags are just happy to play these new games. Animal Crossing brought in a fuckton of normalfags that have no idea these are all ports

If it isn't a switch on actual up to date hardware, I literally do not care.

Hentai game?

>mfw get mass reported for posting snoytrannies


I'm just saying that's probably the reason why they're shilling JRPGs, there's no need to be upset

I can play Persona 5 on PC btw

So why isn't xbox and sony seeing those benefits?

I have a PS4 and it has a decent library of ~20 games. There's literally nothing on PS5 right now and you literally paid $600 to play a PS3 game; probably more, since they're all being scalped and you just had to have the latest technology because you care more about muh grafix than actually playing games - or so it would seem based on the constant stream of these threads.

>videogame discussion
>spams trannies to derail thread and hide nintendo's shame
>reeeee why are my posts getting cleaned up?

Sony's stock has quadrupled since 2007

>he has to go back 14 years to see any sort of significant growth
loving every laugh

I mean, you talked about nintendos stock price in 2007 too, so not sure why you are being an autist now.

Splatoon 2 wasn't a port, but at the same time it added almost nothing to Splatoon 1. Can't even call it an expansion because it lacked a lot of the original games maps on release.

Base game was extremely barebones. Main story was mostly re-used assets from Splatoon 1 and the combat barely changed. The biggest addition being Salmon run. It took almost 2 years of updates before I'd have called it a true sequel.

I get it, i'm not allowed to show that Snoy is the home of trannies because it's an inconvenient fact.

Btw, I did 1 yr difference on both Sony and Nintendo stock. Both have only 2x since a year ago, so not sure why you say nintendos doing exceptionally well

>Sony's stock only 2x after a new console launch
>Nintendo 2x on a game drought and WiiU ports
Curious how did Nintendo's stock do a few months after the Switch released?

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It's the beginning of the end for them. Seeing their massive empire fall would be satisfying.

>it's another Nintendo is dying thread

I love my Switch

That's all they can do.

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Now you're just moving the goal post.
>nintendos stock went up so high
It didn't
>.... B But it went so high when no console release
I ain't debating with a goal post moving faggot, try again next thread.

Nintendo as a company isn't dying
their quality and image are
they'll stay afloat with retards funding them, but everything they'll release will be trash so it's not like we can really say they're alive anymore

Based. Sega was ahead of their time. They were the ones that had online play and DLC and shit first. They were truly the ones that brought innovation and new ideas into the industry. It shouldn't have been them. We live in the worst timeline.

people have been saying that nintendo's dying since the 64 released. with them being on their deathbed for so long you'd think they'd hurry up and croak already lmao

Name 2 97 games on the PS4

Go. you got 10 minutes.

Yep. Nintendo can afford to have 5 gamecube tier consoles in a row before having any trouble, but thats because they made so much fuckinf money with handhelds

I was asking a real question, retard. I have no horse in the console war because I'm not a faggot.

>being so desperate you cling to metacritic
now that's just pathetic

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The only people I know whomst own Sony PlayStation are blacks and third worlders

steve harvey family feud in 8k
bug snack
system settings
another skyrim port, thanks todd xox

Why do little Dab Forumstards sit around coping and seething about Nintendo daily?

yeah but imagine party babyz is better than god hand you tryhard faggot

That sounds like they remastered it.

The most correct opinion. Sega didn't deserve to die and the landscape would have been much better if Sega remained a competitor throughout the 2000s.

But then, you can EASILY find 2 97 for the Sony PS4 (or 5, i'm feeling generous) since the PS4 is a good console who released lots of quality games last year. You ccan certainyl back your argument, can't you?

ok journo scum

>Nintendo's image is decaying

Attached: nintendos image.jpg (1471x1379, 343.23K)

Nintendo is the Apple of video games. They strive because of brand and not much else. They don't release enough good games or even have enough good games on their high selling system to get the praise they deserve.

>stay mad sonyfag
I hate Sony too. Fuck off.

user please stop, Op is a faggot and he might kill himself if people keep showing that the switch is dominant.

>he actually gave a (you) to that blatant b8
holy fuck this site is retarded

If "E3" happens this year then yeah maybe. BOTW2 is either November/December or 2022.
Still waiting on dates for SMTV, Digimon Survive, and Rune Factory 5, etc.

I don't think you are coping very well.

Take some medicine and try harder.

Nintendo's fucking dominating and releasing hit after hit, and you can't quite cope.

your cope is shit

I didn't know decay meant sell 80 million units of a new console in 3.5 years and sell 30 million units of a village simulator in 8 months

We could have had IPs like Nights kick everyone's ass as well as having high budget Sonic games.....

i am the (You) fairy, watch me dance

>soccer moms buying games for their toddlers means nintendo has a good image

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It doesn't have tranny assfucking, so it's not a videogame as far as snoyponies are concerned.

I've come to the conclusion that Dab Forums will never, ever be happy with anything that happens. These threads have been made for 4 years now about the Switch and were made for 4 years about the Wii U.

this ''man'' is seething.

Why can't it cope ?

it's weird, because yakuza games consistently have huge budgets, but sega can't shunt a few milly over to its fucking mascot-bearinf, headlining franchise

>posts a doll
why do snoys wanna become tranny cum dumpsters

Imagine being this angry and this negatively obsessed with a company that's doing so well. It's not healthy.

>300 for a Switch
>70 for replaced joy cons
>70 for a pro controller
>100 on an SD Card with more than 200GB
>20 on a screen protector
>10 on a switch case
>59.99 plus tip for the shittiest Zelda
Guess it costs 630.00 plus tip to play any Switch game

Not that guy but you have no arguement. Stop proving his point.

>its fucking mascot-bearinf, headlining franchise
That's only true in America. America loves Sonic far more than Japan

Imagine feeling personally attacked when someone points out a company's bad practices
That is legitimately not healthy, your self esteem depends on a phone game company

They already announced botw2

you are this guy, and you literally can't cope.

Sorry man, i'm not a psychiatrist, i can't help you. Find help you are not mentally healthy.

>the only decent release for the rest of the switch's lifetime is a vaporware expansion

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Then why are Sega of Japan being retards? Just hand EVERYTHING they own about Sonic and lend it to SOA. They will do a far better job with Sonic than Japan will ever do.

Imagine feeling personally attacked when a company succeed, to the point on complete delusion and mental breakdown.

Do you honestly think that making thread here will stop the switch from selling another 25 million this year ? Please answer the question

>still cannot post a single image of a troon playing on a PS4

Attached: howcute.jpg (764x401, 92.55K)

It's a game, not a movie. Nintendo's cartoony artstyles serve a purpose.
If you tried to do a Zelda game with a Souls artstyle, it'd be impossible to find any of the secrets hidden in the environments. At a glance, a Zelda game makes it possible to tell what to bomb, etc.

Nintendo have really declined recently

Rise is next month, snoypony. did you learn to cope yet?

only manchildren buy nintendo products right now. believe me, i want to pay good money for a respectable pokemon game or metroid game or something but this soulless corp is totally content with just licensing bing bing wahoo so cucks buy their plastic junk and ports at full price.

>Just hand EVERYTHING they own about Sonic and lend it to SOA
That's what they're rumored to be doing with the newest Sonic game coming out. Why they haven't done it before? Gaijin hate goes deeper than you think

>It is over for Nintendo... 64mb and under carts... no third party... they can't come back from this... This is the end of Nintendo.

Hey there. i got a video for you ;)

Do note the classic PS4 audience, trannies, movies,

Not really. People like you have been saying this shit since the gamecube days and everyone keeps getting btfo. Only time Nintendo was fucking up was when wii u dropped and they still recovered.

>y yea well they are not gonna go out of business...but their IMAGE is RUINED!
>Well yea most people or as I call them IDIOTS still like nintendo products and will buy the newest system/mario/zelda/smash game but they dont count!

Why do people always say SEGA is dead? SEGA is still putting out good selling shit like Sonic and the Yakuza games.

Well that's fucking relieving to hear. Let America control the dev teams as well. If they are able to do that, then the future will start to look bright for Sonic.

I don't think the company has bad practices.

If you don't agree with paying 60 dollars for a Mario collection... Don't fucking pay it. Those games are old as fuck and you can buy them used and play them on their original platforms, or emulate them.

Nintendo isn't doing some kind of bad fucking practice for keeping it's IP's values high. That's why they are so fucking rich. People think their IPs are valuable.

But yeah, trans people bad.

They're not dead, but they are heavily not as big anymore. They mean that they are dead as in consoles user

Most people like Capeshit, does that make it good? Because that's exactly what Nintendo is, the capeshit of vidya

Because they did that before. It literally almost killed the company and forced them out of the console market.

This. I think a lot of Dab Forumstards don't understand that old =/= cheap. An older game with higher value means the brand is still relevant and worth a higher price. People see it as a premium brand. Mario is worth a fuckload of money and Dab Forums can't comprehend it.

Why is there so much cynism?

Agreed. One of the few subject where cristiannity and Islam can agree.

Remember when Dab Forums was jerking off Nintendo for never doing DLC,mobileshit,or charging for online?
lmao you dumb marks will buy anything, enjoy your Zelda joycons basedboy

Gaming is dead because outsiders don't get gaming. They are only happy to consooooooom all the product.

look at the retard buying all of the sucker shit

>$1000 plus shipping for jamal9000's ps5 ebay listing
>$20 more for shipping because jamal sent you sand
>$80 plus tip for a ps3 game where they fucked the art style
>$70 for a replacement controller because that one drifts too
>$14.99/mo for blacked subscription

come on now

Where did you go? Is it your dilation break?

>Why do people always say SEGA is dead?

Name 5 that are still relevant.

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>the capeshit of vidya
But that's literally Sony.

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Who built the cages Joe?

SONIC, not consoles. I know that SOA was retarded when it came to 1995-1997, but they were doing it so that they could prolong the lifespan of the Genesis. I can kind of feel sympathy for them. But they should have listened to SOJ and just have moved on. But Sonic would be MUCH better in the hands of SOA.

For gamers, you sure like to avoid talking about actual Sony games and focus only on the troons. But it's not obsession when you do it, right?

Plz dont link ur porn vids

This entire board is just kids whose parents bought them a console so they have to bitch about the one they didn't get to make themselves feel like they're happy with the one they did get. It's all throwing stones in glass houses. There's really nothing to brag about on either system, and it always invites valid criticism from the other side.

Next Christmas ask your folks for an xbox, no one gives a shit about the xbox. You won't have to stress about other console owners.

>popular thing BAD
>Buzzword prove this!

You do know that "Capeshit" characters have been iconic world wide for close to 70 years now right? Nintendo has been around for over 100 years. They became iconic on their own before capeshit movies became the current pop culture fad.


Capeshit video games are some of the best games of all time. But as for movies, no. Except the original Spiderman trilogy of course.

Holy shit all these boomers seething 30 years later cus their daddy didn't win kek
I love Sega and their consoles as much as anyone but how brainwashed do you have to be to still be seething to this day, "nuuuuu we didn't deserve to die this isn't fair :(" Sorry but the market doesn't give a fuck about fair, they just sucked as a company. Surprised you haven't learned that by now, pathetic.

PS4 is the only Sony console with exclusives selling more than 10M copies. Doesn't mean those games are good nor Sony's image is good.

If you honestly think marvel capeshit movies are quality entertainment, that's your problem not mine.
Comics suck dick compared to manga anyway.

Eh, I'd fuck a tranny if they had big tits and actually looked like a chick. Some do and some don't, but I think that one does look like a girl.

While one game will be $20 in about a year, the other game will maintain full price because Nintendo are the biggest kikes with the most rabidly loyal fanbase.

I never said anything about the quality.

Sega spent 70 million dollars on Shenmue 1 and retards still think their console death was undeserved.

I like all the replies complaining that you’re talking about business- because everyone knows gaming success is determined by whether bitter Dab Forums virgins like your product, not if it sells or is generally liked

The market didn't fuck them over, it was Sega of Japan. They literally drove their company into the ground just to spite Sega of America.

>"the capeshit of vidya"
>here is a capeshit game
>"doesn't count! They are actually great"
Maybe you just think it's great because you're one of the "most people" that "like Capeshit"

I think it's less about Japan going apeshit over Nintendo, and more about them completely abandoning Sony. When literally nobody buys the PS5 over there, you can bet your ass that it looks like Japan is going absolutely bananas over the Switch by comparison.

society is collapsing

Attached: fall guys.jpg (1000x562, 59.71K)

>Still begging for Persona 5?
Why would I want to play the weeb VN waifu simulator version of MegaTen when I can play real MEgaTen games?

>Console war thread
>people shitting on snoy
>saying ps5 is a flop

>talking about Sega

>Shitting on Switch

This image must make Dab Forums seethe and cope unbelievably hard.

Attached: seethe.jpg (1210x908, 236.03K)

>bought switch because "nintendo is gonna kill their handhelds for it"
>expected all the good handheld games to come out on it
>they only release their console shit for it
I've disliked nintendo's console offerings ever since the wii. FUCK.

This outdated shitty company should not have lasted as long as it has. The pandemic got a bunch of literal children and manchildren hooked on literal chore simulators and bottom of the barrel rehashes. Plus, what do you think "normies" spent their Trumpbucks on? I guarantee you it wasn't on rent.

>Streets of Rage
Yeah you are right...

>nintendo is dying thread #48573875385783
This is cope.
>In reality
>more popular than ever
>multiple 20M sellers
>undisputed game of the generation
>maximum profits
>most sought after, best selling console for 25months straight
>movies + tv-series in the works
>1.5M people LIVE during the direct
ok guys...keep seething.

>doesn't think Batman Arkham Asylum is great
Okay, you've successfully proved you're a pleb.

woah there hotshot you can't go swinging that much power around willy nilly

man i wish i had a saturn. shame the dreamcast wasn't backwards compatible with it.

>Nintendo's fucking dominating and releasing hit after hit, and you can't quite cope.
Do shitchlets really? LMAO.

they are greedy but they still make good games, its not really more deep than that, pirate them if you dont wanna give them money



I only buy consoles for exclusives or because Switch is portable. Until PS5 has games, but it has nothing to offer

Based, only poorfags and children engage in console wars.

It's because I own multiple consoles and a PC that I can say Switch has no good exclusives. Because I never play on the thing. I'm actually a bit worried the battery will go bad from constant storage, last game I played on it was breath of the wild.

I love the saturn but I can't justify owning one right now.

Where's your PC?

I just fucking realized. Vectorman was a fucking interesting ass game, so why the fuck did they never go 3D with it?

Well they are still alive. Probably.

Because it's SEGA and they let everything they had fucking die

>company x is dying
yawn, this is never the case. the reality is that companies are businesses and businesses don't always make decisions that prioritize the consumer. the accumulation and subsequent cashing in of goodwill in order to keep profits up is a balancing act that any long-running business needs to master. if you don't like it then don't give them your money. Nintendo was never the darling, innocent savior of all things good, they're a company with stockholders trying to make a profit just like Sony or Microsoft or any other company.

Careful. You get banned for not sucking nintendo's cock here.

Imagine having such brain worms you think this picture is any kind of “gotcha” lmao.
You’re probably uglier than everyone in this pic

>not including atlus

There was a 3D title planned for the Saturn but the Saturn got fucked over. There was also gonna be a PS2 game but it looked fucking atrocious and nothing like Vectorman. It looked like some rip off Halo.

>Just hand EVERYTHING they own about Sonic and lend it to SOA.

>Doesn't remember the Saturn launch
Sega of Japan just lost all the trust they had on SoA

the company in the lead always starts doing bullshit to see what they can get away with, and when they inevitably lose the lead they go full pro consumer mode to make goodwill, we saw microsoft do it, we saw sony do it and now nintendo is in that cycle. and il just keep repeating over and over.

>>after years of no direct we get one with nothing but ports, shovelware, and an ok expansion releasing as a full game next year
Just because the direct wasn't tailored for you doesn't mean others didn't like it

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STI made Sonic 2 and 3&K. What's your point?

I don't think Nintendo is "doing bullshit," just because they are charging extra for ports.

>>>after years of no direct we get one with nothing but ports, shovelware, and an ok expansion releasing as a full game next year

Monster Hunter
Mario Golf
Project Triangle Strategy
Splatoon 3
No More Heroes 3
Skyward Sword HD
Famicom Detective Club
Bravely Default 2


Smack yourself across the face and then shit on your own face. You truly sound like a brainlet.


personally i think their way or handling the whole joycon drift was pretty scummy, and animal crossing was pretty barebones

dont care about nso though so i just did the family group thing and pay like 3 bucks a year for it

>Sonic: autistic fanbase that will NEVER stop giving them money
>Phantasy Star: popular MMO
>Yakuza: increasingly popular series with steady releases
>Valkyria Chronicles: fairly popular, last game seemed to do well
>Bayonetta: Sequel on the way
>Space Channel 5: VR game on the way
>SoR/Puyo Puyo/Rez/Panzer Dragoon: all had recent releases that were well received
Sega's never going to be the giant they used to be, but if they play their cards right from here and actually make the fucking games, they could be in really good shape.

sorry meant to say "because i just did"

both pokemon entries were shit
mario odyssey, splatoon 2 and zelda botw were good, others were lacking
animal crossing is lacking desperately compared to other entries in the series

The Saturn launch was fucked over because SoA didn't want to lose the success of the Genesis. They had to move over forcefully and I agree that was a bad decision, but they would still do a better job than the Japanese Sonic Team devs.

Sonic, yes
Phantasy Star, no. Phantasy Star Online is not Phantasy Star.
Yakuza, yes
Valkyria Chronicles, no
Bayonetta, no
Space Channel 5, no
Puyo, yes

Try harder.

they also own atlus and persona is a money priting machine right now

I really dont get why people are upset. I have all my Nintendo consoles besides Switch and 3DS modded and I know how to use a computer. These rom packs are of no value to me. So I dont buy them.

You could.
You would be stupid not too.
Why are you mad lmao.

I preordered my copy of SS physically.

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Just because a company isn't losing revenue doesn't mean they are creatively bankrupted. Even dedicated nintenbros thought Nintendo was dying during the wii u Era

>thread is about the image of the company and peoples good will towards it
>yeah well they have money so fuck you
you’re a retard

did yall forget sega also published endless space? that shit's fuckin good

Even still, it's not "bad" because Nintendo's IPs are high valued. That's actually "good" for Nintendo. The consumer isn't getting ripped off because Mario is 60 dollars. That's just literally what Mario continues to be worth in the gaming market.

Why not? It's a classic hubris move. Skyward Sword was $20 on Wii U and it's a pretty common practice to charge less than full price for ports, especially for older games. They're charging $60 because they know people will pay full price for it. Self-confidence that goes beyond established norms. Hubris. It was the same for the Mario 3D Collection.

The fuck are you going on about I was implying I liked the direct you dipshit.

Define obsession. Aré you even a psychiartist?

I'm getting a physical copy too. Fuck digital bullshit.

SS was 20 on Wii U because Wii U was a flop and SS was a flop on Wii.

Do you know what market value is.

Snoytrannies victim complex in full display.

>SS was a flop on Wii.
I’m actually surprised by this. Did you guys know SS only sold like 5m copies? That’s fucking awful

Don't support any game console like a fanboy. It doesn't matter if you think snoy sucks or nintendies suck or mircoshaft sucks just stop riding these companies through heaven and hell. It shouldn't be that hard to understand

>thread topic is about video games
>mind immediately goes to trannies
>has a folder of gigabytes worth of tranny pics
I mean, I would call this obsession. If you don't think it's obsession more power to you. But I'll have to agree to disagree

It was at the zombie end of Wii.

Wii was especially impressive because it was a fuckign phenomenon for like 3-4 years then nintendo just dropped it suddenly.

It sold less than 5 million.

Dab Forums seems to have a hard understanding that SS is being put onto a platform where it will actually be "Worth" 60 dollars to consumers.

It's never been in that position.

It will keep it's value on Switch. So buy a physical copy to resell if you are that worried.

What I truly, TRULY, do not understand is why people get so hung up on the companies and the sales and the business aspect. Who gives a fuck about hardware and sales and shit. If the game is fun it’s fun. I don’t give a FUCK if the company has money or caters to trannies or the GRAFIX aren’t top notch or how many views the trailers got. You guys have all of the wrong priories when it comes to liking video GAMES

>is obsessed about other people having snoytranny pics

Obsessed much, tranny?

id argue 3d all stars was worth it even if a bit overpriced, specially since its the first time sunshine was re released, 60 for the worst 3d zelda (with seemingly barely any changes) is indeed way too much

that said im also not really seething over it, it ljust not get and if really wanted i can hook up my wii and download the iso

Imagine believing this

>then nintendo just dropped it suddenly.
Ironic you say that because a lot of casual consumers couldn't tell if the wii u was supposed to be a next gen console or just an add on for the wii

>>$60 for one single wii game with higher resolution (which you can achieve in an emulator with a few clicks)
The problem is that in normie land they don't know how to do anything with just a few clicks.
It doesn't matter if you buy or not, normalfags will buy anything for the dopamine hit.

that's Dab Forums for you. they are autistic and negatively obsessed.

they fucked japan pretty hard with the ps5 tho. First they force them to swap X and O, then force american standards on even japan only games.
If microshit plays their cards right they might breach the japanese market with the xss by being the non faggot alternative

this, i dont care about the company politics, if they make a good game at a price i find reasonable i buy, if not i don't and i move on with my life.

>It doesn't matter if you buy or not, normalfags will buy anything for the dopamine hit.

You mean endorphins? You fucking "dopamine" retards have no idea what you're talking about half the fucking time.

>did you guys know a tranny liked the splatoon 3 trailer?!? God what a shit game!

If you shit up innocent vidya threads with off topic Dab Forums b8 then yes I care or am "obsessed" because all I want to do is read about vidya and then you go ahead and post trannies.

Let's be real the Switch doesnt have a single system seller. The best game is BotW and that was already on the WiiU. Hell the Switch doesnt even have its own Mario Kart and one could argue Smash is mostly a rehash...

This is actually a good argument for simple upscaling. Demon's Souls' new art style is fucking horrendous and ruined the entire thing. Skyward Sword's simply improves visual fidelity and doesn't make things worse. How many remakes can you honestly point to that overhauled the graphics in a way that made things better?

The X and O switch is dumb. Your other point is just incorrect. See: DMCV uncensored in Japan, censored elsewhere. After a while it got uncensored in the US

heres your (you)

next time just ask for it directly

>Demon's Souls' new art style is fucking horrendous and ruined the entire thing

Lmfao, no it didn't. No matter how many Dab Forums threads tried to spread this idea.

>Nintendo has successfully positioned themselves as the Apple of gaming selling expensive trash and making money off retards who pretend any shit becomes good the second you slap the brand logo on it

This is in OP. Your argument is invalid. Now fuck off.

Aside from Odyssey, every game worth owning is a Wii U port. FACT

Impressive for a company that has barely made a good game in the last 10 years.

Nintendo bought 2/3rds of Bayonetta, 2&3. Only 1 wholly belongs to Sega.

he’s right

>Demon's Souls' new art style is fucking horrendous and ruined the entire thing.

Jesus fucking christ, you retards are still loose? I beat Demon's Souls on PS5 twice and the art style is fantastic. Game looks fucking incredible. I'm glad it was rebuilt from the ground up by bluepoint. You can sit here on Dab Forums all day and look at random fucking images that Dab Forumstards made comparing two random characters over and over again but when you actually play a game none of that matters or is even noticeable.

Tell that to their sales. Nintendo is doing fucking fantastic. Hell, they opened a fucking theme park for crying out loud.

If a game from a series as famous as LoZ was bad enough to flop on the Wii, one of the best-selling consoles of all time, then why on Earth would it retain its value after a decade? It was bad enough to get a 66% discount on Wii U, now it's back up to full price? Again, the only reason you'd charge that much money for a game like SS is because you have confidence that your consumerbase is willing to pay that much money. And that's some serious hubris considering just how mediocre SS actually is. At least for the 3D collection you could argue that they're all good games and that they're worth more by virtue of being bundled together. There's no logical reason to charge that much for SS outside of knowing people would pay it regardless.

You dodged the question.

>There's no logical reason to charge that much for SS outside of knowing people would pay it regardless.

Or, maybe, just maybe, Nintendo has a brand called The Legend of Zelda and they are not willing to devalue it by releasing what was a mainline game on their best selling system for cheap. They don't want people to question why a MAIN IP for them, one of the top 3, in fact, is so cheap. It will bring the entire brand down.

>w-well it's not worse!!!
lmao, the willingness of people to shovel garbage and shit into their mouths and pay for the privilege to do so will never fail to impress me

Dab Forums can't cope with the Nintendomination.


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>every game worth owning

hey there, just here to say you are a faggot and you should kill yourself

Just think, 4 months ago we thought Nintendo was ultra jewish for selling an N64 game, a GCN game, and a Wii game for $60

Nintendo actually makes fun games though instead of shitty furbait.

>>massive game drought
I like how people say this as if Nintendo are the only ones having droughts.
PS4 has been out for like 8 years and only has like 2 worthwhile games.
The Xbox is just dead
I can't even remember what game I last bought on PC before Valheim

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>Game looks fucking incredible
user just because you have low standards doesn't mean others do. People have posted many examples why it's shit

>none of that matters or is even noticeable
lol. Seriously what do you think of Shadow remake? It was also shit but I bet you think it was perfect too right?

Skyward Sword on Switch will have improved graphics and gameplay.

Commence cope Sonyshit.

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very, VERY nice retort user. Please list off those amazing switch exclusives that aren’t Wii U ports then

nigger I’ve been a Nintendo fag my entire life, links awakening was my first video game. SS is EASILY the worst Zelda game and definitely did not earn those scores

This but in reverse. Fuck Sega, awful devs.

>Blizzard fucks up
>gets shat on and forced to fix things
>Sonic movie fucks up
>gets shat on and forced to fix things
>Nintendo fucks up
>noooo don't be mean to nintendo, please nintendo take my money, I'll take all your no effort cashgrabs

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Shit and Shite is Game Freak who hasn't let Nintendo help since Gen 1 out of pride.

Nintendo is the only company that can make legitimately scummy and greedy decisions and people here on Dab Forums would still defend them.

>paper mario is still shit
>$20 gets you shitty nes roms no one will play for more than 5 minutes
>animal crossing comes out, only twitter teenagers find it appealing
>after years of no direct we get one with nothing but ports, shovelware, and an ok expansion releasing as a full game next year

This is when you know you’re projecting. I do agree on Nintendo being comparable to Apple, however.

Let's cut to the chase, i'll list game, you'll say they don't count, i'll call you a faggot and you'll continue seething about Nintendo as they sell another 25 million switch this year

Anything to add?

>devalue the brand
That's fucking retarded. Everyone mentions this hypothetical argument but I seriously doubt this has ever actually happened. Who the fuck is going to see a port of a decade-old game being an actual reasonable price and say, "Wow, I guess the Legend of Zelda is for POOR PEOPLE. I'd better buy a more expensive game, like Ratchet and Clank!" If they charged $40 for this instead of $60 it would only result in more sales and goodwill. It's not like they need to be concerned with making money back. Overcharging for a port of an old, mediocre game damages the brand way more than charging less than full price for a game that has no reason to be full price outside of confidence in your consumerbase being retarded enough to stomach whatever you throw in front of them.

>>Only knows Sega as Sonic

What did they fuck up, retarded faggot?

wtf are you talking about. Nintendo gets more shit than any other company, it's the most BS excuse people post. It doesn't matter what generation it is, it's always been true. Even back in the day it was all about what a "monopoly" they had just because nobody else created a decent console. Now with more competition than ever other companies fucked the whole market and made it worse for consumers

im a nintendo fan but you seriously cannot be defending this shit right now...

yeah i mean the apple influence is pretty obvious, its a shame because i love their games but it seems that putting everything at 60 bucks (aside from a few games like cap toad) is not going away anytime soon, hopefully nintendo selects aren't too far away

Even the worst Zelda game is better than most video games.


>>Dreamcast was an underrated masterpiece of a console that brought many innovating ideas to the gaming industry like online gaming and DLC
Yeah, shitty devs am I right?

hope they go fucking bankrupt

Smash ain't a rehash. But otherwise I agree.

>make massive consolewar shitpost
Don't you ever get exhausted?

Literally no one cares about Xbox in Japan. PS5 Digital sells 500 units a week. Xbox sells less than that with both XSX/S. And no one fucking cares about X/O or tranny pandering as long as it is going to have games they want to play.

>I-I'm a Nintendo fan!

You seething kiddie shitters will never grasp your own utter fucking irrelevance.

Watch Skyward Sword on Switch get rave reviews and sell millions.

You'll be here seething about it. LOL

The amount of delusion when it comes to Nintendo on this site is incredible.

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Just to give a recent example, Miitopia being $50 is a travesty. It’s an underrated game, but it’s a lot harder to convince people to buy it at that price. I might double dip if it was cheaper, but st this point I’ll just wait until Nintendo does a rare sale or something. Skyward Sword HD being $60 is stupid too, but I can at least see the logic behind it if you pretend it’s on the same level as Wind Waker or Twilight Princess.

I agree fellow Sony fan.

>It's okay when Nintendo does it!
Every time

>animal crossing comes out, only twitter teenagers find it appealing
kinda killed your entire point with this bit of nonsense

new horizons is already the 15th highest selling game of all time and it's been out for less than a year

>it's just an upscaled port with a new control system.
Remake = different software engine
Remaster = same software engine with modifications

for real i saw miitopia and was pretty excited since i wanted to play that game and never got around on it 3ds then i remembered it would probably be overpriced, i might still pick it up if i can find a discount on amazon which usually sells nintendos games for like 10 bucks less but its still stupid that its 50

And what does that OP have to do with trannies or politics? Remember how I said you're obsessed

Pinche joto.

Does what ?

Haven't you played Mario Furry Adventures Wii U port yet?

Agreed, fellow Sony connoisseur.

Fuck your mom


This is a shitpost thread, little faggot. Are you implying otherwise?

PS4 has 2 system sellers, not 2 worthwhile games. There is a difference.

No, it definetly only has 2 worthwhile games.

Yes. What a shame.

>While one game will be $20 in about a year, the other game will maintain full price because these other AAA devs know their games aren't worth the disc they're printed on but stupid people will buy it anyway and the lower it goes the more stupid people will do so

Handhelds. Sony killed theirs and Nintendo went all-in on it.

>its another snoy schizo thread

Ps+ is only 30$, are you poor?

>list things that happened
>massive console shitpost
The absolute levels of cope