Are some mods worth it for playing this game?
Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker
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when will my wife get added to the trust system?
not relevant.
Fuck you nigger.
Nigger there was no need to make this thread since you aren't talking about any updates or any new information, go post this shit on /vg/
>mentally ill jizzbrain shit mods
that's not even sexy anymore, it looks fucking retarded like OP and his gay face
just telling you the truth.
so when's 5.5 coming out?
I have to agree with this nigger for once. You mentally ill trannoids are not welcome in Dab Forums
hey user... DC?...
I'm not trans. But you might be.
>n-no you...
Levez vous
nice knee
plot twist:Hydaelyn is the sun
Will we get any actually new side battle content that isn't another fucking Diadem and half-assed """raids""'? A new Deep Dungeon would feel like a breath of fresh air for midcore content but that'd be retreading old ground which this game already does in spades. It's like they stopped trying after Heavensward because they fixed ARR's formula.
I want something where if someone dies they're kicked out. Something where people are a resource so a clear hinges on healers not being fucking gay.
Anybody got a stupidly high res version of Hydaelyn and Zodiark? I don't have it in 4k and am lazy
>Don't go to the /vg/ threads cuz it's full of retards rp'ing and avatarfagging
>XIV threads pop up more here and they're comfy at the start
>Now they're the same garbage as on the general
I hate every single one of you.
Those would sag and flop all over the place
So Delubrum Savage
The new Bozja raid has a savage variant where if you die, you must be revived under a time limit or you're kicked out of the instance.
That's what Delubrum Reginae does. If you die, you're dead, no raises
If everyone dies, the duty fails and its back into line waiting for the discord clique to let you in
Getting mixed messages here
Is it one and done or is there a time limit to be raised?
the latter
also standard raises don't work, only specific lost actions let you rez
best boss theme.
Stormblood was really a great expansion.
I'll give the team props, Lost Actions brought something this game sorely lacked and that's customization. Having optional abilities and buffs made XIV feel like an actual MMO instead of a glorified single player dress-up VN.
Gotcha, so it's similar to Baldesion Arsenal, only you have an actual Raise action as opposed to a Healer using Sacrifice and hoping their Reraise pops
>A few objectively correct options
>Everything else is worthless filler.
Nice customization.
Apple bottom JEANS.
Was fully expecting the Ronkan Ruins to be the new Deep Dungeon. It would actually have been perfect.
bros... I don't want to leave Amaurot.
is Gshade a mod? either way it's good.
there's also the defined mods
Does /vg/ really suffer this much from RPing, or is it limited to specific generals? I only visit Minecraft threads there.
>Lost actions
>Which already existed before bozja
>implying all threads on Dab Forums talk about updates and news
>implying most of them aren't either just bad shitposts, coomer thread or just talking about a game in general
lol go fuck yourself kid
What is with the amount of Futa mods? It's like, 75%+ of lewd mods are Futa.
/vg/ is really bad
Everyone knows eachother by names, cliches and all that bullshit are there too
it really doesn't.
it's mostly just people shit posting social stuff.
On Valentine's Day they literally had an auction to sell each other to RP. Also they were price fixing and in buying soooo yeah
user /vg/ is nearly on their 4000th Katawa Shoujo general thread. That should tell you all you need to know about the mental state of the people who post there.
lots of weeb dudes plays this game, why do you think there's a shit ton of futa mods?
Two wrongs don't make a right.
that's honestly all "customization" in MMOs.
FFXIV is mercyful enough to just skip the false choices
There's literally nothing wrong here, Dab Forums has no fucking standard when it comes to threads, it's all basically shitposting or banter.
You're just pissy a game you don't like has a thread on Dab Forums
I guess /mcg/ is sort of a safe haven.
>4000+ general threads, each with over 750 posts, for a visual novel
That's scary.
>people doing silly things on valentines and socializing??!?!!!
also imagine getting pissed that people RP in a MMORPG
Nigger please, I like this game I just don't like it when /vg/ leaks out
It's basically a containment thread for masturbation addicts, attention whores and Discord trannies doxxing and backstabbing each other because X didn't ERP with Y so Z cut themselves. When anyone talks about XIV's trash heap of a community, xivg is one of the best examples besides raid/meta shitters.
I never see these posts in wow threads, despite them being just as shit.
Why is that?
its fine that its recycled shit, but dont act like its something new or even remotely fresh when its year old leftovers retard
>waaaaa /vg/ is scary
imagine being scared of a board.
Post lewds for me
this, /vg/ is leaking. i'm ok with jannies shutting this thread down and waiting a week until the trannies go back to their general.
The auction was ok but people fucking with the event so they can get the rp partner they want is another thing
Yeah, the femboy mod.
Anima weapon grind is shit! SHIT!
/xivg/ will make you feel like you're in an aslyum filled with dementia ridden old people who can do nothing but repeat the same words on loop like a fucking broken record. It's the same shit like OP but every day and every fucking hour with only minimal discussion of actual game related shit. If not that then some stupid drama of the month because niggers be mentally ill. It's all so tiresome
/vg/ tranny spotted
we dont like you obnoxious faggots
You sounds obcessed user
>expecting actual discussion of games on Dab Forums
How many Dab Forums threads have you been in? You fire punch retard?
it's a pedo mod, reskinned as femboy so trannies don't lose it, very funny
Only HD texture mods and reshade are worth it.
Pedo mod? Where do you even get these? Discord?
I mean I feel the same way about Dab Forums, /xivg/ crystaloids are just 5 times worse
>Steam version
I'm so sorry user
Recommend me some
April 13th
What HD textures do you use?
*Part 1, they're splitting it
>HD body texture mods
>HD Hair texture mods
>HD spell/item icon mods
As soon as we get HD armor texture mods the game will be perfect.
Wow the ffxiv manga adaptation is pretty great
uhh..hnngh.. sauce?
I think he told you. It's the Final Fantasy XIV official manga adaptation....
(C79) [MonkeyPinx. (Edih)] GRIDANY (ファイナルファンタジーXIV)
I've been thinking about getting into XIV recently but PC is shit and I would have to play on my PS5 and I'm not sure if the console version is playable at all?
It's not. Play Strive instead.
I hear the console version is fine, you can even plug in a mouse and keyboard if you want.
It really isn't that bad. I never had any issues with it, and you get to pay for your sub with your steam wallet if you happen to have any pennies made from steam cards bullshit.
Your computer cannot be any shittier than a PS3 which the game was originally designed to run on. You should be able to at least do the free trial which is just base game+first expac.
how long until these threads get completely taken over by /vg/ mental illness and the jannies decide to ban any xiv thread again? i'd say maybe another week tops
Hey I like those tits and that ass alot can you post more please?
it's garbage, play strive
I am but they went on maintenance.
Nice I didn't know that. I would have to get a kb&m setup in my living room so that can be challenging but manageable I think.
My PC is less powerful than my PS5 so that's why I'm thinking of going console on this one if the game is playable there.
Shut the fuck up
Just embrace it sweaty, no real content until 6.0, nothing to talk about
ps5 is garbage you can't bot in the game. pc is for chads and you can bot and other third party tools
then what's the point of xiv threads outside /vg/ if there's nothing to talk about you flaming faggot?
Vg makes people demented for some reason. Even twg went to dogshit with ratposting avatarposting.
Aside of once and awhile going to shit the vrpg XIV threads are fine. There's just something odd about VG threads that become like a forum in the worst way possible.
>this is what an average asian woman looks like
based vidya, not like these western cuck devs
more like no real content until 6.1
raidfuckers btfo
Pretty sure botting would be against ToS.
eh, 6.0 will at least give us a new savage even if it will be piss easy, 5.5 is going to be a new 3.1
posting cat and lizard girls
>Thinking Dab Forums does not have mental illness
Kek boi if anything Dab Forums is worse, all the autistic screeching and shitposting non stop on things you supposedly like
oh no not the ToS noooooooo stop it not the ToS Ahhhhhhhhhh
lmao this guy cares about the fucking ToS. fucking buttlicker.
>posting cat and lizard girls
absolute shit taste, go back to your general tranny
I haven't even got started and you're already telling me to break ToS.
How fucked is the community in this game?
>75%+ of lewd mods are Futa
90% of modders are a mentally ill liberals
>don't go political
I'm telling how it is
rampant botting, clear sellers 24/7 in party finder, pvp wintraders, to sum it up, extremely fucked
jesus christ what game do you actually follow the ToS? lmfao. I just do a quick "will I get caught?" no, okay then I'm modding/botting. Except fighting games. that's some honor.
it's 100% playable, you can even plug in a keyboard and mouse if you want to play with that.
Also they're gonna open the PS5 beta in april and you can play with your PS4 copy until then on PS5.
the upgrade from PS4 to PS5 version will be free.
Nah he is a rampant retard. I report every bot and RMT trader I see.
I also report people who talk about using those things in-game.
>eh, 6.0 will at least give us a new savage
>it will feature Lahabrea
Is this your first MMO? There's always botters.
>report a botter
>they figure out it was you because you targeted one of their bots
>you get reported by 100 bots and get permabanned within the hour
dude so many people break the ToS and dont even get banned its fucking disgusting, from rampant botting to autoclicking to buy a house and then accidentally buying a bunch of fish for 1m gil each because of your autoclicker and having the stupidity to post about it on the official forums
yet if you tell someone to play their class right you'll get a stern talking to and maybe a suspension
no one cares about breaking ToS. dudes were botting since back when northern thanalan was the place to level with fates. no one gets banned for it. hell it took months for that one blm who was obviously spellspeed hacking in raids and pvp to get a temp ban. only way you'll get banned is if you hurt someones feelings and they report you.
Dilate roe tranny
This is the most retarded thing I've read in a while.
This bunny is in my old FC
>i report every bot and rmt trader I see
>I also report people who talk about using these things in-game
good goy what a good good goy gooooood goy. lmao fuck off will never catch me im too hayai (japanese for fast)
you don't pay my sub.
>he doesnt know about ptom
oh no no no, enjoy getting buttslammed in mordion gaol by a catgirl gm after even so much as looking at a bot
Remember to support /ourguy/
>tfw want to play ffxiv in windowed mode like the good old days when I played ffxi
>can't get used to it and go back to fullscreen windowed mode
ahh...i miss full comfy playing at 1280x720 because my shit pc can't run it at full screen
you will never have catgirl ears, you will never have a cute face, you will never have a slender figure and have people pet you by virtue of simply existing, you will forever be a 30 year old balding man with weight problems, kill yourself
Rework MCH again.
>no hd armor mod yet
when please baby
funfact: ffxiv still runs on windows xp just like ffxi
While mods make some of the textures more tolerable, re-shade is a must. It basically comes down to how many filters you use, and how taxing it is on your system.
>leveling DRG
the job quests really don't make sense when you do them after HW
hell yeah being a MCH is great, it's like a new job every expansion! hahahaha...haha...ha
So between this and Eden Shiva (Since we now know Eden was a Ascian thus would likely provided accurate Hydaelyn Data along with what Ryne envisioned her as) we can pretty much conclude Hydaelyn Femdommed the FUCK out of Zodiark and definitely stomped on his dick, Right?
We are getting a new dps every expansion baby.
mch should be worse rdps than every caster and brd at least
hell there's even mods that let you straight up see the invisible aoes that exist in the hardest fights (savage/extreme/ultimates) making the fights a lot easier
I wonder if a high end computer in 2008 can run this game. ahahaha
any tips on which reshade preset I should use? I assume it's mostly like ENB. How much FPS does it eat up? I'm doing a full 60fps in hunts/raids with everything on max at 1440p and idk if It'll be worth it.
Hey how, I'm not balding
Does that still exist? I'm just mad over paisley park because throwing waymarks in the middle of a fight was actually pretty useful.
the game is so dumbed down at this point you could play it with voice activated macros
you would be in perfect company with the playerbase
I have it at 80 but I don't really use it for any difficult content.
what's peoples problem with it? it seems mostly fine.
That's androfirm you're talking about.
I don't like reshade because each area is designed with a certain color palette in mind, and reshade seems to just normalize it across the board.
damn reshade looks like that? it's shit
old mch was pretty much dementia inducing with how the ammo and overheat systems worked, there was a lot of potential but SE in classic SE fashion decided to remove everything interesting about the job and dumb it down to a 1-2-3 job instead
Remove Machinist
Add in Corsair
Is anyone modding the armor in this game?
yeah? that's the same mod
the heat system is fucking garbage but the ammo was cool. bring back HW MCH
>reshade off vs reshade on
Enjoy the scythe character.
I just want a job with a gun that is good.
The colors are really washed in XIV.
It's this.
The heat can stay like this, but I miss the ammo and gun mage
Does the revolver of the wanderer use the special reload animation for anything now?
Nope, neither does Ferdinand.
eh, similar, a lot less gross I guess
Damn. I hope the ammo comes back for endwalker. This was my first 60 and the job I was most hyped for going into HW.
>the special reload animation
Nice crushed blacks doofus lol.
left honestly looks better, I don't like how "harsh"(or whatever it's called) right is
what preset?
ripped from google because I never made my own pic or gif of it
MCH had an ammo mechanic in HW and SB that made your GCDs do more damage, you had 2 actions to load bullets into your gun "Reload" and "Quick Reload", Ferdinand and the Revolver of the Wanderer used to open up when you used those.
I use gshade and some icon/hair/body 2k resolution mods to make the game look nice.
The one on the right reminds me of when AA is turned off. It makes things have sharper edges and I think it looks bad. I prefer the left as well.
high poly feet and arms is a must.
What boots are those?
Here's a vid of the Ferdinand version
Something that isn't stupidly designed so it's not a pain in the ass to find people for it
Made for xaela bulls
I hope the new scythe job is cool, I've already made peace with the fact that we're never getting a real gun job
what armor?
I hope it's actually in maiming gear.
they're probably gonna add a budget corsair from xi in the expansion after endwalker since phys ranged badly needs a new job, its probably gonna use a lot of the scrapped mch animations
I've been working on one and it hasn't been too bad just doing it casually. About to start the light grinding stage which sounds like the worst part though.
Oh damn never knew that, kinda wish I played MCH more in SB.
I just want the option to use weapons 2 handed so I don't look fucking stupid shooting a 6 foot rifle like it's a pistol
Looks like Shire.
Tell me about your friends in the game? How are they handling the covid era?
Yoshi's confirmed it'll share gear with Dragoon during the last live letter, or maybe it was in an interview, I don't remember
Already confirmed, yoshi is an idiot, drg players are all kain cultists who will never play another job, should have been scouting
The game is not american enough.
Wait until we get the AMERICA expansion.
>played MCH more in SB.
haha, no you don't.
kill yourself /vg/ tranny
>I wish i was in TEA right now
>my feet hurt
>they dont know I am the ultimate legend
>tfw no ultimate until 6.1
>he wants Maiming to be exclusive to one job
Fuck off retard.
No thanks
No you don't.
It was alright in HW.
Wildfire must be deleted, until that MCH always will be shit.
Oof no friends
Why not since drg only play drg, now only nin suffers
PS4 has framerate issues in larger groups but it's easily playable. Game works perfectly fine with a controller once you mess around with it a bit.
>Wait until we get the AMERICA expansion.
I can't wait to go to America bro
That /vg/ crystaloid doing ultimate, now that's a funny joke
You are going to be a cowboy and you are going to like it.
And maybe we go to australia later.
I just remember seeing it was a new melee and the belt thing, might have been in the followup. Either way, neat.
What have people pieced together from the shirts? Still betting on necromancer or something?
how good is he at sucking dick?
Can't wait for all the virtue signalers to throw a shitfit about the not!Indians.
you raise a good point
It comes down to what filters you use. I play on an oled tv, w/o re-shade the game looks like a blurry washout mess; sadly, a screenshot can't convey the vast amount of difference.
At first I used stormshade, but I made my own. Since you are floating at 60fps, I wouldn't, but It never hurts to try.
If you use it in the future, get FFKeepUI/FFRestoreUI, Depth_Cues, as they wont come with your standard install.
This but unironically since it is canonically the Origin of Blue Magic.
America was canceled after all the trannies got triggered by that set existing.
It probably won't be that because of chinks, it will be reaper and just be an edgy fake drk