Strive Thread

Guilty Gear Strive Beta is currently down for emergency maintenance.

In the meantime, how have you GGfags been doing in the time you've gotten in? Kicking the shit out of people? Struggling to adjust to the very different feel?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>In the meantime, how have you GGfags been doing in the time you've gotten in? Kicking the shit out of people? Struggling to adjust to the very different feel?
Playing Eddie in +R to get angry about what I can't do in Strive and post it here


I'm super excited for this game to actually release. I hope they actually meant it when they said they might add crossplay to PC after release. The netcode feels really solid though.

>“Failed to download R-Code”

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Nice I'm still in training mode. Gonna keep practicing more zato shit.

What are Ky BnBs in Strive Beta?

That's hell of a period miss Rage.

>do training for a bit last night because it was late
>wake up to a broken beta
Extension when?

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Could you have possibly picked an edgier op image

watching ogawa and bdude's mixes and trying to xcopy/theorycrafting more possible mixes. I already got to the 11th floor because im a preordertard so im not too angry about the beta being fucked.

Are you using faultless defense? It negates chip damage and pushes them further back on block.

I've been having fun with Millia. I never played her in previous GGs though (Venom in Xrd and Testament in +R) so I don't have the feeling of loss coming from the older games. I did play a bunch of Xrd May and it's pretty disappointing seeing her in Strive. Xrd May was gonna be hard to top though.

Ram > Your main

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Yeah i do use FD but i kinda panic under pressure and start getting opened pretty easily

i preordered on PC before realising the beta is for console fags. why is the FGC so hopelessly committed to their poverty boxes, forcing them to pay for online and buy new $100 sticks every generation?

it's not like you need a good PC either, you can run ArcSys games on a calculator watch.


Potempkin is legitimately busted and needs to be nerfed

Does it not work on specials or something? I felt like I wad doing it to a Gio but hse wasn't getting pushed at all. I couldn't tell if it was not pushing her on her specials or if it was just that she was doing another move so fast that carried her back to me.

>Sorry Jam, Ky's taken by obviously superior woman.
>But you can settle for his son instead as he recently got cucked lol


>But you can settle for his son instead as he recently got cucked lol


HPB is that long to give the opponent time to plug his ass

is ram supposed to be literally 360babbymode to play as

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Is zato still negative edge?

At least let me in training mode PLEASE

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>He doesn't know

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notice how they attack
this guy opens up with aeriels
see the jump
block high

whenever this guy runs at me, he does sweep
preemptively crouch block

learn your punishes on your character. Some characters have supers that go through certain things or are invincible for a certain amount of frames. Also have patience, don't attack out of block without thinking.

>Loved AC+R
>Fucking Hated Xrd
>So far I love Strive

I don't understand.

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Just keep using FD. Eventually she wont be able to move forward with her moves anymore, and you can get back to it. Watch for that overhead tho, its plus.

It’s because she thinks Leo’s cool. There’s fight intro where Ram’s response to Leo is “So cool...”

If you do IB+FD it works kinda like a pushblock as it has the most pushback.

I played the beta last night for a few hours and I will not be playing it again. There is nothing good about this game. Even the neutral feels like shit. The slowdown on every hit makes hit confirming way more difficult and completely destroys the flow of the game. Up back is basically impossible to stop in any meaningful way and there is no offense to speak of. The entire game is designed around what you can't do instead of what you can. It's a flaming pile of shit.
The battle designer mains Pot. Good luck with that.

I already hated Leo back in Xrd
Now he's on the shit-list

ye, but u gotta do microshit 2 git gud 4 real

>my best punish for hammerfall is 2P
>no punish for megafist even on IB
what were they thinking?

>down for maintenance
is that why i cant fucking find it on psn?

Rambros, can you share some combos with me?
I'm not converting my hits or counters into anything except another poke or rekka, I need more.

what do you like about it.

I'll wait for Strive Revelator

Yeah and women generally wanna fuck the cool dudes

it's just hype/conman feels. give it about two months and you will probably be back to +R

how am i meant to chain into the afro grab, the range sucks

This user gets it.

You are supposed to throw hammerfall now before it connects. Try it out in training, it's not too difficult after you get used to it.
You can also throw punish megafist on IB, but it's a bit tricky because of the new IB timing

Will Dizzy fuck me if I stay in the refrigerator for 20 minutes

Well damn, I guess I can't blame her though; Leo is SUPER IMPORTANT and has a sweet coat now too.

Also, I thought that Ram wasn't going to call Sol Dad?

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>not understanding that keeping up at night means leo gives ram fucking nightmares

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No that's been an issue for everyone. Pretty much everyone has had to add it to their library using the PSN store on a web browser then downloaded it from their library.

nice, that's when my wife Dizzy will be released

>Grab does 40+% health

I know that grapplers are the hardest archetype to play and they tend to be bad so they wanted to make him strong, but this is just fucking ridiculous

>You can also throw punish megafist on IB,
I just remembered that I didn't attempt that just as I was posting it.

I've been re-reading Berserk for like the fifth time and shit's better each time, hopefully it ends someday

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I'm pretty disappointed they didn't put in English voices but I guess the game has a tiny budget so whatever, I guess

Thank you for the advice anons

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No more Ky grinders in the corner

holy fuck why is xrd's online so much worse than +R's
this is literally unplayable

It's gonna be in the full game

I can't believe that Ram wants to get Unga'd.

was sign really a flop?

>dont remember my psn credentials or the credentials for the email attached to it
guess im fucked

>t. Sin Kiske

Everything does fuckhuge damage in this game in case you didn't see. It looks busted on Pot because Pot already has high damage to begin with but the entire game has damage values that are too high

I wish more games went the Tekken route and had characters speak their native tongues. That's probably even more expensive though.

Any Nagoriyuki fags here?

How do you approach in neutral? How do I swat these Giovannas off who try to bully me? Help.

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Xrd is delay

You should have seen the old +R netcode, now THAT's actually unplayable shit

because you internet sucks.

Tekken also severely half-asses it and have been doing so since tekken s*x

Made me think of Kanji from P4arena, just eats HP

Don't worry, user.
We'll get rollback after Strive.

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the servers will go back online in 5 minutes

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strive is a fucking shit game
is xrd's online better on pc or what

me and my friend lived 10min across and he played on wifi. netcode before rollback was so fucking abysmal

Are you guys buying this for PC or PS4/5?

>The battle designer mains Pot. Good luck with that.
Literally the only source I've seen on that is posts in these threads. Not saying it isn't true but if you heard that from Dab Forums and no where else maybe be a little more selective with your sources. Nobody has even posted his name from what I've seen and when I google who the battle designer is on this game I can't even find any results.

I think you misunderstood my post.

It's only on PS4/5 atm.

is period blood that messy?

PC, consoles are overpriced af where I'm at

I haven't played one in ages so that's a little disappointing to hear. I always thought that was a cool touch. Guess it really doesn't matter though since I don't play Tekken anymore anyways.

The old +R and the steam version of Melty are the only FGs I've tried that are literally unplayable even on wired/ nearby connection

I'm gonna get it on PC

xrd netcode is so trash that if you live in east coast, dont bother playing with midwest. you are not even allow to enter west coast lobby at all.

Check Steam.

Man, ALL the bitches in this game want Leo's dick. It doesn't mean anything, he's just an uber-chad.


I saw omito doing abare 2p into the two hit launcher move and doing his usual combo route afterwards

for some girls, yes

Is it up yet?

>Faust mirror
>"Isn't it hard to see, with one eye?"
>"So you think so too?"
I got a chuckle out of that interaction. Are there any other unique opening banters like that?

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It's from the Japanese interviews. I can't remember his name either, but it's true.

what the fuck is an r-code anyways arcsys

>Calm down, it's just a beta. They wouldn't remove Chipp's teleports.
>The damage is high because arcsys always dials up the damage during their betas. It will obviously be reduced to normal levels at release.
>Shut up, doomposter! The UI is just a placeholder and will be fixed by release
It's been (10?) months and things haven't changed. Starting to get pretty worried, bros.

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>extreme pushback on launchers (on everything)
>gatling system universal, stronger airs have to be connected by ADs
all this shit together makes such a frustrating system
knowing all the shit that COULD connect if any one of these points were addressed is pissing me off

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It's just like your online profile they have of you I think.

Out of my head I can recall that Jam doesn't. May is full on Johnny. I-No - fuck don't know. Baiken would rather cut his dick right off. Dizzy belongs to Ky. Millia is into corpses. Elphelt literally wants to marry anything that moves. Jack-O is half Sol's and half retarded.

So who are you talking about exactly?

as Obama said yesterday, APOLOGIZE

I have tons of screencaps saved for when the game comes out. Going to be fun

>Millia is into corpses
Didn't she grow up from her emo phase at the end of Rev though

>it's just a beta
>can't even play the beta

>two hit launcher move
5S 5S?

user what about, delay based netcode dont you fucking understand.

At the very least, Giovanna has lines where she very openly has a crush on him.

I think he means 623HS

You hate Johnny and Elphelt but for some reason can tolerate Testament

Fuck chipp and fuck chipp players
The damage did get dialed down
The ui WAS a placeholder, however the new one is also shit

Ahhh faggots ,how good is the rollback implementation? Better or worse than +R?

bedman posters dont have the right to speak


not that many feels like, Faust got cool ones for sure

Ah that's right. You can connect to that from crouching P? Huh.

I'd say its on the same level, maybe better. It feels great, when you're not trudging through the awful lobbies.


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way better, probably the best out of any fighting game.

i get better ping with my cross ocean friends in strive than +R

It's hard to judge if it's better because of the different in-game buffers, but all my sub-100ms matches have been great (I've played about 50)

I don't get what the use of kicks are. Are they just long range pokes?
Never touched a GG game

It feels way different than any other GG. It even feels pretty different compared to the previous beta.
But I like it.
That said I'm sad about gatlings. They were kind of what got me into GG/fighting games more seriously. An easy starting point from which I learned actual combos.
Ah well.

Is it really so hard to get functional servers for your fucking beta?

Play +R then, its got great rollback.
Yeah, you can do P P 623HS 236K then go from there

i don't really get the ui complaints

looks good imo, especially the bars
the huge numbers are a little weird but get rendered behind the characters so its ok

counter is a little weird

Why have noone ever complained about bazillion bedmen pantsu shots? this is objectification or something

Is it live?

is there no zato/faust intereaction?

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Generally they're fast-ish moves with better range than your P buttons, can also go into command normals. They're kind of character dependent, for example Faust and Sol can use theirs as a anti-air

how can you even compare
+R has faster everything and batshit inputs


Shup up and die.

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I would very much like to successfully upload the R-Code.


RISC and burst meter need to stand out more

is it as painful as it looks?

play +R

>sol... Dad
Wait i thought sol was her and elphelts brother

It's ""better"" than what it was originally, but it still has a placeholder feel to its aesthethics. All they really did to the ingame UI was take the brush tool in photoshop and throw some random markings behind bars.

At least they stopped the burst meter from moving alongside the health bar, holy shit I hope someone got fired for that.

I don't care what you all say, my chimp brain sees the giant COUNTER and hears the announcer say COUNTER and I like it

you are wrong and retarded, stop talking

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anyone around here playing Millia? I like her sliding low and dive aerial, but they feel like her only ways of getting in

Good, now tell what character is the equivalent of a brazilian ken

>sol was her and elphelts brother
Nigger what
All Valentines are clones of Sol's wife

People always say this but I really don't feel it needs to be. DO you actually check your RISC meter often in a fight? It's nice that it's there but I feel like if you get how RISC works then you know when yours is getting too high without even checking the meter and even knowing that will it really change that much in how you play?



Attached: Unga Install.webm (640x360, 2.96M)

>play xrd
>delay niggercode
>yrc spam making the game run in slow motion
>fucking raven
+R niggers were right this game is fucking dogshit

How about you bait an AA with her great air moves

Pc will fix this

Someone needs to go to jail over how Dragon Install was done dirty in this game.

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Fuck you user

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it's literally BRIGHT PURPLE how does it not stand out
b-but muh HFB nerfs...!

Yes, it's absolutely crucial to know when you can get a free counter hit due to RISC during your pressure, you will make different choices based on it

Someone post the obligatory Johnny webm

Leo /sl0tx-q4BD8
Skip to 1:31

you wouldn't download an r-code

Why do I keep getting some Failed to download R code bullshit message?

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It's too small, I can't get the info easily with a side glance like in previous games


it just doesn't fit guilty gear for most people. The gradient isn't really harsh enough, the color pallete is a light peachs, whites, grays and other light colors. Guilty gear typically is pretty saturated in terms of UI. The UI doesn't scream the metal aesthetic. It isn't an awful UI, it does it's job but I don't like the combo, and I don't like the bar. I especially don't like burst. It isn't over the top.

playing this beta just makes me want to play xrd and +r instead desu

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usually is, it's like you did a bunch of crunches so your muscles are sore and then somebody also punched you in the guts on top of that

who do i play if i want to play street fighter

servers are down i believe. Also nice paprika gif.

Then do it.

>play 3d strike
>understand what's going on
>can do cool shit
>play guilty gear
>everything is fucking random and dumb as shit
>nothing makes any sense
>lose to fucking retards doing impossible to react to setplay
give me one reason to keep putting up with this dogshit series

Playing this beta? I still haven't even got to fucking play it

I'm on PS5.. when will this bullshit start working? What an absolute waste of fucking money.. can't believe I ordered the ultimate edition

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Play SFV, game's in a solid state right now tbqh


No, please go and stay go

that's anime games

>just guard
How much sooner can i swing after a just vs regular guard, also does a just guard increase the attackers end lag?

do you think giovanna will have enough depth to keep me entertained for a long time? I usually get bored of characters and switch often but here commitment is necessary for getting gud

just be spastic in the air, people will get confused
wish the pin was here tho

God Elphelt looks creepy


What's stopping you?

If you stick around long enough, they'll eventually homogonize the series to be basic as fuck for bitches like you

I always thought the older UIs were too abrasive so I like the cleaner feel of Strive. Previous UIs were over designed trash. Like if you actually think pic related is a good character select you should just shut the fuck up abs never speak again because you clearly have mental retardation

I was just minding my own business practicing in training mode, why did they have to ban me because of the network? :(

>do you think giovanna will have enough depth to keep me entertained for a long time?
I don't think anyone but you has an answer to that

you should download +r tho

The game clearly isn't for you.

3rd strike has more depth than the entirety of every nigger gear game put together
this game has no fucking footsies

Fuck, forgot my image. This char select is dogshit.

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Elphelt literally says brother what does this prove

you are just dumb slow casual, chill and play SF

you have no other options
just take the strivepill and stfu, you will learn to like it

Leave Pot alone


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you know, at some point you have to look inside to see the problems in your life. it isn't always someone or something else's fault you can't do the things you believe you can.

Why do people wank over 3rd Strike? 3rd Strike has very little mechanical depth. None of the SF games do. They're heavy on tech and neutral, but they're mechanically extremely simple.
If GG is so simple compared to 3rd Strike, why can't you understand it?

that's guilty gear. Its readable. It works. I can see how you'd like strive's ui more.

i'm eufag so PC. Couldn't care less about the beta, i can wait for the best version

>commitment is necessary for getting gud
way less then in usual ggs

I was able to reach beyond R code zone for 1 sec

if they're airborne after dauro you should be able to hit a 5K>dauro again or 5K>rekka>rekka for setup as doing the last rekka gives you more damage but you get a better setup if you IAD after the second rekka.
At a certain height you can do c.S 2S (whatever the sword from the ground move is) into a rekka + dash cancel into c.S into sword toss.
You can also do a 5K sword toss if you think you're close to the corner, even if it doesn't combo they have to block the explosion so its free pressure or free damage if they don't block.

>implying it isn't already with Strive
half the fucking characters should be labelled "Balanced"
only Nago, Zato, Faust, Pot, and Axl are truly different

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In Strive, instant blocking (just guard) does not affect frame data, it gives the defender a bit of meter and reduces the attacker's pushback

Because Turd Strike is a meme game for shitters.
>can block while moving forward
Pick one.


> overdesigned
which iPhone do you have?

I guess people had their shipper goggles on tight or I'm just an autist because I always saw it as familial/close friends. Any way, she probably thinks he's really cool due to him showing trust and concern without much thought? I don't know, even Sin notices her soften up.
At 2:15:30.

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>It was later discovered that she was infected with Treponema Pallidum(TP) since birth.
>The bacterium Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum (T. pallidum) causes syphilis.
Bros. Aria Hale, Sol Badguys wife, died from syphilis.
Wtf is this shit. Does Badguy still have syphilis too this day now?

Attached: GGXrdS_Aria_and_Frederick.jpg (1240x697, 1000.54K)

I'm just playing devil's advocate. I've barely played 3rd Strike at all, and my main game is SFV. I got into fighting games in 2016, and I play primarily SFV and SamSho.
That said, I'm interested in learning Strive. It's difficult to learn any fighting game at first, but it'll eventually click. I just feel like a lot of people talk about how good 3rd Strike is but can't really enunciate why.

what's your fightcade? let's play right now

Because Max shilled for it none stop for quite a while. I remember him wanking over that one.

What the fuck is an R-Code


I don't play 3rd Strike. I'm saying that if you're such a pro at 3rd Strike - a hard game, per your words - shouldn't Guilty Gear - an easy game, per your words - be easy to learn? And yet, you cannot.

it's an alright, I liked sign a bit more
and Elphelt's old costume

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give your fightcade

They really want you to download +r user.

You really should try other games because SFV and Strive are dogshit. Samsho is decent but the netcode is just straight up unplayable.
Why would I play the game that sucked so much ass it killed FGs for a decade?
How will they compensate exactly?

I did to support rollback then never actually played it just like everyone else

suck my dick
Xrd and +R's UI have tons of soul

Sorry I'm not brazilian.

They nerf chipp.

Chipp is just deleted so mains don't suffer labbing anymore

More time?

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nice dodge you fucking bitch
you are pathetic

Probably just extend the beta for an extra day

>the CLF tranny is playing strive

Shutting down the server was a hard decision, but it was all they could do to stop that villain from ruining Strive

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>i only want the most corporate clean and minimalist UIs possible

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nice fucking dodge AHAHAHAHAHA


bandana protects from syphilis

>Xrd and +R's UI have tons of sol

>nice dodge
>dodges the question

Likely a beta extension. Same shit happened with the FighterZ beta.


I like SFV. SamSho's online is definitely trash, but it's probably my favorite fighting games in terms of gameplay, so I deal with it.
I've barely been able to play Strive with the shit beta, but I think I'll enjoy it. I'm more concerned about finding what I think is fun and going from there. It's just stupid when people parrot the whole "blank game is superior and everything should be compared to it" when fighting games are so subjective. I don't like MVC, but that doesn't mean MVC is bad. An MVC fan might not like SamSho because they're polar opposites. You feel me?

But Pot is the one killing the game

Free season pass for all the affected players

>Love Ramlethal's design in Xrd
>Hate how she plays
>Strive Ram has an even better design.
>Most fun character of the beta

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people pretend to like 3rd strike because it gives them fgc street cred

You only like SFV because you haven't played anything better. Do yourself a favor and play other games.

You are not allowed to make posts that aren't strictly baits user, I'll have to take your Dab Forums card now
Jive is kinda shit though

>I like the cleaner feel of Strive
It's not "clean" at all, it's chaotic, full of random fonts and bad small, barely visable texts. Now it's just blander, simpler and more transparent. All menus are a clear downgrade from rev2
The only bad things about it are small colored portaits and lack of random button in the middle. Because robo-ky was canceled and arc decided to move from rev3 to strive instead

post that video

Rev's HUD is my favorite, I don't like the Rev 2 one as much.

Attached: GG Xrd Rev.png (1920x1080, 2.23M)

Ram's now a low floor/high ceiling character. She admires Leo's unga and is trying to be more like him.

FAB vs Tomo, both characters looking scary


The new character select and menus are better than Xrd's, but the actual UI during matches is absolutely terrible.

Like what? I don't like 3D fighters typically. Soulcalibur is an exception, but I'm definitely casual with that. Tekken doesn't interest me. I generally don't like anime fighters, but Strive interests me purely because of its similarities to SF.

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I just want to see Dab Forums lobby where everyone doing this

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feels like i'm at the zoo

>be ram main
>just randomly mash S and HS while buffering dauro
>do my 80% damage combo into wallbreak
my brain is so big

>All menus are a clear downgrade from rev2
Fuck off nigger
Outside of the HUD itself and the char select menus of Rev2 were much blander than Strive, did you really forget how shit the main menu was

>Jive is kinda shit though
not that user, but Jive was dogshit on release but really is a decent game now... it just took 5 years to do that. I won't how V-Shift will change things.

If Robo-Ky isn't in the season pass I'm going to break Daisuke's kneecaps. I need my weird postional, meter focused basic bitch character.

Why does Leo have a command grab

he needs it

>Be Leo main

The changes were nearly all positive for sure but they couldn't be bothered increasing range on most normals so shit being stubby is still a thing
Also I get that light into lights in 4 and its updates were really unfun but everything being about medium normals with like a few char exceptions also gets boring

then give Ram back her command grab.

Then how are you having issues learning how to play the game?

Overdesigned? This is a pretty standard character select screen to me, it just has some flair.

Chaos Code, KOF, Koihime, Alpha 2 would be the obvious ones.

why do devs always do this, i get not over buying servers so you dont waste money but holy fuck every single time theres a beta test they just get the bare minimum

I don't want to see Robo-Ky butchered. They will definitely dumb him down a lot and there is no way they not taking away his delayed wakeup.

monke grab :)

>I don't want to see Robo-Ky butchered. They will definitely dumb him down a lot and there is no way they not taking away his delayed wakeup.

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It's a worse version of ^C's.

>3rd strike has more depth
so you have never played third strike before? not even third strike players will agree with you on this.

At least it's beta and not day one.
Though it'll probably still happen on day one anyway.

He won't have any special mechanics, I can guarantee you. Maximum you will get is "hold button to get slightly more powerful version of a move"

Uh oh, he posted the silly face.

I feel like they would keep the delays and heat but make all of his attacks ridiculously easy to do and shoot at stranger angles instead of requiring the player to position themselves better.

nah, that'll make her too complicated to play

The battle planner for this game was a fucking Pot main, I don't know why people are surprised he is strong in this.

Ultimately, I'm not a massive fan of the art styles of a lot of fighting games, and that's what keeps me from getting into it. Maybe that's a bad reason, but it's just how it is for me. I've played KOF14 and I plan on getting KOF15 if its online is solid, and I'd play the Alpha games. It's just a commitment.
I also own Garou, but I have issues finding matches.
I'm definitely a fledging fighting game player, but I have won locals before in both SFV and SamSho.

why do boomers keep complaining about strive not being complex enough? Just play +R lmao

This game is so weird about combo timings, in some combos I've tried I could've taken a fucking nap in-between hits and still have it connect. But then basic shit like Gunflame into NRV needs to be frame perfect or else the game tells you to fuck off and try again.

Attached: WhyIsThisHard.webm (854x480, 2.99M)

But what does he have against my nigga Faust?

is millia too hard for a beginner? I like fast and mobile characters but i'm fairly inexperienced with fightans. I liked cammy in sfv

just kys dumbass lmao

So what's a dustloop

Pot vs. Faust has been typically a bad MU for pot, so revenge must be exacted

it's like a comedy routine

much easier than trying to do well with chippp

I like that the game is more neutral focused, a bit more slow paced and less focused on high combo numbers.
I think it went a little too far in terms of streamlining characters, though. I think even casuals would be cool with characters being a bit more gimmicky than they are here.

The boomers want new game that is basically +R reskin so they can complain about +R reskin and how good old +R was.
They don't play +R either

>Also I get that light into lights in 4 and its updates were really unfun
that is entirely the reason medium normal are the focus in jive. I am really curious as to how the new balance patch will work. it should be interesting at the very least.

If the patch makes the game a shit ton better than shit canning Ono was not only the best thing to but but should have been done earlier.

after trying chipp earlier today i can see why nobody wants to play as him

It's a loop that uses the dust button.
Like what Sol and Baiken does in the corner in Xrd.

>barely half hp combo from CH
what is happening

The thing I'll miss the most from the old UI is the same chain sound effect they'd been using for over a decade.

reminds me of the bullshit games you'll play in blazblue using unlimited characters with friends.

in strive probably not that hard, if you can handle a lot of dashing and jumping

website that give barebone analysis and frame data on anime games

Yeah, it's strange. I feel like they're actually going to end up alienating casual players by making even basic shit hard to pull off.

>the STRIVE will never be this good

>artstyle complaints
You really need to play good games at some point or just stop playing FGs.

I like Garou's sprites and aesthetic.

Is it back up?

>I like Garou's sprites and aesthetic.
Right, but the game is garbage. Same thing with KoF13.


only if you want to fuck around in training mode.

game actually looks like guilty gear in this vid


How did Arcsys manage to make the movement in this game feel slower than SFV?

The damage scaling is all over the place. The game clearly encourages you to poke and do shit on counter than actually doing combos

What's wrong with it? You keep saying things are bad, but you won't say why, and I still enjoy playing SFV.

thats a lie and you know it.

It's the ridiculous amount of slowdown every hit so that the camera can zoom out and go full dudebro.

I am going to be extremely upset if they don't delay the beta close date with how little the servers have been up for

any leo strats? I'm not sure why but stance is blowing people up like back when he was a new character

But you need connection to the server if you want to enter training mode

>go full dudebro
What does this even mean?

it's fast, but hitstop is too aggressive

>he didn't download the R-code

thanks and just in case you're a tranny ywnbaw

>just started to recover from Chitose's ending
>hey, maybe Guilty Gear will distract me
>Sin got NTRd by Leo

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Faust's Mix Mix Mix seems really bad, anyone have any tips on how or even if I should be using it? Most footage I've seen of Faust is mostly full screen thrusts and items.

It’s a beta not a demo stfu

Zoomer these days really don’t know what a beta is for. They don’t care how long you get to play they just want to make sure their shit works

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>Same thing with KoF13.
oh go fuck yourself. 13 difficult but is fucking great.

SFV is bad because the game is designed around not letting you do things and a few characters just ignore those limitations. The game is slow paced, time stop mechanics remove the reaction aspects and the hitstop make guessing games more into reaction based. In other, better games that are well designed, a very strong player can be guessed by their playstyle. This is more obvious in some games than others, but SFV is designed so that you can only play a character in one way or you will not win. Many games have this problem now and Strive is heading down the same path. Developers are now designing games with predetermined flow-chart scenarios so that beginners can have an easier time understanding how to deal with things. It does make it easier to learn, but it makes the game far less fun and makes it get old really fast. This is also a good thing for developers because they can just keep changing arbitrary bullshit or release new games and people will flock to it.

isn't Sin Ram's sibling?

Can't make sure their netcode works if no one can fucking play

It seems like combo fodder. Can't you steer it too? maybe on block you use that and retreat.


understandable, these are dire times


It's not uncommon for beta tests to get extended if there's a lot of down time during the original time slot

>can finally sit down to play
>servers not working
Give me tips for playing Axl in the meantime, anons

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t. Watched EVO GF and never played the game against a competent player.
KOF13 is a touch of death game and every decision in is based on that fact. It's just not a good game. Sure it's fun at lower level, but at high level it is nonsense.

Can someone seed the R-Code thanks

it´s great compared to garou that is

who is he?

>Megafist can combo into itself
>Didn't really seem like FAB was trying to set up APB. Could be because combo damage is just so high or because the tech is still early
>FAB does get a nice HFB->PB once, but HFB seems really slow
>Tomo constantly follows up combos with command grabs but also had the option for high/low/cross-up
I think the damage overall will be toned down, but I can still see Leo being picked by more new people since it will be so difficult to gauge his follow-ups.

Willing to suck dick for R-Code.
Ram players trying to get their character nerfed.

Smash Bros. Melee autist

melee/mvsc3/dbfz player unlike the majority of posters here he has actually played fighting games at a competent level.



If someone could upload the R-Code for me that would be very nice, thanks.

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I thought so too but the startup is pretty slow, I was trying to do scarecrow RC jS 236S and it just wasn't having it.

please lab him a bit more to discover how his slow AD, extreme 2H pushback and high jump attack gravity leads to paltry air (and ground) routes
then complain in the feedback form

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>Sure it's fun at lower level, but at high level it is nonsense.
Absolutely. it was a game I actively did not play competitively. and even at the highest levels, you REALLY had to know how to execute the ToDs.

each time you activate your za warudo the opponent starts shitting pants uncontrollably, so bully and provoke him to make mistakes and punish

bros I'm in

>Lost to Hook

Attached: TN.png (1133x1171, 613K)

big leff aka huge hjelte aka sizable swede aka wumbo willy

I hate all Sol players and Ky players
I don't have any problems with these matchups. Just hate the players.

This isn’t nerf worthy, those mix ups are weak and even Ky does more damage than that

you are the one that's trolling user

cringe chart

>faust strong
what the fuck are you on?

Love you too, user.

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I wonder who nana mains in strive and how she smell like

god I hate how fucking ugly they made jam in xrd

I'm thinking you use it from a far poke, you get a hit, take the combo, on block, retreat back to item throwing distance? Haven't played him at all, but thats the first thought i have

How long have the servers been down? Their emergency maintenance tweet was 8 hours ago.

So the game sucks and you agree with me. Why argue then?

jesus christ, how long is the wall stun before you break it? it looks like 4 seconds...

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it's that frame data guys' one, not mine
but I do agree with Chipp

Uh, hello, based department? I’d like to file a claim?

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No u


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hook is actually good at ggxrd.

Fuck this shit. I'm out

She mains ky because she dreams of someone to rescue her.
>Lost to jinuya
>AND random v-tubers
That's almost as bad as losing to woolie.

So does Millia like Zato or what am I reading? Also why is her music theme so good??


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again, who?

>Why argue then?
it doesn't. KOF 13 is the last fighting game to reward execution. If you can hit Ash's 70+ hit combo in a match, you get rewarded for it. I could never do those combos but give the better players the reward they deserve.

Just keep zoop zoop zooping around

anyone ever lost to woolie?

>calling a frequent top 8 player in his respected game bad
Dab Forums posters are a different breed of stupid

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post fightcade bitch

Do people actually like this gay baby game? Feels like it was designed for retards, worse than current SFV.

XIII is okay but there are so many misconceptions. A lot of things harm the general gameplay like stubby normals, bad AAs and cut down move lists. It isn't that hard, you just played trials that aren't very representative of optimal combos or general play

You are not just doing ToDs all the time in XIII, HD mode is a fairly limited resource. Most XIII combos are pretty average in length. Even then most useful HD combos aren't even ToD

This fag can fuck right off

Attached: Potemkin.png (2404x2668, 2.15M)

Fuck you faggot

damage was reduced between last beta and this beta though

Attached: EulMBKBVcAk2MeL.jpg (1414x2000, 238.86K)


>. If you can hit Ash's 70+ hit combo in a match, you get rewarded for it
No you don't cause the game has much easier much more damaging combos. 13 has combo wank but much of it isn't good outside a combo video.

>usf4 exists
>rev2 came out 2017

So you're one of those scrubs that thinks infinites are ok as long as they're hard.

are you sure you're talking about Hook?
afaik he never played against Obama or a vtuber, he lost to Jiyuna on 6 frames tho

They'd better extend this shit after keeping it down for several hours.

Better than the faggot with the flag at least.

Don't feel like Axl has much sauce outside time stop. But even then you just do normal, bomber. He'll most likely end up saving the meter for RC

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>strive is impossible to react to
bro this game was made for retards, maybe fighting games just aren't for you

>New players, don't be afraid of #KOFXIII trial combo
as if you could anything else with the game, you 13fags will never get playable online

He still isn't happy with Leo getting a command grab? This faggot lost so hard to J Wong he's now crying for nerfs?

i miss this nigga like you wouldnt believe.

Good players aren’t playing Ash, his dumb HD combos don’t kill and fully load your opponents meter. He is for combo memes only.

The good players use Mr Karate and Ex Iori.

Or you’ll what? Cry?

they did state that they are looking into compensating for the last time at least

Getting sister-cucked is arguably even worse and I'm not even an incestfag

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>the dlc characters were and are still broken
Why was this allowed?

lost time*

I've probably seen more dolphins in the last few days than I have my entire life

Where's the dedicated block button like gbvs if it's made for retards?

It's still ridiculously high and far from "normal" but that seems to be what they are going for.

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I don’t know, where’s the dedicated dash button in gbvs?

It's unironically up

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Ironically fuck off

By the way, is anyone actually using the dash button? I've used it a couple time to make RC drifting a bit easier, but 90% of the time I just to the double forward/back before I can even remember there's a button.

this ain't Alpha 2 a-ism shit. here is your "Infinite combo" in a real match.

also, this >You are not just doing ToDs all the time in XIII, HD mode is a fairly limited resource. Most XIII combos are pretty average in length. Even then most useful HD combos aren't even ToD

>immune to cross ups, cross ups become worthless unless the other guy forgets about the block button
>or being able to dash 1 frame faster
I would take the block button if I wanted to make the game for retards

It's funny how SFV's corner lets you loop people to death, but GG forces you to reset to neutral. This just feels backwards. Though I don't mind as an old school SF player.

>training mode autists still have access to the beta while actual players have to fail to download the R-Code forever

Attached: glare.png (1080x1440, 438.49K)

>Girl who has problem showing emotions has a crush on a dude who exaggerates everything he says and does.
Opposites attract.

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I find the dedicated RC button more useful

>all that thigh jiggle

Attached: Double Sweat.png (400x330, 140.4K)

That's a joke right?
Millia is a super mobile character that will fly around the screen and threaten your anti air attempts with a pin.
Strive millia staying grounded and only attempting to airdash cross up every now and then isn't millia.

I see it, it's beautiful.

works on my machine :)

I do but only because I’m used to pressing R2 in middair to do an air dash now thanks to fucking dbfz.

I agree with that
I do think they'll keep tuning it though

I was in training mode and I got kicked out of the servers anyway

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>want to play to decide whether or not I want to buy it
>can't play the beta to make that choice

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Here's you god damn (You)

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t. low level player
I'll spell it out for you. The existence of these ToD combos turns the game into playing Mr. Karate or EX Iori as your anchor and using your meter before you get to them can mean just straight up losing to the opponent's ToD combo. Every decision throughout the match is thus changed to make sure you have access to this toolset later. It completely changes how the game is designed to be played and is quite frankly very boring and everybody knows it. Nobody plays KoF13 anymore and yet Japan still has Alpha 2 and 3 tournaments. Really makes ya think

I was kicked like an hour ago randomly from training mode. I guess it's random who the game allows to remain in training mode. Dunno wtf going on with this beta honestly

Don't worry, some of us training mode autists got booted out too.

It’s a new game boomer. Look at ram and faust

New Ram does not have enough sharkteeth scene desu

there's some fucking strange late-cancelling/frame-trapping shit on some moves, especially airborne
like I frequently experience an extended float if I press a button but AD before it comes out
those lab nerds must've experienced it too

Guy literally said it looked like guilty gear.

sure, but compared to everything else there is some movement on screen at least

It's actually random. Last night when everyone was getting booted from lobbys and training me and like 6 other people somehow stayed in my lobby for like an hour while it was down for everyone else and no one could get in. We could play games with each other and everything until slowly one by one you could see people getting booted.

>gatlings and special cancels are easier than linking specials
wow who would have thought

Yea and guilty gear overture is also a guilty gear

I blame Faust and his part time dentistry...

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they shouldve just kept the gatlings tables less restrictive instead of having some weird gatling+links hybrid.

they've removed soul because casuals can't deal with it

Damage is so high to distract you from how neutered everyone's movesets is

>Japan still has Alpha 2 and 3 tournaments
there is a scene for just about every game in japan. that does not mean a damn thing
> Gundam EXVS is amazing
> Taiko no Tatsujin is amazing

Attached: consider the following.jpg (718x718, 69.18K)

How astute.

a loop of dust

And yet none for KoF13 despite there still being a scene for KoF11. Why is that?

I wouldn't post a video of Overture and said, wow, this looks like guilty gear now.
We are talking about the mainline series of fighting games you faggot.
Get out of here with your semantics shit.

i mean yeah, you can't even combo from wild throw anymore.

Any good Millia players on youtube/twitch vods? I'm having fun with May but Millia gets my dick harder. I want to coom to her wide hips.


>failed to download r-code
Does this mean we're at least back online and I need to just keep trying till I bust in?

Bros, I've practicing with a bunch of characters but I honestly have the most fun/feel the best with Ky. I didn't com from to STRIVE to keep playing SFV.... What do I do?

wait til lord knight play millia in strive

Shit bait, Strive millia has more going on in the air with the new move and loss of the braindead free approach tool, plus the guy playing her is no GG player and has no Millia experience so of course he'll play like that

Be a coomer gorilla and play Ram or Gio

Keep playing. Ky is still a degenerate motherfucker
Dont you ever think he's a street fighter character or some kind of honest man

her shark teeth was sacrificed for her thicc fucking thighs
worthy trade imo

Attached: Screenshot_20210219-123910_YouTube.jpg (2316x1080, 981.82K)

Are you a fucking retard?
Can you read?

It's just to show why Ram calls him father.

>even the trailer has her presenting to Leo

>strive millia isn't millia
>yes she is and she's this way
>no hurr durr
You know what faggot
Back up your words like a man, pick up +r or Xrd right now
ft10 millia mirror right fucking now

>play strive
>it sucks
>play xrd
>it sucks
>play +R
it sucks
what the fuck am I supposed to play
all these games make me angry

I don't fucking play millia, but I'm clearly talking about the video too retard.
So you saying
>ACHKYALLY that millia just doesn't look like a real millia
Is redundant and also retarded.


maybe try a new series if you dont like guilty gear?

have you considered that fighting games aren't for you?

bully me in +r with my 5/500 record

Are you an ESL or do you simply not know how to read reply chains

play anime kusoge.
play melty.

>complaining about character you dont play
what the actual fuck?

Next you're gonna tell me you don't play GG in general and I'll try to act suprised.

but I like street fighter

If only Roman Cancelling didn't cost half a fucking bar
It takes too long to build meter

Well try KoF then, GG games including Strive are anime fighters. KoF is more like double street fighter

how much did it take in older games

then play street fighter, theres no point in trying to force yourself into liking a series you dont like. if you want to play an anime fighter theres a multitude of other ones like blazblue and uni

wallbreaks give you meter

How are you this illiterate and accusing others of being ESL?
I don't understand.
What the fuck is this.
Are you actually asking me to read through the reply chain of my own fucking posts?

What the fuck is wrong with you.
You can know how other characters play without maining them dipshit, it's an important part of knowing match ups.
Anyone who has ever played against some millia nigger knows those faggots will just dance around in the sky like fucking bitches because shes has no health, gets dizzy quickly and just tries to 50/50 you to death with a single knockdown.

>Anyone who has ever played against some millia nigger knows those faggots will just dance around in the sky like fucking bitches because shes has no health, gets dizzy quickly and just tries to 50/50 you to death with a single knockdown.
Literally exactly how she plays in strive though?

Kusoge game and I like it!

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it's the same but you can cheat the system by doing frame specific rc in +r or do it during start up in xrd

>no bro I totally know the character because I saw some videos of her I totally know the match-up bro
+R in your account with 0.5hours of playtime on steam or something?

Not that guy but how is his post not directly linked to yours

How am I suppose to know that from the video dipshit?
Read the reply chain. Holy fuck.

why the fuck does xrd feel like shit compared to +R?
I started with xrd and now going back to it it's just so much less fun

you have to literally play against millia to understand the match up instead of reading someone elses note. It took me 10 losses against ino to understand how her mix up works and knowing when to ib/fd her pressure to play around her bullshit oki. Actually play the game and develop your own match up knowledge instead of skimming through guide and knowing what is really happening. You fucking poser

only thing Jiyuna has ever done that's based

Is the beta still down? what the fuck is happening

Xrd is slower and buttons don't feel as tight, snappy to press


>Anyone who has ever played against some millia nigger knows those faggots will just dance around in the sky like fucking bitches because shes has no health, gets dizzy quickly and just tries to 50/50 you to death with a single knockdown.
Her ground game is strong as fuck too, did you miss the whole part about her roll or godlike normals

it's over

The intros in this game are fucking beautiful. I actually can't believe they made a game that surpasses how pretty Xrd was by this extent.