Gets loyal gf in college

>gets loyal gf in college
>she's not the hottest one, but she pays the bills while you make stardew valley because you didn't get any job
>spend 5 years paying the bills while you play some games and dev just a few hours every few days
>she stays with a poor CS grad and pay the bills with her waitress job
>she never cheats on him
>Dab Forums tells you to drop her once eric is multimillionaire because she aint top tier model

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>she never cheats on him
How do you know this?

because she's not hot enough to attract a lot of guys that want her.

literally who.

Incels will never understand love.

Highest tier beings bond into a couple for life.
Its not something subhumans can understand.

its a catch 22

based supportive gf

My man got the good ending

even the fattest of girls get guys hitting on them, my man

sure, but she could had simply dump him if another guy with a better job would had appeared.

>while you make stardew valley
read the post fucking adhd zoomer

literally who, not everybody plays your shitty indie side scrollers or whatever.

common law - she's entitled to half his shit

OP is Incel

Personality is what matters for relationships anyways. Looks only matter for short term stuff.

Dab Forumsincels just don’t get it

You god damn retard

They're a good couple. Dab Forumsirgins are 2/10's with ugly personalities who chase 9's and talk shit about 5's and end up with no one, nobody should take their advice

They matter for your kids.


ITT: cynics of all shades

Stardew valley was made by one guy over four years, and is now massively successful. GF took care of him in the meantime.

There is literally nothing wrong with being cynical, jaded and pessimistic.

There’s nothing wrong with being wrong

if what op said is true, that she paid the bills for years, that's unironically fair.

>trying SO hard to fit in
holy shit please fucking go back

Why do you say this? I don't think Eric or his wife are ugly, and you should find someone with complementary looks if you go for uglier people.

>tranny valley

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There's nothing wrong with expecting reality to hit you on the face

If youre willing to fund your bfs dream goal for 8 years itd be sunked cost fallacy at that point to cheat on him.
I guess early on you might do it, but after a point you realize you are in the rollercoaster and its already going up the hill.

>Dab Forums tells you to drop her once eric is multimillionaire because she aint top tier model
no one here ever did such a thing you stupid fuckface baiter.
she is clearly wife material and has proven herself to not be a superficial thot.

Ironically that's too optimistic an outlook. There's plenty wrong with being cynical, jaded, and pessimistic, anyone who is all 3 would agree.

I Whish a happy life and plentifull family for them
May your thirst for blood never be quenched, i mean... Have a good one!

The more attractive a woman is the more she expects out of a man, which limits her dating pool. Therefore an ugly woman will have a larger pool of men to pick from, and more sexual partners.

>wasting your 20s on a gf
>especially one that ugly

Shiggy. GFs are made to be dumped

How old are you? She's not a supermodel, but she's far from unattractive. Even ugly girls have guys hit on them all the time. She absolutely has the opportunity if she wants it.

He's not ugly and probably has a bunch of money now so he could too

I had a 7/10 gf while in school. We stayed together for many years. I got rich. I left her for an 8/10. Six months later, new girl dumped me. I was dumb.

looks like a man with a blonde wig, in fact i know a few men more feminine looking

>Dab Forums tells you
Why would you ever listen to Dab Forums? What next you gonna listen what hobos say or follow voices inside your head lol.