Nintendo is neglecting the Switch

>Beyond the mediocrity of the recent highly anticipated Nintendo Direct, Nintendo hasn't done much over the past nearly four years to improve the Nintendo Switch.

Are people really this butthurt just because of the latest Direct? Damn, I don't even like the Switch that much but how is Nintendo neglecting a machine that is outpacing the Wii with 30 million selling first party games?

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it was objectively a weak direct, but still far from the worst they've ever done. However, expectations were high for it given the 530 day gap from the last full direct so understandably people are pissed.

You’re trying too hard.

They're not neglecting it per se, they just figured out their target audience (kids and manchildren).

I don't see how it was bad. It was 50 minutes of awesome games for the most part

My $300 paperweight will torally run games! Switch just needs another training arc!

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How dare you go against le ebin Nintendo bad no games echo chamber.

Nintendos better when their consoles are dogshit. They were better when they had the n64 the gamecube and the wii u. Anytime they're successful they just shit the bed all over.

Wow, he looks so strong! He can finally go against the Sony nigger!

>530 day gap from the last full direct

given how nintendo fans count the days between nintendo giving their useless lives with smash roster updates, it could have been 7 days and people still would have been upset

>image search
>ntr comic
anti-switch fags are literal cucks lmao

Fuck you're right...

Literally the only thing that genuinely bugs me about the switch is that it doesn't have bluetooth support. Everything else i really don't care about. I would post that blurry meme of Peter Griffin and say "I never cared for Metroid" but the lack of bluetooth is the only thing that bugs me.

Dab Forums wishes it was failing, but it's not
Nintendo is unstoppable

In reality, they don't have to actually do much at all right now. Nintendo users are happy to pay $60 for a terrible Zelda and another $60 for drifting joycons with a different shell. They are making so much fucking money right now thanks to dumb customers.

Why would you want bluetooth?

Why do I share the same console with this retard?

Why are Sony neglecting their playerbase? PS5 has jack shit coming out for it

People are mainly butthurt about Skyward Sword being sold at $60

No really, go to any site and they're bitching about it

It's only 530 days if you didn't count the many numerous third party, smash, indie, mario directs.

>nothing good to show
>just show the new smash paid dlc along with already announced games, full priced remasters and shovelware
I'm so fucking tired

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I absolutely guarantee you that this is butthurt about them being wrong about how there's going to be a Switch Pro any day now.

those were all short directs and none of them really pleased people aside from the mario 35 direct somewhat.

>b-but... snoy

That's because they get sales from kiddies and dumb housewives anyways. No need to try when Tranimal Crossing alone sells 30 million despite a budget of two Japs.

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>disapointing last direct
are those people for real?

we got fucking NMH3 launch date, ninja gaiden trilogy AND stubbs the zombie revival

what else do they want?

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The PS5 doesn't rely on first-party games because it isn't laughably underpowered.

Who will be dumb enough to play Ninja Gaiden on the 30 fps tablet?

remember when the 3DS was struggling and they dropped the price and gave all early adopters a bunch of free GBA ports?
But now that they have tasted success again with the switch they are giving us a $60 barely altered wii port. $10 more than it cost at release.

when nintendo are struggling it's all "please understand"
but when they're winning they treat their fanbase with 0 respect.
money is the only language they speak, so don't buy skyward sword and make them "understand" that it isn't acceptable to be so fucking lazy

if it runs on the vita it will run well on the switch

the fact it is doing so well is WHY they're neglecting it, you bootlicker. They've all but halted their first party dev teams from making games, with only one or two big first party games coming out a year.

Usually wires don't bother me but i'm one of those types who plays their switch at the computer so a lot of times i'm listening to two things at once. I just want to pop in my bluetooth earbuds rather than wear headphones.

Nintendo is a business, not a charity

If they're selling extremely fine, why would they lower the price of their products?

Never get into businesses, this isn't about your beliefs or feelings.

why would they? retards at buying them in bulk

>people don't like DC Girls and Star Wars phone games shoved down their throats in a presentation that's supposed to be about nintendo.
WHOAAAAAA imagine my shock?

>Companies try to get people to be early adoptees
Why do you think MS is raising their subscription service prices?

The PS5 relies on FIFA alone. If it didn't get FIFA it'd lose half of its user base.

People who wanted BOTW2 and Odyssey 2 got mad when they weren't there. You can tell because when people bitch about the direct they don't mention the good stuff like Mario Golf and NMH3, and only picks at the low hanging fruit like the DC Girls game.

Happens with all of these things. See the PS5 stream having everyone crying about Volcano High.

like clockwork

you LIKE full price ports of wii games and phone games for young girls...?

People buy Nintendo consoles for Nintendo games, not indie games and 3rd party stuff that's available everywhere

>the fact it is doing so well is WHY they're neglecting it
Pretty much. No need to actually try if people will buy it regardless. Switch Pro? Release dates for games announced years ago? Reviving IPs? Don't need any of that, just put out a couple new Smash characters and a Mario, Zelda or Pokemon game and call it a profitable fiscal year.

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>People who wanted BOTW2 and Odyssey 2 got mad when they weren't there
or, you know, any other game? Mario Golf is fine, but not nearly enough. NMH3 is old news, so I don't understand why people are counting that as a win, as if it were being announced for the first time. Splatoon 3 is the only REALLY big and "good" news to come of it, but even that is stifled by the fact that it didn't need a sequel this early by any means and likely took up dev teams for games that ACTUALLY need sequels.

>more ports and another smash character

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I guess it's not a great deal for those that have already played it and all but if you haven't then it's the best version. Sounds reasonable. Honestly for me who only played N64 and then went completely PC Switch has been great for me, lots of games I've never played

>Bluetooth headphones

Enjoy your shit audio quality

?? What else are they doing then, the switch is their only thing right now

>good stuff like Mario Golf

It's the same shit with every Direct. Nothing has changed.

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>E3 will be all JRPG games which are Nintendo IP
Imagine the seethe

Poorcels, O U T

>How dare Nintendo present a game not catered to my personal tastes

> driving away your fanbase is good business

>If they're selling extremely fine, why would they lower the price of their products?
they didn't just not lower the price, they RAISED it by $10, on a 10 year old, bad game. games like this are released for free on sony and microsofts subsription services all the time. why should anyone stick with nintendo when other services are offering this stuff for free? Not to mention the fact that they'd probably make more money if they priced it reasonably, as steam sales have consistently proven.
At this price the only people who will ever buy it are hardcore zelda fans who love zelda enough that they'd play it despite it being both expensive and bad.
Spyro trilogy was remade from the ground up with entirely new assets and all 3 games were packaged together for $35. it sold incredibly well . you think it would have sold well if it was one spyro game, just upscaled from ps1 for $60?
you don't know shit about business.

user there is a clear difference from early Wiiu era directs and the direct in 2021 and all of them from 2020. No first party games are being revealed AT ALL, aside from like one or two (literally). This direct and many before it were 99% shovelware phonegame shit.

I've always wondered about JRPG fans. do these people not get tire of playing the same genre of asset flips over and over?

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>decade old game being sold for 60 bucks is reasonable
i honestly can‘t tell anymore if it‘s shitposting or if tendies are really this delusional

>how DARE you not like phone games targeting females ages 3-8
how does that boot taste?

Imagine being such a manchild dumbfuck that you literally argue over a child's toy. Look fellas, children play games period, that's the market Nintendies is after. Noone gives two fucks if you are butthurt if you aren't the target market and revenue king. Kids don't sit around and ponder why the current state of first party games are abysmal they just consume, they ask mommy and daddy for some money and they get the games. You preaching the same pointless boring rhetoric isn't going to change anything so why not shut the fuck up and move on? Do you really think you're going to start making waves in the industry of legos by bitching about the lack of advancement in that industry or are they going to think "wow what a tard, he doesn't realize this shit is for kids, speaking of which why is a grown man/woman so involved in a product for kids." Really you should appreciate the wide catalogue they provide and there are many good adult games to play but you aren't their cash cow, Christmas kiddies are their cash cow, grow up and move on dipshits jesus.

Unsurprising people whine about the best console available. Everyone wants to be a cool edgy contrarian.

>JRPGchads are still winning year after year after year
Literally how do we keep doing it?

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>best console available
You don't seriously believe this, do you?

name five new big nintendo games in the past two years.

im not that guy but i've had basically every major console in existence since the snes/megadrive (excluding XBSX for now).
I'd agree with him that switch is the best console on the market right now.
If i want good graphics i'll play on the PC.
switch is portable and adaptable, it's a great machine for playing first party nintendo games and indies, it actually offers something that the PC does not, unlike the current sony and xbox consoles.

by having autistic fans that somehow enjoy playing asset flips of the same exact game over and over.

You could argue that it has the best LIBRARY available. It's objectively not the best console available.

got my preorder

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>enjoy playing asset flips of the same exact game over and over.
but we are not talking fps games

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>the Switch is good because it's portable
This is such a fucking garbage excuse and it comes up every fucking time.

>more anime garbage in smash, trannimal crossing, and pokeshit

they hit a golden formula in re releasing Wii U games nobody ever bought, look at how stupidly succesful the new mario port is.
it's just a case of bad incentives (or good depending on how u look at it); the consumer market rewards them big time for releasing Wii and Wii U ports which at this point seem to be guaranteed successes.
microsoft and sony have to some degree innovate and take risks with new games and IPs to maintain consumer interest but nintendo has 5 years worth of quality titles that were stuck on a shitty console nobody played.

what would you do in nintendo's shoes? seriously, if you had a business and could invest 5X in a 15Y return, or just X in a 20Y return, what would you do?

I've wondered the same about touhou trannies it's literally the same game in most cases

Here we go again with the Nintend rones talking about how people are acting “entitled” and having “unrealistic expectations” by expecting at least one actual big game within 2 years

>Announcement for no announcement
God Nintendo is pathetic

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PLEASE stop breathing you worthless peon

>it didn't need a sequel this early
It’s been 5 years since 2 came out, and it’ll be 6 when splatoon 3 comes out. Over half a decade is too long of a time gap to call something a yearly franchise.

Why bother when you'll make up excuses as to why they "don't count"?

How is that not the same thing? What good is a console with no games?

what you like is taste? Have you never eaten the same thing twice?

Yes, you fucking have.

You've also never not listened to a song more than once if you want to be a retard about food even though it's all about taste.

Real star of the direct coming through, ignore all posters not hyped for spiderbro. That gameplay footage looks like it'll be a great fight.

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Try me

Based mutts for creating fun games that you can sit down and play with your bros

Fuck off.

Nah, Systems are reworked and tweaked between entries and franchises constantly, see it like people who lay Jigsaw Puzzles, it is the "same game" but the different images, piece shapes and amount of pieces changes how you approach it and you still get satisfaction from it.

The thing is having those made people expect that smaller, shittier announcements would remain relegated to them or just being dropped on Twitter/Youtube rather than padding out major directs.

they're probably holding back projects because consumers literally buying anything and everything they're selling
really taking advantage of the corona boom

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The only thing xbox and sony have done is release consoles and thats it

tbf there was 500+ days gap so high expectations were partly justified

Okay. And what does that have to do with this Direct being weak?

But Neon White, Project Triangle and Splatoon 3