Defend this right now

Defend this right now

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We don't know if the tv was in game mode

Console fags deserve it.

The beginning of an animation can't be measured reliably. It would be better to move the camera and find the first camera with any change in perspective.

Normies don't care about responsiveness, just look at modern fighting games.

i waited for this game for so long and i fucking hate it
same happened with TLOU2 why does history keep repeating itself
only Ori gave me the satisfaction of a good second game

That definitely happened to me and how I found out I needed to switch TV to game mode. It's something I've found to be the most apparent with RDR2 more than other games where the TV HAS to be in game mode otherwise it lags like a bitch.

*first frame

This happens on every version of the game, it's trash

The appeal of this games is its beautiful landscapes and story, not snappy controls. I know this might come as a shock to a Nintendr*ne like you, but not all games are fun in the same way.

online has better controls.

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>laughs in 60 fps pc

TV lag is not Vidya.
Get a better TV you fucking ape.

It's why I dropped the game a few hours in.

I don't care how amazing and detailed the world is if basic actions like moving and shooting feel like dogshit.

another zoomer filtered

>Defend this right now
I don't need to, I can play the game unlike you nintendie

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If you're more interested in the story than the actual gameplay in your video games then you're going to have your mind blown when you discover books.

>you must prefer books to a cinematic, visual spectacle you can interact with
like I said, filtered zoomer

Its slightly dishonest because in towns your movement is slowed.

hold X ;)

I fucking hate this word. You're playing a GAME nigger not a movie.

also isn't running, which makes Arthur respond faster

VIDEO game

>it's either black or white
not only are you a zoomer, you're an autist as well
fuck off newfag and don't @ me ever again

You can watch a film if you prefer. Why you'd want to interact with something when every means of doing so feels dreadful is beyond me.

I usually don't mind animation priority but RDR2 kinda bothered me at times. The problem is that the animation doesn't start immediately because it seems to wait for the previous animation to get to the frame where it lets the player cancel it and those frames tend to be rare.

people have different opinions you know. I'm not a fortnite addled zoomer, so I liked the control scheme

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The two are not mutually exclusive.

God, those waifus are gringey as hell

more like cute af!

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Imagine being proud of being a millenial, the most pathetically cucked generation of all time. Do you enjoy the boring camp life simulator stuff because its the closest you'll ever come to owning a home of your own?

Please note if you try to claim you're too old to be a millenial, then consider that you're aguing with teenagers about a bad cowboy game and reflect on how it might not be the dunk you think it is.

lol cope

Dividing yourself generationally is incredibly useless, it's only good for historians studying contemporary issues. You both are awful for getting caught up on zoomer/boomer/millennial bullshit.

zoomer is a state of mind

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They're not, which is why RDR2 could be a great game if it didn't play like unresponsive trash. It's not bad in concept, it's bad in execution.

I disagree, but I also think RDR 2 and its movement will NOT appeal to everyone, and that is fine. It is strangely deliberate and slow and that is not going to be everyone's cup of tea. I think it's best to realize you either like it or don't and move on or play through the story. That is genuinely where the meat of the game is.

That's just your own shit take
RDR2 tries to be immersive and it manages to do so down to the smallest of details
It's not mine or anyone elses fault you're a soulless cretin who needs his daily share of "BINGBINGWAHOO" to get his dopamine fix, considering you're unable to immerse yourself while playing


Works on PC.

It doesn't play like unresponsive trash though :)

vsync helps with screen tearing

Placing barriers between the player's input and the character's actions obliterates immersion. A character turning with a slightly less realistic animation is far more immersive than one who handles like a battleship but looks photorealistic. The more you can make me forget about the controller in my hands, the more immersed I'll be, and wrestling with Arthur to perform even simple actions ensures that will never happen.

>duhhh zooooomers
Reddit tier response.
Simulation games like Arma respond better to inputs and have more realistic movements than RDR2 does. Shit controls don't equal more hardcore.

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Arma and RDR2 are going for completely different levels of immersion.

The online is fucking stupid, your character reloads at anime level speed, it looks so out of place.

It doesn't, and I should know because I got stung twice on this game. Bought it at launch on PS4 and again on PC because I want to like it, there's content here I want to engage with, but the game does everything in its power to be sure engaging with it feels like shit.

>Placing barriers between the player's input and the character's actions obliterates immersion
didnt read the rest of the post
not interested in your shit take since you're wrong in the very first sentence

i remember when witcher 3 had this much lag and everyone complained
but when rdr2 does its the best open world ever according to Dab Forums

Then why does a tactical infantry shooter with a focus on infantry movement handle better than an open world Rockstar game?
One is realistic, one is over-animated garbage.

>had to buy it TWICE before he realized it was shit
Holy fuck top tier consoomer

No it doesn't, unless you know a mod that fixes the dogshit movement

stop generalizing

adds weight to your cowboy while you hold X to follow and talk about gangs and how your gang ain't like other gangs.

I love both.

Because one is an actual military simulator and the other is a cowboy game.

now do it outside of a city and see what happens

are you implying that it would be better if rockstar just completely ripped arma off?

So if one is just a cowboy game, why does it handle like ass?

>devs think americans are so fat that they need their character to feel fat in order for them to get immersed

I'm saying if an actual infantry combat simulator with endurance influenced by carry weight, 4 movement speeds and dozens of stances controls better than a cowboy game, you're movement isn't immersive, it's overdone garbage.

stop breathing

>defend this right now

>97 metacritic
>36 million sales in 2 years

Rockstar can do whatever the fuck they want, and no nigger webms will change that

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>dude realism!
>it wouldn't look REAL if he stopped walking right when you stop pressing left/right!
>we NEED those subtle beginning/ending animations so that it feels weighty and REAL
Modern gaming is a mistake.

Big slow bulky cowboy handles like a big slow bulky cowboy. I have played much, much worse controlling games. Like I said in a previous post, it's not going to be a game for everyone. Better to realize that early and move on with your life and play tighter games than playing a game you actively hate to navigate.

stop generalizing

You mean they removed/sped up a lot of animations so it looks massively retarded now? Why the fuck am I even replying to an RDO tranny.

>spin around while crouched
>you can't hit my head now
>character instantly snaps into aiming at you with no animation
>I kill you instantly because I have nothing but damage perk card to counter Slow and Steady fags
Everything personal, colonies.

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>playing on console
>playing with a wireless controller
>playing on a shitty TV
>using HDMI

>it's not the gameplay, it's the story
If you're into mediocre plot just watch a current year movie

And including systems like that is isolate the casual playerbase of your game.
It has just enough survival and meters to scratch that itch for people and not isolate the gorillion people who played it.

I love Arma and this game, but making RDR similar to Arma isn't good for it.

kill yourself

>player character moves around with the grace of a bulldozer and does actions at the speed of a paraplegic
>"woaaaahhh heckin IMMERSIVE"
I'll save this post as a reminder that reddtors do in fact come here.

Should I use component?

buy a crt

I love how RDO bombed so badly, Goystar can't even be bothered giving it their GTAO treatment. They don't care about it at all.

unironically slit your wrists open faggot

I tried Smash recently for the first time (never owned a nintendo console before), and jesus, how do people play that shit? it's so laggy and it always feels like there's a huge delay to every action
melee is better but still feels like ass

Can you read, at no point do I say they're similar.
To break it down for you in a heckin epic greentext
>Arma is a simulator
>RDR2 is not
>Somehow a simulator has more realistic movement than a game that isn't one
>RDR2 is thus over-animated and stupid
If a GTA game had worse vehicle handling than say BeamNG, that would also be stupid, since the latter is a simulator. Rockstar overcomplicating things isn't immersive or a filter, it's stupid award bait.

How come RDR2 fans pretend they're not zoomers? You're literally praising a movie game made for casuals

Why tie your emotions up in this? They're both fun, but going for different types of immersion.

Doesn't work like that on mine

Game mode is a real thing

I fucking hate video games, god damn

>its popular therefore its good
fortnite, league of legends, and wow are the best games ever!

That's peak millenial taste though. That generation grew up with the Xbox 360, the herald of the movie game genre, and continue to champion them today (although, as they're getting older, preferably with a sad dad as the protagonist).

Zoomers have been raised on plotless action games.

Your character has weight and if you don't think about where you're going, a wrong move WILL have consequences as it should. Instantly snapping around and being weightless may work in something like Mario but it would be completely retarded in RDR2.

DisplayPort or DVI are the thinking man's display connections.


>tlou2 = movie game = bad
>rdr2 = movie game = good
the absolute state of Dab Forums

Rockstar games aren't /really/ games, user.

Smash isn't a fighting game.


Give me a based white male protag, no overt left learning narrative, no SHITTY linear one way path mission structure game and maybe I'll change my mind.

The fags praising RDR2 are mostly redditors, you can easily spot them in every single RDR2 thread

>different types of immersion
Realistic versus overcomplicated?
Take Rockstar's cock from your mouth and accept the game isn't perfect, starting with the movement.

nah, autists seething over rdr2 are nintendo manchildren crying about sour grapes, they've always been the loudest bunch on Dab Forums
true rdr2 fans here are well read and mature folk who realize how many important underlying themes rdr2 has and what's it all about

Maybe when you're more well read in terms of bait posts you'll be able to construct ones more enticing than this.

I have never once stated that the game is perfect, just that it's controls aren't going to be for everyone. I would argue it isn't really about complexity either, more like RDR2 is very methodical with it's systems. It's slow on purpose, and again, better to move on if you don't like it.

you still replied

I played RDR2 when it was released for like 4 hours and gave up. The gameplay is trash, I could not tolerate it

Only to keep the thread bumped so people will keep responding to my own bait posts.

whatever gallops your horse, pardner

This is how controlling a human works in real life. You don't push a stick down and they move instantly, it takes a second for them to respond to your input.

Smash is a fighting game, just not a good one.

>true rdr2 fans here are well read and mature folk who realize how many important underlying themes rdr2 has and what's it all about

I almost fell for that ahahahaha

I dont blame you for laughing
You have to be over 130iq at least and be quite well read in both christian theology, kantism and german continentals to comprehend RDR2
it's far beyond the reach of a common man like yourself

I am resolved to ruin every game of Master Archer I'm invited to until this player base demands the slower animations back as well as the OG Slippery Bastard.

This is not a threat, it's a promise.

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You're an asshole.

I never bother playing this stupid shit because there's always some dick who just goes around killing people.
It's frustrating.

I've been coming to this shithole since 2005 with Dab Forums and no you fucking faggot it is not reddit to like RDR2. It's the most comfy immersive game ever made that's why people like it. Is it the best game ever? No. There are way better. Max Payne, Deus Ex, Half-Life, DMC3, FF7 etc all far better GAMES, but RDR2 beats them all in terms of immersion and graphics so it has its place.

Attached: RDR2_2021_01_31_10_20_24_017.jpg (5120x2880, 3.92M)

git gud

I know you're being serious, and I agree on several fronts, but this much genuine emotion is gonna get you shit on.

I can't git gud because while I'm dying someone is winning the fucking archer game and getting 4000 fucking points while I'm stuck at 2000

>muh immersion
>muh graphics

you are arguing with adhd ridden fortnite zoomers high on onions and plastics
they don't understand the inherent manliness of rdr2 that every man should be appreciative of and they never will
RDR2 is the ultimate litmus test on how much of a man are you, depending on how much you liked the game

i wont

Say no more pham.

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Ori 2 disappointed me because of how fucking buggy it was at launch. Halfway through the game, my save got softlocked and because of the way the save system works there was no backup point I could restore to. The game erases its own backups with newer ones and even the farthest backup was after the softlock happened. I asked in the dev discord and they pretty much just told me tough shit and to restart the game from the beginning.

Oh, and this issue wasn't just some obscure thing only I ran into. There were tons of people getting softlocked, including many in exactly the same place I did. I might replay it one day, but I'm honestly still mad. That experience really left a sour taste in my mouth.

>Fighting games
Please go back normalfag.

Doesn't it embarrass you to be an oldfag, yet have more Reddit taste than me, a newfag who actually came from Reddit?

I'm sorry that happened to you user. I played it about a month ago and can attest that the experience has been much improved. I think it crashed once on me, but nothing serious like yours ever happened to me. It's honestly an amazing game.

You should leave while you still can.