What do you think of the PlayStation 5's first year?

What do you think of the PlayStation 5's first year?

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>ports, $70 ports, ports, $70 remakes, ports

Wow absolutely worth $500

Wait, is that really it? I guess the best thing the PS5 has going for it is the slight improvements on running PS4 games. Maybe Sony realized the first year was going to be lacking so they throttled production so no one would be able to buy it and notice.

Worst console launch in history.
Though the Xbox is literally just as shit.


The Xbox's is objectively worse.
What are you gonna play? The Medium?

>The Xbox's is objectively worse.

Nah, Xbox at least has more backwards compatibility.

Medium didn't come out until recently.
You litteraly only had Gears Tictacs and a multiplayer update to Tetris Effect

Shitty and forgettable. Only worthwhile game that was new was Bugsnax and that game is already forgotten.

Bugsnax is on ps4

All of the exclusives are shit

>has more backwards compatability
Only 300 x360 games and 40 og xbox games with the only notable ones being halo, forza and ninja gaiden(which is coming to ps4 and switch anyways)


I think the console fucking stinks in just about every way. That includes the games. However i very much look forward to the blue lombax porn.

Shit, just like every console launch. Even PS2 didn't get good until late '01. I lost the image but you know the one.

>people are paying $700+ for this steaming pile of garbage

Literally only reason to buy one atm is if you didn't have a PS4 and wanna play pic related in (mostly) 60fps. And it'll be like that for a while, does PS5 even have any upcoming exclusives?

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They both do tho

Switch launched with BotW, which is still the number 1 reason to buy a Switch.

*Also on Wii U

*they released a downgraded version for the last gen console nobody owned

Yeah, and N64 launched with Mario 64. One game does not a library make.

Wait...When the fuck did this happen? I thought it was ps5 exclusive. I'm assuming it was like Sackboys adventure. I thought it was ps5 exclusive as well, but somehow found one copy in the wild for ps4.

>First year
Literally 3 months after release

>shit games and multiplats

>One game does not a library make
Nobody said that. There should just be at least one system seller at launch. Mario 64 and BotW are two of the best games ever made. Also, N64 launched in September and by Christmas it had Mario 64, Wave Race 64, Pilot Wings, and Shadows of the Empire.

It's the PS5's second year lel

Literally 2 of these are PS5 games, one of them being a tech demo

Does anybody, outside of the hardcore fans who would buy it anyway, buy a system for a single game?

>Mario 64 and BotW are two of the best games ever made.

This place, I swear to god.

PS4 was shit for a few years
PS3 was shit for a few years
PS2 was shit for a few years but WOW DVDS hype hid it

I count 3 good exclusives (and fwiw 3 good multiplats)

I bought a PS5 just to play FF7R, but it was at the end of it's life cycle. The point is that there's no reason to buy a system at launch when it doesn't even have any games yet. This PS5 situation would be like buying an N64 at launch and the only game it had was Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero.

holy shit this is bad

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*bought a PS4

I'll wait until the first year is over to judge.

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is everyones birthday jan 1st? dumb ass post

still better than the switch's FIFTH year.

I don't care about any of these besides maybe the Sackboy game or Ratchet?

Only Control can be considered a port. The rest weren't released before PS5 came out.

Only thing in this pic I'm remotely interested in is RE Village and I'm gonna play that on my PC. To be honest though, I wouldn't mind getting ports of God of S𝅶oy and God of Anthony Burch. They actually look pretty fun

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Can someone educate me on why is the first year so bad and everyone is willing to accept it? After Demons souls, there is nothing to play aside from R&C and we all know that's a 7-hour tech demo since they refuse to show us anything else.

I hope they relize that God of War is popular because Krators is a REEEING raging asshole, and if he spouts some "Atrius, you must respect women" then they can kiss their game goodbye cause this ain't Last of Us.

Because the first year of console launches is always bad. The PS4 was even worse, believe it or not. Remember Knack? The Order 1886? Killzone Shadowfall? How about the PS3? Giant Enemy Crabs? Riiiiiidgeeee Racerrrrrr? Even the PS2. People constantly shill pic related as the PS2's "launch games", but they came out in fall 2001, a year and a half after the PS2's launch. The PS2 had fuckall at launch too.

Crappy launches are an age old issue. People collectively get amnesia every time a new console comes out. Or more than likely they're zoomers and the PS5 is the first launch they're actively following.

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Yeah, IDK if they're good or not. I emulated the first two last year though and thought they were pretty good, and I'd like to see what the new ones are like. Not enough to buy a PS5 just for that though, because there really isn't much else I'm interested in.

You can't say anything good about Sony in this board haven't you heard? Even tho Sony objectively launched their console with real exclusives and Xbox launched it with literally nothing.

Best first year of any console since PS1. Prove me wrong

just got one the other day for demon's souls...
and that's literally it. if i weren't such a soulscuck i really would've just stuck to pc.

I cant

No one can. But they would like to pretend they can.

I'd rather play neptunia reverse than any of that garbage, except maybe ratchet and clank.

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> """objectively"""
Sony's real exclusives were real dogshit. Oh wow, I'm totally going to pay a scalper $1000 to play Astrobot, Demon's Souls Demake, and Sackboy: A Big Adventure. I'd unironically rather have an Xbox and play The Medium.

Nope. The Gamecube exists. Still the best first year in 3 generations though.

But PC already has the best version of Demon's Souls. rpcs3 with 60fps hack and private servers BTFOs the awful demake with butchered artstyle.

Doesn't matter. Sony objectively has exclusives whether you like them or not. Medium isn't even an exclusive.

Do you really want to play this game? Are you prepared to admit Horizon, Death Stranding, Detroit, and every Final Fantasy game are not Playstation exclusives?

Wow.. 3 games... Sony is literally dying man.

>mostly all fps and ots shooters with the same exact control scheme
Modern gaming is fucking trash.

This is the shit people are desperate to spend $500 on?

>PS4 was shit for all years
>PS3 was shit for a few years
>PS2 was shit for one year

Kena looks cute. This will probably be ported to the Switch when it underperforms on the PS5 that no one bought.

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>>PS3 was shit for a few years


Disappointing but forgivable for the first year