How is it possible that neither of these games have even a single bad song in them?

How is it possible that neither of these games have even a single bad song in them?

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i would pat grant kirkhope sama on the head and tell him he makes a fine ditty if he existed in real life

i remember an user once argued that the music in these games was supposed to induct you into some jewish cult or something like that, that it was too dissonant or used cursed progressions or something. Don't remember him saying it wasn't good though

>back in stock

Did you get yours yet, Dab Forums?

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because grant kirkhope is a musical genius and seems like the kind of dude who would be fun to get a beer with.

I bought him in Smash(only dlc I bought so far) and it's worth it just for the music. I like relaxing in my bed with a drink and some weed before I go to sleep just listening to the banjo music. Rare replay on switch when?

>grant kirkhope is a musical genius
All he did was ripoff Danny Elfman.

>it was too dissonant or used cursed progressions or something

Banjo-Kazooie makes heavy use of tritones, it's supposed to represent the contrasting personalities of the 2 main characters. In ye olden times people thought a tritone was the Devil's music because people in ye olden times are fucking idiots

>All he did was ripoff Danny Elfman.

in literally what way

I hope there's image macro. All of these songs sound good.

why was this cut from banjo kazooie

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It was all a dream...

>in literally what way
>being this fucking delusional
You’re a hack, kirkboy.

>major key level theme
>boss theme is level theme but minor key and more intense
Grant's music was the reason I picked up the Banjo games, his peppy "oompah" style has a whimsical menace that I don't see many composers doing outside of Danny Elfman. Do any Dab Forums anons know if there's a genre for this kind of music?

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Because it was intended for Dream

Grant intentionally uses tritones regularly in his music pieces, it's something that traditional music instructors will tell you NEVER to do because you are literally picking 2 notes that sound as jarring in conjunction with each other as possible.

Such people are fools of course, and the fact tritone notes are as far apart as possible also means that (in the right hands) they are capable of some of the most beautiful melodies. It all depends on how you actually use them.

idk if it's a genre of itself before Grant came along, however I have now heard more than one person call this kind of music "Kirkhopian". I hope the term sticks.

This is correct.

kingdoms of amalur is the spiderman movie theme for starters

Doesn't really fit with the other games music aesthetic. Think of booth kazzoie and tooie and think where this song would fit it? Both games music run between cartoonishly bouncy or cartoonishly foreboding. DK Isle is a smooth song and very calming, it doesn't really have a place in the world.


>literally just finished Kazooie for the first time yesterday after hearing good things about it for years
>get that scene in the credits where Mumbo tells you about some of the secrets and easter eggs
>read up on how much hidden shit is actually in the game
And here I was thinking all those playground rumors were exaggerations and that games never actually did things like that. Why are these games so based?

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n64 games were actually, unironic s _ _ l

>saying the W-word

Oh boy, HERE we go...

I fucking love that nowadays we have so much beta shit and detailed knowledge about the game's long intricate development cycle. 12 year old me would have killed to have the information we do now.


If a pre-build of Banjo-Kazooie ever leaks on the internet I will LOSE MY SHIT

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If any blame devs for not doing that anymore when everything gets datamined before launch

Grant based the music in BK around the tritone, which supposedly used to be considered unholy because of its dissonance.

>12 year old me would have killed to have the information we do now.
Same, man, my head would have exploded. That said I had plenty of good times discussing the mysteries with other kids online, so I'm glad I didn't.

why does kazooie say the mean words

Nothing can compare to the secrets in Banjo. Luigi and the Triforce don't have shit on Stop n Swop.


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