What are the best FPS Dungeon crawlers on PS4?
What are the best FPS Dungeon crawlers on PS4?
labyrinth of refrain
I have for the switch. I mean over the entire PS4 library, what are the best ones
that is literally the only good crawler on the ps4
buy a vita, 3ds, or switch if you care about DRPGs
a switch? Switch seems a bit light on these I think. There is refrain, the moe ecchi ones, and what else?
I don’t think there are very many, there’s Demon Gaze 2 and Zanki Zero
There’s also a steampunk one that I can’t think of the name to right now
I think you mean vaporum maybe? it's on steam aswell
yomi wo saku hana, I've played it on switch though but it's on of the best in the genre from recent years.
moe chronicle is good, the switch version has map auto movement where the other version do not. also, check out mary skelter 2 on the switch (1 is included, and 2 should be played first) is also good, but emulate it in ryuujinx.
- demon gaze 1, 2
- yomi wo saku hana
- stranger of sword city, students of the round
- ray gigant
- operation abyss, operation babel
- meikyuu cross blood
compile heart:
- mary skelter 1,2,3
- moe chronicle, moe crystal
- meiQ labyrinth
- tokyo clanpool
nippon ichi:
- labyrinth of refrain, coven and labyrinth of galleria
- dungeon travelers 1, 2, 2-2
lancarse/spike chunsoft
- zanki zero
- lost heroes
starfish SD
- elminage series
- etrian odyssey series + persona spinoffs
- SMT soul hackers, strange journey
- persona 1/2
- the dark spire (success)
- kowloon highschool chronicle (shout! design works)
- konosuba (entergram)
- class of heroes (zerodiv)
- wizard's symphony (arc system works)
- densetsu no yuusha (kadokawa)
- the lost child (kadokawa)
- unchained blades series (furyuu)
- madoka portable (bandai)
Didn't knew this one, thanks will check it out
it's not in english, he's just trying to JOP flex on you
Yeah that’s what I was thinking of
Haven’t played it though so no idea if it’s any good
Your list is shit and most of those games are not on Switch!
thanks for the list
i mentioned the switch ones at the top and also
>no argument
What is JOP?
You don't need to know Jap to play a TBC dungeon crawler. Juts look at translations online.
a non-EOP
>tfw Tokyo clanpool and dt2-2 never got translated
Yomi wo Saku Hana. Labyrinth of Refrain. Labyrinth of Galleria.
These are the ones I can think of, but I admittedly don't really use my ps4 too much. There might be some experience dungeon crawlers on the ps4 but I usually play them elsewhere so I'm not entirely sure.
i dont know what TBC is but yomihana's appeal is vastly the story and atmosphere so if you aren't getting that what's the point
Demon Gayz II is on PS4, I think.
dg1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dg2, not close
>Lost Heroes
My fucking nigga. I'm praying that they make a 3rd one for the Switch.
Turn-based combat.
Oh no, a typo.
TBF there's a lot less exposition in yomibana then most other modern Japanese DRPGs and I mostly played it for the art and ambience.
I haven't played to yet but Exp. stuff have always felt pretty lackluster to me
That user who posts the compilation pics like this usually does that. Among other autistic stuff.
I don't think Yomi wo Saku Hana is a game that you can play without knowing JP because there are puzzles that need you to actually solve and type the answer in kanji as opposed to just picking the answer from a list of choices. Unless the guide covers that and how to type the kanji too which I suppose it's possible but not really worth the trouble.
i'm literally both of those posts you responded to, but i'm glad you went back to Dab Forums where you belong
Dab Forums is kind shit for a niche genre such as this, plz come home to superior /vrpg/ thread!
This sort of shitpost is a good example of what I meant. I appreciate the effort to prove me right within 5 minutes.
Who cares, what are the worthwhile fpdungeon crawlers on the switch?
But the guy with the compilation pic recommend a good game that's available in English on the desired platform, didn't he?
Mary Skelter 2, Yomibana(jp) and Coven and Labyrinth of Refrain, also Moero Crystal/Chronicle but those are pretty shitty
thanks, yeah just try to ignore him. this guy literally went on an autistic seething rampage on /vrpg/ for 10 hours and ruined one of our best threads for absolutely no reason
>dt2-2 never got translated
Surely they'll port it to Switch someday and it'll get translated, right? Right?
I don't even care if it gets translated I just want it ported to something that's not a dead handheld with no working emulator even though I have 2 psvita and a pstv.
Stop playing anime crawlers and take the PC pill
You were shitposting at people who liked a bunch of drpg by seeing they only liked etrian, then refused to see how that's wrong. How can you decently assume that's someone else's fault?
>Moero Crystal/Chronicle but those are pretty shitty
people think this? It's my favourites on the switch
>dungeon crawlers are always turn based now
I don't dislike turn based but i want an action crawler dammit
>western dogshit
Tokyo Clanpool is about as shit as the rest of the Compile Heart dungeon crawlers (think of it as something as mediocre as their Moe games).
DT2-2 is good, though. Even if they replaced class doors with areas that are unbeatable without a somewhat specific party setup so essentially it serves the same purpose of making you grind out and change classes and keep characters of all classes around, and the combat was barely improved from the first (only new gimmick is that you get a monster girl that acts on her own in your party)
What other games in the genre do you enjoy? I felt moero chronicle was very shallow and simple but can understand if others enjoy it for the pleasant art and being able to constantly progress with out having to plan things out to much. I haven't played crystal yet but probably will after I'm done with Mary Skelter Finale.
Stranger of Sword City revisited and Blue Chavelier are both decently good. You're right about everything else in their catalogue, though.
Bro, are you also old and miss Chaos Strikes Back, bro?
Genius of Sappheiros V. Literally the best one on the system.
Facts don't care about your feelings westacuck.
How does Blue Chevroleit differ from Entaku no Seito? I played the latter and wasn't all that impressed. Liked Stranger of Sword City though.
i actually managed to finish the mainstory of dt2-2 with the same party composition.
valkyrie, joker
etoile, witch, treasure hunter
item healing is pretty damn reliable.
Zanki Zero isn't turn based and it's not too bad of a game.
Name 1 (one) crawler with real time combat that wouldn't have been better turn based without mentioning M&M
>blue chevelier
not sure i agree with that. the social connection grind + crafting menu hell was miserable, combine that with recycled bosses and dull maps. it's fine if you want to get the full experience of the universe these games take place in but nothing more.
Mary skelter is shit and good only for fanservice. Dunno about the third game.
All the dungeons are redesigned and the art is much, much better.
Yeah, the main story doesn't go crazy with the area gimmicks, it's the post game that forces you to use offbeat melee+enchantress parties or pure mage compositions.
there are many versions of students of round, if you played the PSP version you are essentially playing saviors of blue wings, minus the voice acting. the trap system is all there
At the risk of being accused of being an Etrian only fan by people who make 0 sense, Sword is pretty good but Chevelier is really not.
I didn't mind the maps or bosses, but I can agree with the rest.
I'd still put it above DG or the Abyss games beyond Meikyuu Cross Blood, though.
What even is this?
MS is great.
Are there even any dungeon crawlers with actually engaging gameplay other than what Atlus shits out?
Chaos Strikes Back!
DG1 has a special place in my heart due to the artifact system which lets you do some absolutely wacky team compositions like 5 mage or 5 archer, but yeah i the abyss games are a real oof.
I only sorta agree if you're talking about the Vita/PC release of the first game. Everything else is good.
Not him but Mary Skelter could have used better classes to be honest. It's one of the things I don't like too much about it. But yeah, it's not shit.
Came in to post this.
Everyone has been posting JRPGs instead of dungeon crawlers.
The fuck does that have to do with etrian odyssey?
what if, they were both?
I enjoyed The Dark Spire and Beyond the Labyrinth.
>puzzles that need you to actually solve and type the answer in kanji as opposed to just picking the answer from a list of choices.
is this true? then how come that EOP from neoGAF, Dorarnae, DRPG 4 EVER on youtube managed to finish it?
still being a psychopath over
god I love these games
That's the point. It does not.
But the last time I said that I was jumped at with the argument of me being antagonistic against non Etrians. Your reaction is exactly the same as mine, which is why I said "by people who make 0 sense".
Abandoned japanese FPS with dungeon crawler elements made by a person/culture that doesn't understand FPSs
Yes, and I don't know. Maybe they had help?
w/o a touchscreen, could the switch still pull it off if atlus made an etrian odyssey for it?
>All the dungeons are redesigned and the art is much, much better.
Oh, I guess I'll give it a try then since I already own the Vita version.
Go back to you're EO general, faggot!
>that party size
this is the exact same version as the vita one btw
Well first off, they already announced a new EO for Switch and the Switch does have a touchscreen. It'll probably just be in a pause menu since there's only one screen, and if you're playing in docked mode you'll probably have to draw maps with the analogue and face buttons which sounds like torture but I'm sure they'll make it work. Or who knows, maybe EO on Switch will scrap the map drawing and just automap everything.
Liars and posers will tell you no.
Everyone else knows people started heavily using automap ever since IV and no one would miss the cartography, they'll just rebrand it to reflect the change but Atlus isn't letting their money run away like that.
you don't know the half of it
you can actually have up to 40 individually itemized characters contributing in battle
they went full disgaea
But the Switch has a touch screen... Though I guess you meant more "without two screens" since even if you were to draw a map on the touch screen or with motion controls, you'd have to bring it up when you wanted to see it rather than always having it on another screen. I think it would be a bit more cumbersome, but workable.
probably because Vaporium is the only western crawler on the nogaems4 and its a dirty solo blobber
I kind of wish there were dungeon crawlers that weren't grid based and turn based.
Like a game that still has you draw in the map in game, and you still have to explore a big dungeon, but it's done in real time and the dungeon is a real warren of twisty corridors and rooms at odd angles and all that kind of thing.
I want a game where you start at the top and explore a massive underground complex.
PSP version is the one I played and the trap grind and relationship grind and crafting material grind kinda wore me down. why isn't the VO in the new release? would it really hurt them that much to make the latest release the definitive version? or are the story extended and they didn't want to rehire the voice talent?
king's field and shadow tower
>badmouthing legend of grimrock
tell what other dungeon crawler let me play with an insect man, weeb?
>inb4 asians are bugs
Dungeon Master! on Amiga!
Play Might and Magic
nope, story wasn't changed whatsoever. it might be a licensing thing, it's unclear.
there is additional side content however, 'trial dungeons' or something i forget. essentially they are a series of encounters you must do under certain conditions like only having 4 party members or something. the rewards are nice but i stopped bothering after the second trial.
and yea the bottlenecks from relationships and crafting might be the actual worst part of the game, the art is pretty great though when it's there
this was physically painful to watch.
>The Dark Spire
Great taste, what was your party composition?
The monster art is great as usual. If you look beyond though, the character art for some of them is pretty bad. Like the head/neck situation on the pink haired girl.
Alright, so I have a Vita.
From what I get off this thread, I should play:
>Stranger of Sword City
>Dungeon Travelers 1/2/2-2
Is that it? Anything else I'm missing?
yea for sure
Too bad the game in OP related was made by a famous pedophile
Grimrock is awful and boring. At least recommend a good series that satisfies your autism, like Might & Magic.
What a brilliant idea!
wow, based
Operation Abyss.
i mean if you have time, sure play DT1/2 but they're all 80+ hour games
if you're strapped for time, just play 2-2 since it re-introduces every character from DT2 anyway and just has a lot more qol improvements over DT2 as well as no class doors (which were zero fun)
took me 153 hours to beat the main story of DT2-2 so there's plenty there to unpack.
zanki zero is also worth a play, as well as the konosuba DRPG if you want something more off-beat and light
so you want Ultima Underworld and Arx Fatalis?
I guess I can skip it and come back later if I feel like getting more, but for the time being I just want long comfy games to doze off to that still aren't entirely braindead and dungeon crawlers look great for that.
I'll also get Zanki Zero, thanks. The Konosuba game looks a bit too バカゲー for my tastes, though.
Grimoire Heralds of the Winged Exemplar!
based thal poster
Neck to short, head to big makes her look like a hunchback.
Exp inc is solid 5/10 all the way through
Except ray gigant. Worst game I ever played, but I don't play many bad games though.
based and neanderthal-pilled
If you're interested in them at all, you should probably not skip desu. Those are still fun games, especially DT2 and regressing games can cause annoyance due to quality of life things you've grown used to that are suddenly no longer there. The games are not going anywhere so I'm not sure why the rush mentality there.
not wrong
All the Elminage games are great except Ibun which is shit, thay are PSP games so and only the first one is in English but I assume you know moonruns, the forth game Elminage Gothic is the best one and have absolutly insane postgame
where did the boobs go?!
wow, Japanese corporations employ known paedophiles? is it hard to get a work visa for Japan if I don't know Japanese?
to this cunt
Meikyu Cross Blood Infinity Ultimate!
Whait, why is Marin in your Sakubana but not mine? dlc? this is fucking unfair!
update to the newest patch bro, it has fucking idols in it for some reason
That IF game with cute girls and huge robots! Death under labyrinth or something like that, can't remember name!
>pic related
I would unironically play something like this if they don't make the actual dungeon-crawling a nightmare
MeiQ labyrinth