>first battle theme is a hype rock n roll version of Last Surprise
game is awesome so far
>first battle theme is a hype rock n roll version of Last Surprise
game is awesome so far
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The first jail boss is amazing, holy shit
Last Surprise is the worst battle theme in the series tho
the version in Strikers is a fucking intense rock version though. It kicks ass.
Shit taste
I thought it was Persona 1 battle theme or are there more then 1 battle themes
ok contrarian
It could be if you enable the dlc battle themes
The game isnt out yet user is it?
>He didn't pay 10 extra bucks to play 4 days early
It is if you preordered (or pirated).
it is for preorderfags and piratechads
it is for deluxe owners and piratechads
Atlus continues to treat my waifu like shit so I'm going to get a refund and pirate the game instead.
>Pirate chads
Wait theres a Denuvo free version, thanks fatlus for being retarded
Let's hope SEnix is just as retarded with Kingdom Hearts
>Pirating this while begging them to port Royal
You're hella dumb
>no denuvo exe leaked again
Are they retarded? Same happened with P4G, why bother paying for denuvo at all when you are this incompetent.
Peak contrarianism right there
this game is just story mode right?
really? what store? piratechad here, just started playing wo4u so I don't really want to dive into this just yet.
Please pirate away so Atlus knows to never bother with PC again
>the game isn't out yet
So, is it persona: dynasty warriors or what? The name sounds like a football game.
paycuck seething
Already downloaded from jits.
Is it good?
post the magnet
it's ok. It's more like a real Persona game than a musou/action game. There is a lot of dicking around and hanging out with people etc. It's Persona 5, part 2. It isn't "Persona 5 but action mode". If you like the VN aspects of Persona then you'll like it. It really is a sequel, not a spin-off..It has the calender system as well...
yea. i played about an hour and there is so little action so far
damn sounds like a blast
hmm, I just came up with a good way to describe Strikers. It's basically the same as Persona 5, the difference is it's an Action RPG rather than turn-based. Still lot's of dialogue, s-links, etc.
It's Persona 5-2, it isn't really an action game/musou.
On what platforms is it out for piratechads?
PC and Switch.
>introduce the best girl
>introduce the best "villain"
>leave them out of the sequel
500 IQ move from Atlus here, pure genius!
its a bit more complex than your regular musou with skills, weaknesses,etc. Theres also a lot more of dialogue but no social management
lmao, sophia is better than shitsumi
post the battle theme
it's Persona 5 as an action RPG. It isn't really like Dynasty Warriors other than the amount of enemies that appear. It follows the same formula of P5 in that you meet a crazy person, they have a shadow, you infiltrate the palace ("jails" in this one), you defeat the shadow etc.
I actually like it. I'm surprised that it actually feels like a real sequel and not a cash-in.
best song in the game coming through
>introduce the best girl
Strikers already does that
Did striker's japanese version come out before royal?