Rebecca will no longer be white in Resident Evil Outrage

>The only other thing I'm going to throw out there so it's clear later I'm not bullshitting is Rebecca is no longer white, she always had faces based off of Japanese models, but for Outrage she'll be Asian rather than white.

how does this make you feel?

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>how does this make you feel?
It doesn't really. She was already basically asian.

Explains the no tits.

they're genociding us again

at least they didn't make her black.


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And now that I think about it, the old ass Marine wanting to fuck her.

She wasn't white to begin with. Her only time looking White was during the CG movie, and everyone looked terrible there. Also they did the same thing to Barry. The live action movie turned him Asian and it ended up sticking for for Rev2. In fact he looked cooler Asian.

As long as she's not a nigger, I'm fine with it.

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guess which one of these celebs is Leon Kennedy

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If she isn't brown it's ok desu

Bottom middle... That's my guess anyways


Really getting annoyed at all this deliberate taking white characters and turning them into shitskins. It's not like there haven't been non-white characters in RE since the beginning, make an existing one have an expanded role if you want 'diversity' in the main cast. Have Marvin lead the the RPD during the siege after Irons goes bananas. Make Kenneth a little less useless. But no, that would require effort and the goal here isn't to achieve 'equality' but rather to tear white people down by shit-washing established white characters.

Rebecca was always asian, i am fine with it.
Also helps asians arent being pushed 24/7 by massmedia unlike some other ethnicity that isn't to be mentioned

>how does this make you feel?
Absolutely the same as before. I found it weird a japanese looking girl was named Rebecca Chamber but that's just how it is now.

Asians are cute so this is ok

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>the scientist is asian
again with sterotypes.


Whatever, dude. I just want to play the fucking game. Rebecca is a boring ass bitch that only perverts like because they can't keep themselves from getting hard at the mere sight of literally any female.

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Her Re-make 0 model was modeled after Ayumi Hamasaki.

not good

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Who is the hot faggot on the top middle?

She looked Asian from the whole time

This, no one likes looking at ugly nogs

>Japanese character in a japanese game.
Oh no!
Think of the poor nigs.

What? Asians don't look like that. They have slanted eyes retard. Chambers looks like a 14 year old white girl

She's pretty much always looked like a palette swapped Asian anyway, so no big deal.

>Rebecca Chambers
>Japanese name
Didn't they try to claim Jill is half Japanese too? What a coincidence!

>I'm Redfield, Chris Redfield
What now, Dab Forums?

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Jill *is* half-Japanese retard lol and has been from the beginning. Her father is French, mother Japanese. Her face in REmake up to Revelations 1 even looks believably mixed heritage/a few Asian characteristics.

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No, I'M Redfield.

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Yeah, i can buy that for jill. She looks kinda hapa, but Rebecca looks 100% like a white girl

Capcom have "claimed" that since day 1, user.

She will not be a cute asian, she will look like pic related, I guarantee

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So like an actual asian

Oh yeah, forgot that attractive people like do not exist
I am sorry, I believed my lying eyes again

That attractive person is wearing heavy heavy makeup to look white

>Chris S.o.y.field

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I see Claire, I see Chris, Jill, Wesker, Leon, Birkin...

But who will play Ethan, the definitive protagonist of the Resident Evil series?

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Does it affect gameplay?

never gonna watch it so don't care lol
games > any other media
fuck alice, too

>games > any other media
You're a real cultured fella huh

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rather than having sex with a dog, she eats dogs and says ching chong words.

Are they going to do anything to change her character to draw attention to this change? Is her English VA going to start making her mispronounce words while explaining Chinese proverbs? Is she going to continue to speak in Japanese even if you switch to the English dub? Was anybody even claiming she was white before they made this announcement, and they could have just kept their mouths shut rather than fishing for a diversity quota for a demographic that isn't fishing for video game representation because they already view the character as Asian?

as long as she isnt blacked i guess. chambers doesnt sound like a slant name though...

Stop being stupid. Literally nothing will change except her appearance which is stock standard for the series because no character has ever looked consistent in the entire history of this franchise.

Pretty sure he meant for RE specifically but I could be wrong.

As long as she's cute and not black, that's all that matters.

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It wasn't Capcom who shared this information. It was Dusk Golem (leaker of Capcom games etc. on Twitter who has a very accurate track record like leaking Monster Hunter Rise, details about RE8, etc.). The guy seems to be kind of faggy in his own personal politics so it makes sense that he would make a big deal out of this. lol.

I don't give a fuck about Rebecca so I wish they'd make her black just to watch faggots like you seethe, alas there's no way in hell that'd happen.

Capcom has a history of treating their black characters quite badly.

>marvin gets bitten, turns into a zombie and is finally shot dead
>tyrell is either blown up in the original RE3 or killed by nemesis in the remake
>RE5 lets sheva and josh live but not before sheva and chris mow down thousands of other black infected people

I'm surprised they haven't been cancelled yet.

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Black Rebecca already exists. Her name is Sheva

There was already controversy about RE5 starring a white guy mowing down black people even for its time. No way they'd ever try something like that again these days.

Based nips not giving a shit about white liberals and their endless sucking of their own slaves' BBCs

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That's an insult to Sheva.

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I'm just pointing out she's wearing makeup to make her skin lighter and eyes larger. I'm not saying with people are more attractive, but that is in fact what she's doing. No need to be upset