Why aren't you playing the hit new game, Murder Around Us?
Why aren't you playing the hit new game, Murder Around Us?
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Between ourselves
those are some source dev textures i tell you what
The sad part is that when a game gets 10000 ripoffs, at least one of them is bound to be better than the original, especially when the original is some simple cashgrab like Flappy Bird.
But there is no way to find out which one it is.
They aren't even trying to hide the fact that it's a cheap chinese knockoff
Shame is not a concept known to the chinks
I wouldn't actually mind a more first person style of this game.
Nothing more anticlimatic knowing that when you see that guy walk into Electrical behind you your pretty much gunna die.
What I want to know is why is there even a market for such cheap knockoffs when the original is right there? Like who the hell is playing this instead of Among Us?
Because it takes very little effort to do something like this and chances are someone's gonna download it.
To be fair it is 3d, so I can see someone being interested in it.
within our circle
Unfortunate spacemen. Its not a ripoff, but still better than amogus.
but WHY would they download it? I guess there's always the people who will download it as a joke, but is that really enough of a market to make the whole thing worth it?
I don't know, user, normies are a nothing more than a source of grief and mystery
3D Among Us doesn't sound bad actually. Especially if the map/maps have multiple vertical levels, maybe a watchtower.
Is VR Among Us (or a similar game) a thing yet? Think it would be cool
Try the minecraft mod
god i hate 3rd worlders (including the chinese) putting their apps on the app store.
yet both are a cheap/light version of TTT
Yes in VRchat
Yes, in VR chat, JaidenAnimations played it.
I'm waiting for the sequel Assassin present amid ourselves
Isn't that Unfortunate Spaceman? It's F2P.
>browsing app store
Found the 3rd worlder
Sorry I only play Among Ass on Steam
peak american posts
>Like who the hell is playing this instead of Among Us?
It doesn't really need to be a market.
They maybe spent a week on this game, when you put in 0 effort any return is a net positive.
Even if like one guy gives them $10 over the entire lifetime of the app theyve made a profit.
Is it actually good? A crucial part of Among Us are the emergency meetings, does it have those or something analogous?
Is it actually worth playing or is it just a meme thread?
This eceleb likes it:
I never played it because I don't liek social games.
Bro, Among Us is already a redditified version of Space Station 13
Real ones will remember
>dumb mom hears new among us game is popular
>"shit what was the game? murder among us? yeah this is it