I don't care how sexy they are or how much they piss off SJWs or how good their game was...

I don't care how sexy they are or how much they piss off SJWs or how good their game was. I just think they're bland lukewarm picks.

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>I don't care how sexy they are
Why not? Are you gay?

No , your faptime and game time should be separate like a non-retard would do


Don't care, still cooming

OP is a fag.

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>like Xenoblade
>wanted more Xenoblade rep
>got it

I'm happy. Already got Dragon Quest and Banjo-Kazooie in the last Fighter's Pass. Mostly just about avoiding more Fire Emblem and Pokemon now.

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there's a cast of dozens of coom worthy characters that don't use swords or counters in a sword+counter oversaturated game.
That's my big issue. Nyaa riding kot would have been a thousand time more interesting

>posts the version without pantyhose
>is an homosexual
Checks out.

>bends the knee to censorship
>is a social outcast
Checks out.

Legs and booba aside, I've always liked Mythra's and especially Pneuma's outfit design.

Smash is now used as a marketing tool, introduce a new character and game sales of that game go up. It used to be Smash was a celebration of iconic Nintendo characters but that concept has been watered down. Or however much money a company gives to Nintendo to include a character.

That's okay user, you're allowed to have that opinion.

Think of the NTR porn though

>I just think they're bland lukewarm picks.
Maybe you should actually play their games then before talking about them. Because you clearly don't know what you're talking about.

Their writing ain't shakespeare, kid, They're just Rei and Asuka 2.0

>love the games
>love the characters
>wanted them absolutely nowhere near the smash fanbase
At least there will be some cool remixes of XB2 music.

>Gives you a unique character
>Everybody seethes
>Character becomes forgotten
>Gives you generic swordsman
>Everybody seethes
>Character becomes forgotten
I don't get why you people still give a shit about the fighters pass when it's just a marketing tool.

who did you want
>inb4 you dont answer

NTRcucks still seething

let me guess, third-party hypefag?

Xenoblade 2 is not a good game tho

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lol closetfags

As a Mother fan, its disappointing to see potential slots for another Earthbound rep taken up by more fucking carbon copies. Not even one of those Redditfag neckbeard manchildren who wanted Geno/Master Chief/whatever. I just hate that essentially a third of the fucking roster plays almost exactly the same and Sakurai keeps adding onto that number.

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I legit think he's tired of making more characters

>Ice Climbers
>Wii Fit Trainer
who's buying XB2 that wouldn't have already? I'm gonna replay it but that doesn't mean jack shit for sales.

I just want him in

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And that's fine. Just don't be a dick about it

One of the greatest battle transitions of all time

>As a Mother fan, its disappointing to see potential slots for another Earthbound rep

Oh fuck right off, your niche series, dormant for 15 years, has more than enough rep in Smash. Two characters, four stages, two dozen songs, items, etc... etc...

Monolith busted their asses for Nintendo as of late, let them have their character.

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They are pretty generic visually though. Not much personality and writing from original games makes it into a character's potrial in Smash