Daily reminder that Chrono Trigger is the best SNES game

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Doubt it. It's the best pure JRPG maybe but something like SMRPG just has way more variety, insane attention to detail, and massive amounts of effort put into every little part of it.

No, the combat starts to feel like a tedious chore after a while with all the little pauses and delays gradually becoming more and more unbearable, the story gets boring once you reach the magic floating island area, and the world is no fun to explore when trying to find all the optional quests.

Earthbound, Lufia 2 and DQ5 were better. Still a good game though

It's a good game, but it will never have the same amount of love and pure raw unfiltered SOUL as Pic related

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CT isn't the best anything. It's shit, and billion of RPGs, or games in general, are better.

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>It's the best pure JRPG
No, it's not.
>dude SMRPG
play more games

it's not good

wrong. I sused to say ff6 was better, and maybe AT THE TIME it was, but from today's viewpoint, Chrono Trigger is the best game.
To clarify my point. Did you play secret of mana back on the SNES? Did you think it was amazing? Go play it again.

>Go play it again.
Exactly, play CT again. It's garbage

I played it two years ago. It holds up so well. FF6 was amazing in its day. It was the first jrpg I played that had characters and story lines that were so well realized. But now any decent jrpg would do that.
Chrono Trigger has magic though. The pacing is amazing, the combat system is fantastic, art and music is amazing. Everything has aged so well.

CT was pretty great and still holds up well today. The combat isn't very deep but it's serviceable, the environments are varied, and the quality stays consistent throughout.

>CT is [pointless buzzwords and meaningless adjectives that say nothing]
Okay NPC.


>FF6 was amazing in its day
No, it wasn't. Final Fantasy games really weren't anything special or unique anymore, for their time, when FF3 came out.
>combat system is fantastic
It's is a clunky hybrid of turn-based and real-time. Enemies pose no threat and deal a fraction of the damage the player character is capable of dishing out. There are no interesting spells or status effects, important (de-)buffs, every ability simply deals damage. Dual/triple techs are just boring variations of the same 'do tons of damage' or 'heal tons of HP' template. There's nothing that messes with Equipment-in battle, interacts with terrain, or changes the very rules and mechanics of the battle. Compare to any turn-based games like SaGa, Etrian, even Chrono Cross or other FF that use ATB, etc. It simply lacks enough depth and challenge to be compelling since you have no real customization, builds, or skills which hurts replayability when every play-through is the same each shit. There's no entertainment when the gameplay loop is spamming high-level techs with an occasional AoE heal. Who the fuck finds this "fun"? It's repetitive and devoid of sustenance and dungeons might as well be linear corridors. It's not even only overly simple, it's overly TOO shallow. There is no challenge and variety is non-existent. Abusing double and triple techs really just destroys anything, and when Chrono receives the Luminary spell, you don't even have to see the pixels on the screen again. The lack of challenge is a major problem when that's 90% of the fucking game. It's hard to remain engaged when you are just sitting there watching animations play out and not actively engaging with the mechanics. Even Magus' is completely bypassed by doing the same thing you do all game. There is no player involvement, except in equipping new gear which is just select the best one in every scenario. You can't assign spells or roles to anyone they are just attackers and healers who basically play the same.

First played it on DS, j fucking loved it and never had the chance to play in on snes when I was a kid, Cross is fun too, I own these except the Chrono Marle one but that one is more expensive than all the other ones combined

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Not even the best RPG on the SNES

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>The pacing is amazing
Impossible, as it's a game.
>combat system is fantastic
It's a bloated, terribly balanced mess. The game's positioning system is nothing more than a useless gimmick that is blown out of the fucking water even by FF's simple back-and-front-row-system. In fact, it's so terribly useless, out of the 100+ spells, fewer than 10 are either single/all. Also doesn't help that its magic system doesn't have a single interesting spell; they are all iterations of each other, with the prime example being Magus, who has 3 dark magic spells that essentially do exactly the same with just a different damage/MP ratio (which doesn't matter anyway, as you have virtually infinite MP). This is further worsened by the fact that you ALWAYS have access to your ENTIRE inventory, allowing you to spam items constantly, thus becoming pretty much invincible. I have no idea how you could call that fucking mess "fantastic".

>Everything has aged so well.
The other anons already have mentioned a lot of aspects that have aged horrendously, so I'll restrict myself to one that is, for some odd reason, something the game is usually praised for: its oh-so-revolutionary encounter system. More often than not, people seem to praise this game for not having random encounters and are so deeply lost in their narrative, that they are incapable of critical thought, and thus forget why random encounters are typically criticized. In fact, I have yet to see someone who unironically, after having thought about it, prefers CT's scripted (trash) encounters. It's not like CT came up with visible enemies either, not to mention those scripted encounters are so mechanically simple and needlessly rigid, it's fairly disappointing when you consider games like Romancing SaGa 2 which had visible enemies with their own behavior patterns, allowing you to reliably avoid them after some time, compared to CT's barebones encounter trigger based on arbitrary proximity.
The Uncharted Waters games have scripted fights that actually mean something and aren't just brainless EXP. piñatas you mash through and forget, not to mention that unlike CT there are legitimate ways to play around those, either by focusing on fighting or avoid it completely and play as a merchant or an explorer instead, CT has nothing like that either, it's extremely barebones and visible enemies become a mere technicality that only matters as visual flair more than being something mechanically interesting in its own right that offers you interesting ways to play the game. It's, if anything, a flaw, and something that has aged horribly.

I made it about halfway through until I got stuck and couldn't find a way to progress the story. I was convinced that the prehistoric times was where I needed to be and everything was kicking my ass, but I beat up everything in search of the event to advance. When I finally figured out I was wrong I was far too overpowered for the rest of the game.


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>Chrono Trigger is a great game because ummm... IT'S JUST IS, OKAY?!?

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fuck off