Objectively good game, fuck you weebs, if anything DMC5 exposed all of you as giant ass eating faggots that go

objectively good game, fuck you weebs, if anything DMC5 exposed all of you as giant ass eating faggots that go
>its okay when japan says fuck you xxdddd :DDDDDD
suck my dick subhumans

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By the way you talk I see that you're an edgy 14 year old so you can like this game.

im trans i forgot to say so it annoys me when you call me a subhuman

I did not call you subhuman, you did.

forgot to mention it again I am still trans and luckily Devil may cry is not at all an edgy series so i can call out DMC for being edgy :3

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The game itself was fun, but the story is the biggest snoozefest ever.

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stunning and brave... thank god DMC5 wasnt stupid and edgy like DMC

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I don't think you know what edgy is
That's goth

>A devil may cry game being edgy
No fucking shit Sherlock
Yes I can tell

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shut the fuck up you retard lmao the fucking lengths you faggots go to justify "its okay when japan does it" is insane

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It has the best levels out of any dmc game. DMC 5 levels feel the same and repetitive


Hilarious thread but it needs more Vergil, the real one, not his hacker faggot sniper-rifle-abortion clone.

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I enjoyed DmC, even the story was passable. DMC5 was fine also, it was just the typical "safe" sequel that didn't really go anywhere and seemed to exist to just reset the series like the nuStar Wars did.

Did Nero say fuck you in DMC4?

>DMC5 Fuck You
>an expression of the character’s frustration at the climactic final boss fight which serves both a narrative and gameplay purpose

>DmC Fuck You
>mean-spirited shit talking from a character with no redeeming or endearing qualities during a mediocre boss battle halfway through the game

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This is now a Vergil thread

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Hello Ninja theory shill

Has there been an uptick in DmC apologism lately or is it just one dedicated shitposter?

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The problem wasn't so much as saying "fuck" as it was Donte being written as a completely unlikable cunt. His overuse of curse words as a means to project a 13 year old's idea of "cool" was simply icing on the cunt cake.

No, but he said "Go blow yourself" to Sanctus.

Did some e-celeb make a DmC apology video or something? What's with the uptick in these threads?

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it flopped, DmC2 never ever, Tameem's company is reduced to doing indie trash about muh strong wymen meanwhile DMC5 is critical and commercial success
a rare moment in vidya industry where justice has been served


Not sure he says it, but he does give the middle finger to Dante

it was what that hack tameme thinks cool is
the only reason he didn't stick with his self insert was because people called on his bullshit


I like the style announcer and the axe but not much else sorry

No one was saying it was a bad game in terms of gameplay. Just that the story and characters were lame and since they were replacing already liked characters while the devs of the game trashed the mainline series people understandably got mad. The gameplay itself just needed to change the way devil trigger worked and remove color coded enemies and it would have been a pretty good hack n' slash.

None of the DMC games have good stories though. You're in it for the gameplay not the nonsensical weeaboo plot.

>Eventually shaved his head because people said he looked like donte
What a great day
You forgot no lock on and the retarded combos lack of lock on created

Blame capcom, not tameme. It was capcom who pushed them to make Dante as different as possible.


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The only thing that bothers me is people pretend that DMC was not always edgy, its Japan edgy, but still edgy and that's whats so cool about DMC. The thing with DmC is that literally no one asked for it.


I bet Donte was still his self-insert even though they changed the look.

And the director inserted his own likeness as the main character. Who then called the game's loyal fanbase "entitled" when he got called on his bullshit.

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the best part of the entire game

I'd give it angsty but it was never the ow the edge levels that DmC reaches.

>character says fuck you with no rhyme or reason, just says it casually
>character who says fuck you at one specific point when he reached his boiling point

It's a bad game made by developers hired for story whose prior games had been written past the first draft by hired scriptwriters

Fucking subhuman bongs turning a beloved character in a Sid Vicious caricature. I hope this shit gets delisted from each store and all physical copies are destroyed.

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