
>The other thread OD'd apparently.
How's life drugbots?
What's your least favourite side effect of your favourite drug?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Not OP. I am in severe need of a drug anons. I can barely function these days. Alcohol does not help me. Something to reduce the friction in my mind. Something to give me a little inspiration. A spark to keep away the crushing darkness. I am desperate anons. Really at the end of my rope.

Something I can buy online.

Trying to get my life together but still trying to get fucked up 24 hours of the day
You know how it be

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3-MeO-PCP is love. 3-MeO-PCP is life.


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Get some psychs. Micro dose if you don't want anything too heavy.

A friend found some plug for acid and i wanna try it on saturday, i'm super excited
>least favorite side-effect of favorite drug
Idk i don't have a favorite drug, but i hate the paranoia from coke, or the fact that the feeling of happines seems super fake, and i literally can't think of anything else other than "omg i'm so fucking happy, but this happiness is fake"

This. 4-HO-MET and 4-HO-MiPT are my favorite psychedelics.

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Thinking about getting some kratom. Is it worth doing. Redpill me on kratom and what it's like.

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eating toast and thinking about another line. key is so comfy i fucking hate it

high out of my fucking mind (weed), and currently watching Netflix in bliss. I would say my least favorite side effect is being nauseous the day after I get really stoned

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anybody out there shoot K?

Worth doing for what reason? Chronic pain? Anxiety? The hell of it? If you're life is okay, you have a history of decent self-control and are looking to experiment, I'd say go for it. Otherwise, it can be an easy path to dependency, and a moderate bitch to kick.

How would you compare it to ket or MXE (if you've tried)?

Passed out with pin still in arm one time i tried it. Snorting is sufficient for me

Damn you're lucky, though I supposed you did it IM and not IV? IM is less dangerous.

No i did iv passed out halfway through the shot

Im is how you get infections fuk that noise

I see, i tried IV but never got into it, IM is the best ROA in my opinion. IM is definitely safer, sure it sounds hard but K is a pretty soft drug, it's not like shooting heroin

life fucking sucks dick but weed is still fun luckily, just got back to it after a tolerance break and shit is good, molly and acid both also still pretty fun and not entirely horrible, enjoyable to experiment on
Oi bros I've got some coke too, never done but curious as it's the farthest I can go without dire consequences, just doesn't sound that great, should I start bumping anyway?

Never done ketamine of MXE, but I have done 2-FDCK. 3-MeO-PCP lasts longer and is more manic, and feels more functional. 2-FDCK only lasts for about 3 hours, and can make me feel like everything is spinning. It has a decent afterglow and antidepressant effect, though.

Yea i was fine its really hard to od on k i just knocked myself out. I used to do a lot of h and ive mixed k into that as well. Dont do that apparently its easy to get a heart attack.

Stopped all iv and opiates a few years ago though

i can't say that I've ever had an infection but one time after a huge ketamine binge I developed bruises and this blue/green tint at the injection site, was seriously considering going to the hospital but it subsided eventually. probably not an infection but still

Mainly anxiety and because I'm bored/the hell of it. How functional is it? If I'm on kratom in public, will people be able to tell that I'm on something?

Damn motherfucker you really are lucky then. That's like a nightmare scenario for me and why I'll never pin.

Im more lucky that i stopped doing h before fentanyl became a big problem me thinks. Also cocaine mixed with h never killed me as well. Been sober from that shit for 6 years now.

Scariest thing ever was when I od d on IV cacain.

Another night of doing nothing but getting high. I recently think weed doesn't go well with my body system. If I get too high my body starts to shake by itself.

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Very functional with reasonable use. Excusing a mega-dose, probably not. Just start low and be mindful of how often you're dosing, can be morish if you respond well to it.

Probably was a mild infection that healed on its own. Ive had that happen. Isnt it super hard to kill yourself with ketamine though? Like its used to knock you out in surgeries. I only do it once a year or so now by snorting.

Have had that happen to me (the body shakes). I just put on a hoody/some long sleeves and it stops, so it could just be the high enhancing how cold you are

Also those two faggots who were arguing in the last thread need to chill the fuck out

the thing is that ketamine is active at very sub-anesthetic doses, so no, it's actually really hard to kill yourself with K, unless you aspirate on vomit. I would do 100mg per shot and at that point you can shoot it all night and you'll be 100% OK. Snorting is fine for me these days but man was I all about shots for a good while

Don't know what was happening last thread, but when I get to faded I can't stay still man. I tried cooking a cup of noodle but just taking the noodles out of the plastic box my hands were shaking uncontrollably so decided not to go through with it.

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took mdma for the first time last night and this comedown is kicking my ass. never felt this much of an urge to kill myself

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Did you ever get the bladder problems ive heard about? I never did it in addictive way. Overall K is probably my favorite drug though. Its like you're looking at yourself in 3rd person to me

Still be careful with that shit, there's so much that go wrong with a needle that doesn't have anything to do with what drug you're doing and how much.

I'm not sure if I have bladder problems exactly, but I've noticed that I pee somewhat often after drinking, I can't be sure if that's because of the K or not. It's hard to tell for sure

Yea I havent touched a needle in over 6 years and never will again. Now im just a boring clean cut person who smokes weed and drinks. Thanks though.

That's what happens when you drink alcohol lol you are probably fine. I knew someone who was doing it everyday for over a year and has a colostomy bag now though. Shits crazy

yeah I'm clean as well, the last time I tried it I wasn't too impressed and ended up throwing away the vial, it seemed fake, like it wasn't real pharma K and I have a taste for real K so I felt like it wasn't worth it to shoot some K that the vendor packaged in a vial to pass as some pharma shit.

I just really like getting on Dab Forums and flexing on all the noobs that haven't tried IM. I'm special in that way lol

Yeah, I'm the same. Just weed and the upper middle class life. It's my natural environment anyways. That being said, girls can't get enough of the fact that I'm apparently total fucking degenerate scumfuck trash working a nice job with a face that belongs to someone 10 years younger.

Same. You can't flex on me though cuz I've done all of the drugs! Except pcp that seems almost like a myth and I've never once encountered it. I don't have a desire to try it either.

Tfw I was a hardcore heroin addict but now have a comfy middleclass life and make more than people who ostracized me at the worst point in my life.

Hell yeah. I was probably smart enough I could have become a big time drug dealer if I really tried but while I like to be prepared I despise looking for trouble.

Weed origi

I just want a Irish gf to do drugs with and go explore ancient Irish sites. being alone for 4 years is weighing heavy on me, and doing drugs alone isn't even fun anymore.

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I kinda was for a year although i more connected people/transported/then took a cut. Thats how you go to prison though desu. Be glad you didn't. I have no criminal record luckily and no rehab/ods on any medical records.

Yeah, low-tier drug dealing sucks, you have to source and sell to the street vendors if you want to avoid police attention and make the real money.

Real money with minimum risk is in what I did. Connected people for thousands of dollars at a time. Never had it at my place of residence only for one car drive.

I dealt with some sketchy ass motherfuckers and was kidnapped once though. Also if I got pulled over it would have been decades in the clink.

Yeah. You're right about that shit. If I am forced to get into dealing I think I'll get into selling information. Fixing people up with the right dealers, knowing who's who and who they want to jump, that kind of thing. Nearly no criminal risk there

I would do that and mainly supplying lower level guys. So a low level guy wants 20oz of h he would give me the money and I would get it for him. So the stuff would only be in my possesion for one scary nervous car ride. I also had a police scanner built into my radio. Thats what got me kidnapped until someone else vouched for me but was overall beneficial.

My favorite thing to do, of all time is take high doses of adderall, edibles and fap to high quality hentai for like 20+ hours

Been fairly sober about 7 weeks. Kratom doesn't feel like a drug, but got into that 2 weeks in. Have to do 8 grams to get SOME aspiration to stay wake.

I tried getting a mailbox months ago but local places are full, family goes through my mail now. Was caught with prob grand worth of stash flushed it to toilet. Miss xans and speed the most. not much to look forward too. almost want to start living in my car

Do you sweat a shitload on kratom? I did when I used it a bunch

Nope, just itchy at times

Yeah I've carried over some habits from the old days that have proven to be incredibly useful aeven now. For example, wearing a spy cam on me to every meeting. It's even easier now that I have to wear business casual.

Can you give a product recommendation that sounds interesting. Although wfh possibly forever now lol.

I just bought some DIY kit on Amazon. Was pretty simple to set up and comes with a variety of shirt buttons to hide it with.

But why though? So you don't get HR'd?

People on this site are always saying don't go into a room with a woman alone but I've never had that problem at all. Idk I feel like the worry is overblown. My bosses are a black woman and a Spaniard CTO who I smoke with. They're cool and could fire me for pot if wanted, no need for harrassment bs.

More just it's an easier way of "getting everything in writing."

"Get everything in writing" was some old advice I got long ago but the kind of people who are the kind to go back on their word in the corporate world are the kinds who if you ask them for it in writing they'll just deny and act like you're some kind of paranoid freak for wanting it written down. So it's my way of catching them in the act.

Meh. Too much to worry about for me. Ill just find another company if they pull some bullshit. Working for a medium sized company in IT is pretty cushy and they'll just fire me if they want. Im not gonna worry about it.

Eh, I just got used to the idea that there will be shitty people to deal with wherever I roam, even if they're not pointing a gun to my head.

Scumbags will scumbag whether they're dealing drugs or shares of a company.

Just a reminder.
Fuck FedEx
Fuck niggers
Fuck jannies
I want my fucking delta 8

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>get 5 day shipping
>it's been 5 days
>look at the tracking
>it's in PA now
>they went the opposite direction


Do you brother. God speed and it's been a nice chat

Another day, another pill. I wish I could have a nice morning like it used to be. Coffee and a cigarette, now with this cough I would probably suffocate on spot

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a pill to make you numb a pill to make you dumb a pill to make you anybody else.

etiz 2 mg + shoegaze

I'm eager to get my wisdom teeth removed so I can get that morphine prescriptions and mix it with other substances. What's good with morphine? Is cocaine a nice topping?

>What's your least favourite side effect of your favourite drug?
Magic mushrooms kinda fucks you up. Also on coke I'm more aware of the things in life, so I'm more stoic and hard to impress.

Here's another question: what's the most fucked you've ever been + context?

Bump at the job and at partys. Mix with alcohol.

does realchems not ship to california? I'm trying to checkout but it says "Sorry, no quotes are available for this order at this time"

I ordered a g of 4-aco and it came with 2 free 1plsd blotters

God I know this exact feeling, it's made worse because I ordered it to my college and I'm scared Skyhio puts it's logo all over it's packaging.

From what I've seen on reddit they don't.

>I'm eager to get my wisdom teeth removed
Have fun getting double circumcised. Wisdom tooth removal is to a large extent a scam. Your prescription probably won't even last you that long.

yeah. best ROA by far. what's your question?

>im is how you get infections
t. doesn't know about pic related

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How discreet is their shipping? I have a front office accept packages in my building.

Ah, thanks for the assurance then.

their website says shipping is in plain packaging, with no logo or identifying information on it

>wake up
>tfw didnt died in my sleep unfortunately
W-wake and bake time

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Anyone tried kratom + psychedelics? Wouldn't kratom make it harder to have a bad trip?

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Don't ask me why because I couldn't think of an answer, I did something stupid and I swallowed my benzedrex cotton instead of fucking extracting it like usual.

Anyways, how do I know if I'm gonna die? Minor to moderate levels of discomfort atm which is normal but I should be fine as long as I don't start projectile vomiting right?

Speaking of kratom is kratom powder supposed to be green? The last time I ordered kratom, red kratom was actually red, green was green and yellow was yellow. Now I ordered from a different vendor and it's all green. Asking for a friend.

Phenibut desu

im gonna drink more

oops i meant youtube.com/watch?v=LtvkvltJYkM


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is 1.2g of albino penis envy enough for one trip? (im new)

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That photo is not 1.2 grams and assuming average potency it's a small trip. You can expect (don't expect anything) small visual changes in geometry on walls or trees.

Can you absorb 3-meo-pcp sublingual? Or I have to swallow straight?

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i want to kiss andy samberg lads

Any drug recommendations? Can't smoke since my lungs are fucked, i usually go bad on weed anyway, and am on antidepressants.

educate yourself and choose

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there is no zion where you are

>Can't smoke since my lungs are fucked
Why don't you vaporize or make edibles then? Vaporizing flowers with high CBD should even help your lungs.

Anybody save that pic from the last thread (thread before?) with the shrooms in the plastic tubs? Talking with my buddy about doing some fun stuff, need the visual aid.

I might try that, those vaporizers are expensive af tho

Whats up with your lungs
>tfw cant wake and bake because I moved back in with my parents
feelsbadman, at least I sleep like 10-12hrs a day now that im depressed again

Ime albino is one pretty strong. If its your first trip then yeah should be enough for a comfy trip

lol try weed before anything else, maybe its the answer

Chronic bronchitis

you get fucking morph after a wisdom teeth removal?

In europe we get ibuprofen...

Doesnt say anything about potency, dont worry.
Had some of the best "yellow coloured" red vein

If you think a drug will solve your problems you are better off simply using the end of your rope to an hero

Holy fucking shit I forgot how high one could be on dissociative

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He didnt say it would solve his problems just temporary make him feel better you underage faggot

People come here to talk about drugs and do them and feel alright talking to similar people, not to listen to such nonsense you're spewing out. This group is for comfy

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>This group is for comfy
Cringe look at the board you're on retard

I have to quit the weed when I move back home to my parents to start my teacher training in the summer/autumn, should I start weaning myself off for a smoother ride? Or is quitting cold turkey after like eight years of daily toking not as bad as I'm imagining it would be?

What are you talking about
Oh okay you can stop talking for good

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>were on Dab Forums so we have to be edgy little fags
Why are newfags so cringeworthy

just go cold turkey you will be too tempted if you attempt weaning yourself off

You wont really sleep well for a week or so and wont have much of an appetite either. Its pretty manageable though. Every time I quit it was cold turkey and I feel better after two weeks than when I was smoking

Almost 2 years clean. Every single day without drugs is hell. Still living with my parents. Can't wait to move out to order Heroin again. On that note, how's the dn situation currently?

whicch one are u on
dont tell me its the.shitty drug called DXM

What's that opioid rc called again? Can't remember its name.

so it really doesn't get better, huh
i've been clean for almost a year now and i'm miserable

If you sit around and twiddle your thumbs or just do some shitty job by day and browse Dab Forums all night then nothing gets better

It was really good shit. Feels like an opiate. But it stopped working for me and only makes me feel sick now.

Ive been alone for 7 years

I hate dxm. It made me feel retarded and like i was dying.

3-meo-pcp aaaaaaaaaa


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This happens to me too desu

Well, I didn't have any RSO capsules yesterday which is the first time in a while, today was really shit didn't study at all and just watched the fucking sopranos. I will take 5 capsules tomorrow eve which I'm exited for and then the last three next Friday after a week break, they're gonna be hard to step away from and even harder to not just drink in excess instead. Got some Tesco win for tonight at least. Cheers lads

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Drink some water, lay down and listen to music. You'll feel better in a day or two.

Dirty bong water smells exactly like the inside of a new camper trailer sitting in the hot sun.

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When u like the 3 the 4 the weed and desert inside mouth thanks Not even drinking hydrates me enough

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HOLY FUCK kratom is no joke. I just tried it as someone who is opioid virgin and it makes me just as high as high potency weed but in different way. Also the strains are not a meme. At first I had one that made me energetic and this one makes me comfy and warm. Wow I didn't expect this. How often can I do kratom to not lose the magic or end up like those guys who are eating 40 grams every day? I want to savor this feeling. It's not as interesting as weed but it's fun, and it makes me really horny too.

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oh shit it does
that weird cheap fabric smell with some musk
damn it

Little but of booze and some weed with the morphine. Coke and opiates don't keep mix. Keep it to like a six pack and maybe a joint or two and you should feel comfy.

Is it normal that O-DSMT is hard to get and expensive in the EU? Is it cheaper on the dn?

Yeah I think the person who put it best was Toe Rogan. He said "I took it and realized WHOA so that gets you HIGH high, these people are walking around fried out of their brains" I remember thinking it was just gonna be pussy shit but it completely knocked me off my feet when I took 3 tablespoons because I didn't believe the hype.
>How often can I do kratom to not lose the magic or end up like those guys who are eating 40 grams every day?
I honestly don't know, every time I've tried Kratom I just finish the entire pack.

Shit drug all around, i dont get why people dont just buy ket or if price is a problem order ket analoques online

took some 3-meo-pcp at 10am, turn out it's 7pm now, I guess i redosed and i dont remember holy shit what a ride my vision is still wonky

FUCKIN TELL ME HOW dissociatives ARE

im always high on weed
ive always wanted to try pcp or ket or whatever RC u doin rn u know

ive done LSD Btw
4 times
2nd 400ug

are psychedelics MORE intense than that pcp shit

it's wonky and wonky wonky

What's pcp like? Isn't it psychedelic, too? I've just heard horrible stories about it, and since i'm a schizo, i'll probably never try it.

It's 3-meo-pcp, not pcp. It gave me a psychopath mindset at first then it was similar to ketamine and then i dont remember because i took too much but it was good and now im happy. Fuck I need some rest.

Ket is hard to describe its this weird but pleasurable feeling that feels like being stoned but also kind of like being outside your own body at lower to medium doses and at higher doses up to k-hole doss is far more apparently dissociative and psychedelic in that it feels closer to psychedelic ego death than just


original original original

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what's the difference between 3-meo and normal pcp?

at low doses, it feels like being drunk.
at moderate doses, it feels like being VERY drunk but also like you're comfortably wrapped in a cotton ball.
at high doses, you start to lose motor control, speech, and access to memories.
at very high doses, you are anesthetised.
ketamine is my DOC at the moment, i love the physical and mental peace it gives me while i'm in the hole. i have a 3-MeO-PCP sample i will try in a few weeks, curious about the effects.

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shitty at the moment but there is hope with whm we can only hold on to the essence of dream market

>but it completely knocked me off my feet when I took 3 tablespoons
3 tablespoons? My nigger I took 1 teaspoon and I am fucked. I am honestly glad I don't like the high as much because I can see how this could get out of control fast.

No idea, never had normal pcp.

Any way to counter this or did we get the shit end of the stick?

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I have really bad chronic depression, BPD and anxiety. I started using weed as a way to self-medicate. I've been stoned pretty much the entire last 2 weeks, but I can't afford any more. I feel so bad. I haven't felt this suicidal in a long time. Help bros.

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Is a disso hole something that you try to describe by words but it's million times beyond that and you aren't doing it service? Something you have to experience for yourself like mushrooms or LSD?

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Not that guy, but absolutely. The first and only time i k-holed i accidentally snorted too much and my friends later told me i was just lying there for 3 hours, not moving.
To me it felt like ages. The concept of time disappeared. I was in constant loops and had that near death experience, where you're completely ok with just letting go.
It's pure bliss, but be careful not to overdo it.

Bro get off weed, its not going to make shit better, drugs suck a lot harder when you do lots of them. Take a break, do other shit and then maybe take psychs or M to get back on your feet, those usually help me through mental blocks.

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have you ever fainted? you know the few seconds of confusion when you wake up, you don't really know what's going on, what/who you are?
imagine feeling like this for 5-10 minutes while being in a dream-like/near-death state. i find it amazing, you have almost no memory, sometimes you even forget you are under the influence of a drug. some find it too confusing and don't like being forced to lose control. after a while you feel your body rapidly floating up to the surface and you wake up.
that's my experience of the "ketamine hole".

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PREGABALIN ORIGINALLY it has qualities of alcohol and a benzo and opiates and a slew of other drugs but really it is its own drug and unique. its like a benzo but no memory loss and you won't act retarded and its a good painkiller

took 1.5g of phenibut, usually take 1 or 0.5, I hope I won't do something stoopid

get a hobby and do something creative faggot

thats literally all you have to do. find a new passion that isnt heroin pathetic junkie lmao

I actually got prescribed pregabalin before some time ago, but i never felt shit from it. Maybe i just didn't take enough idk

No tolerance 150-300mg should be enough. Ive done pregabalin for two straight months before without needing to increase beyond 300mg, 600mg on days I wanted to get particularly faded and didnt even xperiencr withdrawal. Careful though because the ease and convenience of pregabalin can make it pretty addictive, just dont get lulled into false sense of security is what im trying to say and that applies to all drugs. After 3 months of daily use you will get withdrawal

>wait 4 months for an opening with a psychiatrist
>finally at appointment
>i stress how ive tried every ssri and snri in the book and they dont work
>hmm lets go ahead and try this ssri for your anxiety and this snri for your sleep!!1!

do you have to be legally retarded to qualify to be a psychiatrist? just give me my fucking benzodiazepines already

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>do you have to be legally retarded to qualify to be a psychiatrist?
Pretty much, yeah.

I'm not sure desu, doesn't happen every time I get high but occasionally. It does really fuckin suck though because its not fun and I can't do anything else when it's happening I just lie there and take it. Good luck user.

Opioids tend to kills psychs

>do you have to be legally retarded to qualify to be a psychiatrist?
Yes. 90% of psychiatry is pseudoscience and most psychiatrists should be cashiers. Just educate yourself on those two prescriptions and then on the next visit downplay the positives and focus on the negatives, but keep it real. Don't even use them, just pick them from the pharmacy and put them to a drawer. When I went to a psychiatrist I straight up just told him I know the medications and the side effects and I don't want to deal with the bullshit. I didn't forget to mention that it's my hobby to know about these things because I am from a family of doctors and the psychiatrist just asked me what want. The discussion was never about my diagnosis but about what he should put on my card to legally justify why I have to take it. I can talk to people and I am assertive so your mileage may vary.

Anyone try these Delta-THC products that have been popping up? Curious if it actually has mind altering effects or if its more similar to CBD

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try smoking weed and/or drinking, works good for me. i haven't had a bad mdma comedown in years cause of this.

You know I've been thinking about this and you know what psychiatry reminds me of? Those girls who are WAY too into JCS Criminal Psychology videos and always say "see that twitch in his eye? That's how you know he's irredeemably evil. Only evil people twitch their eye like that. I should know my ex-boyfriend used to do it all the time."

When a girl starts telling me she's really into true crime and criminal psychology it's just one step away before she starts masturbating to serial killers if she hasn't already. Huge red flag.

Yes it gets you high but make sure you buy from a reputable source. There's a list on /r/delta8

Cannaclear's shit works and it's usually at an amazing price, though if you're looking for little luxuries like added terpenes, tinctures with combos of CBD/CBG/CBN, you'd be better served with The Hemp Doctor.

Thanks for the info. Can you describe the high or compare it to a regular cannabis experience? Do you see this stuff getting scheduled?

Why is the carts community like this

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Where is the evidence of fraud from Cannaclear? I buy 70G bulk distillate from them all the time. It literally feels exactly like D8, maybe slightly more body load, as if that's even really applicable to weed.
Are they putting fent in the weed or something?

Of course not, it wouldn't be profitable to adulterate the product only to sell at $15 a cart. The community is just extremely autistic, always spouting bullshit about inhaling chinese vitamin e and getting popcorn lung and shit as if its not American homegrowers making these products 90% of the time

where do you crackas get monero from? atm is fucked because of covid.

Most people just buy BTC and find an exchange that sells Monero.

It's exactly what you think it's like. It feels good, but also like solo-kratom there is a heavy undertone of melancholy, nostalgia, and the ever-proceeding march of your mortality as you watch your family and friends get old while you waste your life.
It's worth it I'd say. If you like both on their own you'll like them together.
The solution to this problem is to just take more psychs

Here's an album for the aforementioned feels by the way

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i just use binance to buy btc and convert it directly to xmr on their site, not sure if that's best for opsec though.

Finally got my Ritalin script today. Went to five pharmacies and they were all out so they had to order it and i won't get it till tomorrow

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thanks dude. atm are best for opsec. fucking covid.

I am into true crime and not every psychological method is shit, that's why you always should just get a lawyer. You can lie for 30 minutes but after 8 hours of brutal drilling your brain doesn't know what the fuck is going on. So when Chris Watts was asked to give examples on how to murder someone he thought being calm and collected and say shit like "they can lock them somewhere and let them starve to death" won't make him look guilty as fuck the day after he put his kids to oil tanks.

You are right with the comparison though. Clinical psychiatry is a lot like "see that twitch in his eye?" but with heavy duty medication. Let's try this thing with shitton of side effects that won't work and even if it will it stops working after a while 2: electric boogaloo. But some psychiatrists are doing a good job and there's also good research in psychiatry as well.

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Chris Watts is exactly why I have big red flags for "criminal psychologist" girls and shit. Those are the kinds that make someone's life hell and trap them in it then cry victim when they finally lash out. Better to avoid them altogether.

Ritalin fucking sucks though user. I hope it works well for you

Hope so too. If it doesn't i can still switch to Elvanse (lisdexamfetamine) though

lol what was I thinking.

>a heavy undertone of melancholy, nostalgia, and the ever-proceeding march of your mortality as you watch your family and friends get old while you waste your life
You really hit the nail with how kratom feels to me. Great description. I am content with all of it while I am on kratom or the afterglow of a good trip. When I am tripping I like to experience sonder and be thankful to be born in the first world. It's a fair assesment that that's where the synergy of kratom and psychedelics lies?

>It's a fair assesment that that's where the synergy of kratom and psychedelics lies?
yeah pretty much

kek i told myself i'd wait 2 weeks before doing h again on the 13th. ended up doing it on the 13th, 14th, 16th, and today fuck.
feeling good though so who cares

That's how it is brother.
The only thing I hate is tolerance.

best legal rc that is similar to coke or meth in terms of snorted euphoria?

Has anyone tried the LSD-like blotters from this website?

I have been wanting to try acid for a while now, i can't find any plug locally

Anyone know a clearnet O-DSMT vendor?

Why does everything remotely fun have to be illegal? Fucking government.

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my bf and family support

Yeah don't know why it makes me shake it's fucking weird

Ah yes, the marijuana jiggles...
I know them well.

How do people do so much acid so often? 100ug is enough to give me enough mindfuck for a few months.

Passed out so cozy last night, woke up in the morning and there were tasty buns on the table, the best morning in a while. Made some tea, took another pill and enjoyed the buns before falling into another 11 hours nap. I don't know what now though, I feel extreme sadness but I can't even get up from the bed

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ikr why cant rape and immolating groups of society i consider undesirable be fun?

We're all wired differently I suppose. I did 200ug+ every 2 weeks for a year and have no long-term psychological effects.

Holy fuck, testosterone guy here, I think I either had a stroke or my brain shorted out because I just said "ain't no one hurted" to my brother. I have no idea if this is a result of also being on a t-break from D8-THC, but I have never talked like that before. Then again, maybe it's just autism.

>Not taking drugs
What are you even doing
The right drugs will get you pussy! The best lifehack ever to exist :)

Whats your purpose taking Test? So you look jacked atleast?

>Whats your purpose taking Test? So you look jacked atleast?
Motivation, depression, better control of my emotions.

i did 400ug
200ug, 2 hours later, another 100ug, another hour later another 100ug

i dun fucked up and trippd for 2 days basically

but you are right
1 dose = 100ug is pretty good dose

Either way I need to get the dose lowered a bit. I don't think autists were designed to have this much testosterone. Doc said my hemoglobin is okay but he didn't measure my hematocrit so who knows I could actually be stroking out.

>Lost my coins sending it to the exchange because the mining fee was too low so it never got confirmed
>wallet is showing the value go up and up but can't retract the transaction
Mad af.

Addicts best druggies. Psychfags dabbed on eternally.


My delta 8 order so far
3 1000 mg cartridges
1 1,000 mg tincture
1 bag of gummies

I really hope I like this shit.

i wasted 4 hours in paint again for literally nothing while high on speed
i'm tired of this i want to kill myself

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Do H and alcohol mix?

Yes if you hate yourself and want to die.

is that what you drew?

I think it's called a triple sec if you add benzos

>is that what you drew?
No i wish it was something useful like that
i literally just spent 4 hours cleaning up a low res picture pixel by pixel before i snapped out didn't even bother saving

it's because of ocd btw it's not the speed by itself in case anyone who wanna try speed reads this

What a strange word to describe artistic endeavor for personal satisfaction. If you were drawing for 4 hours that means you enjoyed it and improved at something.

How long did it take for it to stop working?

I don't know how to draw all i do is try to clean up old drawings that have been artifact'd to hell and back

Do you find drug taking an attractive trait in women?

yes. i would love a gf to do drugs with but i'd be concerned if she was addicted to something fucked like meth.

People who shit talk benzos clearly don't have anxiety. It's like a vacation.

Depends on drugs, the reason(s) why she takes them, and how it generally affects her. If she is smoking that's automatically no way fag no matter how hot she is. If it's weed (in moderation) or psychedelics, that's definitely attractive.

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Nope. I especially hate women who smoke pot. I don't understand the appeal of seeing a woman smoke. It's like seeing a woman drink beer or put a fat pinch of tobacco in their lip. What's the appeal of women being gross? A girl should like makeup and kids.

>Do you find drug taking an attractive trait in women?

>MDMA (!!!)



I miss amph pills sometimes

I've never ordered lysergamides from RareChems specifically, but I have tried 1P-LSD, ALD-52, 1cP-LSD, 1B-LSD, and ETH-LAD from other vendors. All of them are worth doing. The first 4 are basically acid, and ETH-LAD is more visual with less headspace.

I find drinking more unattractive in all honesty. Seeing pissed up slags rolling around in their own puke outside nightclubs is not a pretty sight.

I stopped smoking weed about 7 weeks ago. Everytime I take a long break I remember why I smoke an ounce every month.

Fucking bored and lonely.

I like it a lot. Ketamine is amazing, but dxm is more physically euphoric to me. Ketty feels like a more straight dissociative, while dxm has different effects all over the place, at the cost of being a lot more dirty.

what's the "safest" country to order coke from on dnm?

Your own lol.

my country has the highest prices in the world for it.
it's $300 for 1g of shitty coke here

IM HIGH as fuck on dis dab cart

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ive had this too and for me the best reason i think it happens is cause of anxiety. also even when im fine and dandy, if i go to a cold place and start shivering, i get paranoid and get the shakies as well. funny how that happens, im coldstone fucking dead sober

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how hard will 750ug lsd hit me after 5 days without?

Good to know I'm not the only one it happens too.

Even when I'm not anxious I still get them shit is weird.

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The only vendor I know of that currently sells it is RareChems

Lol meth
That will really get him to kill himself

Man I remember when I stepped up and did a higher dose of clonazepam (2mg, before that always doses of 0.5, 0.25 or 1mg max). It was an unique feeling. Sadly, I started doing it every other day, then almost daily, for several months and developed tolerance. I still take 2mg almost daily but it doesn't feel as good as that "unique feeling". Every day I don't take clonazepam it feels like two days.
Also a weird thing, the first times I took 2mg I felt very relaxed, quiet and normal, like benzos are supposed to make you feel normally. Now it doesn't make me that much like that and makes me kinda euphoric like if it was a stimulant. This has drove me to do crazy reckless things (like walking behind a girl on the street, lifting up her dress and touching her ass). I suffer from mania (bipolar) but I take two anti-psychotics for that.
I tool my 2mg a few hours ago, I went for groceries, beat a videogame and turned into a shitposting machine, while the normal effects should be being relaxed and more focused and reading posts rather than posting myself.
thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=CZXLLMbJdZ4&ab_channel=TheLasVEVO

Has anyone ever tried 600mg edibles? Is it something that I can eat a few of each day or something I can do in one sitting like smoking? Can this also give me red eyes?

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Is alcohol and amphetamines ok or do they "actively" cancel each other or something

no idea what i mean by actively

Probably since alcohol is a depressant and amphetamines are stimulants

feeling it brother

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Now just to learn how to avoid water intoxication.

Old memory just struck me.
>at weed store owned by old white grandma looking lady
>lots of good quality strains for good prices
>would amp up my gay qualities because it made the owner laugh and she'd make my bags a lil bit heavier
>one night old lady goes to the back of the store for some reason, calls her husband out to finish my order
>quite, old, hulking, native american man shuffles out
>ask for 2 grams of an indica, he puts a hefty 8g nug in my bag, then takes my payment.
>Tells me "Thank you for making her laugh." as I leave.
It was shut down by the police about 6 weeks later. Good times.

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Edibles will give you red eye thats much worse than bong rips, but yes, you can chop up a 600mg edible into smaller bites and have several strong highs. The edible place I go to has a 400mg cookie for 25 bucks, so I cut that into fours or threes and its great.

i hate the police so much, aca no fun allowed bastards

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are the dealers on twitter legit?

>water intoxication.
wew wasn't aware I always drink a crapton of water before sleeping wonder if diuretics change anything

this but be careful. it stops working. you can get it easily online in plain packaging. it's great for a while, then useless and makes you feel worse. you know, just like alcohol. you can avoid this by dosing only every three days or so. i prefer gabapentin or lyrica, but you cannot obtain those easily online.

The worst part is that they were old, the police just took away an elderly couples source of income. I genuinely hope they ended up ok.

>no fun allowed
they've got to try some of the loot every now and then right?

You can drink water but it's probably better to keep it to a glass or two.

God damn i shouldnt have take that much xanax with alcohol, fucking hangover is killing me man

No help, robots. Weed man sold me Molly. Pure MDMA he said. he said hes been doing them regularly so I trust him. Im just scared as to what to expect. He said to cut it into 4ths andonly take 1. Im super anxious in general and drugs make it worse. Not to mention my mind is almost exclusively negative thoughts im cripplingly depressed and fanasize about suicide constantly. If I take it am I gonna spiral into a scary trip. Id be doin it alone as I have no friends, no GF. Im also worried about since Ive heard molly makes you horny Im gonna try to jerk off and jerking off sober is depressing and demoralizing enough so I dont do it often. I already hate and beat myself up over how lonely and unlovable I am so Im afraid of how that will manifest while on psychedelic.

Should I "wait until im in a better state of mind" whenever the fuck that would be?

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based swaglord

I've done 600mg edible and I was high for at least 24hours. I went to bed high and felt like I woke up higher than I went to bed.

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Any euro fag knows if there are good research drug markets on the clearnet ?
What do you think of eurochems ?

If it really is pure mdma then you should be ok since its not like other psychs when it comes to "bad trips" and shit like that. When rolling you never have the seriousness of other psychedelics. Then again, the trip might just be boring without other people. You wont spiral or anything but the thing i love most about molly is the connecting with other people part. Thats probably the only reason i even take molly. If youre really that depressed tho get kratom for the comedown. I dont even have depression but i seriously considered suicide after more than a third of my molly trips. Either way let us know what you decide.

I asked the same thing a couple of threads back so i gotchu.

Tapering off benzos is a bitch bros, had to stop using because I was getting interdose withdrawals. Any benzo lords get off this shit? Take any supplements? Might go to rehab, paranoid I am going to have a seizure alone in my apartment.

PS. Eurochems is trash

Wtf way too fucking hard. The tolerance isnt really a factor after 4 days for me so idk if you can really handle 750ug but godspeed.

Its the same for me except for some reason i love junkie chicks even though ive never even tried heroin myself and find the action of shooting up digusting.

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I actually agree with you there. Personally though i could never get past the dirtyness part of it.

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Never tapered, always went dumb cold turkey and it was always horrible. The only thing that seemed to help me slightly is chamomile tea

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I used to inhale fat vapor from my vaporizer and then trade it with my ex as we were kissing. I believe it's called shotgunning? It was the hottest thing ever. Vapor from flowers is tasty unlike smoke.

you got balls friend, im tapering and its still horrible. thanks for the tip

>Seeing pissed up slags rolling around in their own puke outside nightclubs is not a pretty sight.
Any hard drug is offputting really. Drunken whores are a horrible sight but when I see girls hitting the meth pipe and blowing out big clouds it's not really that much better. The soulless eyes as they get the rush is not something I want to see.

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Wrong original webm.

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Hemorrhoids from excess drinking are the absolute fucking worse so nightmarish they kick me into temporary sobriety

never got that from drinking

>Its the same for me except for some reason i love junkie chicks
Goth vibes probably.
> find the action of shooting up digusting.
Big reason I eat healthy and fast regularly is that I just can't stomach the idea of shooting myself up with anything. Even insulin. Fuck that.
I can deal with needles but fuck doing it myself.

thank you for opening up possiblities to open up my scientific horizon

maybe edibles come today

anyway super hungover
but i did get some coke, red bull, ginger beer...
banana milkshake

they did come

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Np man, have fun


dynavap is a solid dry herb vape that cost like $80. I have a 2020M and it works great, much prefer it over smoking. Dry herb vapes > liquid vapes

How much ritalin insufflated for a decent trip (safe distance away from psychosis)? I took 72mg concerta 2.5-3 hours ago.

good luck with the rest of your rapidly deteriorating life

god kill yourself roastie bitch

It doesn't do that. Are you sure you're old enough to be doing this?

(of the women, their sweat, their drugs, and their genitalia all locked in a cramped car)

I should've said something like mild delirium/psychosis, posernaut.

great now any piece of shit smokes meth like it was nothing. it gives hard drugs a bad reputation

But you were asking specifically to to steer away from that? You're 15 and spewing memes desperately. Research your drugs more extensively. You've got the whole internet at your hands. While you shouldn't do them in junior high, it's better you're not an ignorant fuck about it at the very least.

I am all for legalizing hard drugs like meth with proper regulations. Better than war on drugs.

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Any of you lads enjoy a nice pregablin high?

Psychpseud bro... I'm sorry that your only sense of self-worth lies in having done psychedelics a couple of times in your life, and being "woke" and "educated" on the druggie culture and slang. I hope you get better.
I took 60 mg, and I'll be back schizoposting in your thread after half an hour, I apologize for the inconvenience in advance.

Dynavap might not be the best one for him though because it produces really hot vapor. Also I am not sold on it completely. When I heat mine without anything inside, the rubber seal produces smoke by itself which makes me really wary of it. Vaponic produces cleaner taste than dynavap, in fact the cleanest taste I ever had but if you drop it it shatters which is really a shame.

>god kill yourself roastie bitch
I am a man.

You're still just parroting bullshit you saw on here.. Nobody is even talking about psychedelics. That's how I can tell you're underage

Isn't ritalin some kind of medical amphetamines?

Not exactly but it is a stimulant. The mechanism is a bit closer to cocaine's than the one of amphetamines.

Methylphenidate. It's closer to cocaine but with less euphoria. It's also not a realising agent like amphetamine, so it's harder to get the meth-like high.

Women under the effects of drugs (even alcohol) are incredibly stupid and cringe. The first thing they will offer for drugs is their pussy or ass.

My brother's gf used to be on benzos (prescripted by her psychiatrist). One night I was with two friends having a barbecue and she appeared. She was drunk and also high on clonazepam. She wanted to stay with me and my friends. She insisted me a lot and I awkwardly told her she couldn't stay, again and again. Then if I remember right my brother appeared all pissed off at her and dragged her out of there.
If she had stayed she would've passed out and we could have raped her if we wanted to.
This was three years ago and just recently she talked about that time, she said she mixed alcohol with clonazepam and that's why she acted that way (like trying to justify herself).
Also she used to say "just take clonazepam and feel good lol" now that she's a mother she's against drugs and calls them crap like they're bad for you. Women are such stupid bitches. Women and drugs shouIdn't mix up.

what was the point of this?
why the sudden influx of ledditor retards who can't handle making a post with any errors at all?

Don't be a pussy and take the whole thing. I used to roll by myself all the time. And there is no worse feeling than not taking enough mdma. You get all the bad effects without any of the good ones.

Wow you sound like a real piece of shit. What I would have done is robbed her.

>Women under the effects of drugs (even alcohol) are incredibly stupid and cringe
So are most people user get over it. Especially benzo users are invariably some of the dumbest, clumsiest people around
>we could have raped her
Well she probably didnt think that thought would cross her bf brothers mind though you seem like an intel so maybe it shouldve

>The first thing they will offer for drugs is their pussy or ass.
And? When I get high the first thing I do is offer my cock. I used to get high with my girlfriend and then have sex and it was great.
>This was three years ago and just recently she talked about that time, she said she mixed alcohol with clonazepam and that's why she acted that way (like trying to justify herself)
Yeah because men don't do this at all right? Bartard the fuck out on some benzo and then eat the entire stash and crash the car, lose a job. Her being a whore while benzoed out is the least of this world's problems, at least she is not going to run someone over with her car blacked out.

Buddy, just please tell me if you ever had experience with high dose MPH and/or can tell when one should start having psychosis-like symptoms.
If you weren't just talking shit, you'd know that erowhatever experience reports by retard junkies aren't very good, and sifting through studies of interest is a pain.

You sound like a complete retard lmao. You literally dont know the first thing about drugs now fuck off and DYOR before being a pissy little bitch and still expecting to get advice on here

>t. virgins who have never interacted with intoxicated women


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FINALLY got 24h away from my family and can fuck myself up. Please help me make this a memorable day, I have:
- amphetamine
- tramadol
- cannabis
- ketamine

By that logic you have never interacted with an intoxicated man

Many years ago. I started seeing shadow illusions of someone in the darkness on the second and a half night of a very senselessly heavy dose binge. At first they were evasive, but on the 3rd or 4th they became very vivid and dreamlike. Seeing shadow animals crawling around my bedsheets.

LSD with bit of DMT during or just after the peak. Trust me the LSD makes the DMT blast off a lot smoother just weigh out the dose youll vape beforehand.

>I used to get high with my girlfriend and then have sex and it was great.
>t. virgins who have never interacted with intoxicated women

Where's my FUCKING POST. Mr Postman pleeease don't do this it was supposed to be next day delivery its been 3 days reeeeeee

Boof all of it at once. It'll be memorable that's for sure.

>ordered 1P from Netherlands on monday
>airmail still not there just two countries away after 4 days
It was a small order just to see if real chems is a scam so I am not even worried but shouldn't it be here by now?

Feelin absolutely spectatucluar, added speed to the mix and whooaaaa this shit is on another level at least I am not dyiing from OD in a while.

Crossing borders takes time. The USA is right underneath me, but buying things on ebay I'd consider it a miracle to get a package in 4 days.

Each time I tried ordering from NL the package got seized and I had to come down to the customs station and testify that I had nothing to do with it... so I just don't order from NL anymore

aghh i'm so jealous i have amphetamine and ketamine that was supposed to come 2 days ago REEEE

Fuck psychfags eternally.

I've done a lot of lewd things with a couple different intoxicated men over the years...
Like I give a fuck. don't act like a virgin if you don't want to be called a virgin.

I wanna do MDMA again, but I know I shouldn't.

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>mfw I don't need some disgusting psychs when heroin gives me the best third eye opening trips while nodding

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What's the best drug for fapping?

Ah so you are indeed a genuine fag, no wonder you act and talk like one

If ya wanna waste half your day stimulants

Probably speed or meth (didnt try the latter though). Youll likely get limp dick and not cum. Also cumming on acid feels earth shatteringly good. Its like jacking it for the first time. Did it on ~350ug and had this explosion of visuals at the moment i came

You ever manage to retard so hard you almost kill yourself from dehydration?

Trying kratom for the first time so I took just a few grams, how much to get the full effect in your opinion?

I guess, after a particularly irresponsible MDMA roll a few years back. Woke up with insane cramps and immediately started puking air.

Stimulants are the obvious choice but I've found 2c-b to be great as well.

I need weed so fucking badly but I'm too retarded to find any. Why is it that every time I have any it's only enough for like three days.

normalfags dismss tulpas, bunch if psych/dissovirgins


1P is legal in my country so I wouldn't even need to lie.

Hey guys I'm trying MDMA soon. The plan is to basically take 100 mg right away and redose another 100 mg 3 or 4 hours in. My question is, how trippy is MDMA? I've done LSD and psilocybin and DMT before and I am NOT looking to actually trip balls. I'm just looking for a fun, recreational stimulant to get sorta fucked up on, play video games, and socialize on. Would this be MDMA, or is molly more of a real trip?

It can get a little bit trippy but it's much more of a stimulant than it is a hallucinogen. You won't trip balls. I'd take a tiny bit larger initial dose and a smaller redose if I were you. And don't redose 3-4 hours in, rather 1 or 2 hours. Once you've peaked, any redose will just make the experience tweakier and lacklustre. 120 + 50 or something like that is more than enough for most first timers ime. Assuming your stuff is good.

And if your intention is to play games and socialize maybe an even smaller dose. It all depends on how sensitive you are to MDMA.

This user Is right about the dosing and redosing. Md is pure psychedelic-like euphoria without the mindfuck or cosmic introspection of psychs but while still having that feeling of depth to the experience. Also id suggest listening to music rather than playing video games or maybe while, either way music is a must on mdma

I'm starting to really be pissed off. It's fucking Friday and I was supposed to have my delta 8 Tuesday. Fuck you fedex.

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My weed guy got out of the game, so it's back to day drinking. Living in one of the worst states in America and being too broke to leave will definitely send me to an early grave. Hope the rest of you are doing well.

>Did it on ~350ug
Yeah no. Unless you had tolerance you wouldn't even know you are a human on 350 ug. Street LSD is like number of sexual partners of men. Always divide by 2.

Alcohol as substitute for cannabis. Interesting. Welp, make sure you get that vitamin B if you're drinking regularly.

You do know that you dont peak for the full 12 hours right? Also they were crystalcaretakers gammagoblins off of whm

Its a pretty good substitute actually ime. Always helped me with weed wd insomnia and the boredom and even the lack of appetite a little

>Alcohol as substitute for cannabis.

It's a living hell. I'm glad I sold my guns.

I agree that's sort of where I'd be at 350 but some people can just operate quite well on ridiculous doses. And if I'm drinking I can tolerate quite high doses, turns into different experience if you're drinking imo.

I know that feel of being in a place where you can't quite trust yourself.

I don't care what they are, unless it's a certified lab with regulation laws 99% tabs are either underdosed, quickly degrade in quality due to poor storing conditions or during transport to the customer, or are 1p-LSD. DNM at least somewhat guarantees not getting NBOMe or even a fucking DOB in rare cases due to reputation of the vendor, but anything else is a crapshoot. If you think you had 350 ug you had 270 ug at best. Read Hoffman sometimes, even 100 ug is a fucking insane trip and today people describe 100 ug as "yeah I was driving my car and had slightly trippy thoughts" which is just retarded.

Right. I agree with you. There definitely are outliers but for the majority of people they are getting underdosed tabs in the best case.

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What about kratom? It's really potent and imo better long-term than alcohol at least as far as health goes.

Typically it's the other way around. In legal countries 40% of alcohols switch to weed.

I'm extremely interest in Kratom. I thought it had been outlawed or that it was in the process of being outlawed. If not, I will seriously look into finding some. I've been very curious about it for a while now.

What's everyone on today?
Gonna go to the park with a cup of Rum and a jibbit, should be a good time.

I might hit my dab pen later on and listen to music
Not sure when