Take the christ pill

Take the christ pill
There's a seat reserved for you

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Amen brother. Be blessed :)

Blessed christ Thread.

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>will burn you alive for a literal eternity with literally no chance of redemption

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Where is the limit of God's forgiveness?

Christcucks be like
>oh you spent the last 90 years of your life stealing, raping, murdering, getting high and fucking men in the ass, but on your deathbed felt really bad and confessed to your sins to a man in a funny hat?
>welcome to heaven brother, enjoy your stay
>but that guy who lived an honest life but didn't believe in jewish desert tales? TO THE HELLFIRES FOR ALL ETERNITY

Ah. But he won't do horrible inhuman things to you if you promise to think really hard that he's real. He wrote that in his magic book so you know it's true.

You will never be a real woman, so you should repent and ask God for mercy for your life of sin

Cringe; it's nor 2007 anymore
Also lol at getting so triggered about something you say doesn't exist

It's not getting easier God. It's really hard being alive God. What do I do? How do I decide not to just cut this suffering short? Why must I continue to live in this hellscape? Why can't I kill myself to be at rest in your great kingdom?

Retarded christcucks and their cult of jew on a stick is very real, user.

No. I won't do any such thing.

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Your life is not your own, your Lord will call you to His side when He is finished with you, but until then He has a purpose for you

Unpopular Opinion: Better to be a christian than not to be.

>Christians be like, yes, God literally is all powerful, so even if you're an absolute shithead if you beg for forgiveness he can indeed wipe the slate clean, but if you don't, he won't
I don't really understand where you think the internal logic isn't holding up here, user.

I can buy there being a higher power, but they certainly aren't benevolent.

By whose standard? Yours? God is the definition of right and wrong, He is necessarily benevolent.

I like wished for a long time to have a 8 inch dick. I swear I've tried to follow gods ways. And like today I found out it was 8...I'm like such a cursed soul yet god still granted my souls wish, people shit on god...how dare they..god made the sword of my spirit even stronger I am forever grateful. Glory to gods kingdom.

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>Also lol at getting so triggered about something you say doesn't exist
Mocking the infantile logic of a magic story isn't getting triggered. Replying angrily to it is.

>it's nor 2007 anymore
Yeah, so grow the fuck up and stop pretending sky wizards will reward you for thinking thoughts and playing make-believe as an adult.
Or just donate your organs to sick orphans and go join the wizard in eternal paradise up in the sky. Why are you still down here where it sucks and assholes like me doubt the magic of your wizard?

I hope you try. Please try to pull a fast one on God, I'm sure he'll love it.

There's so much fucked up shit and suffering in this world that happens without the involvement of others. That is the antithesis of benevolence.
You can't brush away bone cancer in infants with free will.

Blame Adam for eating the fruit, there wasn't even death in the original creation

Also, I didn't say anything about free will. God tolerates evil for His own glory (which is the greatest good), not in service to mere mortals, mere creatures, which are lower compared to Him than insects are to us.

>be ancient japanese guy
>never interact with anyone from europe or the middle east so you have no way of ever even knowing christianity is
>a time comes where you bring dishonor to your name somehow and your society dictates that in order to regain your honor you must ritually kill yourself
>ritually kill yourself
>you now burn in hell for eternity because the religion that you never had a chance of following dictates suicide is a major sin

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>I don't really understand where you think the internal logic isn't holding up here
Why are his rules arbitrary? If he loves goodness wouldn't he just make everyone good all the time? If he possesses limitless power then that should be easy.
Why would he create a bad spirit realm just for punishing the same people he gave free will to? Why isn't existence perfection? Why didn't he tell us how to harness electricity? Or the importance of hygiene? Or anything but weird rules about worshiping him?

Desert nomad mythology from 3000+ years ago isn't helpful at all and playing make-believe as an adult is simply pathetic.

There is no conclusive evidence that God exists or has ever existed, so why should I believe in Him? Because of "faith"? If God exists, and we are His children, he must've left us in a hot car.

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>reducing the beliefs and traditions of many cultures, not just Christianity, to mere make-believe
Pure ignorance, this is why people just say they're agnostic, they don't want to be seen as a cringey pseudointellectual atheist. You're not even getting the logic right.

I can't believe in Christianity for two main reasons:
>life has always seemed very strange to me and I can't imagine there being a plan behind it
>the religions that seem right to people seem obviously determined by their cultural background in most cases, not some kind of innate conscience
If anyone can answer these I might fuck around and become religious.

>God tolerates evil for His own glory
So worship a vain sinister monster that thinks it's funny when you suffer so he'll give you infinity ice-cream when you die?
Is that your whole thing? Just to get free gifts in death? Fuck everything else? Please torture me, oh powerful monster! I am wretched before thee (oh, and I really really like you so make with the goods after I'm dead *wink*)

>implying pretending something is real when it clearly isn't is not the definition of "make believe"
Okay, sure. I'm the ignorant one. You're not cringe at all.

>the beliefs and traditions of many cultures
So you're multi-cultural now? Nice. Do you respect the animism of the Native Americans? Do you take time out of your week to make a sacrifice to Niltsi the holy wind that blows life into us?
And do you thank the god of the hunt, Haasche'e Oolt-ohi, when you eat the flesh of an animal? I hope so, because it's definitely not make-believe. It's really really real just like yours.

>>life has always seemed very strange to me and I can't imagine there being a plan behind it
God is so utterly beyond mere mortals that we cannot even properly comprehend His being, let alone His thoughts. We are as ignorant of the existence of God's purpose as a machine is of its own existence, but our failure and weakness does not mean it does not exist. We do not know what God's plan entails, the scripture says "the secret things belong to the Lord our God", but nonetheless He has assured us that He does have a plan, and all things whatsoever come to pass occur according to that plan, to the praise of His glorious grace.
>>the religions that seem right to people seem obviously determined by their cultural background in most cases, not some kind of innate conscience
Perhaps the pious cultures have seemed that way not because their character determined their faith, but because their faith determined their character? We can look back through the centuries at the initial conversions of various nations and see that it was anything but an easy transition. The gospel has clashed with the culture of every nation it has encountered and fought to subdue it, as it subdues the rebellious spirit of a man to serve his Lord. Even the ancient Israelites and their older ancestors, whose histories we have by the scriptures, found themselves in conflict with God's will. Make no mistake, God is not content for you to pay lip service to Him and continue with your culture. No human culture can truly align with His word and be tolerable to us in our fallen nature, so permeated it is with servitude and praise, we have all of us in all our cultures failed Him. But since He knows that we are weak, He is willing to accept a little less than the standard, until we stand glorified in His true kingdom, purged of all sin.

I'm Christian so no, but I respect their culture. Why shit on their way of life so unnecessarily? Maybe I believe they'd be better off Christian, but if their ancestors were happy and the practice doesn't cause any harm to anyone then they're free to do as they want. Feels atheists don't understand because they lack any sort of maturity.

>the practice doesn't cause any harm to anyone then they're free to do as they want
Here's the key phrase. It doesn't physically hurt anyone to believe in all the gods you want. Do so with my blessing.

When you tell a child that he must worship a deity OR ELSE terrible things will happen to him, you're threatening someone. Someone that trusts what you say implicitly. Then you go on to tell that child that he can't ask any pertinent questions and must shut off all of his reasoning regarding the deity OR ELSE more bad things will happen, then you've just stunted someone intellectually. You're putting fear of the imaginary into the developing mind of a child as well as turning off a key part of his deductive faculties that would help him to think critically. You're creating a fearful, self-deluded, NPC that's frightened to question authority for any reason lest terrible things happen to him for an infinite amount of time.

You won't get any pearls from me, swine. Know that God as seen your words and one day you will stand before Him and be called to answer for your blasphemies. Are you ready for that day?

>God is all knowing
>still creates souls he knows will suffer for eternity after getting to live a couple of decades on Earth
What a brutal motherfucker.

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Christianity doesn't help with anything it's just a way to cope about being afraid of dying.
All European nations didn't succeed because of Christianity but because of their European Faustian spirit to overcome and advance, notice even during the time of Greece and Rome Europeans still accomplished much more than the Jewish people who are God's chosen people. Never in history was their a Great Jewish Civilization, they left nothing but a book behind. No development occurred whatsoever, they didn't improve living standards or their environment one bit, they always leached from the other great civilizations. That's why to me anything Jewish like Christianity is nothing but a con about making money out of story telling.

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checked, this guy gets it. there is no "one true" religion

>Didn't answer simple questions, just wrote supernatural threats from a story book

>one day you will stand before Him and be called to answer for your blasphemies
Do I stand in ghost land? On my ghost legs? Do I get teleported to God's house after I die? If he's so strong and mean why doesn't he just explode me right n

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At the end of the day not even self identifying Christians believe in their doctrine because as soon as this mother fucker gets horny he's going to be jerking of to sinful pornography.

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The Bible has been edited and has had pages removed, it is a sin to use a version of the Bible that has been altered.
Therefor you are sinning by being a Christcuck enjoy your hell fag

What are virtuous pagans

>virtuous pagans
Not in the bible heathen

yeah no thanks, simping for a jew man-god in the hopes you'll get into a sweet afterlife.

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I'm happy with mommy thank you.

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I can guarantee that all the fedora tippers in this thread claiming to debunk Christianity by attempting to point out moral falts or contradictions that they haven't bothered to look more deeply into, are themselves not moral or virtuous at all and simply hate people attempting to live Fuller lives than themselves.

It's the same as some literal homosexual faggot who tried to chastise me about my religion to try to get me to do something he wanted by using my religion against me, a religion he didn't even believe in, absolutely offensive.

It's always the most immoral cunts who will try to tell you that your religion is wrong and evil while they go back to being absolutely immoral and worthless. You have no right to tell others what to do when you can't even control your own meager urges.

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>all the doubt, scoffers, sectarianism, and general irreverence
>always click for the little optimism and hope in grace
Lord, don't make me throw my life away

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traditional christianity >>>>>>>>>>>>> modern christianity
how can you not piss on modern christianity? it's the soiled, rotting and smelly. it's completely ruined and a shadow of it's former self. also i 100% fucking guarantee you i will become the most faithful christian there is once you stop being such a fucking goddamned cuck. shit

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Not how it works. If you didn't know about Christianity you wouldn't go to hell no matter what.

>how can you not piss on modern christianity?

Where did I ever mention anything about modern Christianity? That's not even true Christianity, it's a mere imposter, a rotten husk, a Confederacy of infiltrated ruined institutions turned from their former purpose, now intended to lead morons astray, fuck pope fr*ncis, fuck those tiktok "pastors" and fuck the morons who are Christian only in name who follow them.

Tradcath all the way

Bro thats so based and tradpilled bro. So epic and trad. Trad cath groyper bro. Youre so different and based by saying modern Protestant Christianity isnt the same as traditional Christianity.

>he thinks Christianity is the organization and not the faith
Again, read what he said. Even if every Christian organization was an exemplar of purity, you'd still be scoffing and saying you could do better on your own which is part of the Gospel if you'd actually read it
Fundamentally you and everyone else who walks and talks like this has no idea what the principles of the faith are and treat the whole topic like football teams you claim to "be a part of" while rooting for them from a million miles away in your slovenly jersey

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Based islam roasting the roasts

do tradcaths even exist anymore? i doubt they do where i live. i just want to live a fulfilling life with my tradcath wife and have tradcath children

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Take the Yaldabaoth pill and realize that you worship something that is, at best, a complete fucking retard.

Bro I live in a certain town in the US that's full of them, the girls literally all wear veils when they go to church and there's a ton of beautiful redheads.

The problem here is that as an outsider who's new to this town it's really difficult to get into their social circles and I doubt any of them use social media. Not to mention they expect you to have a full time white collar job and a house.

Everytime I go to mass here I feel like such a heathen because everyone is dressed super nice and they are all super dedicated, normally I'm the most Catholic person around when I'm not here, but dude, these guys are hardcore.

Does it matter? God loves me and I'm not a bad person. I've read the bible and done the whole give myself to god thing in church.I ain't gotta do shit to get into heaven

>Gnostic faggotry


I don't threaten people with hell, some denominations don't even believe in eternal hellfire. Even so God does not want NPCs, he wants people to willingly side with him. You are free to do as you wish, you are free to shake off the hell threat. At the end of the day, Christians love God for the benefits they feel God provides more than fearing him as a cruel tyrant.

a mother does not lead her children to sin

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It's comforting to know that death is truly the end. I won't have any fears or worries. Everything will just cease to be.

False comfort from a lie

Have you sold all your belongings already user? Or are you a fake christian?

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Look at the content of their souls, not their mode of dress and the way they conduct their worldly affairs.
It's easy to be intimidated by a way of life, but recall that all the westernized world was that way once. See where the faults and cracks lie and then remember you (as well as they) are merely human and one single mistake can doom an entire town like that to be plunged into sin and vice like the rest of the world. If that isn't already the case.
When you see how weak mankind truly is without God, such outward displays only reinforce that you ought to be seeking God more heartily and readily.

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Stop misrepresenting Christianity. You clearly don't understand Christianity and just come here to attack those who want to better themselves.

He knows that, you know that, and everyone who even mildly looks at this thread can tell he's not trying to "represent" anything in any way.
When evangelizing learn to take the lashes, to take the shouts from the crowd, and know the difference.

Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth.

Luke 12:33

Yet you clearly own a computer... Why wont you listen too Jesus?

>Christians love God for the benefits they feel God provides
What the heck are those benefits if you don't mind me asking? I honestly can't think of one. He... gives you... powers? Presents?
I can get with Jesus' philosophy OK, he makes good points especially for someone from his time. The supernatural shit loses me fast though. It reads like comic-book canon and doesn't hold up to two seconds of scrutiny.

We must call out lies when possible. I fell for the same arguments in my youth when I did not know better.

An out of context Bible verse does not represent the totality of Church teaching. This is no different from the "judge not" crowd.

as a drug addict hedonist coomer i can vouch for this

>Stop misrepresenting Christianity
You stop. Either the rules are set in stone or they aren't. Either they matter more than anything else or they're nonsense written by bronze age metallurgists.
You don't get to have Schrodinger's Bible that's both infallible God-words and at the same time up for interpretation by scholars and dismissed if you don't particularly like a certain part.

Amen brothers

People feel strengthened believing God is helping them through all their problems. They feel hopeful for tomorrow. The Bible also preaches a pretty healthy lifestyle and the church community is generally pretty nice. Even if you dislike Christianity it's not like the Bible is completely useless.

The Bible is not infallible God words. The Bible is divinely inspired. Even if it was literally all infallible God words we would still be fallible human beings and need the Church established by Christ to help us understand them.

Have you cleaned the mote from your eye?

The Bible is a pretty decent moral framework. You need to actually study theology if you want to separate the bullshit from the reality. It's a tenuous subject. It's not a bad start for some people. It's not a bad way of living. Should you see it as fundamentally the only way to live? Probably not. But actually having a scholarly interest in theology isn't going to do any harm to you and for many is merely what keeps them sane.

I was raised as Christian from birth but in the church i got nothing from my fellow Christians but disdain and I only saw fake kindness. I always felt I had to play two personalities and even then nobody truly accepted me, I was a nobody in there. Also the masses became really boring and I would rather play videogames than listen to a guy telling me I will go to hell either way.

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The new testament yes.
The old testament is a horrible moral framework which is why most people dont focus on it that much.

>People feel strengthened believing God is helping them through all their problems. They feel hopeful for tomorrow
Ok, so it's Dumbo's feather. It's this sacred item that you put faith into that allows you to achieve your goals or feel confident. That's what I thought. Cool. Keep it to yourself then.

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>shit on their way of life so unnecessarily?
Because I thought you weren't supposed to worship false ideals?

Here's how to quickly dispel the christcuck spammers' faggotry, post Spinoza. He was a jew who got excommunicated from both the Christian church and his synagogue for claiming God exists in this world and that the visions of the prophets were just their own interpretation of God, denying the immortality of the soul and free will and saying that free-thinkers should be concerned with life rather than death like the life-denying christcucks. He was both a jew and against jews and responsible for destroying scholasticism and the Christian philosophy and causes many christcucks to seethe to this day so he pisses off both the christcucks and the ultrakikes at once.

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So what you're telling me is missionaries are absolute fucking cockwads going around proselytising to pagan spearchuckers with exactly zero chance of converting voluntarily, condemning to eternal damnation who otherwise wouldn't go to hell

I don't, what's your point?

But they do so by definition they are just wrong. You would shit on someone who was driving the wrong way in traffic right?

thank god people like you will burn for all eternity lol

>Wishing people suffer in hell forever
Is this the christian superior morality I heard so much about?

So you complain about Christians trying to spread the Bible everywhere, but you're also complaining that they don't do it enough? What point are you trying to get at here?
I'm not going to be unnecessarily disrespectful to another culture. Lots of Bibles are printed, information is readily available, missionaries are always going to different countries, etc. Maybe I'd even bring an outsider to church to possibly consider joining, I don't know. Trash his current way of life though? No, that's disgusting behavior.

I refuse to be a Christian because of their retarded "just believe in Christ and all your evils are forgiven at the snap of a finger". This is what makes evil grow.

>implying i was wishing you would burn in hell
is this the retard superior retardedness i heard so much about?

You seem angry about this.

Well you for sure seemed happy that he will.

Its not very Christian of you to be haughty and smug. When you are this way you are sinning before God's eyes. God commands that you take strikes from the unbeliever without growing resentful or arrogant, to let him lay with your wife without growing vengeful, to let him take of your daughter without growing hateful.

i wish for him to change his ways and follow christ but alas he never will, which is why it is fitting for him to go where he belongs in the end

That's not sounding sad

Yea but it's got some cool stories. A little glimpse into the past. It's all about this guy who talks to himself freeing a bunch of slaves. That's kind of lit. All sorts of cool shit. I havent read it. But theology in general isn't really evil in and of itself. It's just people take the texts as is, take the moral lessons as is, and try to force their interpretation on everyone else because they think they are even capable of having divine revelations.

Through your sinful lust for vengeance you will join him there, neophyte.

ummmmmmm, yeah, and?

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through your sinful wrath you will join me there, moron

>christians deny life because I say so even though the christian lifestyle is obviously for the life on earth
What did he mean? What does he even mean by deny life?

I am merely observing Christ's wisdom, please do not visit your anger on me wrathful vengeful one.

why does he want to send me to unimaginable suffering for eternity for being a homo tho

Because he is jealous off all the nice dick you get king

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Atheists be like

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im a virgin like everyone else here

This, I've never kissed a guy let alone been in a relationship with a girl. If you believe being gay or bi will automatically get you laid you're beyond delusional.

Well you will get some nice dick in the future. Believe me I am a prophet.

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>There's a seat reserved for you
your god wants nothing to do with me i am not a child of abraham your god has no claim on my soul. try not to molest any more little boys neo-jew faggot.

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Christians be like

The only tenets I abide by are as follows:

1. One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason.
2. The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.
3. One's body is inviolable, subject to one's own will alone.
4. The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own.
5. Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs.
6. People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused.
7. Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word.

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I unironically look at this multiple times per day

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>What did he mean? What does he even mean by deny life?
Christcucks are constantly flogging themselves and guilt-tripping others into following their cuck cult over a bunch of nonsensical bronze age superstitions in the hope of going to candyland after they die, just grow the fuck out of your autistic fantasies about schizophrenic jews and learn to enjoy life.

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God is neither interested in human "good" (asceticism) nor human "evil" (lasciviousness). Both are filthiness in the eyes of God (Psalm 14:1-3 KJV). Since whatsoever is not of faith is sin (Romans 14:23 KJV), no one can do any righteous and good works without faith. Therefore, while you separate people into "good" and "evil" categories, God only sees sin in all cases, unless they have faith in him.

Since Christ's sacrifice on the cross covers all sins under the law, even murder and adultery are forgiven, as demonstrated by David (2 Samuel 11:3-4,14-17; Psalm 51, 32; Romans 4:6-10 KJV).

God judges you in one of two ways. Either you declare yourself to be righteous, and God judges your righteousness as filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6 KJV) and casts you into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:11-15 KJV). Or, you ask God for mercy because you recognize you are ungodly, and God justifies you and gives you the free gift of eternal life. This is summed up in Luke 18:10-14 KJV.

God can only be pleased by faith (Hebrews 11:6 KJV).

If you demand that God judges a rapist by his works, then he also must judge you by your works (Romans 2:11 KJV) and send you to the lake of fire as well, since "all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23 KJV) and you're just as guilty of sin and worthy of hellfire as he is (Romans 6:23; James 2:10 KJV). Ultimately, you are just saying that you are better than other sinners and that God owes you eternal life due to your own merit, which is completely false and shows man's sinful pride, which is a sin in of itself.

If people like you are gods best soldiers he is fucked.

suck a dick (no homo)

>humans are into sin
>giving birth to children gift

what a hypocrite when you are bringing more sin into the world

This doesn't answer me at all. I still have no idea what it means to deny life. Maybe use less memewords and explain his philosophy instead of post jpgs of random people.

>God is neither interested in human "good" (asceticism) nor human "evil" (lasciviousness).
Then he's worthless.

If he needs to command people to spread his word for his word to reach others, then he needs us to believe in him in order to exist. I'm doing my part in destroying this worthless deity, are you, user?

>enslaving yourself to some ancient jewish storytales
>giving up your free will and concience to serve old men in skirts
even if God exist and Jesus was his prophet, it doesn't mean you should do anything, or even believe in the Bible. btw the muslims have some great arguments against christianity

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>some fucking loser on an anime image bord is gods greatest soldier
god should really pick better soldiers no wonder all the crusades but the first failed.

you cyber crusader

>to deny life
It means not enjoying your one chance you've got to live because of religious superstitions

What makes you think Christians are unable to enjoy life?

oh yeah, your gods elite warrior a real "special" force.

i'm not a crusader, i'm at least somewhat successful at things i do.

>was considering becoming christian
>read this
>immediately no longer interested

I was planning on becoming the best version of myself to be the best christian I can be, but now this just completely disinterests me. Someone who does atrocities that aren't technically sins and believes in god goes to heaven, but atheist Mr. Rogers goes directly to hell.

The only 'good deed' according to god would be believing in him (for some reason) and the only 'bad deed' is not believing in him.

>Don't have sex outside marriage or you're going to hell
>Don't touch your dick
>Don't have bad thoughts about people
>Don't release your stress
And you wonder why priests are horny as fuck and molest children

Join the Satanic Temple instead

>The only 'good deed' according to god would be believing in him (for some reason) and the only 'bad deed' is not believing in him.

Man is shapen in iniquity, and conceived in sin (Psalm 51:5 KJV). Since you are utterly hopeless to please God by your own efforts, God in the flesh died as a sacrifice in your place so you don't have to go to hell. As long as this kernal of sin remains the fundamental essense of your being, there is absolutely nothing you can do to merit God's favour on your own. You need Christ to save you. All works that proceed from you after being saved are Christ doing the work through you. This prevents man from boasting about their works.

There are spiritual rewards and positions in God's heavenly kingdom for those who are qualified to serve and who have lived by the faith of the Son of God:

Ephesians 1:21 KJV
>far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come:

Colossians 1:16 KJV
>for by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

In our world, companies only hire the best, and most qualified people to serve as CEOs and such, while the man who has no qualifications, would serve as a janitor. In the same way, God needs people who are highly qualified to show his love for all eternity, by them having learned sound doctrine. The janitor would be equivalent to a man who believed the gospel and made no effort to study God's Word after that. They will simply be a part of "every name that is named".

1 Corinthians 3:11-15 KJV
>For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.

Note "but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire". This is your eternal security.

So your proof that Christians hate life is that they consider sex to be sacred and something special you should have with your wife and try not to coom in order to not be controlled by lust. And that they try not to hate or judge others all the time. And that they don't release stress, whatever that means, the community is always there to discuss problems and it's not like the Bible is against hobbies.
I think that says more about you than anything else if those 4 things are the first that come to mind.

>Not in the bible
Whoa, almost like Christ established a Church that would evolve to keep up with the times for a reason! Pfft nah this one edgy fat German guy from 500 years ago knows better

do you have any evidence that any of this is true and no the bible is not evidence

>No. I dont want to redeem my soul.

>did not ask to be born, had no choice, would not be born if given the choice
>being born is a sin
>forced to believe in a god who doesn't care in the slightest about me or risk going to eternal suffering
>zero (0) hard evidence this god exists
>can't force myself to believe in anything

Whew thanks god, real nice guy. Don't even want eternal life, I would take experiencing nothing over going to heaven any day. But that's not really a choice because I was forced to exist.

>try not to coom in order to not be controlled by lust
Cooming doesn't fucking mean you can't control yourself, if anything masturbation addiction is less harmful than smoking or drug addiction or even a christcuck addiction that brings you to kill others in the name of God.
>And that they try not to hate or judge others all the time.
Except gays, dykes, trannies and everybody else who's not on their good boy list

I want to, but I'm constantly doubting if forgiveness and change is even a possibility for an unrepentend degenerate like me. I'm also having trouble with what denomination to belong to.

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prove that the "soul" actually exists

Also, side note, how is it fair even in the slightest that you are a sinner for existing? Do babies who die immediately after birth go to hell? Do small children (under 3) go to hell if they die of SIDS or something, despite not even having the mental capacity to be christian?

Sex is nothing special user. Its something thats fun.

Martin Luther, Jesus Christ, the Church- All false prophets
The only true prophet is monke

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>Also, side note, how is it fair even in the slightest that you are a sinner for existing? Do babies who die immediately after birth go to hell? Do small children (under 3) go to hell if they die of SIDS or something, despite not even having the mental capacity to be christian?

Babies are born in Light, sin only activates later when the conscience comes:

John 1:8-9 KJV
>He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

Proof that Babies cannot be under sin due to not being under the law:

Romans 4:15 KJV
>because the law worketh wrath: for where no law is, there is no transgression.

Romans 5:13 KJV
>(for until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law.

Romans 7:9 KJV
>For I was alive without the law once [spiritually alive as an infant and capable of entering heaven if killed]: but when the commandment [the law of the conscience] came, sin revived [his sin nature activated], and I died [he had a spiritual death and could not enter heaven without the gospel].

Monke is love
Monke is life

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>deny life
meaning that christians don't live life at its fullest because of the promise of an afterlife

If it's not in the Bible, I don't want to hear it.
Even Catholics claim authority from bible verses.
"And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it."

Everlasting gospel: John 1:9; Acts 17:27; Romans 1:18-21, 2:14-15, 3:19; 2 Timothy 2:19; Revelation 14:6-7 KJV

These people have the 'everlasting gospel' given to them. They will be judged by whether they believed in God or not based on what God has shown them (everyone has the external creation and internal conscience signs).

>"And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it."

Peter declares that Jesus Christ is the precious rock, stone, and chief corner stone that is made head of the corner (Acts 4:10-11; 1 Pet 2:6-8 KJV)
There is no rock other than God (1 Samuel 2:2; 2 Samuel 22:32 KJV)
Jesus' very words are like a rock that saves you (Matthew 7:24-29 KJV)
Only Jesus Christ can fit this criteria as the rock, not Peter.

Here's a tip for all of you lost and confused robots
>anything not syntactically evident is garbage
don't fall for the redd*t debate and argument memes

Context is King, user, especially in documents that are older than the last ten civilizations your family tree participated in

>sharts rhetoric

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iml a fag so i cant take the chris pill it would be hypocritical

>They will be judged by whether they believed in God or not based on what God has shown them
Cuckoo nonsense straight out of your ass. God shows people who have never heard of him stuff now? Do the cannibals in New Guinea see God? Do they get free human flesh in heaven? You're just patching plot holes in your storybook.

Grew up catholic everything is boring and by the books like doing the same thing every sunday

But I switch to Baptist and I felt the presence of the lord

Like stop forcing me to do repetitive task and make me feel his presence my own way

Still can't understand them speaking in tongues tho I'm not j7dging

>i get my opinions on christianity from teleevangelists and amazing atheist

>Take the jew pill

No thanks jew.

Sexually immoral people, or drunkards will not inherit the kingdom of God. Someone is telling people they can sin as much as they want and still inherit the kingdom of God, they believe in a false doctrine called "Once Saved always saved"

>Isaiah 64:6 KJV
Dude stop just randomly take verses. Our rightousness is not filthy rags.

>if he loves goodness

>y he didn tell us 'lectricity n sheeeit

He was bored. Duh. We're the sims right now. And he doesn't say "if you're good you can go to heaven" he says "if you believe in me you can go to heaven"
You are the one making the rules inconsistent by trying to inject your bleeding heart limp-wristed feelings.
>b-b-but I been good!
Well, that still doesnt mean you can join bored God's sky club. Theres a no faggot rule but if you repent he'll probably make an exception, they say he's pretty cool that way.

Underage posting is against the rules

Holy SHIT this nigga just got SMITED! Oh DAMN I SEENT IT

I'm a catholic. But I want to coom to many different things.
How can I accomplish this well?

Yeah, mhmm

That's good thinking user. Maybe it's a trick. I wonder who could be behind a trick like that. A devious trick, to hand-wave all your transgressions against yourself and God by forgiving your every mistake, allowing you to sit and consoom, secure in the knowledge that you get into the heaven club despite all your many shortcomings.

If god is reading my words, God is a 4channer and a robot. I am pleased to worship a 4channer.

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How did you convert?

Do you say you're christian, but you live like Christ? If not you're just a """christian""".

Stay mad atheist

I get that the whole "believing with no evidence" is what faith is about. What I don't understand is why you would choose to believe in one religion in particular when thousands of other religions claim to know the truth and all contradict each other. At which point do you decide "alright, this set of beliefs is the right one"?

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Take the Adamite pill.
T. Subhuman monkey Preadamite mutt

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I lost.
It's not a literal eternity. It's an eternity, as in a very long period of time. Get it right.

Pretty much all religions stem from the Watchers and Cains son Enoch, the other Enoch. Astrological worship of the sun moon and stars. Half man half beast angelic beings created by interspecies sex, etc.

There's a Bible in every country of the world and on the Moon.

Take the Yahweh pill and realized you fell into a Luciferian dualist scam religion. Lol.

Cool and that answers his question how?

Most of this site is morons and/or underage. And I hope you eventually cleanse your own souls.

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extrememly based and redpilled. Always beware the canaanites; It is said that God made their women beautiful, but marked them with that nsoe.

you will never understand it if you think so reductionist