>never drank
>never smoked
>never done drugs
>hasnt gotten me anything in life
Never drank
Loser... do drugs they are fun
I didn't drink, smoke, or have a job until I was 30. The girls at my job avoid me.
when i was a kid i was told drugs would make me miserable, the opposite was true.
You should try weed. I didn't try it until around 27 and I haven't experienced any problems with it. Just don't some it every day and it'll be a lot of fun. Alcohol is not worth it though.
I did more drugs than anyone else in my high school class and graduated salutatorian. Drugs don't give you anything besides fun and, in some cases, social benefits. There's absolutely no reason to be a straight edge faggot though. "Uuuuuuh hello, yes? I would like to limit the amount of memorable experiences I've had in my life for silly reasons."
I just don't do drugs because I'm not a junkie nigger.
You sound like a faggot spouting that sort of shit.
>I just don't do drugs because I'm not a junkie nigger.
Because using drugs, regardless of how/when/why, automatically makes you a junkie and a negro huh? Fascinating.
>Because using drugs, regardless of how/when/why, automatically makes you a junkie and a negro huh? Fascinating.
Depending on he substance, yes.
>gets all his drug info from the mainstream news
I used to smoke heroin off a tin foil. I'm white and made straight As the uni semester I was doing that. I never experienced withdrawals when I quit. ???
>actually want to try drugs but am too much of a friendless nerd to know where to get them
It's not going to 'get' you anything; it's not like being sober is some sort of achievement in and of itself. If you're an addict, GETTING sober is an achievement because you actually know what you're missing, and choosing to live your miserable life in the absence of something amazing takes a lot of willpower. That's the thing: life sucks and drugs are great. If they aren't causing a problem, why not take them? I choose not to egage with them because I have an addictive personality and I don't want to risk losing my job, but I don't consider myself some enlightened monk. Yes I mean you, . Get over yourself, faggot.
Ive done all the drugs in the world and I still a loser user. Its just what it is sometimes
Honestly alcohol has fuckef my life more than amphetamines and opiates. 2 hours till the store opens and i can get some beer to stop shaking. Need to get back on real drugs and stop drinking.
You don't end up smoking H off of foil from eating an edible for the same reason you don't end up addicted to caffeine powder from trying coffee. Normal people have a coffee in the morning, or a beer after work, or a joint on the weekend. Substances that change your state of mind are only a problem if you use them to avoid your default state of mind.
You're not hurting anyone by staying sober, but you're not helping yourself by doing it either.
>never drank
only done this one and it's ok
I don't like being drunk that much, but beer tastes good, i like rum and whiskey too
I kinda want to try lsd
Based user. Druggies are the bottom of food pyramid and more pathetic than bots. Imagine if these retards used this argument for sex as well. "No need to be a puritan faggot, just lose your virginity to a prostitute and fuck random party stacies. Oh don't be a buzzkill user, its fun." You can see them seethe everytime you mention that being a failure drug addict doesn't automatically make you a robot. If that was the case, every homeless person in LA is all of a sudden a "robot" now
Based, the junkies always get annoyed when someone says this.
I don't do drugs because mental illness, it's why I think the junkies are all normalfags since they don't understand this
sober life best life
>drink every day and have done for many many years
>used to smoke but quit because cigs suck
>smoke weed rarely, but used to do it more often
None of that got me anything in life. Everything I got in life was because I worked for it. Doing drugs or not doing drugs has basically no bearing on it. Just get it done, OP.
>start drinking off and on for a few years
>baby face gone
>Jump from looking like I'm 18 to 40 in a few years
The fuck
Drugs do nothing if you are a spineless pussy at your core. Only provide another escape route to get lost in. I guarantee I'm just as big if not more of a loser as you. Except I'm also a degenerate who spends all the money I save living in moms basement on weed and booze. I've gained zero friends or peace of mind from either. Again, that's speaking as an absolute loser with no will or ambition of a better life or position.
In short, and in my completely uneducated and unreliable observation. Drugs dont make or break anyone. If you are functioning person, drugs can embellish your life. If you are lost, drugs blind you even more.
cheap thrills are fun if you can enjoy them in moderation, idk drugs are the only way I can force myself to experience joy lately even if it's artificial.
Based and same. Ignore the coping degenerates, brother, and walk along the path you were given.
doing drugs is very middle class now. you're like a skins charcter
Mfw I'm white + moderately wealthy and in good health both mentally and physically. I smoke weed drink liquor and do a variety of drugs like mdma percocet xanax etc etc and life is great it's all about moderation