What are your worst fears preventing you from dating and holding down a bf/gf?

What are your worst fears preventing you from dating and holding down a bf/gf?

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Sexual insecurity. I'm really ugly, my dick is painfully average, and I'm just a /d/ tier degenerate. I could never even dream of getting a woman off.

That they'd leave me and I wouldn't be able to handle it.

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>being vulnerable
>i'm ugly lol
need i go on

I feel like I'd be the more submissive one in the relationship, realistically, so I wouldn't be the one holding anyone down.

Becoming codependent again and losing them.

Keeping them happy/entertained without wanting to shoot myself. I love my alone time and dont want to give it ALL up for someone, but at the same time I know a girl would want all that time. Maybe i'm just better by myself

I'm unironically a schizoid. My standards aren't as high as pic related, but I certainly couldn't be with someone who participates in modern hookup culture.

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I'm a virgin and every woman my age has been on a cock carousel for years now, and that makes me resent them so much that I don't even care about getting one.

One of them is going to say something really stupid one time and Im gonna punch a hole through a beam and break my hand.

Most people I've eavesdropped on Discords seem like complete normies when it comes to body count and virginity. I would say sex within a relationship and not outside of one is fine.

I am incapable of trusting women, because women are quite untrustworthy. I would give anything to be a faggot, but unfortunately I am a straightoid

may i have the source pls

I'm on a ton of meds so my dick doesn't work
everyone says sex is an integral part of a relationship so I guess its over bros.

I don't know, my fears are so deep-seated that I dare not even put them into words.

Gekou Jikoku ni Yarimashita.: nhentai.net/g/199104

>What are your worst fears preventing you from dating and holding down a bf/gf?
To be able to speak the truth.
Many people can't handle the truth and as such I can not say what's on my mind.

giving him my virginity, us breaking up for some reason then being worthless to other men

Socialization. I don't really know anything so I don't have much to say

that he'll settle for me when deep down he wants a stacy.

That I'm too fucking far down my path of insane worthlessness in life to actually start living with a purpose to start a family. It's hard enough as it is trying to live normally within the bounds of society as is
Then get married, women hold all power in divorce in this corrupt world
>buh buh what if I want to trade up
Then die alone like the rest of us, slag

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No fears, I'm just incredibly hideous so nobody will ever be attracted to me.

I fear that I'm too far gone to even be in a relationship. Sooner or later I would break up just because being so close to someone all the time would be really stressful and anxiety-inducing for me.
I couldn't even realistically imagine someone fitting into my life.

Factually speaking, I'm a boring, annoying, stupid, unfunny, self-centered, self-awareness lacking, whiny, weak, repulsive, malformed freak with a whopping 0 redeeming qualities and no one would ever want to be close to me.

Hypothetically speaking, she would step away from me because I would never feel like I'm good enough for her. I would just get tossed back into the void like the worthless piece of trash that I am, desperately reaching out for her as she becomes smaller and smaller, and the loneliness would feel a thousand times worse after getting a mere taste of what life is like without it.

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I stutter!

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I'm short and nonwhite which is a no go for many women online. Feels real bad when you get rejected right off for things outside your control. Even worse when you're making a connection only to get ghosted when yo say your height or ethnicity.

Standards too high.
Value too low.
Rather than settle,
I'd prefer to be alone.

S-s-sucks to be you d-dork! Hahahahah

Stuttering can be cute user.

Can't keep an erection, don't find myself attractive, but above all else I become and anxious mess if I'm in a relationship and want to get the fuck out asap.

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I'm 37 years old and my mental and physical health is so bad I can barely hold myself together. I can't even think of a relationship.

That I would lose myself and become suffocated

>S-s-sucks to be you d-dork! Hahahahah
stop making fun of me, please

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it's not cute when you can't talk or when someone views you as a retard because you cant converse

I deal with a fair few people with stutters in my line of work and I always treat the conversation as normal while giving them time to say what they need to say. Is this the right way to go about it?

>I deal with a fair few people with stutters in my line of work and I always treat the conversation as normal while giving them time to say what they need to say. Is this the right way to go about it?
yes it is

got cheated on by ex of 2 years who also tells every person she meets that i apparently hit her
i literally can't trust a single woman after her

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I'd rather coddle them and be mildly patronizing/teasing so I can enjoy watching them become even more flustered.

i'm getting a boner just reading this
assuming you're a fembot

The fact that they won't even be my gf. Also this is great bait for incels

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That they'll start to see me the way I see myself

This. Every time i get into a relationship, they end up leaving me, and its annoyingly painful because normally we start as friends, become really close and start to date, and then they leave and never look back.

are you indian perhabs? heard something exactly like that from an indian once

Truly loving someone again for them to be a complete and utter lie who robs you of your soul.

Literally, not figuratively. The fucking narcissist me like Borderlands 3's villains did to a certain a fanfavorite siren. Powder style.

American Indian, yes. Southeast Indian, no

sorry that happens to you bro, racism sucks big time, in my previous job i hated the fact that just because im not a fucking native speaker a bunch of crackers would claim my english sucks even though they didn't fucking understand basic words from their own fucking language.

I can't stand the thought of someone settling for me.

I've got a lot of decent qualities, but I'm ultimately not THAT good in the grand scheme of things. I think the only girl who'd actually wanna be with me either doesn't have a lot of options, or wants a "safe pick" after she's been abused by a past lover.

It especially sucks because I form strong attachments with people. The few times I've gotten close to relationship with a girl they slowly became my top-pick. I don't think women are capable of something similar.

I don't think I can hold it down. I simply don't have enough value as a human to keep people entertained. I'm deeply caring, considerate, and loving but that's not enough. Even if I start another relationship it probably won't last long because they'll get bored of me.

That's not how most sane men work actually. Sorry to disappoint you.

1. The current crop of women is kinda shit, we all know this.
2. My life is not set up in a way to where I could adequately care for the theoretical rare species of woman who is not shit.

So I just stay single instead of wasting everyones time kek.

My penis size. I have turned down multiple advanced from girls I liked because I was scared of not being good enough. Now Im old and inexperienced and so fucked in the head that even if a girl told me its not a problem I probably wouldn't believe her.

Rejection, treason, abandon, low self est, etc....
The usual stuff!

im afraid ill be cheated on and know this girl is probably the only girlfriend ill ever have anyway so ill have no choice but to stick with a cheater

Its a mixture of being an actual schizoid (High Function though) so its very hard to let people get close and very personal to me. Combine that with the fact that most of my interests are online based and I live in the middle of nowhere, you don't get much IRL chances and eRelationships are pretty much doomed to fail.

I pick my boogers and eat them, too.

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