Everyone is having sex right now. All of my friends are banging their girlfriends. My neighbors are banging right now...

Everyone is having sex right now. All of my friends are banging their girlfriends. My neighbors are banging right now. Even my parents had to bang in order to make me.

And here I am, alone. I'm just sitting here like a FAGGOT WORTHLESS KEK LOSER and rotting away. I didn't deserve this. Nobody deserves to be born short and ugly.

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Lol I hope I ascend soon Im tall so hopefully it will b easy
Sucks for u op

Fuck you nigger I'll cut your legs off and walk on them like stilts.

Sorry to hear that, dude.

I know this is probably not what you want to hear, but I'll say it anyway.

Sex, it can be fun, but it has consequences.

See those sad looking dudes who have turned into a meal ticket for an overweight gf and the three screaming kids?
Those guys had sex, and they probably would trade it all to be you.

See that dude digging through the trash? Guess what, he's not just regular crazy, it's syphilis and it's finally gone from an uncomfortable lump on his willy to full blown tertiary syphillis that is making his actual brain fall apart inside his skull.
That dude is definitely regretting having sex.

See the single mom riding the bus who is 45, can barely put food on the table and can't find a partner? She had plenty of sex and probably has enough regrets to trade places with you.

What about that young man over there? Young man? He's still a boy really, well he's definitely regretting having sex since that girl he had fun with at the party had a pregnancy test...

Whether it's a debilitating STD, or, worse, an unwanted pregnancy that can't be terminated, sex is a few moments of fun that can quickly turn into a lifetime of regret.

Shit, if you don't believe me, watch some family court proceedings, they're always a great way to feel smug about not having a girlfriend and kids.

>Sex, it can be fun, but it has consequences.
I don't care. I want to experience those consequences. Laying here and rotting away for literal years is way worse than any STD or relationship drama.

OP I don't understand why don't you just have sex?

I'm 5'4 and disabled.

Disabled in what ways? I am missing vertebrae but that never stopped me from doing it. Have you even tried?

Well it's more to do with the fact that my disability keeps me unemployed, so I don't have the money to get a girlfriend.

I suffer from severe PTSD, psychosis and agoraphobia because of a traumatic incident in highschool. I know it sounds like I'm exaggerating, but I haven't stepped foot outside my house in years.

Yeah it does sound like you're exaggerating. There are many people who had traumatic experiences in high school, most experiences as a kid are traumatic and we unpack them later. By the same definition there are billions of people who are agoraphobic because they too have not left the house in over 12months. That is mostly because the government is being weird dickheads, but also because half of the diagnoses in the DSM are made up nonsense

You have to realize, it's not that I "don't want" to leave the house, it's that I physically can't without having an intense nervous breakdown.

>By the same definition there are billions of people who are agoraphobic because they too have not left the house in over 12months.
That's...really silly and totally disanalogous.

>Laying here and rotting away for literal years is way worse than any STD or relationship drama.

Truth be told, all of those options are undesirable.

But what is it that is making you "rot away for literal years"?
Don't you have any hobbies?
I like gardening, I spend at least an hour a day in the garden. Isn't there something else in your life that brings you enjoyment?

For every one person banging, theres 10 people getting slaughtered. Right now. Reorient your priorities.

Just one comment on the PTSD thing.
I had a really good experience treating my PTSD with MDMA.

Look, I know it's not going to be a magic wand that solves all your problems, but I think you should look into it.

If you're interested to find out more, visit Dab Forums's drugfeel thread and ask for their opinion.

You mean your mind makes you do weird shit when you leave the house? That's not how physics work unless you didn't mean to use that word. If you have a largd chunk of ice in front of your door that physically you cannot leave. You have some weird mental block that is preventing you from joining society but not from taking abuse from strangers on the internet.

>But what is it that is making you "rot away for literal years"?
I'm sure you don't want to hear a long sob story. I'm just extremely undesirable. I'm mentally unstable as fuck and I'm really ugly.
>Don't you have any hobbies?
I did. Now I fucking hate all of them. I just dispassionately work on Dungeons and Dragons campaigns while listening to old podcast episodes I like.
>Isn't there something else in your life that brings you enjoyment?
Video games did. Then I realized that video games are for losers, and they are hyper-specifically tailored by large corporations to make citizens docile and not resist the great societal war that's coming, so I stopped caring about them. My luster for fantasy and fiction is also totally gone, because I realized that you're supposed to grow out of that stuff when you turn eighteen. I am extremely fucking immature and intellectually stunted, so I'm trying to branch out to new things. Everything is so fucking boring to me though. It's like this weird inner conflict where I hate video games for being childish, but they're also the only thing that kept me entertained.

You're right, my bad, physical isn't the right word. The point I'm trying to get across is I feel intense emotional distress if I step foot outside.

Why should I care about them?

I actually have been seeking out psychedelic treatments, they seem really interesting. I have a friend that suggested trying acid, but I feel like that would make my psychosis worse, not better.

Best response to a question like this I've seen so far. Congrats, user, you did good today.

smoke some weed man it'll be a good experience :-)

I've actually smoked so much weed that I've basically grown a tolerance to it. I'm packing a bowl rn.

im gonna have astral sex with my waifu rn

just end it lole

if you weren't born short and ugly it would have been someone else in your shoes; like everything else in this world attractiveness and consequently happiness is a zero-sum game and there has to be enough losers to balance out the winners
take solace in the fact that you're pretty unlucky

That makes me even angrier. So I literally exist to be a fucking cuck. I exist so I can sit in the sidelines and be used as a reference point for what not to be.

Yeah fuck that, I'd rather fucking kill myself.

Honestly. Girls can be pretty shallow sometimes. But I've noticed they tend to go after guys who really enjoy their lives. So why not take this as a chance to live life to the fullest and get drunk on all of it's pleasures instead of focusing on just one. Life is full of wonder. You just gotta find it.

wouldn't have been a case if based hitler won

>But I've noticed they tend to go after guys who really enjoy their lives.
They're attracted to sociopathy, and sociopaths by extension live happy lives.

Not everyone who enjoys life is a sociopath. Kinda rude of you to assume so

>Not everyone who enjoys life is a sociopath.
Oh you sweet summer child.

bro i just stop reading after they say they have sex, nothing they have to say is relevant to us

Your time will come, OP. Rolling to confirm.

Best response I've seen in a while.

AFAIK, one of my relatives is nearly 30 and is probably a virgin.

I don't get it, that's obviously an excuse for a sorry cope false equivalence. Those "consequences" are easily avoided. They wouldn't trade sex, they would trade being too foolish to avoid those other things you mentioned.

Brains are physical objects

I don't know how to type this in a more concise way

>I just dispassionately work on Dungeons and Dragons campaigns while listening to old podcast episodes I like.
Well, most people don't work on D&D campaigns at all. If it gives you any perspective, there is a connection between mental instability and creativity. Like the wikipedia article has a brief summary on creativity and mental illness. And also, writers specifically according to one study have the most "psychotic" traits out of some other creative professions

>Then I realized that video games are for losers,
There's no reason to think that, they are an art form and and activity, that isn't even necessarily that niche nowadays. Even if there are people on Dab Forums that want to say everything except their recreational, maybe still sedentary activity of choice is for losers.

>and they are hyper-specifically tailored by large corporations to make citizens docile
Well, I guess economically companies are incentivized to just make a profit. But people that create games I think actually want to and like creating games. And if what you said was true there would be no reason to play D&D either. So that isn't consistent. It would generally be impossible to just not do anything for recreational activity.. also, I think play and story telling are "cultural universals" that have never been found to not exist in any human culture.

Again, you can see how if you actually followed that logic it would lead to saying yu can't have any recreational or enjoyable activity, so obviously it is not true. Although, maybe some people might want to devote more time to productive things

>and not resist the great societal war that's coming
That seems like a contrived idea, not what you would assume immediately by just examining the world. You should also remember even though some people try to say society is going downhill, rates of violent crime have never gone up over long periods of time, and they are at their lowest ever, no societal trend is really negative like that. Even if now you have more access to technology to hear about bad news, and if bad news sells better.

>My luster for fantasy and fiction is also totally gone,
Okay, but I would say you still have a luster for caring about the world in a dramatic way, seemingly

>intellectually stunted,
Well, the most intelligent people tend to underestimate their relative intelligence the most, an unintelligent person might not think to care or be critical about their intelligence. Like the dunning krueger effect I guess.

>I actually have been seeking out psychedelic treatments, they seem really interesting. I have a friend that suggested trying acid, but I feel like that would make my psychosis worse, not better.
I don't know but I think at least a positive chance of some effect would be ketogenic diet, maybe lithium. I don't know if it has any additional effect once you already have one, if they work additively. But I know both of those things have evidence for having an effect on general "mental instability" conditions, even autism, at least the ketogenic.

I know lots of short and ugly guys who get sex

>I suffer from severe PTSD, psychosis and agoraphobia because of a traumatic incident in highschool.
Well you said psychosis caused by an incident so I don't know, but if you had said schizophrenia I would have pointed out most of the risk for "schizophrenia" is genetically determined

>Nobody deserves to be born short and ugly.
But overall I suppose your physical appearance probably isn't the main cause of all of this

>I have a friend that suggested trying acid
On second thought, I don't know much about acid but something like lithium might have a negligible effect. You could have some kind of bad trip maybe, but I think the idea of LSD would be actually to make that incident not traumatic in the first place. But I don't know. Are you just only psychotic when you go outside, or other times too? Because I don't think most of the contribution to that is anything other than genetic, and I don't think you could not-genetically have such a susceptibility to being traumatized in such a way. If it was only "schizophrenia" maybe sarcosine/glycine/serine, technically cigarrettes, but not marijuana that would probably make it worse -- from what I understand increases NMDA receptor activity. But not marijuana because I think it might have the opposite effect. People diagnosed with Schizophrenia tend smoke massive a lot of cigarettes. Theanine probably wouldn't hurt

That's because people are too dumb to put a damn condom on or wont take birth control. Hell i was about to fuck rhis chick with huge tits until she told me she had herpes. That day/night was a real clusterfuck. She would have been my third time too.

>retards are having unsafe sex so don't feel bad being a khhv incel

>Are you just only psychotic when you go outside, or other times too?
My psychosis pops up at random times. I phrased it weirdly but the PTSD and agorophobia came from a really bad trauma in school. I believe my psychosis came from brain damage from head injuries and drug abuse.

Well, if your psychosis is from drugs especially it would probably still apply, that sarcosine/glycine/serine (basically same thing) would help.