Molly first timer

Weed man sold me Molly. Pure MDMA he said. he said hes been doing them regularly so I trust him. Im just scared as to what to expect. He said to cut it into 4ths andonly take 1. Im super anxious in general and drugs make it worse. Not to mention my mind is almost exclusively negative thoughts im cripplingly depressed and fanasize about suicide constantly. If I take it am I gonna spiral into a scary trip. Id be doin it alone as I have no friends, no GF. Im also worried about since Ive heard molly makes you horny Im gonna try to jerk off and jerking off sober is depressing and demoralizing enough so I dont do it often. I already hate and beat myself up over how lonely and unlovable I am so Im afraid of how that will manifest while on psychedelic

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sounds like you need a trip partner, unfortunately I'm a bit too busy this afternoon, but I'm hoping someone else ITT will help guide you through the experience?

Maybe listen to some ASMR in bed or relaxing music. Molly is not really psychedelic. In my experience, you just feel intense warmth and the need for connection. I may have gotten a bad batch though.

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From what i've heard, Molly is basically pure euphira and confidence.

Jerking off on amphetamines feels great, user. You'll be jerking off for 8 hrs, more if it's cut with meth. You'll have a real good time. Maybe listen to Screamadelica, it's make to guide you through an MDMA trip.

take it and kill yourself

I've only done it twice, it makes me way too anxious and the come-up is fast and intense. puked both times but had a good time after it settled

Im more or less just worried about my thoughts going downhill as they normally do. Will it sour the entire experiece? Worried about the hornieness too. As is, I suppress my libido as it makes me too depressed.

Hey, that's kinda mean bro...

>Pure MDMA he said
no shit who doesnt know the dealer that says shit like
>eyo wigga i got the worst of thr worst nah i dont recommend i dont even take it myself its just utter garbage like damn
also molly is cringe and for teenage girls

Thats the thing tho. I rarely get enjoyment out of jerking off aside from the physical biological chemical releases that make my brain feel tingly. Ive learned not to trust of put too much stock in the feel good spikes. The whole time, in the back of my mind I will think of what a loser I am for not having a woman to enjoy this drug with like so many of my peers.

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molly is fucking nice, make sure u drink water and shit before hand it feels weird to have poop particles inside u. also dont eat ig

thanks for the input, faggot.

again, this seems to be coming from someone how enojoys and is not afraid of drugs. Im scarred shitless and to have that mood going in seems like a disaster waiting to happen. Ive heard of the therapeutic qualities of MDMA, but does that only come after a bad trip scares you to death and forces you to reevaluate?

Pure molly would be in a white or brown crystalline form, not in a press. Your shit almost certainly has additional shit in it, most likely caffeine and/or amphetamines

um I've never had a bad trip so idk. On molly i have had negative feeling but that came from having burnt out serotonin receptors after doing it like 3 times in 2 weeks. And that was from the crystal form not the excstasy pill. Um, I was scared before I did it my first time, but MDMA isnt a psychedelic drug like LSD, it doesnt give you any wooowoo woahhh type bullshit, its more like u want to dance and fuck type stuff. Please remember to have something to chew on because you are going to grind your teeth a lot also the bad side effects that you may experience are only things like being hot, wanting to take off your clothes, and the bad part really is the comedown, not the trip itself. The comedown is bad because there is no serotonin left in your brain, but if you do it by yourself in a calm environment then you won't have a very difficult comedown because you aren't moving around and dancing or something. But you will definitely feel a little depressed after

cope druggo youre taking F tier drugs

Also MDMA isnt LSD. MDMA is slightly sweeter more affection provoking meth. So the negative things are more in the domain of twacking out then being spiritually lost or scared. However if you are prone to over thinking stuff, then after the trip the depression might be difficult to deal with. But in short, while they are high, literally nobody has a bad time doing some mdma. It's only when they come down that there is a chance that you will be depressed. But it's not any type of earth shattering LSD shit, I had a bad come down and the next day I was fine, had completely forgotten everything and there was no long lasting psychological trauma or whatever

Would this not be maddening? Trying to lay down chill out for 6+ hrs? I'm just afraid of forcing myself into anything in attempts to ignore inevitable negative thoughts. Seems like in the end the latter will win

This. The press in OP pic is 100% NOT pure molly

That is not molly user molly is in a powder and pure shit is more of a crystal you probably have a thizzle. Molly is a very joyful experience I doubt you could have a bad time in molly. But depending on what that thizz is cut with you might have kinda a bad time. Most thizz is just cut with caffeine but sometimes it can be cut with meth. The worst thing is a methy pill. I have had those and you are up for days and grind your teeth. But long story short that is not molly bro

Rule 1 is never trust your dealer even if he's your best friend. If he said he does it all the time it doesn't therefore mean it's pure. It means it gets him high. He could be eating pure speed and wouldn't know the difference because getting fucked up equals getting fucked up in the drug world.
Speaking of which, it's almost guaranteed you were sold a tab of mostly speed. What you have is an E tab, not Molly. E is notoriously pressed with a cocktail of random shit that could get you high that might resemble mdma but it's usually just crank.

the fuck?

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Im generally aggressively depressed anyway. I cry and feel like screaming If I dont distract myself with music or movies and video games because Im going over my ineptitudes and insecurities over and over and convinceing myself death is the only silence for these thoughts. Is the post depression enough to finally convince me to step infront of the train track that goes by every few hours down my block? On one hand that seems like exactly the push I need, but my monkey brain tells me to preserve life, eat food, survive.

user if you get anxiety do not take that because it might be cut with speed and that is not going to be a fun time but if you just get depression you might have fun. But the fact he said to take a quarter of a thizzle kinda indicates to me that it is probably cut with speed. I used to sell thizz and one pill is not really enough to get people rolling so if he said take a quarter I bet it is cut with speed. Give it to some roastie toasty at a party some other time and then let her blow you instead of taking the chance on it.

never claimed to be knowledgeable. This is literally a thread asking for drug advice. Do you feel superior yet?

If you have pure mdma (which you probably don't) it'll be literally impossible to have a bad trip. The drug doesn't allow you to have bad thoughts. It's not a psychoactive like acid or mushrooms or whatever so you're not gonna get lost in a bad depression trip.
Although what you probably have is amphetamine which will turn you into a hyper babbling douche, in which case you'd want to do this with a friend so you can have someone to babble to. In any case you likely won't end up in a "bad trip" so stop mentioning it already. That's not how this stuff works. Take 1/4 like he said and see where you go from there. You'll pretty much have a good time either way.
My only advice is it's more fun to do this with a friend. Trust me.
Drink water, don't talk to anyone you have a crush on, stay out of prison.

He told me If I took the whole thing, Id be "rolling: for days" I work with him and he is probably the only person in my life my sad, sorry ass could consider a friend. He is literal chad/tyrone and I suspect he deals with me out of pity. I dont think he would intentionally lead me wrong for $20. That being said Im not sure he quite knows what it means to be so down and out and probably couldnt fathom what it would do to and unsure, depressed conscience. As for the raostie bit, no chance. I told my female drugie co worker I hade some and she showed no interest in doing it with me. Cant blame her tho, knowing Im a boring lifeless fuck

Oh you want to know something about drugs? The fact that uninformed users have access to drugs is a problem. Here, friendo:

Erowid is the best place in the world for information on any substance. Do your research and make your own decisions. MDMA is tame anyway. You'll be fine. Stay hydrated and eat a meal before you take it, because you likely won't feel like eating while high on it.
>I dont think he would intentionally lead me wrong for $20
$20 for a single pill? kek what a scam. Stop buying drugs from the streets like a teenager and use the dark net.

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Dude at this point just get your money back. Like honestly. You're ignoring this avalanche of advice and information and you keep going back to your depression like you think you're gonna kill yourself if you take the drug. You obviously have no trust in the advice you get and you don't have enough self confidence to trust yourself either. It's quite pathetic at this point.

My inner devils advocate has one last gripe then, I'll stfu. A bad time is all thats ever on my mind. All I ever expect. With such downer, negative thoughts going in, will that not shape the rest of the experience. As for a partner, thats out of the question. I might be able to convince my brother to stay available so I might text him if need to. If I do it I will end up probably listening to music (most of which is depressing and gloomy as fuck) by myself, playing vidya, watching random bullshit on youtube, or jerking off. All of which more often than not cause me to reflect, ask why im here, then spiral downward. Is this some sort of miracle drug that will fix all the miswiring in my brain?

Is $20 for 4 hits that bad? I honestly dont know

Not that guy, but where's the best place to get bitcoin?

>With such downer, negative thoughts going in, will that not shape the rest of the experience
No. You keep thinking in weed/acid terms. These drugs don't do that.
>Is this some sort of miracle drug that will fix all the miswiring in my brain?
No. It's a street drug you bought off some loser you work with. Let's be realistic here. Don't try to kid yourself.
It's not 4 hits. What the fuck. It's one dose being recommended to take in bits because OP is a drug virgin.

Its true I dont trust helpful advice(I feel its lost on my inaction to better myelf), but while It might be one unanswerable, im looking for a answer to a specific question Im just too retarded to word it succinctly. Im hopelessly depressed and a bit more than passively suicidal. Will this drug break my mind? I kind of want that in a fucked up way so I might take it anyway, but Im at the same time terrified out of misplaced self preservation. So yea, I guess in short, IDK what im doing

My negro. A single pill is not worth $20 and no one in the world makes Molly presses strong enough to be split into fourths. Regardless, quit tripping about your feelings and shit. It's not a psychedelic so there is no possibility of a "bad trip". MDMA is THE drug for depressed homos. They're using it as a therapy to treat soldiers that watched their friend become mincemeat and plenty of those veterans will swear by it. It likely won't "fix" anything in your case, but that's not what drugs are about. Just take the damn pill and enjoy the ride. Quit your yapping.
>Will this drug break my mind?
There's a million places to buy Bitcoin. Cash App is a good one for beginners and it's what I used back when Empire Market still existed.

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Just take it in a spontaneous moment of intense self hatred you whiny little pussy

OP here, tl;dr for the whole thread

Will this "Molly" quell or intensify my already way too intrusive depressive and suicidal thoughts?

Yes. 300 mg is a tad much for a first timer, cut it in half and take the 150 - do not take more afterwards, redosing MDMA is a good way to feel like shit

>Will this "Molly" quell or intensify my already way too intrusive depressive and suicidal thoughts?
It'll temporarily make you happy and then you'll go back to being a hyperdepressed individual once you've fully come down. Welcome to how drugs work.

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thanks for the support, user. I know Im counterintuitive and hard to deal with. I wish I weren't this way. I hate myself for it more than you ever could I that is any consolation. Its the only for of consolation I know. WOE IS ME AMIRIGHTGUYS

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>OP here, tl;dr for the whole thread
>Will this "Molly" quell or intensify my already way too intrusive depressive and suicidal thoughts?
OP, don't do it.

- MDMA is best used with other people. Your fear about this haunting you may become a self-fulfilling prophecy. It's also just somewhat of a waste if used alone, since it should only be taken a few times per year at most

- I'm guessing you potentially might not have thoroughly researched it and how to mitigate the comedown and neurotoxic effects, which could potentially make you more depressed or suicidal if not appropriately managed

- There's a decent chance that pill is cut with all sorts of insane shit. It could be only like 20% MDMA. My advice is to never use street MDMA / ecstasy and instead order the near-100% pure MDMA crystals. That'll guarantee the best results. Just be extremely careful with dosing and measuring.

- Don't take 300 mg. That's too much for your first time, whether it's pure MDMA or cut.

There are better drugs you can get for your situation, I think. I'd recommend just plain dextroamphetamine tablets, from real pharmacies. (I can't stop masturbating for hours any time I take it. Amphetamine is way better for this than MDMA taken while alone, I think. And it's way less risky and can be done fairly often.)

Again you're back to talking about your bad thoughts. How many times do we have to answer this question? Jesus fucking christ dude you act like getting high is this big deal. Just get high or shut up already. Enough with your boohooing. WE GET IT. I wish I could walk up and snatch that stupid pill and eat it right in front of your stupid face.

This is the only food advice on this thread. You will feel very happy for a night. But the next day you will feel worse than you do now

*Good not food

No he won't. You're talking out of your ass. That only happens to common users. OP is a virgin so he will wake up with an afterglow that will last anywhere from the afternoon to possibly the next 2 days.

>Again you're back to talking about your bad thoughts. How many times do we have to answer this question? Jesus fucking christ dude you act like getting high is this big deal. Just get high or shut up already. Enough with your boohooing. WE GET IT. I wish I could walk up and snatch that stupid pill and eat it right in front of your stupid face.
Don't be mean, he's probably anxious about his life, what might happen psychologically, and the risks of taking this mystery pill that I'm sure he realizes by now is not nearly as trustworthy as he initially thought

Just don't do it OP.

You can generally make the comedown pretty minimal to prevent the bulk of this:

But, yes, even in the best case, in 3-5 days you'll likely feel the same you did before. There's a chance that profound life-changing events can happen after taking MDMA and LSD/psilocybin/DMT, but I think it's unlikely in this particular situation.

No I'm not. I'm not telling him not to do it but he will get a comedown regardless.

Have fun depleting your brain of all the goodies for one night.

If that's all the braingood you ever had, it might even be therapeutic. You know, open up those clogged up synapses a bit

I've been here since the beginning of the thread and the only thing OP does is go back to asking about his bad thoughts despite everyone constantly reminding him that it's not like weed or acid. It's getting pretty obnoxious hearing the same concern over and over again when all we're trying to do is give him information and all he does is reject it.
He seems to not understand that drugs have other qualities besides a psychedelic trippy brain high.
OP just get your money back, drugs are created for people to have fun and you're obviously not cut out for that.

You'll be fine, MDMA doesn't really make you trip, it just gives you huge amounts of energy and makes you feel really good.

>You'll be fine, MDMA doesn't really make you trip, it just gives you huge amounts of energy and makes you feel really good.
I haven't experienced it but apparently it can sometimes cause psychedelic-like effects at higher doses

I think a lot of things that affect serotonin can carry that potential. A legal serotonergic supplement/nootropic called aniracetam gave me my first psychedelic experience.

Litteraly the only thing you have to "fear" about molly is the week after you take it. You'll have 0 serotonine left which could lead to a kinda depressing week.
Also you got scamed af where I live I buy them for 1 EUR with 220mg

You just provided a list of why you shouldn't do it. If you think you shouldn't do it, don't let your literal drug dealer friend peer pressure you into it. Don't be retarded.

yeah i agree that drug sucks

I had some mild closed eye visuals on a high dose of MDMA once, but not the mind fuck stuff you get on mushrooms or lsd.

Did you take it yet or what?

how well do you know the weed man? that press looks a little sketchy. it probably has fentanyl in it or something, your going to die

He's depressed, there is no other time his brain will release the goodies..

Plan to take it tomorrow after a shower and a meal. Ill text my brother and make sure hes available. Thanks Dab Forums. I know I can always take comfort in your heartless bullying and disregard for anothers personal circumstances. I dont know why I try to convince myself I deserve anything else. I also realize what an illiterate faggot I must come off as typing what I can, but this is literally my mind working at full capacity. I should stop letting my fear impede my urge to harm myself

OP has abandoned his thread. Fuck you OP, you are tonight's eternal pussy

Sorry just drunk retarded and slow at this reading business. Also a remorseless pussy

op if your still here
>firstly md wont make you have abad trip thats litterly what it does makes things seam great
>2 dont take it alone thats just really pointless and unhealthy its more a drug you do at an event to heighten the experience
>if your struggling with depression dont do md because when you come down it will make things worse
if i was you id just try and sell it on since you have a source they make very good money and then you could make some friends to do md with but generally if you have depression you should be weary but also if you have anxity 1 smoking weed is not going to help and 2 you can use mdma with other drugs to make you feel good and confident and it will also supercharge the other drug

one pill is one hit and its worth no more then $2

Don't bother.
Molly is great and all but there's no point if you aren't doing it with people.
>but im a robot lol
You won't be once you're on it.
Set up a reminder in a planner app of your choice and stow it away somewhere.
Molly is the emotionally safest, period.
Even benzos and opiates make people irritable/irritating at times, but Molly will make you feel /love/ like you cannot imagine.
However, if you take it alone you'll crave companionship extremely hard, and while it won't take your roll (that's the term btw) turn bad it'll be extremely unsatisfactory.

Stow it away and take it whenever coofdowns end.
There's only a limited number of times you can do this drug and your first time is the best.

>Molly is the emotionally safest, period
Until you start coming down. The morning after was very dark for me.

The first time I took Molly, the comedown was very manageable. Only when I took it again not even 2 weeks after did I feel like absolute shit for days. If I had a deep depression like OP, I would stay the fuck away from Molly.

A real shame that you have to wait months between trips.

>Until you start coming down. The morning after was very dark for me.
Oh I guess that's a problem for some, yeah.
Personally I usually had more of a problem feeling more wired than I wanted to be yet exhausted, kind of like what happens after a caffeine binge.

I've done molly tons of times. First off look up that print online. If a site called Blue light is still up that's a good source.

Take the whole thing. It's mdma. There is no stress there is no bad trip. It's literally just your serotonin and dopamine receptors going haywire. Feels good.

Bro I fell asleep but look a thizzle is not worth 20 I used to sell them for 10 and even that was a pretty high price considering I payed about 1 dollar a pill. If he said you would be rolling for days off of one then it is definitely cut with speed. Like I said go to a party or a bar and give it to some roastie and get her to blow you instead. He definitely ripped you off with the price. How much do you buy your weed for? If you wanted an once how much would he charge you?

I have the same lighter, cool user.

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Where are you from OP?
If you're close, I'll be your tripping partner if you're willing to share. I never tried that stuff though.

you only say that because you are lonely and have no buddies to do mdma with :)

It's only Holly can give you good Molly, trust nothing else

E is just short for ecstasy which is molly or MDMA. I agree with you on everything else though. The only way to get to real MDMA is to find a reputable vendor and even then it's not going to be medical grade quality. I would rather get 2C-B than MDMA.

>Will this drug break my mind?
It won't if it's MDMA. Always test your shit. Buy testing reagents, they are very cheap.

The thing about soldiers is true. It has about 75% success rate of curing PTSD after 3 sessions I believe which is fucking insane. MDMA also has great potential in marriage counseling.