Why are we so different from normies?

When I look at normies and myself, the difference is insane. Things they find funny make me want to kill myself, things they find interesting are marvel movies which I hate, youtubers like pewdiepie and tiktok instagram shit that I don't find interesting. They play COD but I hate fps games, I wanna play like idk risk of rain 2 or l4d2 but no one knows about it. I have to pretend that I'm like them so I don't end up being friendless and alone but it's slowly getting to me now, it's frustrating and I feel like an impostor. Every time someone asks me what my interests are I get this anxiety, if I let them see the real me I feel like no one will like me. Why am I so different than them? I would anything just to be like everyone else.

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>Why are we so different from normies
idk about you, but i have diagnosed Autism so maybe that's why.

We're more pessimistic and "redpilled"? We see the world differently?

Wanna know a damning secret? Normies dont exist

Because you are jaded and dont like pop culture as much as other people, this does not make you unique, special, different or whatever word you want to use.

Stop trying to BLACK AND WHITE thinking to create an US AND THEM dynamic. What you are doing is creating a rift between them so you can start to villify, resent, and create a comon enemy that doesnt exist

its in human nature to divide to create a hardline status quo. Just try to recognise this is irrational thinking and youre cucking yourself from ever living a happy life with this behaviour

Maybe it's just me, but something I've noticed with normalfags is that they're always trying to be comedians. In every social situation, the moment you try to talk about something that's not a TV show, cars, sports, or any other boring safe shit, they'll crack a joke and force you to change the subject. You can say anything or express any thoughts without someone turning it into a joke, especially if it strays in any way, however minor, from the orthodoxy of the mainstream world.

The fact that you think you're different from "normies" for liking Left 4 Fucking Dead 2 says a lot. You're not special, dude. You need humility to hope to ever connect with others


I got you pal, you have no where to run. I got you with your own words, you can't escape

imagine the bilboard 100 or whatever
hundreds of millions know more than one song from that list more often than not multiple songs

what is someone who hasn't listsneed to a single song from that list if not different. not having anything in common with the normal, the popular

Nicely said.
I felt like that when I was younger, maybe until 18.
As an adult in my 30's , even though I do live an unconventional life, I don't feel like that anymore.
I have traveled and met a plethora of people that made me reconsider myself.
We get this idea that there is this huge block of stupid normal people, but in reality most of them just try to appear normal.
Some of you guys hear are just less able to put on a mask, because of mental issues or educational failure from your parents.
I can assure you that not everyone you call a Normie is obsessed with Til Tok and only likes basic shit.
And if you feel at odds with your generation, just hand out with older friends, you might get along better with people who have different cultural references than your generation.
Also most poster here are young, and already feel like life is over.
I litteraly only started to enjoy life past my 22nd birthday, and it peaked when I reached 30.

something something dante's inferno we're at the last level

Same i always felt this way even as very young.

It's definetly real retard


Just because you play world of warcraft instead of fifa 21, it doesnt make you any different

at its core you are engaging in escapism just like everybody else. you arent special or unique. You jkust have to believe that.

Paradoxically you cling onto being a "non-normie" as a tool to feel better. It gives you identity from the people you resent. But you are the same as them, just worse off by your own volition.

what I meant is a lot of people create the "US VS THEM" normie dynamic because it helps them to cope with being unsuccessful

Its easy to look at healthy, successful, happy people and label them as "different, vapid, normies". This is an attempt to make them apepar less human than you so that you seethe less at your own inadequacies, its kinda pathetic if you think about it

>wow look at all those normal, healthly, happy thriving people. HAHA theyre fucking NORMIES! XD Im sure glad Im not like them! I win!

Aren't they vapid tho?

I'm like that, didn't realize it was something I need to be self conscious about :(
Maybe I am a normie I don't know. I always feel the need to be funny because otherwise I am utterly useless. Not smart, not handsome, not interesting, all I can do is try to bring some comic relief to the otherwise mundane interactions I have. Life is a play and I have to act my part or I'll be ostracized.

no less than you. Youve conjured up some image in your head that the average person doesnt think on a capacity that you do, doesnt feel on a capacity that you do, doesnt live on the same calibre as you do

Well theyre saying exactly the same aboout you. In fact, no they arent, because they arent concerned about what other people are saying because the average person isnt an angry jaded ranter

it's impostor you dumb monkey

>Im sure glad Im not like them! I win!
if you weren't so caught up in your own "theory" you'd notice that op hates and blames himself for being different, he's desperately trying to find what makes him different than others and he wants to overcome it. you're one of those people who think they're smart but you really really aren't, what you're suggesting does not make sense in any way

I'm sorry, what was that you said?

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If you werent so caught up in proving me wrong youd see I wasnt replying to OP. It was a general statement for how people treat 'normies' on this board

retarded zoomer thinks he's special for liking diffrent media thats still somewhat popular. If you think left 4 dead 2 isnt a popular game youre braindead, also hurr durr i dont like fps game but i play l4d2. Stop being a bitch and find something else to complain about

I feel like its not even up for debate that a lot of robots see themselves as on a different plane to normies, often perceived in a superior way, by believing that normies arent as human as them

You arent different, just lazy. Your interests are not special and you should go out more.

This is very much correct, I find that only people who haven't progressed mentally past the age of 16 think like this, if you genuinely think you are some special snowflake and everyone around you is some sheep you are either stupid or being willfully ignorant

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>I wasnt replying to OP
shut the fuck up tripfag

You didnt quote my first post though, the post you quoted was in reply to

Come on lad keep up!

it doesn't matter cause you still said op thinks of himself as superior when he never said such think, shut the fuck up tripfag your takes are worthless

No I didnt, although I said in general people think that yes

When you make a generalisation it doesnt have to be correct 100 percent of the time. But in general I believe the statement to be correct yes

once more I think most robots that think like this have superiorty complexes. Where at surface level they believe they are superior and on a better plane than normies but deep down they have the sentiments of OP. So they co-exist within each other and it causes mental turmoil.

100% cope. I don't think I'm special, but I can tell that most people I come across have a very basic level of awareness, and no capacity for honest self-reflection. If it looks differently from your perspective, you're probably stuck on that same basic level.

Everybody thinks the same. Do you have anything unique or interesting to say?

>I'm replying to op, accusing him about something he is definitely not
>this somehow makes sense

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You do realize that stuff thats being said on the surface and what really is deep in the unconscious can be different right? Maybe op truly does not feel superior, and he doesn't have some form of cover narcissism, but he still created an us vs them mentality thats damaging his ability to socialize, nobody will look down on you for like things that are different from the norm, in fact most people will want to hear more about it.

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Just because someone doesn't spout out deep philosophical insights and his deepest darkest thoughts at every turn doesn't mean hes somehow "less aware" or can't self-reflect, you learn about them by befriending people and talking to them to understand them on a deeper level

you must have discarded my post because I explained what I meant, and I wasnt even replying to OP as I said, stop baiting because you have nothing of value to say!!!! XD

thats what normies do hahahahah xD xdddddd

ok then, op is different than the type you made up in your mind, what do you suggest people like op should do?

Get therapy, unironically

Hes jaded himself to such a degree that he no longer considers himself as huamn as everyone else. Once you go down that road its when you become deranged

Or even just go out more and socialise and meet people without prejudice. and realise everyone has feelings, hopes, desires just like everybody else does

I think OPs way of thinkign comes from alienation and the ciorrect answer is not to alienate yourself further. Thats a path many go down, doublign down to hide feelings of hurt that theyre not welcome or whatever they feel about the situation.

>Everybody thinks the same
They can think whatever they want, but it doesn't change reality.

>Do you have anything unique or interesting to say?
More than the vast majority of people.

>Just because someone doesn't spout out deep philosophical insights and his deepest darkest thoughts at every turn doesn't mean hes somehow "less aware" or can't self-reflect
I agree. There's little correlation between spewing "philosophical insights" and having actual awareness. Your own contrarian pseud posts illustrate that fact.

Low IQ moment. Go out and experience more of life, maybe youll have something interesting happen.

Have you spoken to people? do you have any idea what people are like? you've alienated yourself from everyone and yet you think you know what most people are like, you're like a man whose read travel guides claiming to know more about the world than someone whose actually travelled the world.

Anyone that tries to argue normalgroids are aware and self-reflective is a normalgroid himself, so everything you will post in this thread can be safely ignored by default.

Its the opposite though since every normie says they are more self aware and self reflective than most people. Anyway youre too predictable, if you want an argument go argue with your normie friends who all think they are special while making only 60k a year

I think you might want to take a look at this user, you genuinely sound like a 12 year old right now

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>Have you spoken to people?
Countless times.

>do you have any idea what people are like?

>you've alienated yourself from everyone
Yes, and even so, I am constantly inundated in manifestations of the normalgroid collective psyche, because it shapes the environment all around me. Simply turning on the radio, watching TV shows, reading the news etc. already tells you all you need to know about the nature of the bulk of the population.

>tv shows are real life
Brainlet lol

You are lower life forms, and every post of yours just illustrates my point: you feel such a strong emotional investment in spewing your delusions and denial because you are a part of the soulless hordes being criticized.

Show me where that was even remotely implied, you cattle-brained subhuman. You aren't even capable of reading comprehension; how can an animal like you be expected to self-reflect?

There is no fundamental difference between normies and robots. Sense of humour, film preferences, the choice of your social media platform (yes, as a matter of fact, Dab Forums is a type of social media whether you perceive it as such or not), the fucking video games you play. That's not "them" and that's not "you". It's just surface level shit, it's like fucking football team fans, at the end of the day they're doing the same fucking shit. It's just labels.

Thanks for at least making your narcissism clear for all to see.

You sound like every normalshit on the planet. You already showed your intelligence level, fuck off.

>no difference between someone who enjoys listening to lil pump and someone who enjoys jazz or classical music
>no difference between someone who enjoys watches reality TV shows and someone who enjoys watching high quality kino
>no difference between someone who reads tabloids and someone who reads scientific studies
>no difference between someone who clears his mind by going for a walk in nature and someone who copes by getting wasted with alcohol and drugs
>no difference between someone with the vocabulary of a nigger, and someone who can write vividly and coherently
>we're all the same, bro
Your handlers would sure want everyone to believe that, because they make bank from producing the likes of you and milking your disposable income.

your black/white thinking is pathetic

Love watching intellectually insecure normalnigger filth foaming at the mouth over basic reality. You will never know what it's like to be human.

>posts a standard, preprogrammed normalcattle phrase as a response
Can't you at least pretend to have some comprehension?

>im a generic consoomer, but i only consoom X because i think i'm smart, just like everyone else does
if you enjoyed your hobbies this much you wouldn't need anybody's validation, little guy. maybe your lifestyle is different from someone who actually has sex, but you still have a large, normal community who shares the same interests and beliefs.

More normalgroid projection and cope. Your intellectual insecurity really shines through. I can tell that you feel embarrassed on some level.

Laziness is a pure sign of low intelligence. You won't be able to say anything of interest, your brain is incapable.

You're the one whose posting buzz words and insults at every turn, not me, but if it makes you sleep better go for it, just know that happiness won't find its way to you until you abandon this way of thinking, I hope one day you'll grow up and realize that.

>I bate fps games
>I wanna play l4d2
Pick one
>I feel like an impostor
Kinda sus

You can keep foaming at the mouth, but you will never be human, and you will never be able to display a modicum of intelligence and insight.

>I love to consooooooom!

Every single response of yours is copied straight off of an OnlyFan slut's Twitter feed.

Broken record player with low IQ. Too predictable, below average.

>muh iq
>your iq
>my iq is so much better than yours
>you have low iq
>let me tell you more about the differences between our iqs
>your iq is so low, bro
The sheer level of intellectual insecurity, and the absolute lack of self-awareness...

You probably are just not smart enough to go out and make friends who vibe with you. Spending time alone and thinking you are special is a coping mechanism.

another normie copy paste reply? very nice one, bud! you should read more to enhance your vocabulary at least.

op here,
I know I come off as a narcissist but I genuinely hate myself and I think I need some time to gain self-respect and self acceptance, also I don't hate people around me just cause they have different taste, I hate MYSELF only. I'm 20 so I think it's kinda late but I'm still trying. I'm just frustrated bros, that's it. So let's just stop fighting and hug it out

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>all the normalgroids losing their minds over getting called out
Come on, now. Everyone understands there is only one reason someone would bother defending them.

>OPs thread gets derailed by trannies who think they are super special and not normal at all because they have "self awareness"

I hope stuff gets better for you user, I really do, sorry your thread got derailed, I hope you one day find a group of people who accepts and loves you for who you are.

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i dont hate all normies just most
i just honestly dont like anyone who gives into groupthink
i stopped talking to all my discord friends cuz theyre fine by themselves but when theyre all ina. group theyre just all dicks to me or do hive mind shit and or follow trends
i dont understand why normies just do shit to fit in
imagine being like that
doing things you dont enjoy just because you cant handle being the odd one out
i hate my aspergers
but at the same time if i could remove all my diseases i dont know if i would remove it
because at least i am capable of being myself and not just being a livestock herd animal

>Things they find funny make me want to kill myself
This made me laugh because of how much it illustrates the difference between people. Everyday stuff for somebody can be nightmare fuel for another. The worst day of somebody's life could be the best for another. Niggers.

are you on the computer or TV for more than 2 hours a day?

fuck off lmao
id be the first to tell you not to judge to a point
its not all "normies" or even people who like gay shit like marvel movies
the real normies are the fucking npcs who dont even like anything
bt just consume whatevers popular to fit i

this lmao
i hate normies but left 4 dead 2 was like the most popular game of 2010
i guess op is different because normies literallt cant handle playing or watching anything more than a few years old
i rememver when my former friend told me i was a weirdo faggot for playing half life 2 in 9 th grade
that was like 6 years after it came out
they literally cant appreciate things if they arnt new and popular i dont get it

>be normalgroid cattle
>get upset over people assuming things about you
>you can't judge me based on how i act!
>you can't judge me based on how i talk!
>you can't judge me based on what i talk about!
>you can't judge me based on what i like!
>i'm a special individual deep down and you just don't know it because you don't really know me
>i can tell you have a low iq
>i can tell you've never been outside
>i can tell you've never really talked to another person
>i can tell you're a tranny and you just think you're special
>you're just like everyone else
>i know all this because you've expressed this one opinion i disagree with
These creatures clearly just aren't human.

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Do you have any proof for this claim? What makes something "popular"?

>I don't understand biology
>Everything is a bacteria

>do you even have any peer-reviewed scientific studies that show popular things are, indeed, popular?
>what even is popular, anyway?
>who is to say capeshit movies are more 'popular' than Tarkovsky's work?
>i am an intellectual
>look at me quash your pathetic black and white thinking
Normalgroids. are. not. human.

Do you really think Tarkovsky is not popular? You didn't provide any proof of your earlier claim and now you're just deflecting. Interesting.

>be normalgroid cattle
>claim that every external expression of his psyche doesn't say anything about him
>invent entire life stories and attribute them to people who question this insane opinion

>be clueless about biology
>write word salads pretending to be mentally ill

>but you did not provide any peer-reviewed scientific studies that capeshit movies are popular
>and where's your philosophical thesis about the true meaning of 'popular'?
>why, it seems like supreme intellectual finesse has won another internet debate

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Who are you quoting? How weak are your convictions if you get so upset when asked for evidence? Hmm..

>whomst'vest are thoust quoting?
>i was merely requesting evidence for the questionable claim about the popularity of capeshit movies

You don't even know what the claim was lol

>lmao i have defeated this plebian with my exquisite application of the scientific method
>i am a true intellectual

OK, let's not LARP that capeshit is not popular or that it's somehow a mystery how well-known something is

pic related, Avengers End Game vs Solaris box office

Anecdotally, I didn't even know who Takrovsky was until now, but I sure as hell have heard about the Avengers film a lot.

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who do you think plays left 4 dead 2 anymore, that game is older the average fortnite player, 2009 was 12 years ago user

You are arguing with a normalgroid. You are playing a game with no victory condition. He's a "refined intellectual", so all he has to do is to request "evidence" for the obvious until you get tired of it, wasting your mental energy.

So if something is relatively less popular than Avengers: End Game, then it is a niche, high quality kino movie? And how does it work for people who consoom popular media before it becomes popular? Do they transform into normal everyday consoomers as soon as other people around them are talking about that form of media?

Tarkovsky was extremely popular in his time. That's not even a question.

>mental energy
lmfao this aint dbz homie

>So if something is relatively less popular than Avengers: End Game, then it is a niche
No. Now explain how that's relevant.

>And how does it work for people who consoom popular media before it becomes popular?
It doesn't. Now explain how that's relevant.

>Tarkovsky was extremely popular in his time
He was. Now explain how that's relevant. You absolute drooling animal.

So why use avengers as an example of what makes something popular?
>It doesn't
Explain why you think something is only popular when you hear about it.
>He was

>can't process figurative language
Not human.

>trust me it was figurative newspeak bro! i'm not an astrology cuck!

>So why use avengers as an example of what makes something popular?
I'm not even the one who brought it up, but it can be used as an example because it quintessentially exemplifies what's being discussed, and you still haven't provided a shred of reasoning to show otherwise.

>Explain why you think something is only popular when you hear about it.
I don't. You're suffering from schizophrenic delusions.

You still haven't explained how this observation is relevant.

Being a normalfag has nothing to do with what you consoom, but how socially acceptable you are
>A car
>A house
>A job
And the biggest of all
>A gf/wife
Having any or all of the things listed above makes you a disgusting normalfag who needs to go back.

You're clearly suffering from some intellectual disability/mental illness if you think "mental energy" is some mystical/religious/"newspeak" concept.

Referring to what exactly?
>Schizophrenic delusions
You're changing the subject. Can you defend the claim that normal people only consume what is popular or not? Can you explain what you personally believe makes something popular?
Re-read the posts above.

>dude don't make fun of astrology, that makes me very upset

>Referring to what exactly?
Vapid productions that only exist because they appeal to normalgroid culture and popular tastes.

>Can you defend the claim that normal people only consume what is popular
I don't need to, because I never made that claim.

>Can you explain what you personally believe makes something popular?
Popularity is a measure of how well-received something is among the general population.

>Re-read the posts above.
If you're such a refined intellectual, why do you consistently display a lack of reading comprehension, and why can't you write a single post that has any substance? "But what do words mean and how do you know that X is X" isn't depth, it's subhuman normalgroid pseudointellectualism.

>I hate fps games, I wanna play like idk risk of rain 2 or l4d2
nigger l4d2 is literally one of the most popular games in the world, you're the normies

>mental exhaustion is an astrology concept
Shouldn't you just neck yourself at this point?

>attacks someone for "preprogrammed responses"
>goes on to respond with preprogrammed responses himself

>l4d2 is literally one of the most popular games in the world
When's the last time you looked at a calendar, gramps? It's not 2010 anymore.

What is there to say to soulless, mindless cattle?

So you can't defend the claim? That's fine. Enjoy your popular media.

"taste" in media/hobbies isn't what makes someone a normie or whatnot, what makes someone a normie is ability to properly communicate with others and form bonds, and I regret not having that ability
I just don't feel good around people, talking to them or being around them, it drains me, it feels physically painful.
there's 15 000 people playing it right now, that's turbo normie

>So you can't defend the claim?
Can you defend the claim that you are anything more than a mindless automaton with an IQ of 80? No? Didn't think so. It still stands that normalgroids consume mostly vapid popular media.

>didn't even know who Takrovsky was until now
Like how? the dude made very famous cartoons during the late 90s and early 2000.
You have to be joking here.

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>mindless automaton
Do you have any proof? Or are you just using random words again that you heard on youtube.

Based user fucking normalfaggots

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I don't need to prove that you are anything more than what you appear to be. Do you have any proof that you're not a mindless automaton? Spewing "but do you have evidence that X is X" repeatedly is consistent with the behavior of mindless NPC.

That's tartakovsky but tarkovsky was also very popular and pretty much any edgy kid in high school knows about Stalker.

>15 000
>turbo normie
Lolno. CS:GO is turbonormie
LoL is turbonormie
CoD is turbonormie
15k players is a fucking drop in the bucket for these games.

You're on the right track, you pointed out the issues and solutions yourself. 20 isn't late, you're barely out of your teenage years, don't give up no matter what and you'll be all right.

That's right, you don't need to defend your opinions since they are just projections. It seems you are very emotional about some personal issues.

You are normies, dumbasses.

You wish you could have normalfag friends.
You wish you could fuck a normalfag girlfriend.
You wish you could earn normalfag approval.
You wish you could work in a normalfag job.
You wish to live up to normalfag virtues.
You wish to fit in with a normalfag society.
You wish to contribute to normalfag lives.
You are normalfags.
You are incompetent, but you are normalfags.

I reject normalfaggotry. I do not value normalfags as friends. I do not want to fuck 3dpd. I do not care for the approval of NPCs. I do not want to work to benefit your society. I disagree with your virtues. I disregard and disrespect your society. I do not want to be one of you. I am not one of you.
More of Dab Forums is like you than like me. You are normalfags. I am not.

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I'm remember being 20 and thinking like this. I'm 23 and it's only gotten worse.

>but X was also popular at some point in the past
>to a degree that doesn't even remotely approach what X is being contrasted with, even back then
Are you retarded? I specifically picked Tarkovsky because he's not particularly obscure, but stands in contrast to corporate capeshit with an existence that's predicated on popularity.


>I have to pretend that I'm like them so I don't end up being friendless and alone
This is what makes you a normalfag.
Being friendless and alone is superior to being friends with the trashmobs.
>Every time someone asks me what my interests are I get this anxiety
When people ask me my interests, I tell them loving my waifu and being angry at idiots on the internet. Because that is what I do. I do not fit their paradigms. You do not need to either.
And yet, you do anyway. Because you want to.
>if I let them see the real me I feel like no one will like me
Yes. That's the point.

It seems like you are a non-human element trained in spewing "provide evidence that X is X"/"you called me Y because you are Y". Keep posting and proving my point.

We get it, you like Tarkovsky because he's popular and you like his vibe. You're missing the point though...

It's interesting to watch someone who thinks evidence is a bad thing start deteriorating so quickly. Do you normally talk to the "elements" like this?

Ok my bad, read the post too fast.

>you like Tarkovsky because he's popular
It doesn't matter what stories your tiny mind invents to explain my preferences; the objective differences between The Avengers and The Mirror still stand.

I love when normies think they're robots for having a Not Like Other Girls phase.

>someone who thinks evidence is a bad
Evidence is good. Asking for evidence in contexts where the request is inapplicable and nonsensical is bad, though, and illustrates that you're operating on a simple program, and have no real comprehension of what evidence is, and why it's needed.

Which has nothing to do with the argument.

I don't know what you think the argument is, but there's a reason why one is much more popular among normalgroids than the other.

>Evidence is good
You have expressed the exact opposite. Did you make a mistake earlier?

>You have expressed the exact opposite.
Only from the perspective of a non-human like you.

What is that reason? And are you assuming that popular media is always bad? Because that would make both of them bad.

I am the one you're seeking validation from and trying to convince though. Feel free to disappear and go back to believing that evidence is bad.

Why would I be seeking validation from you? I genuinely don't consider you human.

You should be asking yourself that question, it makes no difference to me if you have a real opinion or just copying what you heard on the internet.

If the main mechanisms driving your viewing preferences are exposure to marketing, and the need to fit in, you're far more likely to become aware capeshit movies, and to feel motivated to watch those.

Why would I ask myself loaded questions based on your narcissistic normalgoid delusions?

You didn't answer the question at all. However I'll address the irony in your tangent. People who are motivated to watch a movie because it is a cult classic or makes people feel like they are part of an exclusive group are more interested in fitting in than people who are just watching movies that are easily accessible.

None of this is relevant to preferences, popularity, or being normal though. Being "aware" of something does not make it popular or bad, and watching a certain genre of movies shouldn't be a defining part of your lifestyle. The whole concept of watching cartoons or playing board games making someone special is asinine. It's still mindless entertainment and it's often the addiction to media that drives people into "deeper" and more niche categories, because the easily accessible stuff becomes boring and finite. That addiction might make you special but it's also nothing to be proud of.

>You didn't answer the question at all.
I answered it so wall that you are forced to ignore the answer, since it refutes your worldview. Not going to read the rest of your subhuman drivel. Hiding your posts now.

It was too hard of a question for you, it often is.

But the average fortnite player is between 18 and 24, user

I can't refute this based post, it's perfect in all ways.

Tell me more (not op)

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You just have a different set of problems compared to other people. Contrary to popular belief it really isn't "us vs them", you just use that to cope with how shitty things are.

Were actually not. None of us are. Nobody is a "normie". I've learned this in my 28 years of existance. Been "nromal" doing normal things for periods of time. And been a homless alcoholic weirdo for periods of time.

Went into this thread expecting some nice deep talk and greentexts, witnessed some of the most obnoxious arguments possible.

>Why are we so different from normies?
Because we're mutants.

>I hate fps games
>I wanna play l4d2
kill yourself

I hang out with normies but I dont hold back, I express my self to the fullest and in return, they respect me

Wrong. Normies exist but I don't hate them
Autism is real

>something something i enjoy life
Why the fuck are you here, faggot?