i wish people spent more time thinking instead of talking desu
I wish people spent more time thinking instead of talking desu
You could have thought a little bit more and decided not to post this.
user is right, you know? but in an original format
i wouldnt have decided to do that
You know, it really take a special kind of crazy to put that many redundant and useless hairclips in your hair only to leave the most annoying section of it sitting perfectly in the middle of your face at eye level.
Some people just really want to watch the world burn... and others just want hair in their eyes, I guess.
You make a good point user, but this is also the same person who put bandages on their fingers, on some of the most uncomfortable spots I can imagine, so their sanity was already being questioned.
i dont use any hair clips because im extra crazy,
ever thought of using bandaides like picrelated
You're just bad at talking and you mad
i get annoyed when retards shit on their keyboard and call it an argument
t. retard that can't argue against other retards
Comparing thinking to talking is like comparing internal vs external linguistics, they hold many of the same processes. Do you have a mind's eye where thoughts are symbolically registered in hindsight? Or do you hear/see the thoughts as written language within your head?
im not a retard and im not arguing cause theres no argument
my brain makes thoughts based on how much it knows and i throw them away until i get one i like
you're desuposting on r9k, you are a retard OP
im not a retard and you should stop being butthurt
you cannot prove to me that you're not a retard, you've lost OP
stop being butthurt for your own sake ur acting pathetic
i don't know man, posting anime girls seems pretty retarded, but that's just me
anime website lmao y r u such a clown
you sound butthurt about being retarded, it's ok man you made this thread because you think you're better than other people and that everyone should be like you and really only make meaningful conversation. But the truth is you are insufferable to speak with because of your baseless superiority complex maybe if you wished to be less of a cunt you might not be such a pain to be around kiddo.
is that way newfig
still animefag
the only people who dont appreciate my company are losers like you fuck off ok?
dont talk to me newfag
yeah dude I'm sure they do that's why you had to come to loser capital and announce your big news on how to improve the world you're totally not just a big wank. lmao you're telling me to fuck off on a public forum is it because you don't like hearing what I'm saying? Is that what you do when you can't deal with something "waaah go away I don't like being told I have huge flaws in my personality and I'm not the bastion representing how people should behave". Grow up.
did you know that >>> links to another board??? just asking newfig :D
sounds like your precious ego is a bit too large for your body mister!
actually stay because this was the whole point of my op, you look like u type a lot of words in your argument but you didnt think so you say nothing. i want you to fuck off because talking to you is like talking to a wall
u should stop acting like a newfag newfag
>a-actually I was just pretending to be retarded, this was all according to my keikaku hahah you fell for my genius trick now I have defeated you and haven't proved what an absolute douchenozzle I am
doesnt think and quotes words that never existed
keep making urself an example clown u are entertaining to me
that's not very nice of you OP :^( i was just trying to appeal to your interests! ;3
>doesn't get what user tried to do
Yep, autistic
its not nice to call people newfag newfag
you keep replying which proves how butthurt you are, if you were truly as smart as you think you are you'd realise I'd have no material to make fun of your retard bitch posts and you'd win but alas you are too full of yourself to not get the last word in thus proving what a huge fag you are and now your stupid thread is only alive because of people making fun of you. Wow even in this sea of losers you are takin the cake pal.
user didnt do anything because they are an idiot lmao
Most people do not think. You copy each-others' thoughts.
I don't blame you, because reinventing the wheel is stupid.
But when it comes to your own personality and emotions, you shouldn't just LARP as though you're sentient, you should actually be sentient and decide how you should think and feel. People who never think about how to feel and how to think end up making really stupid decisions.
i am smart but i think ur hilarious clown and i wanna see how butthurt you are
b-but i wasn't trying to be nice you b-baka >.
then sht the fuck up faggot lmao nd dont forget to scuk my cock
This reeks of 8th grader god syndrome
sorry but i dont suck home of sexual cocks!
you just proved his point lol
whats that im just observing this retard
if ur not nice to me u should suck my dick
I'm not spoonfeeding into your delusion, DYOR
but try to think about what's stoop id
stoop = stagnate or lower
id = unconscious
thinking abt thinking is studious shit and I'm grown now and just smoke into a stupor on my own stoop
they didnt have a point though which is entertaining in this thread
plse spoonfeed i dont wanna miss the retard if he come back and i think i might have scared him away
sorry OP but i will not become your trad gf femboy ://
i dotn want u to be my gf i want u to be my bitch
sorry op but i cannot grant you your wish :^(
i wasnt asking on ur knees cocksucker
sorry op but i am also not into erp
No the other user, but can you settle for me. I want to be your bitch.
>i wish people spent more time thinking instead of talking desu
i wish people spent more time on trying to choke me to death
Looks like you dream of being some self destructive anime girl, but that's pretty fucking lame ngl
wow so deep.........now fuck u