>NEET for two years
>got a call from my gubermint worker on monday
>blahblahblah you need to work
>don't want to work
>feel anxious they might cut my NEETbux
>might end up on the street if all shit goes to hell
>haven't eaten since monday
>have bearly slept since monday
>frequent diarreha
>dizzy when standing
>crying attacks at night
>the only thing keeping me from going complete mental is masturbation
>haven't left my desk since then
I don't wanna end on the street, I don't wanna suicide, I just want to be left alone.JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE AND LET ME BROWSE THE INTERNET
NEET for two years
Please post in my thread ...
I don't want to suffer alone.
You're a grown man stop acting like a baby. Simply get the easiest part time job required to maintain your gibs
You just have to pretend that you're looking for a job. It's not that hard
People like you are the reason I do tax fraud.
>please give me attention, i don't want to be alone
kill yourself
How many times have you nut in the past 24 hours, NEET?
Sweet mother of gets.
Isn't it very depressing though?
Or is it only depressing if you're actually looking for a job?
Probably the latter if you're just trying to get neetbux
Glad to be of assitance then.
I'd have to send the worker my applications and declines ones ...
Around 4 times, twice while doing crossdressing, once to nipple fuck and once to futa
The social gubermint worker should leave me alone for fucks sake.
I worked lowkey fast food tier jobs before and normal office work as well as construction work. Everything left me hollow on the inside.
Just apply for jobs that you "technically" qualify for but know for sure that you won't get accepted by. Even if they call you in for an interview, just bomb it and you'll be fine.
Idk how welfare works but if niggers can figure out how to get free housing and money from the gubmint then you can too
Hey, you want to be my live-in hikkineet crossdressing bf?
>Hey, you want to be my live-in hikkineet crossdressing bf?
Discord groomer detected
Everyone is 18+ on this site, there's no grooming here
But I don't wanna apply at all.
I just want to be left out of the entire process and just get my fucking money. I rode the ticket ony my clinical depression and attempted suicide so far but I'm afraid that's not going to cut it anymore. Maybe I should just slap something else on top of it, pretend I'm addicted to drugs or something, something that makes me uninteresting for the job market.
Niggers have no shame, that's something I have yet to lose entirely.
I'm not into guys.
If you can't do the bare fucking minimum of using google autofill to turn in an online application, you don't deserve neetbux. If you say you're addicted, they'll try extremely hard to throw you off of neetbux
Don't worry even if you get a job they will fire you and you'll be back on the gibs
Ask them to get you a job. Keep asking them to get you a job. Complain that they have not gotten you a job yet. Demand that they explain how they are preparing you for work. Demand a detailed plan by which you might achieve employment. Complain when the plan doesn't work. Complain that you keep complaining but nothing changes. Complain about the complaints department not taking your complaints seriously.
Do everything in email. Every time they tell you to do anything, or explain anything to you, ask for it in writing so you can be sure you understand them.
Because after all, the gubbmint worker is paid to get you into work, make them do their jobs, and then when they fail because they are barely trained morons you'll have the excuse you need. If the "professionals" couldn't find a job for you, what hope does a loser like you have?
>Niggers have no shame, that's something I have yet to lose entirely.
You're a cross dresser on a public forum literally having chris chan tier diarreha stress shits at the idea of getting a job. A nig is more respectful than you
I see you're a professional NEET
>People rorting the system are the reason I rort the system.
You're no better than a NEET, in fact you're worse because you're a hypocrite. You don't work to build a better country for your people, yet you seem to think everyone else should be. At least the NEET doesn't justify being useless.
Maybe... Maybe.
But atleast I'm not black.
Too much hassle. What if they find me a job? What if that job requires me to wake up in the morning and take the fucking bus to three towns over?
What if they make me move out somewhere else? I just want to stay where I am, right here, right now. Not move an inch. And be happy with being left alone.
I wasn't. I had jobs all through my teenage years, but I got mental illness in my early 20s, fucked up my life horrible, and the more I tried to get back on track the harder it got.
I listened to their advice and did what they told me while the gubbmint imported immigrants by the millions and blamed me for doing what they told me.
It was right about the time that they decided the cost of the education they DEMANDED I get was to bear interest, retroactively, that I realized they don't actually care whether I get a job, they just don't want it to be THEIR fault that I don't have one. But it is their fault. They built the system, and they control it, I have no resources and no hope. I am DONE blaming myself for shit I can't control.
If they need me, they know where to find me.
>The social gubermint worker should leave me alone for fucks sake.
You are literally living off of everyone elses hard work. Why should parasites be left alone and not dug out with tweezers?
>What if they find me a job?
Then you'll have a job.
>What if that job requires me to wake up in the morning and take the fucking bus to three towns over?
Then you'll suck at that job, get fired, and have a story to tell.
Or you'll like the job, enjoy the money, and get out of your shell a bit. Only joking, that would mean society actually gave a fuck about you and your happiness and put you in a position that matched your skillset and temperament.
>What if they make me move out somewhere else?
Like where? Job city where they make all the jobs and everyone has a job and they need you right now to go get one of those jobs before the job dam breaks and the world is drowned in jobs? No such place.
>You are literally living off of everyone elses hard work
Are you a farmer are you? Or perhaps you build houses for poor people?
It's not everyone elses work. Nobody gives a flying fuck what you're "contributing", you get paid, that's your thanks.
If you would like the NEETs to do something for you then you can pay them to do that thing and then they won't be NEETs any more. But until you do that nobody is living off you.
ohhhh OP but you're getting free gibs, at least put some effort into it
my close friend works for welfare and us currently taking a lot of young white men like you off it :)
>wants to live in society for free, without contributing anything
I hope your NEETbux get cut off
I hope your taxes get increased.
>Are you a farmer are you? Or perhaps you build houses for poor people?
No nigga but I like a lot of people do a job that people want done, I am another cog in the machine rather than simply siphoning off the kinetic energy from it.
>It's not everyone elses work. Nobody gives a flying fuck what you're "contributing", you get paid, that's your thanks.
People pay taxes and shit and then money goes to people like him.
>If you would like the NEETs to do something for you then you can pay them to do that thing and then they won't be NEETs any more. But until you do that nobody is living off you.
NEETs dont actually want to do anything tho. OP even said so. They just want to browse the internet for things they find mildly interesting and watch anime. That doesnt provide a service for anyone else and can't ever be spun in a way that makes it look like it is doing so.
Hehe silly I don't need to pay taxes~
My husband pays all of that for me! I have your life, with more security. Seethe harder.
Being racist is only B A S E D if you are actually more of a man than a crossdressing chrischan NEET. Otherwise it just comes off as cope and makes the rest of the racists look bad.
Your punishment is living in squalor all your life. it wont get any easier.
>I hope your taxes get increased
really doesn't matter when you live on 50 acres of land and have minimal expenses. Also, agricultural side jobs where everything is under the table
>inb4 property tax
$90 a month with 'homestead' status
Honestly mate youre such a waste of space what do your parents think of you?
>No nigga but I like a lot of people do a job that people want done,
And those people pay you to do it. That's your compensation for working. You don't get the right to boss others around as well, unless you're paying them.
>People pay taxes and shit and then money goes to people like him.
Your taxes go to roads, schools, cops, healthcare, and all of the other MASSIVELY EXPENSIVE things the government does for you. You are not contributing a fucking cent to welfare, you are draining slightly less from the real taxpayers.
>NEETs dont actually want to do anything tho. OP even said so.
OP is clearly afraid of the outside world, with pretty good reason since the outside world has people like you in it who seem to think they have the right to make demands.
YOU ARE PAID for the service you offer others. That's not a CHARITY. You don't earn points for it.
OP is not being paid, he is living on the VERY MINIMUM because the modern world is scary. If you want that situation to change you are going the exact wrong way about it.
But you don't though do you. You just want to feel like you're better than someone else. But you're not. You're just another self-centered cunt complaining about people you'll never meet. You're not contibuting anything to society. At all.
Good for you. The fact that you're mean to others when you have no reason to be will see your soul damned for all eternity. So enjoy it while you can.
It's an online anonymous image board my man.
You know, this is probably why women don't like you.
Also, your prophets are pedophiles who abuse young boys. If they go to heaven, I'd rather be in hell.
We're only anonymous to each other. God sees into your heart, and he doesn't like meanies. Or rich people for that matter. So if you're mean and rich then you're going to burn.
>And those people pay you to do it. That's your compensation for working. You don't get the right to boss others around as well, unless you're paying them.
I dont need rights, they aren't things. I can boss him around if I want, whether or not he listens is up to him.
>Your taxes go to roads, schools, cops, healthcare, and all of the other MASSIVELY EXPENSIVE things the government does for you. You are not contributing a fucking cent to welfare, you are draining slightly less from the real taxpayers.
Draining slightly less is still better than draining slightly more, thats how numbers work.
>OP is clearly afraid of the outside world, with pretty good reason since the outside world has people like you in it who seem to think they have the right to make demands.
I can make demands to anyone I want, whether they follow that demand is up to them.
>YOU ARE PAID for the service you offer others. That's not a CHARITY. You don't earn points for it.
Its not about points, its about the idea that if you wish to benefit you must contribute. You must put something into the pot to get something out of it. No free rides.
>OP is not being paid, he is living on the VERY MINIMUM because the modern world is scary. If you want that situation to change you are going the exact wrong way about it.
There is no right way of going about doing it, he doesnt want to do anything, he is perfectly comfortable being a parasite and feels no shame in being one. People with depression and other mental illnesses often feel shame about being a burden on others and wish to stop being such a burden and to break out of their depression. OP clearly says he wants to milk the system.
>But you don't though do you. You just want to feel like you're better than someone else. But you're not. You're just another self-centered cunt complaining about people you'll never meet. You're not contibuting anything to society. At all.
He is a fucker on Dab Forums. I will forget him when the thread ends
>I'd rather be in hell.
No problem then. You'll regret you said that, but I did my bit by warning you.
>Completely ignored my first point.
Your entire system is disgusting and hard to perpetrate abuse. Convince me your religion is worth anything.
Sorry it's the morning and I had to wake up for work. Where I help people who are worth a damn lolll
Your parents did a shit job raising you.
Enjoy being homeless due to your unwillingness to grow up OP
In case you wondered, I went off to the bathroom, vomitted and cried for the past 30 minutes or so.
Thanks for reading my blog.
>its about the idea that if you wish to benefit you must contribute.
But that's not true is it.
You CAN contribute, whether or not you do is "up to you".
>he is perfectly comfortable being a parasite and feels no shame in being one.
If you saw no shame in the OP then you are a sociopath. But the truth is he should feel no shame. It's not his fault the world sucks and he doesn't have the skills or resources to fix it.
Fixing it btw would be actually contributing, which you don't do. That's the real number, zero. You do zero to improve society unless there's something in it for YOU.
>He is a fucker on Dab Forums.
And so are you. The difference is he asked for help, you gave him trouble. That's who you really are, not just on Dab Forums.
Be good, or don't be. That's the only real choice you have.
>>Completely ignored my first point.
And every point you made in that post too.
Not really interested in the theology of some bitch.
I feel bad for you, user. It sounds like you're a lot more troubled than me, and I get NEETbux for life. I hope things work out fo you.
Omg you called me a bitch???
Meanie!!! That hurts.
See you in hell
>It's not his fault the world sucks and he doesn't have the skills or resources to fix it
Maybe him and you should give up your controlling god complex and start working on yourself instead of whining about "b-b-but duh world is baddd thats why i cant work and be productive :(((("
You've been warned. This was your warning. When judgement comes you don't get to say "I didn't know." You knew because I told you, here, today, now.
What you do with that information is entirely up to you. My job was to tell you, not listen to you crap on about why you don't listen.
God doesn't like faggots either, so you're fucked too.
fuck, thats so edgy... oh god my panties, they're soaked...
oh my god thats so fucking edgy and hot..
>You CAN contribute, whether or not you do is "up to you".
I am making a normative statement, not a descriptive one. You SHOULD contribute. Society only functions due to people actually working for others, the only reason OP can survive is by exploiting the empathy of society for the less fortunate. He is a parasite, feeding off of the chemical reactions in peoples brains when they see people suffering.
>If you saw no shame in the OP then you are a sociopath
I dont see shame, I see fear, there is a difference.
>But the truth is he should feel no shame. It's not his fault the world sucks and he doesn't have the skills or resources to fix it.
This is a NEET level cope. "World is bad so I guess I dont have to do anything". Its a cop out, and an attitude that is only allowed to exist because other people dont have that attitude. If everyone attitude was like that then nothing would get done.
>Fixing it btw would be actually contributing, which you don't do. That's the real number, zero. You do zero to improve society unless there's something in it for YOU.
Doing something to improve society for selfish reasons is still better than doing nothing. If I cure cancer because I want to make stack loads of dosh from the cure I still save a lot of peoples lives, even if I only did it with dollar signs in my eyes.
The rest of your post is platitudes and will be ignored.
originalo commanto
Bro this isnt the 1940s. All of his wage just goes into the pockets of cross dressing faggots and niggers. 0% of it goes into making America into hyperborea. You are lying to yourself if you think taxes go to improving the nation.
>maybe you should blame yourself
Did that for years, it doesn't help.
At some point you have to accept who you are and that you have no place. Then you realize that it's not your fault there's no place for you. You weren't made to be perfect. If the test can be failed then someone was bound to fail, and it just so happened to be you.
Roll a d20, a natural 1 means unemployed. That's the statistics in most of the developed world. And your advice is "roll better".
How's 10th grade going buddy?
You seem like a genuinely pathetic and disgusting person. I hope you lose your welfare and have to get a real job and stop living in your coomer fantasy
Also, do you live in the US? I didn't even know it was possible to be a NEET in the US. Do you live by yourself?
Get well soon user
I personally exaggerate about my anxiety and depression to get a doctors note, then the NEET police leave me alone, maybe it would work for you too?
And you SHOULDN'T be mean to impoverished shut ins.
See how that works?
>"World is bad so I guess I dont have to do anything".
But that's what YOU are saying. You're saying none of it is on you. But that's not true. The world sucks and you are more qualified to do something about that than any NEET. You SHOULD help the NEETs. But you don't. You BLAME the NEETs for not being as "successful" as you.
>Doing something to improve society for selfish reasons is still better than doing nothing.
No it isn't. If you cure cancer for a profit then the amount you take is equal to the amount you contribute. Net zero. And that's if you CURE CANCER. You don't strike me as a medical researcher.
A good person cures cancer because cancer is bad and doesn't charge sick people at a markup because they don't want to die.
Hang in there user
also these anti neet normal fags need to fuck off back to pol or Reddit or wherever the fuck they are from
They seem like facebook refugees to me.
You should actually just kill yourself. What's the point of having life if your not going to use it. You're probably too fat to hang yourself and too poor for a gun.
Kill you and take your stuff so he doesn't need welfare any more.
Exact same result.
One person dead, one less NEET.
>And you SHOULDN'T be mean to impoverished shut ins.
I have qualified my meanness by declaring my disgust for parasites, and then supporting the claim that he is a parasite on society, and you sound like one as well desu.
>But that's what YOU are saying. You're saying none of it is on you. But that's not true. The world sucks and you are more qualified to do something about that than any NEET. You SHOULD help the NEETs. But you don't. You BLAME the NEETs for not being as "successful" as you.
I NEED to do shit for society, not every individual in society specifically. I NEED to help power the machine as the machine powers me, I DONT need to help an individual person specifically.
>No it isn't. If you cure cancer for a profit then the amount you take is equal to the amount you contribute. Net zero. And that's if you CURE CANCER. You don't strike me as a medical researcher.
You seem to be confusing altruism for contribution. Dont do that. Contributions dont need to be altruistic to be meaningful. The kids cured of cancer sure as fuck dont care if the inventor for the cure did it for profit, they are just happy to be alive.
>A good person cures cancer because cancer is bad and doesn't charge sick people at a markup because they don't want to die.
The rest of the world doesnt have americas medical system. This isnt a problem out of the US.
Except he'd just blow through his money that he stole and become a NEET again. Its a behavioural issue not a resource one.
I can't fucking read this. This is just another piece of proof on why you should be removed from the gene pool.
you gotta either get on disability for something or get a job and man up
>I have admitted my meanness
You hadn't but now you have.
So now we're on the same page about who you are and what you're about, why should anyone listen to you? Why should anyone care about you at all? If anything we should work you harder and tax you more so there'll be more money for the innocent NEETs who are not mean to strangers on the internet. The more time you spend working the less time you'll have to spend on the internet and so the total amount of meanness will be reduced. Society will have improved.
That it's not your choice is not our problem. It's not like you would have a society actually give a fuck, so you get your wish.
>You seem to be confusing altruism for contribution.
I'm not confusing anything. If the only reason you're going to cure cancer is so you can make money from the suffering of cancer patients then you're not contributing, you're a parasite. A truly vile person.
In truth I don't believe you are. I believe that deep down you are a good person who is angry at the world for being so unjust. THAT'S reasonable. But the solution to that problem is not to yell at others for not being better, it's to do as much good as you personally can with the resources you have, to devote your life to it 100%, to help those you can and do your best for those you can't.
Not only is that the entire recipe for a strong nation and a better world, but it's also the ONLY way to live a meaningful life. Everything else is noise.
>That logic is so impeccable I can only react with anger and outrage to it
Stop watching television. It's not healthy.
Stop projecting, now go cry.
I dont give a fuck about meanness or feefees, only whether people pull their weight.
>I'm not confusing anything. If the only reason you're going to cure cancer is so you can make money from the suffering of cancer patients then you're not contributing, you're a parasite. A truly vile person.
My god this is incredible. Do you think the parents of the kids saved from an early death would think of the inventor as a parasite? Do you think the grandparents whose grandchildrens lives have been saved would call the inventor vile because he did it to make money? Do you think the husbands and wives of the cured would look at the inventor in contempt because he didnt do the research out of the goodness of his heart? The answer on all accounts is no. All of them would love the guy for saving their loved ones lives. And the fact that you would call this man vile just shows how disconnected your view of the world is from reality.
The rest of your post is noise.
>I dont give a fuck about meanness or feefees, only whether people pull their weight.
I don't believe you. Since it is clearly YOUR feefees that we are discussing.
What you WANT is a good society. What I'm telling you is that this is not how you get it. Now you can listen to me or not, but this is what I've got in my toolbox and I practice what I preach. Helping you see your place and thus enabling you to find a sense of peace and fulfillment, even if I am doomed to fail, is the BEST I CAN DO.
> Do you think the parents of the kids saved from an early death would think of the inventor as a parasite?
I don't think the parents of the child ever once truly thanked the man who handed them the bill.
I think cancer is a horrible thing, and I don't think anyone that's had it, or their loved ones, feel particularly grateful for the pharmaceutical industry, the bureaucrats, the banks, who are going to charge them a fortune, and not a small one, because "pay us or you'll die".
You know who I think deserves thanks they don't get enough of? Louis Pasteur, who cured half a dozen terrible diseases by making all of his patents free. He lived his life on a teachers salary and scoffed at the idea of materialism.
A great man who is praised by history and yet forgotten by small men like you, who thank no one and nothing for their selfish lives.
Either that or you're a Jew, in which case I may as well be talking to a wall.
we live in a society where honor is a distant memery isnt that right user!
Ive been in your situation before, theres no need to worry. There is a very simple solution to this:
take it easy user, a little work won't kill you. get a part time job like janitor, delivery guy or a desk jockey at a library. dont fall for the 9to5 meme.
hahaha you have to work while I get to continue my hikikomori ways
Get ready to get up early to make shekels for Mr.Noseberg, soon to be wagie
OP is such a fucking loser holy shit. Please do us a favor and commit an hero