I actually use reddit and holy shit...

I actually use reddit and holy shit, that site is just full of sjw and upvoting circlejerks literally every big sub is worse than Dab Forums at its worst, and Dab Forums is now full of zoomers and normiefags who think this site is the next twitter. Why every single online community that has a lot of people become so fucking shit? Is it even possible to have good things back? Maybe in the deep web?

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>Why every single online community that has a lot of people become so fucking shit?
Influx of (((outsiders)))
>Is it even possible to have good things back?

No its all gone

Traditional forums centered around niche topics are the way to go

which do you use user?

Want to really get thrown for a loop? Twitter users think that R*ddit is an alt right, racist, sexist shit hole. When in reality R*dditors circlejerk communism lite.

I know a guy like that irl. It's insane, i feel so out of touch

this would be true if any were actually up. all the forums are gone now. the amount of info that was on forums and has been banished to obscurity is crazy.
you often hear that this place is a toxic shithole, but twitter is easily the most miserable place on the internet.

You can't have a large community with a culture of dissent. The parasites that rule over you risk losing their grip if they allow that. The standard tactic is to artificially funnel normalcattle into offending communities to destroy their culture and demoralize the members, without outright banning or overt censorship that might backfire.

The left successfully shifted the overton window so far that centrism is demonized. I think this is largely because Conservatives tend to stick with what they know, and they were extremely slow in getting involved in social media and have little general online presence. It's why most millennials/zoomers are socialists, I just wonder if we'll see a conservative shift in the future.

This user gets it. Dab Forums is in the process of colonisation, even the administration has been compromised for a while now.

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Sufficient Velocity

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Dab Forums is just as much of a hivemind for the most part. They having a non Dab Forums political opinion or say that you should take responsibility for your actions and women aren't to blame on Dab Forums.

But yeah, generally speaking, large online communities are shit. There are a few good subs on reddit, usually based on niche interests like another user mentioned. I like some of them based on tech and PC building as well as my other niche hobbies. Same w Dab Forums. A few good boards, but broadly speaking after 2016 when all the refugees from the_donald or normiebook came here this site had been largely shit.

I miss old-school forums, bros. They basically don't even exist anymore.

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We're approaching 30 years since September of '93. Stupid motherfuckers have been the majority for at least the last 10-12 of those years, and their numbers are only increasing since literal children use these sites frequently too. Pandora's box can't be closed mate, either stay on this site until you have an aneurysm or do what I did and quit it entirely for a few years

>(((le jew parentheses)))
You're one of the (((outsiders))) and you're part of the problem

>I actually use reddit and holy shit, that site is just full of sjw and upvoting circlejerks
I have never had a Reddit account, but since it's easily archived naturally everyone will have come across some threads on content they've looked up
Recently I've gotten into Law of Attraction but ironically by way of /x/
What I've noticed is the apparent major difference between LOA on /x/ and on Reddit, which ends up reflecting on the micro scale the major distinction between them macro, is that Reddit embraces positivity and success, and takes it seriously, whereas Dab Forums always goes about it half-heartedly or with contempt
I was looking up manifesting SP's specifically ex's and (perhaps unsurprisingly) got basically nothing from 4plebs/x/ archive whereas I've found at least 10 stories already that have inspired my faith from Reddit
Now I'm not saying I'm a redditor but what I will say is that my recent tribulations and search for answers have made me realize that Dab Forums is largely crabs in a bucket that indulge in poisonous mindsets which only serve to hold them back and ruin their chances at happiness; I saw it happen to my own life as I almost intentionally sabotaged a wonderful relationship with a beautiful person because I felt I didn't deserve it, that it was simultaneously not what I needed and that it was too good to be true; just letting my insecurities eat away at everything until I got what I subconsciously wished for and she left me
>you often hear that this place is a toxic shithole
because it's actually true; everyone here is saturated with negativity, pessimism, cynicism, defeatism, and then turn around and act surprised when their lives continue a downward spiral and nothing ever goes their way

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>Maybe in the deep web
the cringe is unbearable

>say that you should take responsibility for your actions and women aren't to blame on Dab Forums
that's true though
many guys here are riddled with self-hatred and want someone to come along and love them, love all those problems away, when they can't even make it happen for themselves

I love using reddit
I generally make a throwaway account and post on relationships, sex, and a bunch of subreddits about advice in general

most of the time i pretend to be a woman who is dissatisfied with her bf because his penis is small. i love stories about cheating in general. the threads always blow up

nice paragraph pseud

Has nothing to do with intellect or posturing
Any criticism I've lodged applies also to myself, being a product of my environment
If you don't want to grow up yourself then good luck to you, you'll need it

if i want to be happy what should i do?

chaotic neutral
absolutely original

Enjoy the ride, friendo