Lesbians are abusive as fuck and have a massive amount of domestic abuse to the point they make men look like pussies

Lesbians are abusive as fuck and have a massive amount of domestic abuse to the point they make men look like pussies.
But all men are rapists who hate women and you need to be re-educated you filthy incel, no male spaces allowed.

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Two women can't be in a relationship. Everyone is bisexual.

Every group of people has degenerates in them OP, lesbians who are abusive are usually lesbian due to trauma btw.

All homosexuals are degenerate faggot

>Get to bang a lesbo
>She doms and abuses the shit out of me

In general they seem like messed up people

Whenever a female does something wrong it's always because of trauma. They are all saints otherwise.

>They are all saints otherwise.
No, they're not.

Why is trauma a buzz word now?
Everytime someone (especially a femoid) does something shitty the blame is always on trauma and not on themselves for being a shitty person.

my gf never abused me, but she would often tease me with abandonment, which can go from making me feel incredibly aroused, before realizing how she wasn't kidding
these kind of relations are often complicated and unstable, but never outright physically abusive in my experience

Women can't imagine being responsible for their own actions, or the consequences.
Every ex was "abusive", every home life was "rough", everything is "just so hard", on and on.
"Trauma" is in right now because lefties are pretending to care about mental illness this week.

No shit. Modern women have some fucked up sexual desires. Anyone have that image with 'what guys want - dude hugging' vs 'what she wants - dude choking her'?
Now imagine both partners are women.

>Lesbians are abusive as fuck
I know, my sister is fag and told me her old girlfriend beat her up.

>tfw no abusive lesbian gf

That study was bullshit, lesbians are actually far more likely to be abused by men in their lives and bi women are twice as likely as straight women to be abused by a male partner

>Why is trauma a buzz word now?
Ppl who live in the real world are aware of why they are the way they are. How about you?

>That study was bullshit
Source(s): dude, trust me!

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women are as bitchy as their allowed to be

The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey. If you subtract lesbians who've had male abusers, the rate of lifetime intimate partner violence of lesbians is lower than any other orientation.

Well if that thought makes you happy, it's welcome :3

Never trust studies that don't show a significantly amount of samples.

A disturbingly large portion of gay men were sexually abused by other men as children too.