My conversation with my dad minutes ago

My conversation with my dad minutes ago

>user we spoke to your grandparents and they said they want you to come to Guangzhou (a city in China) to Iive with them so they can make your normal again, what do you think?
>I'm not sure, I'll think about it
>well it doesn't seem like you're getting better, if you're going to be at home most of the time, you might as well try out living. You can go with your grands to buy a computer once you're there.
>okay I'II think about it and Iet you know

Looks like my famiIy can't take it anymore.

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Is this the real gaungzhou guy? Hope everything going alright for you pal

why not try it? better than continuing the same painful path with no attempt to escape

you even speaking cantonese diaspora boy?

Joe san
Joe's hann hoe

Dude just go and make the best out of it. It sounds like an adventure. Worst case you fly back eventually.

Are you and your dad stuck in a timeloop?

Go and and get a job there OP

Is OP the real Guangzhou fag? Damn I thought you'd still be gone. Blessed day

after all these years you are still thinking about it?

Stop larping, white man
If you are the guangzhou guy, go.

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Nisem you devious cunt leave this place
I've forgotten your real name it has been that long
You're never getting back into aus/pol/, it's over. I don't even know if aus/gen/ still exists you were a bunch of stinky drug dealing degenerates.
Make a life for yourself. Stop coming back here. I came here to laugh and am only disappointed.

I am chinese, you are chinese, we are chinese.

Tough times for Chinese Keith. Sad!

It's like we are living in years ago

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They've been waiting for you to finish thinking about it for quite some time, haven't they

Who would want to live in china? I don't want to be arrested and shot for saying fuck the Chinese government.

if it was Shenzhen, I'd go

if you move to China you will be beheaded by the reincarnation Mao Zedong

I wonder what happened to this guy
Does he still post here?

I reckon moving to Guangzhou (a city in China) would do wonders.

I remember this exact thread from years ago