According to normies you need to have confidence, self-esteem, money...

>According to normies you need to have confidence, self-esteem, money, and employment first before anyone wants to have sex with you.
>But according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs you need to have sex first before you can gain confidence.

Who's right?

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Unemployed nuggets with zero money can get plenty of sex. Normies are full of shit like always.

>normies vs a kike
I'm gonna go with the normies on this one

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The normies.
There was never any evidence for maslow's hierarchy of needs.

It doesn't literally mean sexual intercourse, since we can live without that. It's sexual release.

The only people that truly make it are the ones who flip the meme pyramid on its head.

this, stop being goofballs

masturbating classifies as sex on the maslows hierarchy of needs

B-b-but we use it as a basis for all our socialist policies... Surely a highly acclaimed jewish gentleman wouldn't just make things up?

sometimes we just have to accept shit just happens. theres lazy people who get everything handed to them. theres hard working people who get nothing. theres good people who die young. theres evil people who live to be 80. life is chaotic. theres no science. theres no formulas. theres no guarantees. shit just happens. the end.

Well most of what you're talking about is providing for people to have food and shelter. You definitely do have a harder time doing anything else if you don't have those. I'm mostly saying the need for self-actualization can and often does bypass all other steps.

Maslow never drew a pyramid.

i know homeless guys who get laid with a new girl every week. and before you say "those girls would sleep with anyone". no they wouldn't actually.

This may come as a surprise to normies and life coaches but the vast majority of alpha males, chads, confident people, successful people, popular people, etc are people that have been liked by their peers since kindergarten.

Unsure what your point is, since sex is a physiological desire that it's pretty easy to prioritize over hunger, as opposed to like, doing calculus, which is very difficult to do under physically harsh conditions.

>doing calculus, which is very difficult to do under physically harsh conditions.

Only if you're a brainlet.

The hierarchy is fluid, depending on the person but its a good vague idea of the order of how things usually go. We need to satisfy or physiological needs otherwise we die (not sure why sex is on the bottom tho). Some people can have esteem and love and belonging without safety of any kind, other people base their esteem off of interpersonal relationships, meaning that esteem is more important.

But usually people like to feel secure in their creature comforts before spending a lot of time trying to get lots of friends and relationships. And after they have these they then try to fill the holes within themselves psychologically. Then they try to use this stable base to be the best they can be.

>vague idea of the order of how things usually go
Which doesn't establish a strong causal relationship.

> masturbating classifies as sex
Later virgins.

Honestly I work so if my partner doesn't pull their weight I'd have to, and I' not about to be a mom for some lazy asocial neet.
>I bring nothing to the table
>I demand women want me
It just doesn't make sense, when a women see's you have no ambitions, no goals, no direction, even if you're cute she'll be turned off. Because most people want more to their lives, they want to maybe have a house or not have to eat mac and hot dogs for the rest of their life.
When you decide you don't want to get a job or just live off neetbux without any purpose, women look at you and go "this is as good as it gets" and they see a dead end.
Do yourselves a favor and stop being whiny about your circumstances and fucking put some effort into yourselves.

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The foid's brain is wired to seek out relationships where she can take more than she has to give. The foid parasite will then attempt to portray the situation in black and white terms.

dont know how a weak cumbrain that has never talked to a woman can do anything but take and need shit from anyone that dares to help him

That's because you are a vile and non-human parasite, and your brain is physically incapable of understanding anything beyond parasitism. It's a travesty against humanity that your kind has any "rights" and legal protections.

Plenty of relationships have earnings disparities lol

Female hypergamy is the rule. The female is a parasite.

t. two neets

wow I can't believe women aren't lining up to fuck you, what an original and intelligent take.

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>female is the parasite
>a 2/10 unemployed dicklet
Try not being such an obvious assmad incel.

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I am not a NEET, but even if I was, my point still stands.

We need to stop brainwashing people into the delusion that women are human. Access to your ass, pussy and mouth should be redistributed by the state to productive members of society, according to their contributions. You have no value or purpose beyond serving as a sex toy and baby incubator, and the laws need to account for this fact.

I like how your entire horde of cattle-brained subhumans keeps chanting the same nonsensical phrases and insults, even if they don't apply in any way.

how can you be THIS fucking unreflected
its actually insane

That picture is so irrelevant now it's a mockery

everyone knows psychology is a nonscientific field

quack quack quark zzzzurp

don't listen to what which doctors? tell you