So am a student who fucked his year up by procrastinating and playing games all year, and now

now if a normal kid goes to his normal family and tells them syllabus is hard and he's trying his best but he really is struggling they would tell him to "try his best and give his best shot but when I told my family they said this " just excuses this and that", my mom does not understand the fact my syllabus is very big, I understand it but its very huge and she thinks I don't understand what I am studying.

she shouts at me while saying this and when I talk to her in the same way, her response "dont shout on me, am your mother I can do this but you cannot"

I know shes retarded, no way I will argue with her, she will go physical, and I of course cant do the same.

I really thought my family would understand what I am going through but none of them do, I thought I had an option other than suicide but I don't.

its either jumping of a big building or rope :)

Attached: msedge_gG9xuEoKq6.png (383x306, 125.14K)

esl go away
you don't see me shitting up japanese forums

why are children using this chinese forum again?

not a child user but say what u have to

uni or hs? you shouldnt have gamed all day anyway you knew it .

so basically you're a lazy bastard and your family know this?
I dunno what you are studying but I would often procrastinate all semester then get scared of failing and study insanely hard for two weeks and get good grades so maybe just try being smarter.

That post was truly awful. It is painfully obvious that you do not belong here. But that is okay! There is a positive solution. Rather than trying to fit in, you should strongly consider going to a site more suitable for posters like you, such as reddit, tumblr, or maybe even Gaia! You have plenty of options. You will be happy, and we will be happy. Best of luck, but don't come back.

same user, i turned neet to study for an entrance exam but now im in the present knowing that ill definitely not make it
i also had a really sad childhood and my parents still wont let go of the failures of my past, so i kinda know theyll fuck my shit up when i miserably fail
but im gonna struggle to the very end regardless of the outcome, and i hope you find it in you to do it too user

dont give up

and why does your parents care about what you study? It's completely up to you kid
go study now like a mad cunt and come back when you finish the course

>killing yourself because muh study
kek kids

well what happened now happened user
am doing what I can, syllabus is very hard
tf is gaia, on reddit alr
i have to give up user, gl to you tho
they are shity parents
muh it is what it is

I would love to own your prepubescent and underdeveloped butt, while you complain about your agonizing and hard life. Do you touch yourself yet??

>i have to give up
no you fucking dont man. count your days, schedule your time, read the parts thatll let you make it, and put away your fucking device if you cant focus.
as the second user said, go study like a mad cunt and come back a winner that grabbed the odds by the nuts and ripped them clean off.
i dunno bout your parent situation, but i had a very shitty childhood too man. from the looks of your post it sounded like you needed someone to administer some motivation in you, so try your best now

i am but but 99% chance am hanging before 1st march

Are you fucking 13 years old? Grow the fuck up you faggot

holy shit grow up kid, first work 50 hour weeks and realize how miserable that is before killing yourself. middle school is a walk in the park.

Pls don't waste such a precious young and cute body. We need you more than you need yourself

>young and cute body
wtf user

what are you studying?
(not orgininal,fuck off jannies)

phy chem maths, I seem to get this original error a lot too, what is this?


to his defense you get shit answers,

>NOOO don't kill yourself(gets updoots)
>any negative response(downdoots and bannishment)
>Cheesy answers that don't really go anywhere, work harder, you can do it, some shitty background story.

You get the honest harsh opinion here tho, so I respect it. And the threads here are tranny and political shit anyways, so it don't hurt to mix it up

Why can't you retaliate if your mother is getting physical with you? What is stopping you? She's never going to stop unless you assert yourself. My father was abused by his mother, never stood up for himself and it didn't stop until he was in his thirties and she was a decrepit sack. You need to show her you can't be pushed around.

do u have discordo mfucking user?

Deep Throat#8085

OP, get into a trade. You get $17/hr right off the bat and you can move out. You obviously can't stand your parents so make money NOW and move out NOW.

wait dude are you indian? Seems like that to me

Okay, I study similiar shit so I get your angle. Basically, start run more often, eat less( 2 meals a day at most, one small in the morning and something okayish in the end of it)
and more caffeine.

I get it, I sometimes open a biology book and just want go away and wank to porn. But atleast you got the math and physics, that shit can be "fun" with music in your ears.

Yeah, you need to stop the eating and try to cut down on the wanking. Both of those give you a lazy/sleepy mind.

But yeah, if you would have answered econ I would tell you to off yourself down a cliff. Everyone struggles with the scientific ones

Indians don't do this shit.

what do you mean, dont do this shit?

You make excuses, your parents say you make excuses. Then you say you don't make excuses. You obviously have to move out and stop uni if you're not doing shit. Shit is expensive as fuck.

dude im not op wtf

o-oh schizo spotted

OP is going to live like this for 4 years. Procrastinate and get yelled at, over and over. He's going to be 22 with -$50k to his name because "his parents wanted him to do college and it's all their fault".

Attached: 21hloo.jpg (680x680, 32K)

He might be a super senior and stay for 6 years who knows, at that point his mom will yell at him forever.

as much as i want op to cease brainrot and git gud its probably gonna end that way that is if the dude doesnt do the funny neckrope
op if you reading this get the fuck off Dab Forums watch some motivational video and start cramming

for fuckssake I think OP got bored again and left the thread, he might as well neckrope

why, ?

am killing myself before 1st march stupid user
am here am here

Normal left in 2019, probably 2016. You are no longer responsible for your families expectations of you "in their world" as the world we now live in is radically different than the one that was already different enough to begin with. So tell them fuckoff boomer. Yes, you should be getting good grades. But for yourself. You need to understand and respect the imprtance of the thing you are doing, and do well because of that. Or, if it doesn't matter to you, why the fuck would you try or do good in it? I sure as hell hope you has some alternative if you ARE going to fail, but that is up to you and you should not let other's opinions impact you. Choose what you allow into your life and what it makes you, especially when the person getting "physical" is mostly ignorable.

keep that smiley face on while tying a rope around your neck you fucking faggot

sa-geh, to iu koto desu

abe chutiye boards is easy only. Ignore if you have preboards and all that. Cram from now and you'll be done by march easy. But it requires hard work though

?, what tf is boards

well if you dont know what boards are i cant help you. You saying syllabus made me think you're indian plus all of that parent behaviour you described is typical indian parent behaviour.